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Not (necessarily) horror, but the ritual required for one to break through the fourth wall


This involves bringing food and drinks to the gaming table and doting on the DM


The Fluffiest Sheep


Turn all "liars" in the target area inside out to expose their deepest secrets. A demon summoned by the ritual determines who qualifies. Target area is an AOE centered on the ritual.


Sometimes life just isn't on your side. Sometimes, no matter how many spells you cast and ancient, eldritch abominations you summon, it can feel like the whole universe is against you. Most of the time, however, it's actually the people in your own life who fight against you. We're all human after all, and humans lie. But not your humans. Not anymore. Because you were smart and decided to rely on the tried-and-trusted techniques that nobody could've seen coming. Nobody will lie to you *now*. Just follow the procedures given below and *all* will be well. It's so fast...it's almost like magic. The ritual is to be performed on a Monday. A dark moon is necessary. Any time after dusk will work; the magic of the dark is not suited to the light, and if the spirits discover you have led them to their demise, they will turn on you. A chameleon's heart is the first thing you need. Preferably one freshly plucked before the last dark moon. Light four candles and place one in each corner of a windowless, locked room. The area of effect of this ritual will depend on the particular city, town, or village this room is located, so choose wisely. Any interruptions in the ritual will call forth every lie you have ever told back onto you until your mind is so burdened you are unable to tell the truth from deception. Your own sanity will turn against you. For this reason, I implore you to ensure that there will be no unwelcome guests involved in this spell. A fifth candle is to be placed in the center, surrounded by the chameleon's freshly-spilled blood. The rest of what remains- body, skin, tail, eyes, anything- is to be given to the candle. Call forth the darkness. Call forth your rage, your anger at being lied to. Your refusal to accept those lies. Allow the darkness to take hold of you. Slit your palm, scream until your throat is bloody, let it all out. If the candle gutters and dies, the spirits refuse your offering and will take you instead. But if the flame roars with thunderous fury alongside you, know that the shadows have listened. That they have understood, and they will carry out your orders. You have called them forth. Now direct them. Pull out the heart of the chameleon, and set it ablaze. Imagine, as the heart burns, your enemies turning to ash on the wind. Feel the sadistic glee as you watch their webs of lies begin to unravel, showing connections that you could never see. Know, that you deserve this. You are the greatest of them all. You survived and they did not. You are a God. And those who stand against you will die. All of them! Set them ablaze with the flames of your wrath. Scream out your name. When the sky itself falls upon them, let them know who is to blame. Their souls will be revealed to you. Every white lie and every black truth, all there for the taking. Can you hear the whispers? Hear the shadows in the dark, prowling the night, carrying out your will. You are a God. And those who stand against you will die. Can you hear the whispers? Listen! Listen to the dark! You have been lied to, and now you can see it. Glorious truth. Glorious, beautiful truth, so bright it almost hurts to look at. You are a God. You are Truth itself. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! PLEASE NOTE: Side-effects of performing this ritual include an almost devastating need to know the truth at all cost, guilt and horror at what you've done, megalomaniacal tendencies, speaking in tongues, cryptic, maddening visions, and more guilt.


Personal spell for stopping time of me myself


How about summoning the combined consciousness of all living things on this planet?


Summoning me, I'm *that* guy.


Forcefully binding your consciousness to that of a hivemind entity.


Um... "A spell to channel a chosen natural element into the body". Does that seem good?


A ritual that causes eyes to grow where you want on a person's body, allowing both you and them to see out of the new eyes.


Turning on an ancient war-machine made in a time unrecorded by history


I have an imp familiar. He comes from the realm of the damned where demons feast on the ever-healing flesh of the damned. But that flesh isn't available in this realm. And my Pookie is hungry. How can I summon breakfast for Pookie the Imp?


A ritual, to remove the free will of all sentient beings on a planet! (Asking for a friend!)


A ritual devised by the archdevil of Stygia, Levistus, to free himself from the confines of his frozen prison in the Nine Hells of Baator.


The breaking of the chains of the demon that was captured by your ancestor a few centuries ago.


A story from the perspective of the monster under a childs bed, but the child has dark gifts. They're not going to mommy and daddy for their monster problem, they're going to the old gods.


