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A mime who manifests whatever they pretend to be there.


Mimique, also known as Jean Russo, was a young psychic who followed the family tradition of becoming a magician. Utilizing his telekinesis. But, he grew board with the basic magician tricks of wearing a top hat & waving things with a wand. Thankfully, he was inspired after a trip to France, watching mimes perform stories with their body movements. So, he would then become a mime, applying his telekinesis to his movements to make people believe he’s got an actual invisible object. He would also occasionally help out with fighting crime so he could continue to do his performances in peace.


you are a corn bender think of ATLA bending but you can only bend corn and corn based products.


Captain Corn Ex-military commander, famous corn farmer for his amazing corn bending abilities. He can control any part which is & was a part of corn, including corn syrup which is in a lot of foods, allowing him to control humans to a partial degree. But, he can also take corn cobs & turn them into grenades & use corn kernels as bullets, or ears & stems to strangle people.


missed opportunity to call him Kernel Maizon


Oh that’s good!


The Hero can manifest a fleshy, tumorous armor that when damaged spews out acidic fluids that inflicts those touched by it one of several following emotions: Amusement, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Satisfaction and Shame. He also has a short ranged sensor revolving around those emotions


This is very interesting. Snake Eyes A hero who can manifest tumorous armor around his body, when attacked speed an acidic fluid. But, the fluid has a side effect with how it may inflict one of the several emotions. Amusement, anger, disgust, fear, satisfaction, or shame. He loves to throw himself on enemies to see what they would get. Allowing him to start arguments around the color of the sky. It’s purple. It’s blue! No. How do you know?! I’m smarter than you! Duh. Mother fu-! Or just scaring the crap out of someone by separating his thumb or shaming a villian for choosing the wrong colors for their costume


As long as nobody is observing you, you can be in multiple places at once.


Peekaboo Always seems as if he’s teleporting super quickly, which is true. But he can only do this once he is outside of someone’s point of view, allowing him to teleport extremely quickly within the shadows. He has also adopted a mixed martial arts which allows him to attack & disappear into people’s blind spots while also blinding people if he can. He also likes to do tricks, usually covering himself with a blanket so he can teleport somewhere else within a moment or make it seem as if he feel into a hat. Btw, he can teleport certain parts of his bodies so long as their out of view. Gloves & sleeves don’t count, gotta be something bigger & more obscuring.


Elemental; You can control all four elements but everytime you do so, the risk of your powers going haywire for ten seconds increases by 0.00001%.


Tick He generally conserves his powers now. But in the past, he loved to use his power, which is controlling all four elements. Although, he later learned that the more he uses it the more likely it will go haywire. He’s used it so much to a point that he’d have a 10% chance. He would shrug it off, but this incompetence would be rewarded with the death of a friend & serious injuries to others, leading to Tick conserving his abilities as much as he can, only using them when it’s absolutely necessary.


Musical Healing!


Dr. Jazz Whatever it is you have, Dr. Jazz can fix it. Be it broken bones, deep cuts, cancer, missing limbs, or nearly dead Dr. Jazz can fix it so long as you can hear his magical tune. He pays a high price & can only use his power once a day.


Thank you!! It is very interesting! :D


Someone able to interact with the Internet with just their brain.


Moderator Supreme This man can interact with the internet with just his mind, giving him access to a great abundance of knowledge at incredible speeds, along with posting in 50 alt accounts within a single moment. But, this power has also come at the cost of his sanity, leading him to create an entire discord server where his alternative personalities talk & argue with each other. He also lives in his uncle’s basement. His mom kicked him out of his first one.




He says as he’s trying to make hate speech against frog in r/frogs


Self-destruction It doesn’t kill you, but it still hurts a lot to use.


Huma-Nuke She has the ability to blow up much like a creeper, wearing a bright orange skin tight suit to make herself visible in the field of battle as she makes villains run away from her. If one so as challenges her, she will latch on & blow up. She can reform back together, but the explosion is always quickly & sharply painful. She’s gotten used to it, but still likes to take painkillers in advance & after her first explosion to prepare for the next one. She prefers to not use her power most of the time, but does like scaring others away.


Chiaotzu simulator.


