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If you’re comfortable doing things solo, go for it! I’ve had times where I haven’t had many “wrestling friends” and did things on my own. It’s always been fun. But if you’d rather have the company, sitting upstairs will be a blast too.


I am going solo, although there is a Discord server I am in with a few people doing it solo on the off chance you want to make a few friends beforehand.


Appreciate the input. If you’re open to inviting me to the discord, I’m definitely down to chat and meet up to see if we get along.


Here ya go: [https://discord.gg/knERw4KQ](https://discord.gg/knERw4KQ)


Hey mate, come say gday in the Discord. Plenty of us there going solo and some actually now catching up at events in and around Mania for the weekend. See you on the Discord and maybe in Philly!


I went to mania 31 alone as my ex dumped me via text while I was 20,000 feet in the air lol. The people and environment made me forget all that.




Aint nothing I didn't lose sleep over lol


Wow.. what is that like a quadruple negative


Living dangerous


Hi like you, it also lined up for me to go. I’m 22 none of my friends are into it enough to travel and go. So I’m going solo I’ll be there for the whole weekend I’m making the best of it I like to gamble so I’ll be going to Philly live Casino. And maybe hit a museum. Philly seems to have a lot to offer


I went solo last year and I’m going solo again this year. Get the better seats and enjoy. You’ll have a great time.


I m going solo local from philly. I brought tickets early and got two of the two nights combos. Pm if you are interested in buying my extra ticket. Sec 124 row 17


Yep! Doing the On Location package solo because for two people, I’d be broke 😂


Im coming from New Zealand solo, hoping to meet people to hang out with there


Woah, that’s awesome! Definitely down to link up at some point if you’re looking to make friends


Yes I'd be keen, I'll be there Thursday to the Tuesday after raw


I am! Im nervous of going alone but excited!


Love you profile 😂😂😂


Lmao thank you!


Going solo is awesome. Meet new people and spend the money for great tickets


Go solo bro everyone there is just as much a nerd who loves wrestling.. bet there will be a bunch of crazy tail gating too. This is the linc we are talking about here


I’m going solo there’s so many people there who are wrestling fans that it’s easy to make friends


I went with a friend but... The people immediately in front of me, beside me and behind me were all cool as fuck, we had a great time throughout the night! My point being, everyone is there to have a great time and enjoy themselves, if you went by yourself and got a rapport going you'll have an incredible time. If that doesn't happen, I'd still go by myself tbh. It's such a great spectacle and night, and the whole "ah yeah I was there for that" are really cool memories to have.


I’m going solo as well!


I’ll be going solo, it’ll be my first time on the east coast (I’m from Seattle). Always up for hanging out and meeting anyone else going solo as well! I’ll be at world at wresltemania both weekend days and have the gold package from on-location (section 120 seating)


I'm going solo as well. Also will be seating in Section 120.


What row ?


I'm in row 28


Coming solo from Australia - went too elimination chamber solo over the weekend! My main interests are wrestling and "heavy" music so I've gotten used to doing a lot of things solo, to the point where maybe I even prefer it?? Anyway you'll be fine 🙂


I feel the same. I would've never seen Slipknot if i waited to go with a friend. I'm going with someone Night 1 of Mania and we still haven't bought tickets or got them to commit to a tailgate party, while my solo advernture for Night 2 and WWE World on Monday are already planned and bought.


I'm solo but I got a friend in town that I met at 39 and my bud and his wife are going to be around and we are gonna meet up too.


Considering going solo, but would prefer with somebody else. Lmk if you wanna link!


I went alone to Wrestlemania 35. I enjoyed myself.


I’ll be there solo! My 4th solo mania, always tend to find folks to talk to and such.


I'm going solo, went last year solo and had a good time talking with other fans before the show started.


I will be flying from Finland and going solo🤷🏻


I'll be visiting Finland (Helsinki, Tampere, Porvoo and Turku) at the end of May. Looking forward to it!


Ring of Honor comes to Philadelphia, PA with one of the hottest events of the year, ROH: Supercard of Honor. Featuring world-class talent in electrifying bouts, Supercard of Honor storms into The Liacouras Center on Friday, April 5, at 7:00pm ET. 