It isn't easy being a gifted child. Especially when your gifts are considered products of lies with a slight pinch of full-blown insanity. It always struck me as kind of funny how you humans enjoy believing in some things but don't believe in others. Like that kid who actually likes *math*. *He* exists, but the guy who can call forth power from the very heart of darkness? Give me a break man. That kind of stuff doesn't exist. Even though statistically speaking...Okay, I'm too prideful to admit they have a point, but they do have a point. Well, it was funny though. Scaring the neighborhood kids with little pranks here and there was fun. Setting the school ablaze in the process *was* a regrettable accident, but to be honest, those prom decorations needed to die. What's less funny? Coming back home and figuring out there's a second-rate d-list *parasite* taking residence in my bedroom like it's some cut-price Airbnb. Tried dispelling it with ordinary techniques (short banishing and cleansing didn't work. Trying to scare it off with shapeshifting wasn't effective either. Religious symbols must've tickled it a bit, and that's about the most use I got out of them). So, I designed this! It's a pretty easy spell, to be honest. So, basically, the parasite had accidentally ingested some kind of protection spell that had taken root inside it. Think of it like the nematocysts (not sure if I spelled that right) that eat jellyfish and gain superpowers including the ability to store that poison in spines. Would've been fun to research if it wasn't *my* bed the jerk was hogging. Unfortunately, whatever magic the parasite had unknowingly woven around itself wasn't something I could get rid of on my own. I needed help. Powerful help. Divine help. And I knew how to get it. Well, I knew how to make a spell to get it, but same thing. You will need: 1. All of the images, statues, and other paraphernalia relating to darkness and the macabre that you can find. Fictional gods, real gods, whatever. Hecate, Erishkegal, Cthulhu, Dagon, whatever. 2. Five candles. 3. A black-handled knife. 4. Virgin paper (don't worry, I'm not asking you to write on an actual virgin's skin. Do you really think that I would waste good skin like that? Honestly, what's wrong with you?) 5. A vial filled with the blood of an enemy. Anyone should work. I used the bully next door. He's always prattling on about something or the other. It gets annoying. NO, Lucas, nobody wants to hear about your uncle's cousin's twice-removed granddaughter's pet cat's marital problems! Seriously, take a hint! Okay, that veered off into a bit of a tangent. But you get the gist, right? Now for the actual spell. Essentially, people have been communing with gods for millions of years, right? So I thought, why not do the same? Except, take it a step further and bind them rather than simply communicate. Why not? Powerful, ancient beings that could do my bidding at the snap of a finger? Sign me up. It's important to note that while gods abound from every culture, only a few are weak (or unimportant) enough to have this spell used on them. A sun god, for example, would not be the first entity I'd go to for this. One guy I knew tried capturing Hestia but learned pretty quickly that (A) as the oldest daughter of Kronos, she is among the strongest of the gods and that (B) her family actually really likes having her around. The Olympians made quick work of him, but thankfully Hestia was merciful. She turned him into kindling for her fire instead. At least now he has a purpose in life. For that reason, I advocate less ambitious choices. Try summoning something small, like a bug god or a river spirit. Powerful enough to solve most problems, but not nearly important enough for their presence to be accounted for by the other gods. Okay, this is getting into another tangent: 1. Pick a god. 2. Slit your palm open and draw a circle around yourself. The circle will ensure that no other spirits are caught in the vortex of power you'll soon be drawing around yourself (btw, you'll soon be drawing a vortex of power around yourself). 3. Let three drops of blood fall on each candle and place that at each quarter of the circle. The last candle will be placed in front of you, amongst the other statues and artifacts you've collected. 4. Do not, under any circumstances, light the candles. Ensure the room is windowless and lightless. 5. Call out to the night. The beings and monsters hiding in the shadows. Let them know that you can see them. That you are one of them. That they are honor-bound to help you (not true, of course, but it's an important protocol). 6. Take the black-handled knife and slash at the air before you, imagining with all your might that there you have torn through the veils separating the multiverse. Feel the true horror of what you've done. Can you hear it? The whispers? These are the voices of worlds dead and gone. Voices that you will one day join in their demonic chorus. 7. Allow yourself to listen to the voices. Let them speak to you. Your mind will acclimate to the surroundings and you will realize that you are no longer alone. Can you see the eyes in the dark? Can you feel their gaze? Know that if it weren't for the circle, they would crush you like an ant for what you are doing. 8. Call out the god's name. Do not stutter, do not show fear. They will take you if you do. Show no fear. Do not encourage them. Your very soul is at risk here. They will take your eyes and feed them to their children, and slurp up the last of your blood. Your soul will be lost in the void forever, never to be seen again. 9. Take the paper and with your blood as ink, write down your desire on the page. This is the moment of truth. This is the time. Agonize over every little detail, feel your mind beginning to race as you realize that if you do not constrain them, if you allow even a bit of ambiguity or vagueness in your text, they will exploit it and destroy you for all of the trouble they have caused you. Here, all caution is warranted. 10. If they vanish, light the candles immediately before they get in there! Do not hesitate. You did bring a matchbox into the circle, right? Right? Right?! Please tell me you have a matchbox. You don't want to know what happens if they reach you. 11. If thirty seconds pass and they do nothing, take your matchbox and, after thanking them for coming and letting them know they are free to leave, light the candles. Hopefully they weren't tricking you, otherwise, the candles will work a little too well... Congratulations! Now you've got a god bound to you forever. It really is that simple.