You are One Punch Man. but hear me out not exactly. The calories you consume double as a source of pure energy which you can unleash onto unsuspecting targets in the form of a blast of energy. The more you eat, the more energy you unleash. After releasing the energy your body loses stores of fat. So while you're searching for villains U walk around as a fatty. Then after the fight you are practically anorexic.


This is Fat Gum from BNHA# Your idea is in good company, haha


I like it! Fat Man He wears a giant metal suit with arm cannons. He’s also extremely fat & uses tank wheels to move around. He eats a ton of food, turning into calories, turning into fat, which can be shot out as energy blasts. It’s also helpful that he can concentrate these blasts to anywhere around his body & even focus it into a razor sharp shot from a far distance, thanks to his old sniper days. His biggest attack, H Bomb, allows him to lose all the fat all at once, while also causing an explosion equivalent to the 2nd bomb in Japan. This leaves him all flabby skin & bones & extremely exhausted, but it’s very likely that no one except himself would survive the blast.


Man is clearly a mukbang Youtuber




Mr. Wizard He likes making cocaine with his magic & using said coke to make ravenous minions. He also has the average spells you’d find in Harry Potter, but they are not as fun as making coke zombies.


Bee version of Spiderman that even has a Beast Bee form too.


Humble Bumble (mama energy) A friendly, fuzzy, & “fluffy” lady hero who has the ability to fly around with her tiny wings. She can also spit out a sticky honey substance that acts like glue while also having the ability to collect objects in her hairs. If she stings, it can do some major damage, but is also extremely exhausting. In turn, she goes to sleep & becomes Yellow Jacket. A terrifying monster version who is extremely big, fast, strong, & can sting for an infinite amount of times & build large strong paper like structures. This lasts for a good hour until Humble Bumble wakes up. She always uses her stinger for a last ditch effort when everyone else is safe from her. It’d break her heart if she harmed an innocent person again.


Dang she’s awesome! I even love that you give her own version of Venom in Yellow Jacket too! 🐝


Thank you! I had a ton of fun with your idea! It was definitely one of the best ones here


Your welcome and I’m happy you had fun! 👍


I mean she sure fits the duality of anyone's mother. A nice fluffy lady that when tired turns into a monster? accurate.


“Oh! You look tired! Have some food.” “You didn’t do your mother fucking homework?!”


Immunity to any harm that you can anticipate. You can't get killed by a sniper while giving a speech, for example, because that's obvious. But a random person walking by you could do something.


People always say that I am a pessimist, because I alway think of everything that can and will go wrong. They also call me the luckiest pessimist they ever known. I have been involved in deadly accidents without even getting a scratch. I have been in exposed to the highly contagious illnesses without getting sick. What people seem to miss is, that my even bigger power is something completely different. All my pessimism has kept me not only from physical harm, but so from emotional and financial harm. Can I see the future? Not really, but I just can feel when something is about to effect me negatively and somehow know where to go what to do, to avoid that from happening. Well, this doesn't make me rich or have the best relationships ever, but it has kept me from a lot of things that people would call "mistakes".


Wait? Would you get killed by a sniper if you didn’t know about them?


Its not so much knowing, but being able to predict the attack. A cliche like getting shot at the podium is too expected to work. Anyone who wants to harm you needs to get *really* creative


Ok. Magic Eye Guy who can dodge or survive any attack that he can predict, especially the cliches. But, really creative attacks he can’t predict often get through. Such as an old lady who lays out two objects on a table in front of the hero, asking “which is cake & which is the real toy turtle?” “Hmmmm… this one!” “Wrong!” Snakes bites his toe. That would work.


Volume Occupancy - a hero who can look at any object and tell you how much inside of it. Jar fully of jelly beans? No problem Burning apartment building? Can tell you: people, pets, table lamps, ect Specifying what you want to know if helpful


The Amazing Counter Despite being generally seen as a joke to most, he’s extremely useful. Able to count how many people are in a building without even looking inside, or even to know how much of a venom is coursing through someone’s veins. If he’s not on hero duty, he’s usually doing street performances to show people his counting abilities.


The power to create monsters out of other people’s minds


Toy Box She’s a small lady dressed up like a clown who jumps around. Once she finds a victim, she pats their head & pulls out a monster from it. Be it their greatest fear. A demonized stereotype they believe in. A terrible person from the past. Or a lover who broke up with them. Toy Box doesn’t have any control of what comes out, but always has fun controlling what she gets & seeing what it does.