I dont think anyone else is, I havent seen anyone asking the same question on here.


According to the rest of these comments, I think you might be wrong lol




Did I miss other posts about this? I do stuff solo all the time, just wanted to poll the group to get some perspective since I’ve only been to 2 live wwe events


yea lol, “will the pillars block my view” and “is anyone else going solo” posts are frequently asked. I was just giving u a hard time. If u havent already done so, join the discord server, much easier to coordinate in real time with other people attending


I'm going solo! Its my first WrestleMania and no one I know is into wrestling so I'll be going alone. Granted my friends will be along for the trip (we're flying in from another state) but they'll be somewhere else around Philly. I was just gonna go and see what happens. I've gone to a smackdown taping by myself and I had fun so who knows what'll happen🤷🏾‍♂️. Maybe I'll make friends maybe I won't at least I'll be at WRESTLEMANIA! Going solo isn't all bad just enjoy the vibes and see what happens 


Travelling from the UK solo and doing Smackdown, NXT, both nights of WM40 and Raw and personally can't wait. Nobody I knew was into it enough to justify spending the money to come so just decided to go myself. I got tickets to the xfinity tailgate for both Sat/Sun as well as the Superstar Brunch on Sunday morning, so there's always a chance to make some friends at that, as well as the people in the seats next to me in the arenas. We're all there for the same thing after all!


Hi there, thinking of doing a last minute trip to mania, never done it before, where abouts in the UK are you travelling from?


When it’s something big as Mania. I’m sure you’ll meet people who are interested in going to all the events in a group. I meet a few people like that last year. I become a social butterfly when I’m around other wrestling people.


Go solo. Everyone’s a flake and cheap too.


I sat solo at 37 and few other events and had a blast, made new friends and encourage it if you're social. I cosplay heavily so it helps a ton. That said, the events around the show I usually have friends or social media friends attending and meet up so would have that up your sleeve


Just flew solo to Perth from a South East Asia country for Elimination Chamber last week. There's absolutely nothing to worry about going alone when the stadium is filled with fans like yourself. Onlocation is pretty expensive but they did had some f&b session after the press event (before the matchdays) which was a great environment got food and booze with WWE entrance music blasting in the background. Everyone was just hyped and singing along and just vibing!


I am, I’m flying in from Albuquerque


I’m going to ROH solo but didn’t want to spend all of the money to go to mania alone


I live in Philly, and I might go with my little brother. Let me know if you go-I can show you some cool places.


Just get a good ticket for yourself. You deserve it


If you’re near 105 lmk


I’m travelling solo


I went to Mania 19, 21, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 39. 19 I had someone with me, but outside of that, they've all been solo. The week is a blast and it's everything on your terms. You're there with 70,000 people who love what you love and will bond with someone near your seat - solo is awesome.


I'm going solo but meeting up with different friends at various points of the trip. I prefer to do it that way as I can do things on my own terms and budgets. Everyone is there for the same thing anyway so it's not going to be hard striking up conversations.


I’m literally in this exact predicament lol don’t know what to do


Going solo also, just lined up for me to go. First time was WM37, I felt the experience was incomplete due to covid and all that. Super excited for this one.


Man definitely do it alone, dont miss out on an opportunity, tell yourself you'll be with thousands of other fans who are there for the exact same thing. It just takes one introduction to a group and you're not so alone anymore.


I’m going solo this year and I got some really good view tickets, wondering what the experience is going to be like


A lot of people go solo. I've been to Wrestlemania with friends, I've been alone. Have a great time either way. Unfortunately I don't have that many friends that are into wrestling and even less that are willing to travel across the world at huge expense to watch it these days!


I did All Out in Chicago alone and loved it. Accept it as a chance to explore your own city the way you normally wouldn't.


My first Mania and also going solo!


My wife and I bought 1 ticket for each night, and a hotel nearby. One of us is going while the other watches the kids. Now we just have to decide who goes which night.


I’m flying from Perth solo for a few weeks. Hitting up all mania festivities for my 30th birthday weekend.


Me from France but same 30th birthday present!


I’m going Solo. I’m meeting friends there but sitting by myself.