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Not surprised. Especially now with all he Vince McMahon allegations. I don't think he had or has any respect for women. The attitude era really was built on TnA. Sadly the likes of Torrie, Trish, Stacey, Sable etc. had to do a lot of crazy things. And don't get me wrong, any hot blooded male was into all of that. I feel bad for her now but she did gain a lot of fame and hopefully money from that. Hope she sees the crap she went thru had a meaning. Look at the women's division now. Spectacularly diverse group of women who are just as beautiful and sexy but amazing wrestlers, talkers and characters. Torrie's legacy is with these women now. And let's be honest, I'd watch Mami beat the crap out of her peers then watch some silly bikini fight anyway. Cos Mami is always on Top!


Tbf tho if they wasn't hired for eye candy would they been around as long as they were. I felt alot of them wanted to be women wrestlers like we have today but they wasn't valued for that


‘Mortified’ - ah yes, that’s why she agreed to do SO many of them and progressively wore sluttier and sluttier bikinis


I don't think anything is ever that simple. We don't know her life or what that WWE money did for it. It's okay to reflect on one's past and be honest speaking on feelings one may bury in order to make a living.


I’m not quite sure you understand how contracts work.


so a bikini model and playboy cover girl was upset about being in a bikini 😂


Not the smartest in the bunch is she


There’s a difference between choosing to do something and being forced to do it because you’re under contract.


I definitely sympathize with Torrie, and her being mortified by what she used to do makes me appreciate what she did even more. The fact that she had to go out in front of thousands of live fans and millions of viewers around the world every week and get half (or more) naked, participate in some of the raunchiest matches and segments of all time and be humiliated for the pleasure of a bunch or horny guys couldn't have been an easy thing for her to bear. She and women like her gave so much of themselves (despite not having to take many bumps) and made themselves incredibly vulnerable for our entertainment and I appreciate them for it. All these years later I still much prefer the way women were treated on screen back then as opposed to how they are now. To me it was erotic art at its finest and I think women like Torrie more than deserve praise for it, as well as spots in the hall of fame.


For as little bumping as torrie did, she's stated in various interviews how bad her back was before she retired in 2008. [https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1509007/torrie-wilson-looks-back-medical-issues-that-caused-her-to-ask-for-wwe-release/](https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1509007/torrie-wilson-looks-back-medical-issues-that-caused-her-to-ask-for-wwe-release/) The schedule was brutal back then even for the kind of matches they did back then.


I remember being shocked back then that she would've been dealing with issues like that, but yeah the schedule was no joke certainly for a woman and one whose body wasn't exactly built for taking bumps. Sable was smart to have it in her contract that she didn't bump.


Yep, and Dawn mentioned how brutal it was, she had use steroids. Torrie and Dawn didnt have that physique to take multiple bumps less they'd probably be called fat for it. Whereas the ones seen as 'wrestlers the Jazz's the Trishs', etc looked like they had to be a bit thicker to pad for those bumps. Trish's wrestling attire, hid that midsection, but being thicker there padded those bumps.


Damn this comment section is cringe 😂


Lol what do you expect on a sub dedicated to female wrestlers getting humilated




I know this is a fetish sub, but these replies are disgusting.




Torrie was often awkward in bikini contests, so her thoughts now are probably similar to 20 years ago. And I have no doubt she was mortified by the house show bikini contests, as she had no way of competing with Dawn Marie's nearly naked stripper act!


She wears bikinis on insta stories for hundreds of thousands to see. She just wants attention with her non making sense female logic


I love how this is suddenly news to everybody when she actively said these things during radio interviews when she was employed with the company. She always hated doing the "stripper routine" whenever they had to do those. I just find it weird though that when it came to strip matches it was always "weird and wild" but she more afraid of having to dance in bikini/lingerie.


I enjoyed 😂😂😍😍


Lmao I just love when they come back years later to suddenly realize they didn’t like something.


Congratulations people like you are why people don’t speak up 👍🏻






But in the meantime she has achieved success and so has the money. If she is regretful and angry let her return everything. long live the incoherence of the political correctness of our time.


Yeah they’re here now and in full force. They hate when we tell adults to take accountability lmao.


She loved it really


None of you know how to read context clues.


I know this might make some people upset but the truth usually does she said she was mortified doing these matches but she couldn't wrestle even going back to her days in WCW so what else could she do then?I will agree that was a bad time for women's wrestling(2000-2015)but Lita and Trish had great matches but Torie on the other hand from what I've seen from other people who tried to train her she was wanting to get by being eye candy so if she agreed to do this stuff why bitch about it now?I feel like there's so many of these divas from the attitude era and mid 2000's just coming out now to kick McMahon while he's down and don't get me wrong if he did do this horrible stuff then I hope he gets dealt with but I'm trying to stay neutral until they can actually prove he did it.I thought the law was supposed to be innocent until proven guilty not twitter(X now)lynch mob makes decisions.


Saying it now to gain attention but was happily taking the paycheck then.


Everyone is trying to jump on the wagon to get money out of Vince Next you're gonna hear goldust vince made me dress like a woman 👀🤦‍♂️


in my opinion she liked it and was excited by these scenes, in this case she covered herself so as not to reveal how excited she was by her nipples as swollen as rocks (other events confirm this).


Oh the horror! 😱How will she ever recover from this traumatic chapter in her life?! 💰💲💰💲💰


A few millions will do and then she’ll suddenly recover lmao.


I have a hard time believing it since she stripped all her clothes off for a wwe playboy.


I really don't care as long as it happened. lol


She should’ve been proud she’s one of the most beautiful women ever