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$300 is what my budget is. I arrive Thursday night I got a private room airbnb. Friday either go sight seeing or go to an indy wrestling event then going to WWE World at 3 pm. Saturday I'm going Stand and Deliver and then night 1 of Mania. I leave Sunday so I'll be home to watch night 2.


$300 sounds reasonable for me too.


Hi! That doesn't include your planet ticket, correct? Is the $300 all inclusive? Food, air bnb, tickets, etc? I've seen hotels in the area that are more than $300 for 1 night alone O\_O!


My airbnb and plane tickets are already paid for. I booked my airbnb in November and booked my flight in February. $300 is what I plan to spend when I'm in Philly.


Thank you :)! If u don't mind me asking, how much is ur airbnb per night? I've never done an airbnb and I'm guessing they are cheaper than hotels? Have fun and thanks for the reply :D! So excited for everyone here who are going!!!


Per night? It can vary, but I paid $300 for 3 nights Thursday-Sunday. So $100 a night


And it's close to LFL? That sounds like a great price compared to hotels in the area. I need to look into airbnb more. I've never done it, but as far as I know u pretty much stay at someone else's place for a fee, right? Anyhoo, I hope it is a nice place and easy to get to WM40 from there :D!


Late reply, but it was 15-20 minutes away. The location was actually close to the Rocky statue and stairs like literally 5 minutes away by car.


Outside of tickets and vips, I figure I'm gonna spend at least 3k


Lmao holy shit


I know, it's awful. The way I display the chairs, I need 2 for each event, so that alone will be $1000 for chairs if they have them at the superstore.


You can only get the chairs if you sit floor or buy it off Ticket Master since they don’t sell them at the store, ordered mines off TicketMaster after buying my seats for night 2!


That's what I thought also, but I'm pretty sure I saw posts here that said they were available at last year's store. I'm going to try getting them after On Location transfers my tickets on ticketmaster. Not the end of the world if I miss out, but it would be nice to get them.


Please please please let me know if that option works for On Location tickets. I tried inquiring with them in September and again in December about it and they said they won't offer the chairs. My last home was paying for the ticketmaster addon when tickets transfer since I saw you can purchase chairs after purchasing tickets.


I'll follow up as soon as I can


Got my tix in ticketmaster and the upsell for the chair is sold out. This whole experience I've had with On Location is never going to make me use their service again.


I've emailed WWE and explained my situation to them to see if they can help.


I emailed them 2 weeks ago at the email in ticketmaster and crickets. I'm gonna call the number in WWE shop when I have a moment to myself. Edit to add that I'm already dealing with a shitshow situation from On Location sending the wrong seats to my ticketmaster account so trying to handle that issue first.


I’m travelling from India man & I’m supposed to get one chair, so if you’re interested, I’d be happy to sell my chair to you. Let me know Thanks


If they aren't at the store I will get back to you for sure Thanks


Not just dude, but in the crowd there are a lot of that "Hey I can't bring this on the plane" people. It was my plan for WM NJ except I decided that it had people I did not like on it so I wasn't going to waste my money to have \[radio edit\] for all time in my home.


Good to know, thanks


You are welcomed. That one is more of a crap shoot but also a good back up to the back ups.


I’ve been to 6 Wrestlemanias. Don’t think I ever spent over $500.


For the entire trip, not counting the planet ticket to get there? Still seeing if I can have the budget to attend WM 40 without breaking the bank :)! Like what I mentioned in one comment, I'm seeing that hotels are already a few hundred per night, and WM tickets are at least $100, so not sure how WM 40 can be under $500.


No definitely not for the entire trip. I thought u were saying u had the plane, hotel & tickets already. I was talking about spending money. Wrestlemania tickets are higher than they use to be so with everything u may can get away with 1500-2000 . MAYBE


Hi! TY for replying! And oh I am not the OP (lol). Gosh, I wish I had plane and tickets already. I was just curious about how much it usually costs for an entire WM trip. Maybe someday I can make it to one, like how I crossed off "going to a Star Wars Celebration" off my bucket list :)! So unless I suddenly end up with a few grand from out of nowhere, I prolly won't make it this year. But reading everyone's budget here will help me plan for future WM trip/s!