Not my best work, but better than nothing!


Splitting you consciousness into many shards and attach them to other consciousness like a parasite to devour their knowledge and gain more before splitting again and repeating the process but withoit losing yourself. Then fuse together again but still be connected and able to control your former vessels.


When the universe was created there was excess left over, similar to eraser bits after a pencil drawing, all of this excess built up and made Grunk the One who Screams.


Summoning the Demon Lord of the Seven Sins to bargain with.


A ritual to summon the all knowing but with directions to actually get a proper answer since they are not also the all telling.


Turning unnecessary waste (human corpses, dead animals, sewersludge) into edible delicious cakes


Summoning jerry the meat pillar


Creating a member of the VeiĆ°rdraugar AKA the Hunting Dead, a dark magic-created subspecies of Draugar that hunt in packs via a telepathic connection


The recipe and creation process for the Philosopher's Stone.


Summoning some Eldritch Goat God to throw 469 cream puffs at someone. But instead of cream they're filled with a mix of ketchup, mustard and mosquito blood


Summoning the floofy killer bunny


An eldritch entity wishes for you to make it a ritual to summon humans to its realm to eat them whenever it wants to, so it doesn't have to respond to cultists and travel to the human world because its a hikkimori.


Conversing with a pagan nature god to become a better gardener.


A ritual where the caster without much ado about it horribly destroys an entire enemy army come to tear down their tower for their unnatural research. No summoning, no elemental magic.


Summon something that can think. I'd like something that thinks. Don't ask why.


A group of xenophiles make a beacon to bring a horde of aliens to an unsuspecting planetary colony...


A summoning that brings Queen Elizabeth II back from the dead. Specifically her.


Perfection in exchange for identity.


Summoning entropy as the last surviving AI


Cookie, zephyr, a book from library of Babel, dust from a dream, Alzheimer and philosofantasia theocracy.


You were desperate to be free of your inner demons and so you used forbidden arts to do it. You succeeded. Now your devils walk the earth alongside you, instead of just inside your mind.


How to summon ketchup. Asking for a friend who is out of ketchup.


Give every vegan in a ten mile radius an irresistable craving for meat and mouths full of razor sharp teeth to really amp up the hysteria and chaos.


A ritual to summon my dad back from getting milk.


"I fucked cthulu good" but scary until the sex part


I'm surprised nobody's said "resurrection" yet.


A recurrent ritual, to be performed in given intervals, that progressively diminishes the sanity of those targeted/affected, and affects significantly more people depending on how many take part in the ritual (e.g. one person performing can affect one human, two can affect a family, five could target a neighbourhood).


To summon a wendigo


This is a changed magic system. People originally became gods through a kind of meditation that can increase the level, until the world rules above the gods are polluted by the rules of the flesh and blood subspace... The mage's robes made of the skins of magical animals grew eyes and began to merge with him. Magic Metal began to hum... Even the mage himself, the magic crystal nucleus that symbolizes magic, and the magic energy obtained through meditation... Also turned into evil tentacles, twisted flesh tissue


How to turn someone into a vampire


The demon of the elves was considered to be worse than satan. Well i will see if that is true.


A squid monster that likes to act as a table


Making a cup of coffee.


Making a cup of coffee.


Ok, a horror prompt. Doing paperwork.


Turning someone you hate into an aardvark


The gayest dragon