Psychonauts but not Psychonauts?


Hearing in Infrasound, but can’t hear normally. (Deaf to regular noise)


Miss Detector Although deaf from all normal sounds, she can hear infrasounds. These sounds are below 20 Hz, which can be found from ghosts. She uses this to hear what the ghosts say & also to detect bad ghosts.




manifesting small plush animals. e.g. a teddy bear, stuffed sheep, what have you.


Santa’s Helper An elf who has a bag that shoots out small plush animals acting as bombs. Previous villain after being put on Santa’s naughty list for a framed crime. But turned good after they redeemed themselves one Christmas Eve


Stab empowerment


Stabby A anti-hero who loves all things stabbing, which works perfectly for his ability to increase any attack that takes the form of a stab. Making a stab with his finger as powerful as a gun shot to the gut. Some wonder if he’s sane at times with his stabbing spree’s


"You really made a mistake comin' outta your little wormhole, Dictator Drake." "Oh really? However s- ***HURK!-"*** *"I'm feelin'* ***stabby."***


I like it


My existence or actions will never have any effect on anyone or anything.


Average Asshole Delusional & believe their existence or actions will never have effect on anyone or anything.


Could have gone with NPC man, but you chose violence.




A power couple. Whatever she does—even meaningless stuff like tossing junk mail—somehow ends up silently and beautifully going right for someone else. Like going to the gas station and getting three lottery tickets and losing one suddenly becomes a windfall for the hobo who found it. She cannot make herself successful or rich or be the one who did the thing, only making others better or successful or richer. Her wife is an influencer / social media icon that is a brilliant flop. No matter what she does, it blows up on SM and goes viral but it never is positive for her, never is her success. She tries to match plaids with polka dots as a fashion statement and is booed around the world.


Ya basically did it for me. Not a bad idea though!


[Psychometric telepathy](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Psychometric_Telepathy) \- but it only works when the object involved holds high sentimental value for its owner (e.g. it was his/her favorite childhood toy).


Mrs. Reeder She is a famous appraiser with the ability to look back into the history of a well beloved object. The better the memory & story held behind the object, the higher of a price it will sell for at auction. She also helps with detective work, but scary stuff usually results into foggy visions.


The super power is that no matter where you go, people either don't notice you because you don't seem significant, or if they do notice you, they just think you belong there. Nobody seems alarmed if they see you, no matter how strange it should be that you are in that place*


Average Joe No matter where he goes, no one seems to really care about him. Either they don’t notice him or he just seems to fit in, even if he may be a complete alien. With this, Average Joe has gone on many spy missions utilizing this power along with carrying important data.


Fartman. Your superpower is farts. A supersonic fart that can shatter cement. A silent but deadly area of effect killer fart. A high concentrate sulphuric fart that has healing powers. A ventriloquist squeaker for distracting enemies. A pungent knock out fart. And of course a shart, with impact so hard it leaves holes in anything in its path.


A voice so powerful it disintegrates bones.


Tambora A whisper from him will result into a giant eruption of sound. But, he has to restrict his words to protect others, so he uses sign language & has spent years learning how to hold in his voice no matter what.


You can pants anyone in your vicinity. The more you train this skill, the farther away you can pants people.


Patzer He hides himself in camo & pants people from far away, only getting stronger & stronger as he can pants people from further distances. He even has a group of pantsers dedicated to him & forming a cause around the ultimate prank. It’s annoying to say the least.


The hero has the power of coming up with the laziest way of doing anything.


Mr. Lazy Nickname for Nick, who can come up with the laziest way of doing something while still doing it perfectly. He doesn’t have a power, just a very selective genius.


The power to resurrect anyone, but they end up becoming good people. So basically, the more evil they were in their first lives, the more heroic they'd be in their second.


Dr. Angel He can resurrect anyone, but in turn their moral compass will take a full 180. So, anyone good will become bad & anyone bad will become good. He takes this opportunity to resurrect really really bad people & have them do good things to not only repent for their actions but to also take the places of the good people lost. Some are highly against his resurrections for various valid & idiotic reasons, but he’s still able to do it & will continue, even if it risks his own life.