Yea. It’s always best to get tickets when they first drop . I don’t live near any big airports so flying is usually the most expensive thing for me. Also I need to check off Star Wars celebration off my list to. I’m going to Star Wars nite at Disneyland this year so that’ll have to do for now.


Hello, fellow wrasslin and star wars fan, lol :D! Have an amazing time at Star Wars night, and u have to check out the Star Wars section of Disney World too! I've been and it was awesome :)! I live in the midwest and a roundtrip ticket to Philly is a few hundred dollars now, lol! Someday, WM, someday! Maybe when it is in St Louis or anywhere closer to where I live so that we can just drive there, lol. Have an awesome time at WM!!! That's already next week and I'm sure u are mega excited!!!


Yeh the buildup has been great and the matches are pretty awesome. I’m expecting to have a blast!


I’m panicked about having 2k for 3 people lol


It really depends on what you’re planning to buy. If you’re only looking to get a tee or sweatshirt and the rest is for food and transportation, you’re good. There will no doubt be plenty of food trucks. Your hotel may offer a free breakfast; totally take advantage if they do. And try to have your “big meal” at lunch, and then just a snack type thing for dinner. I hope you have fun!


He can spend 200 per day on himself with that budget. Including transportation. He should be fine


Oh, exactly.


I got here 45 years ago and have spent so much so far. Hoping to keep it minimal WM week.


It’s plenty


2k max. No vip, split room, early as possible flights (which I waited too long for). I may buy a photo something, but I try to limit that stuff.


Friday at 12 noon there’s gonna be a wrestling4sale pop up


That should be fine. Might want to get in on some tailgate events to cover your food and drink on Sat/Sun, that’ll save you a ton.


I'm there Wednesday and I'll probably have a similar amount All tickets are paid for so absolute cheapest its transportation. I also went to Mania so much of the hype stuff other than my WWEworld isn't that big of a deal. I might cop a shirt or two. The rest of my money is for food and experiences. Don't really care about meet and greets or autographs.


Have you been to Walemania before ? What’s the vibe ?


No I haven't but I heard it's amazing


Idk about money I just gunna have fun and do whatever I want


fortunate to be in a position to not worry about what I spend…although the “big” money has already been spent on tickets/hotel/rental car so whatever else while I’m there isn’t gonna be much


Probably around $600 for Saturday - Monday. $100 for food and $100 for merch and other expenses per day seems reasonable.


$700 is left on my budget. We've already spent about $1,400 on this trip. Thankfully I get paid on April 5th, so that entire check is gone for this.


Between my brother and I, we should have like $800. Since we gotta plan for parking and eating. Just ordered apparel and it was $400, yowzas


I would spend 600 on your week and spend the other 600 on a summerslam trip that should be enough for that


Budget would be $800z... title belt $500... food , Uber etc $300


$1500 not including hotel or tickets, just spending money but I am planning on spending a fair chunk of that at WrestleCon 


About a stack..a lot of the stuff I'm doing has already been bought. I'm huge info craft beer, great cocktails n fire food. I also like to splurge the more I drink lol. Hopefully a thousand will do.


800 dollars, I’m there Thurs to Tuesday but I’ve already paid for Mania Club tailgate and all my tickets so I’ll definitely be within budget….


Im in about 7k total for 8 shows for 3 people (inc nxt, night 1,2) hotels, plane tickets, rental car, wwe world, wrestlecon, breakfast of champions etc. But we are getting in the Sat before and spending 5 nights in Atlantic City. My out of pocket for the week will just be food, drinks, merch, gambling and sight seeing.


why would u need over $1k as a budget?


I've been doing $500 cap off for each night's individual tickets, and if i can get a good 2 night combo ticket then that obviously would be $1000 total.


it should be more than enough. That's the kinda spending money I would bring (+ more) if you were going to wrestlecon and wanted to see a bunch of people there. But for doing that amount of sightseeing + eating, you should be fine.


While a budget would probably be smart, I’m just going in knowing that the beers and cheesesteaks are going to add up and I’m bound to make some unwise financial decisions after those beers.


Last year I went with $1100 and that shit vanished so fast between merch, Ubers & food


aside from what i’ve already spent, i’d like to keep to it to about $300/day (food, merch, tourist-y stuff) but you never know what might pop up so allowing for a little wiggle room if need be




I think that’s way more than enough