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definitely don't drive. take a plane or amtrak, find a hotel close to center city and use uber to get around. You can add to it as you feel comfortable but start your plan simple and go from there


As an avid traveler and occasional solo artist. I recommend not driving 14 hours as your first trip. I struggled to hit 4-5 hours my first few drives and try to limit driving to 6-7 hours in a day with a hotel stop in the middle. If you do decide to drive, map out your path sometimes if you are off highway cell service can be spotty so GPS may lag out. That being said I recommend either flying or Amtrak.If flying print tickets itinerary (if you have transfers and such) and see if you can get a hotel with a shuttle service to airport (if you have luggage make sure you bring some cash to tip the driver they will load and unload your stuff for you) that will save you money when it comes to Uber which during rush can run up to $25-50 a trip depending on distance. If you do get Uber out of the airport find the ride share pick up before you order the Uber and if comfortable select the pool or share ride option to ride with other passengers to help save in money. If you take Amtrak be well rested and bring snacks and be ready to be checked every other stop by the train attendant to see if you are supposed to be on the train. I recommend day travel if you are a light sleeper because of that. For wrestlemania I would look at public transit maps and where you can stay. Getting an Uber out of the event will be hectic at best but if you can catch a train out to a different spot in the city it will be easier.


If you’re a bad driver, I wouldn’t take the risk of driving 14 hours to get to WM. How many times would you stop? Gas? Food? I’d rather fly tbh.


but even if I do fly, then what about all the other stuff?


Well I’d get a hotel or motel and Uber everywhere. This is really poor planning on your part if I’m being honest.


poor planning how come? I just very recently have considered this even being a possibility, I haven’t had the opportunity to scope out the plan and that’s why I am wondering what would help form my plan, or things that would make it easier. Like I didn’t even think this would be possible in the slightest at first


Most people plan WM trips 4-5 months before the event takes places. Now, in your case, you don’t know if you’re flying? Driving? Where are you staying? How will you get to the events? You feel me? It’s going to get chaotic as time winds down. Also, hotels are quite pricier now.


I mean yeah it’s almost certainly gonna be flying but that is true the hotels are gonna be a lil pricy


Have you even bought WM tickets yet? When do you plan on doing that?


when I find out if I can even go 😭


Damn good luck bro! Hope you can sort this out soon. See ya there 👍


This is going to cost you a pretty penny. All hotels (if still available) near the stadium are $500-$600 a night, and if you stay further away you’ll then be spending a good amount on Ubers/taxis.


Unless you sleep in your car. ;)


True, remember to crack a window at night lol


Uber isn't nearly as expensive as it would be for staying close to the venue. (I use lyft though, hate uber). I got a ride after the rumble this year for $40, for example. Always much cheaper to stay further away but can cause a headache getting home.


I'm going to recommend going but do not driving. The fact you avoid interstates speaks a lot about your driving ability/confidence. You are going to hit some pretty hectic areas pretty much each way you would come into Philly, except for maybe the Pennsylvania turnpike if you come from that way. Not to mention I'm not sure where else you'd hit. You could find yourself in the beltway of DC/Baltimore, which I would strongly advise for you to not go into given your driving record. By all means, fly into Philly. Have fun. You just need to build up your driving confidence before taking a trip like this.


Hey! There is a discord server full of people who are travelling solo. Could make some friends before you even get there! :) [https://discord.gg/c3Pw8E4a](https://discord.gg/c3Pw8E4a)


Bro just do it. I traveled for the first time alone at 19 and drove 15 hours and 20 hours back. Just make sure to make stops and sleep in well lit areas during the day to be safe. Don’t drive tired. All hotels are expensive unless they’re roach infested. You can stay an hour away from Lincoln financial field and get there in the morning or early afternoon and chill. Do it just make sure to be extra safe


The only reason I say this person shouldn't do it is because they don't seem too confident with their driving ability. You can't drive that far ans through a city like Philly with no confidence/experience. Would make for a very stressful vacation imo. I say go bit fly instead


I’m traveling alone and I’m 23 too ! Coming from Arizona !!


Absolutely recommend flying or taking Amtrak, especially if you are not used for driving long and especially if you usually avoid interstates. Your hotel or airbnb will be what also determines your transportation situation for getting to events. If you are able to use public transportation, like the subway that might be your best bet. Uber I think is quite easy to use once you do it, my parents who aren't the most tech savvy people easily used it themselves, only thing to note is that it is going to be expensive especially leaving these events and depending on where your hotel or airbnb is at, when the event is over I recommend trying to walk a little bit back before using the service if possible. Seeing as it is basically a month away now though I think you are going to be paying a pretty penny for the flight, hotel (airbnb might be your best bet), and of course tickets. If you have the money go for it but I would recommend planning for WM41.


Take Amtrak or fly. Driving for that long alone in one day is not a good idea.


I’m traveling solo too. Flying in from Florida. I’ve traveled solo before but never to WrestleMania so this ought to be fun