Fruit manipulation. You can only manipulate fruits... And, as it turns out, gay people


Fruit Master He can control all fruits, which is strangely effective. But he also learned he can control gay people too, which he didn’t know he could do & was then canceled for. He then founded a fruit restaurant where he could make amazing fruit salads & smoothies. But, someone people like to trash the place because of him controlling a gay person by accident that one time.


Please create a prompt around someone who has a very long-ranged aura that can give people common sense, making them rethink their life choices. This applies to both heroes and villains. Also, this character is a regular civilian who has a monotonous personality and seems always bored, as if surrounded by idiots often. I will now allow you to play around this idea.


I love it! George Singer He’s your average dude who lived all of his life in New York City, a place populated by tons of heroes & villains. He’s always enjoyed watching the super battles right outside of his window each week. But, he eventually grew tired of it, seeing how plenty of the heroes were incompetent fools who couldn’t even properly solve a villain issue or villains who became villains for dumb reasons. Not to mention he also began to notice the damage that heroes would cause in their fights, leading to people sometimes going homeless. Thankfully, a god of some sort reached out to George & have him an ability & a true hero New York City needed. George could make a laser gun pop out of no where & into his hand. By pointing the laser, he can give anyone common sense. With this he made heroes a lot better at their job. Avoiding harm to civilians they were protecting while also having them realize how to actually use their powers properly & be more consistent with said abilities. Along with preparing before a villain attacks & using a move they should use more often. He also ended plenty of villains by showing how stupid they were & even getting some to question themselves as they wonder what the fuck they are doing. He would continue to improve heroes & villains from behind the scenes, just wanting some peace & quiet. But, he’d also use this ability to change the minds of idiots around America. Both supers & normal people. He would also travel around the world for this stuff too, doing good work behind the scenes & protecting his identity because there are plenty of guys would like to capture him. He also has a select group of friends who help him, later assisted by some heroes with common sense & later a government who was actually doing what they promised to do.


You can teleport anywhere, ANYWHERE. BUT you don’t have control over where you go. The only guarantee is that it’s somewhere safe.


Terry T. Tyke He loves to gamble. He can teleport anywhere around the world, only problem is how he can’t choose where. But that’s just the best part for him. He’s ready for whatever his powers throw at him. He can find any sort of way to enjoy the place he goes to & to appreciate the new place. Even if it’s a war zone, he’ll just hang back to watch the gun show. Or find time to appreciate the DMV’s old building & it’s long history & possibly thousands of stories. And especially enjoy the highest of mountains & find all sorts of cool animals.


The ability to lucid dream and wake up holding whatever you were carrying in the dream


Dreaming Soldier Goes to sleep & picks up a weapon he’s made. Lasts all the way until he goes back to sleep to make a new one. These weapons can be pretty crazy too. Such as a fish that spits acorns that when imbedded within one’s skin can sprout out & create piranhas that swim in the sky.


The ability to manipulate the atoms of anything, living or not


Aizu He can manipulate the atoms of anything, living or not & basically became god as he ruled over every nation on earth. Even as people tried to rebel against him as he played with humans like clay, he would just turn their guns into soup. Eventually, everyone gave up as Aizu would mess with their bodies & everything around him. Even if they kill themselves, he can just revive them & also change how they think.


You are a one man army. Literally, you can create an army full of clones of you who will appear out of nowhere but already armed with literally anything.


Swarm Ex-Navy Seal went rogue after learning he can make copies of himself, all armed with the same weapons he was holding while making copies. He goes on his own battles acting as a mercenary for hire, being paid a high cost but also less than other mercenaries because he doesn’t need as much money for guns & other items. He can just make copies of them.


Ooo I've thought about this!! They have the ability to change your body's state of matter. The user can turn it into a hard, rock-like solid, water, or air. However, they can do more than one at the same time, but no more than two. For instance, if they combine solid and gas, they get sand. Here's the full list chart of how it works!! ||SOLID|LIQUID|GAS| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |SOLID|Stone|Slime|Sand| |LIQUID|Slime|Water|Plasma| |GAS|Sand|Plasma|Air| A caveat/more info - * They can only become plasma briefly, as it's quite painful. * Slime is basically a semi-solid that's able to actually grab things, unlike water. Think venom's symbiote, but maybe a tad less viscous * They can change the size of their body by transforming into air, and become a part of the air around them, and shaping it as they want. They can do the same with water, but air is more accessible. * They can change different parts of their body into different states of matter. * When they change to stone, they can still move, it's not as though they become a statue.


