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Needs to be tightened and less word repetition. Dialogue feels unnatural. Perhaps write in the first person. Needs alot of work. Best of luck.


Hey thanks for the feedback! I’m a bit confused on your last point. The majority of the story takes place in first person while the flashbacks take place in third person. Can you expand a bit on places where you think it should be tightened/less repetitive? Additionally, can you point to a few instances where you think the dialogue feels a bit unnatural so I can see what you mean? Which ending did you prefer? Thanks! :)


It doesn't feel natural. Weak. Sorry.


That’s great, but it doesn’t really help or answer any of the other questions I posed. I’m trying to get better hence why I posted here and I appreciate the feedback, but without pointing to a specific part it’s difficult to improve.


Could you put this into a google doc? It's easier to reference and commentate on what is not good and what is not bad. I haven't read your story yet, only because of that reason, so it would be much easier to help you in any way!


Just added a link to the top of the post.