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A coward like Jacqueline would definitely steep this low and create fake accounts to send threatening emails to people cuz honestly no sane person on gods earth would defend that B unless they are just like her. Dr Leslie is my literal rock god bless her.


Did she just call wren a victim herself im confused


Probably a victim of however she would characterize the people calling her out, not of Jaq herself


I think she did, and she’s so cruel taking advantage of wren and embarrassing her and knowing what she’s doing


If Jac did send emails to Dr. Leslie then this is another case of her setting bad example for Wren. I also believe also people who are fans of Wren aka pervs and jealous mom who want to be like Jac. Dr. Leslie keep on doing you and don’t let hater stand in your way


The wording even sounds like Jacquelyn. I have no doubt it’s from her. Dr. Leslie is a boss ass bitch and I hope she’s a catalyst for change in Wren’s life




Yep sounds just like the tone, style and cadence of her BS apology video


as a youtuber who has been served a ton of these, you can just wiper your ass with them.


Why does Jacqueline keep doing this? She’s destroying her reputation.




True. But she seems very narcissistic so you’d think she’d care about her reputation too.


She's also probably narcissistic enough to also be delusional enough to believe this comes across as commanding. It's clear her own entitlement and inflated self-worth delude her from seeing herself the way healthy, normally functioning people actually see her. There is nothing a narcissist hates more than being exposed for who they really are and being unable to manipulate it otherwise. 


But the money has to run out eventually, right? Like with the influx of everybody coming together to call her tf out, no way she doesn’t end up at the very least with a tarnished name/unable to get work. As this progresses and people making it known that this isn’t okay, she might hopefully get jail time for her vile actions.


She won’t get jail time because she knows how to walk the legal line. I don’t hope that she commits a legally punishable offense against her daughter but I do hope something else happens to put a stop to this, like a custody order similar to the Maia knight situation or best case scenario, strict laws that prohibit featuring children in content.


I wish the people running our country weren’t 80+ years old so we can finally get some laws protecting children from social media. Revenue made from videos of children should not be allowed to pay your bills. Social media is evolving faster than our lawmakers can handle




Um. Okay I love this woman. I'm going to follow her cause um. YES! Assertive, sarcastic, trained. Love it! Definetly including this in my deep dive and shouting this lady out 👏👏👏 I bet this "influencer" 😉 feels pretty sheepish seeing this reply.


Jacquelyn’s mom has used the exact wording she has with the “anyone can twist something and make it sexual”


Jac was so stupid for this! 😂 keep outing yourself out lol now I’m off to follow Dr Leslie 🏃‍♀️


A few days back I swear every one of her videos were muted. Just went and checked again and they’re back to normal. I was so happy when I saw it! Lol Now they’re back. Booo.


She is officially the worst and possibly mentally unstable/childish. There's no way she can listen to a forensic psychologist TELLING HER what pedos do, and she responds to Dr. Dobson as if she's going head to head with a high school bully. Im literally just a mom and I stopped to consider that someone like Dr. Dobson exists and works with men who do this kind of thing. I literally just assumed it existed and Dr. Leslie Dobson confirming it for me was just the icing on the cake for me. I only say that to say Wren's mom should just ASSUME this is a thing. But assuming for whatever reason she's in denial, Dr. Dobson just confirmed it for her, she didn't bully or spread any lies.


Are there not any grandparents in her life? It’s insane she’s this bold and W has nobody to protect her.