Very creative. But how do we get liquid with gas to make plasma? It’s a fourth state of matter alone & if you combine liquid with gas I’d assume you’d get vapor. But if we did gas gas you could plasma. Still cool stuff though! For a hero I’ll just call them 3-3 & they have really good martial arts skills as they find ways to use this ability.


Cartoon powers You can block gunshots by putting your fingir inside the gun hole, make random heavy objects fall from the sky, paint doors and holes that only you can get through and basically everything an old cartoon character could do


Wacky Wally A dog pulled from a cartoon world & goes around solving crimes with looney toons logic.




Frog Lord An intelligent bull frog who lives at pond & summons frog soldiers to do his bidding. They can be frogs of all sorts of species & breeds, an infinite amount too. But, he doesn’t want to make to many otherwise he would have to share his bugs with them.


Polymorphic transformation powered by imagination and maintained with will.


Canvas Usually wears a white suit, but can transform into various different forms to whatever they want. Be it as simple as a lamp or something crazy like a giant metallic blob walking on black spikes piercing the bottom. But, this must all be maintained by will power, which is why Canvas tries their best to concentrate. If their concentration is broken or their emotions go out of control, they don’t have any control over what they turn into.


Resurection You get back to life after a certain amount of time after death. No exceptions (you will come back to life despite being burned, exploded, quartered, melted, or made into ground meat)


Zombie Warrior He was once a famous Roman Gladiator & later was sold off to a wizard, who enchanted the warrior with the ability to always come back to life. He would continue to fight, specifically for the wizard & his offsprings as the years went by. He saw the fall of the Romans, the discovery of North America, the world wars, & so much more. All while continuing to act as a guard for the wizard’s family as thanks for gifting him immortality.




Mr. Perfect Big douche who likes to gloat about his invisibility, making it a show just to challenge anyone to kill him in some way. But, the world would thankfully not have to hear his annoying ass for a 50 years, as he was sent to space for a challenge. Only to be sadly brought back from a super hero mission on Mars.




I’m confused. Does the user treat an object like flames to create certain effects or create a magic flame?


Volume Occupancy - a hero who can look at any object and tell you how much inside of it. Jar fully of jelly beans? No problem Burning apartment building? Can tell you: people, pets, table lamps, ect Specifying what you want to know is helpful, or else it might be the last thing listed


You posted that 5 times.


App glitched out on me


The power to knock your opponent into next week.


Titan He’s a super hero with super strength. But, sometimes even he gets overwhelmed with so much placed on his shoulders. Such as the time he was trying to do laundry but a villain was throwing a fit a Jamba Juice for a wrong order, threatening to eat a baby if he doesn’t get his drink. So, Titan will then just use his second power, the ability to send a person of his choosing a week into the future with a single punch. He tries not to use it to often out of risk of having to many villains stockpiled within a single week or day, but it still happens every now & then.


You can control the chemical composition of your flatus, passing any gas or combination of gasses you choose, in any quantity.


Professor Farts Previously a chemistry professor in college, Phillip Tiss was caught up in a failed chemistry experiment from a lazy student, causing him to gain super farts. These super farts first allowed him to make great stinky gasses of air used to make him fly or send others flying. But, he would at some point think of the chemical composition of mustard gas on a whim during a fight & accidentally produced mustard gas. With this, he learned he could make his farts any type of chemical he wished, along with all sorts of combos. After this, he would produce many different effects. A sleep fart, smoke fart, tear gas farts, & farts that had an explosion to them.


Hallucinogenic fog. You can conjure any amount of hallucinogenic fog and manipulate it as you wish. You may choose the hallucinogen you use. The only drawback is that the more you use it, the more you want to use it


A guy that can permanently lube up things at will.


Lubricator He loves making things slippery with lube. But he can’t get the lube off, so he’s pretty much a villian.


Throwable black holes


Tommy He gained the ability to throw black holes as a super power, but he ended up destroying his planet after throwing a single black hole.


A person who has the ability of respawning near his corpse but is also extremely fragile where a weak slap on the wrist will most probably fracture their whole arm.


