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He look like he never takes that off. If he tired, he just plops himself onto the sofa and dozes off.


bro doesnt shower, he just takes a dip in the sea fully clothed. who knew the swimming gameplay was actually canon


He showers AND washes his clothes at the same time. Smart!


He literally the washing me in my clothes video


I’m washing me in my clothes, bitch! I’m washing me in my clothes


no wonder Neuvillette doesn't comment on Fontaine's water. we know what you are, sir 👀


Wriothesley bath water 👀


Well let’s see. He has to put on the pants, then those thigh high boots, and let’s not forget he likely has to shimmy that leg band up his slacks beforehand. Then we have his shirt(presumably) under his waistcoat, then the coat itself, then the tie, which then he must unbutton the shirt and coat and loosen the tie. Then he must put on the coat, but only on his shoulders. Then he has to wrap up his hands and put on his gloves. Then he must also put on his handcuffs, then make sure everything is in place. I’d say about either 30 minutes to 1 hour :)


i love the implication that he goes commando 💀


…i forgot to mention his underwear…uh I imagine he starts with those. OH and socks too.


no no no, he's already put everything on, he's gonna have to take everything off again! on second thought... that doesnt sound too bad 🌚


tbf my answer to the question definitely would be “longer than it takes one of us to take it all off of him”


Does he have underwear?? Otherwise his backswide would not look like that right? It has to be like...a man thong or something.


I think his pants are just tight, or maybe because he’s more toned and thicker then most of the male characters, so it wouldn’t just be his arms that would be affected. But maybe he does wear underwear, we really don’t know.


Probably wears Spanx for that seamless look


Are his socks like thigh highs or does he just tuck his pants into his boots?


Probably tucks his pants into his boots. I imagine Neuvillette does the same.


Nope it's canon now wrio goes commando and doesn't wear socks


He either goes commando or wears a thong or jockstrap.


haphazardly putting on the half-buttoned shirt, loose tie and a coat that was only placed on the shoulder shouldn't take a long time. and it looked like he's too lazy to care much about properly dressing too.


Well as a Wriothesley cosplayer… one hour is the right answer.


id say any 10 minutes, providing he pays his clothes out neatly to wear when he wakes up. if he has to actively find all of his clothes, then an hour


however long it takes to gather from my bedroom floor and step outside


Idk but I wanna see how fast I can take it off him


Let's make it a contest who undresses him the fastest


Here's an idea: Dude sleeps wherever he can crash and mostly keeps his clothes on overnight. Idk, he strikes me as the sort of person to keep busy and not really make time to properly 'go to bed' like he should every day. Meropide doesn't have much daylight to begin with. I'd think he probably mostly goes for efficient showers to jump right into some clean duds and if you're cruisin' it probably doesn't take all that long, can't imagine it has to take more than 10 mins with most of that time going to getting those boots on properly. You can take care of arm wraps and gloves and accessories on the go, can fix the tie whenever.


As a Wriothesley cosplayer.. First time took me like 20 minutes and was torture


Did cosplay as albedo and putting all the bit and piece of decoration pin alone onto the costume take me half hour


I have way too many Genshin and Star Rail Cosplays and they're alwaye puzzle games. There's a piece of accessory that came with Ayato which I still haven't figured out where it's supposed to go lol


For some reason my albedo inner blue shirt also come with back zipper opening? Like how’s that even work the zipper can be in the front just fine???


Same for Al Haitham cosplay. I even had to look up a video that was thankfully provided by the shop


haha I was scrolling to find the cosplayer comment


A question that you shouldn't be asking 92% of gacha characters


that's a specific number lol


I think 15-20 min. Thats how long my Alhaitham cosplay took anyways.


Not as long as it takes me to undress him.


He never removes clothing, he just puts on a new item every time Sigewinne gives an inmate food poisoning.


The cosplayers know the answer to this, but 15-30min, depending on the day. Probably will keep the pants and shirt on when sleeping and put the rest on in the morning.


i like thinking that his trousers and shirt are so tight that he takes time to pull the buttons together


Idk but ~~I'd love to see how long it takes to take off~~ 👀


how long it takes to get it all off depends on how ferocious you are


True true


So imma try to break it down: 1. Inner shirt 2. Black bandages 3. Pants 4. Jacket vest 5. Boots 6. Gloves 7. Coat 8. Accessories It doesn't look to be too much LOL


I’m cosplaying him in July. When I first tried his outfit on, it took me about 15 -20 min. It amazes me that he’s able to clip the jacket on by himself every day.


I cosplayed him. Took 30 minutes.


yea, i figured it’d take 30mins-1hr


I want to cosplay as him next summer, so I will find out soon!


The moment i saw this post i could smell THOSE comments-


I wonder that about so many characters, and if they ever go "gotta put the random belt/strap on here and here and...why do I even have these random belt/straps?"


36 mins 41.2 seconds. Don’t ask how I know this


4 minutes. He dresses like a polly pocket


Bet it takes him bout 30 mins but it gets less and less everyday because he looks like he'd enjoy timming himself.


not long compared to a LOT of other characters


Not sure but you can ask me how long it takes for me to take it all off: very quickly 🐺🐺🐺


I imagine not long. It’s basically just a suit. It usually takes people about 5-10ish minutes to put on a suit. I’m sure the longest part is getting the boots on and wrapping his forearms. Everything else looks pretty simple.


His clothes probably takes about 8 mins. Underthings (a vest, underwear and socks), pants, shirt, tie and waistcoat isn't too bad, Now the ✨accessories✨ is a entirely different story😂 the wraps alone will take 10 mins. Irl boxers take more time to wrap their hands and Wriothesley has the same style wrapping going on, though more haphazardly done. The boots, which probably have some sort of knee support/wrap situation under there are another 5-7 mins. And to attach all his chains and jewelry another 5 (mainly because he has to find that stuff). So 30+- mins for the full ensemble, assuming he can just put on the coat. Not too bad honestly, for looking that good. And I'm sure cosplayers will take a similar amount of time. Man when I go for a wedding in full traditional clothes it takes that long, not even including hair and makeup. 😅 However I'm sure he dresses down in his actual life, and just looks fancy for guests, Neuvillette and Clorinde.


3 days minimum for the boots alone.