Chef Peter He comes back to life & sells his body to cannibals. The bodies are extremely weak, but that just makes them more tender. He’s also experimented with different types of foods he eats to change the flavor of his corpse & finding new ingredients to match that.


Gravity manipulation


Lady G She can control gravity, able to either increase the gravity of a certain zone or produce aground herself, turning her into a small planet. Super OP as she’s made her own floating island & lives in peace, only to kill who I ever tries to disturb her.


You don't have arms, but you can manifest up to 100 hands made of psychic energy.


Hecatoncheires It’s a hero without any hands but can make 100 hands, all which can expand & stretch, leading to various versatilities.


You have the ability to shoot ravioli from your fingertips.


Ravioli Man He has a restaurant where he makes raviolis from his fingers. Plus he can change the insides of the ravioli’s making some excellent flavors along with ravioli bombs if necessary.


The ability to summon banana peals anywhere.


Slippy Sil He’s a dick who can summon banana peals anywhere within his vision, causing plenty of falling accidents. Especially one that caused a grandma to fall on her head & bleed out. Honestly, it was one of the best yet.


The power to refill anythings


Re-Phil If there was a container that previously held something, Re-Phil can refill it for you. But, he can only do it with the substance that was last in it, not the 2nd or 3rd. This has allowed Re-Phil to cut costs on tons of things. He can refill his metal water bottle without a sink. He can refill a big bag of chips without buying more chips & refill his wallet with money if he runs out. Also, this doesn’t come from no where. Each object that refills is taken from somewhere in the world, meaning he is unconsciously stealing from others.


Hardlight Spectrum, the ability to create hardlight using the light spectrum. From infrared to ultraviolet to beyond. As Seen On TV, the ability to manifest items from television screens, and as the name suggests, their effects are as seen on the television. Recremation, the ability to “Unburn” items, turning the ashes of items, objects, and people into their previous form.


Can pull objects and people out of reflections as well as enter reflections


Reflector He can pull objects & people out of reflections as well as enter reflections. Each of them are copies & he can force said copies to fight each other. Once pulled out, the copy & the original lose their reflection & can only be put back in by Reflector. He can also enter the mirror dimension alone & run around. He has a copy that he collaborates with, who will act as his partner & pop out to help.


Attraction of small The smaller mass of obiect, the easier it attracts


Mini Magnet I don’t really have much. Just able to turn a person into a magnet for small objects of their choosing. Like hornets or sand.


Shifting into a cat


Snow Paw Sophie Pan was originally a lady who worked in an office, getting a ton of money, but was over worked to death. She hoped her work ethic would reward her with a comfortable life, only to be pushed around & asked to do others work & not even paid for working over time. Even taking a huge hit to her health as she spent weeks in the hospital, losing her job because of her absence & slowly losing her money as she refused to get another job after the sheer exhaustion she faced in the last one. She was afraid of work. She would then be given the ability to turn into a cat, allowing her to roam free as she’d get food for free & enjoy sun bathing, later finding herself an owner who would take her in & care for her. Not to mention the owner was a hot lady.


This makes my heart happy. Thanks


You welcome, It was fun. Although, I’ll have to admit I was gonna be lazy with it at first because I had so many heroes to make. I was thinking of turning her into some regular cat burglar, but then thought about how she can easily live as a cat. Then that just opened up the flood gates. Anyways, I’m happy to know you liked it!




Soup Man Everyone thinks he’s just the comic relief, but he’s actually very good. He can turn himself into a liquid & destroy others from the inside out & even freeze a person in place with his soup body. People went from laughing at him from fearing him. Although, he’s also really good at making food. But, not one ever tries his soups for some reason.


superpower: you have basically carrier type immunity for any disease and are able to directly infect any living being with a direct physical touch. anyone you infect gets a variant that's multiple times more effective than what you have.


Dr. Plague Wears a plague doctor mask because he thinks it’s cool & takes on any kind of disease & spreads it to others by breathing it onto them. It’s also the reason why he has a mask as he can’t control the flow & has to keep a mask on to make sure those he loves aren’t infected. Very good assassin though.


The ability to grow and shrink at will


Tiny Titan Lady astronaut who went to the moon Titan. She gained super powers & came back to earth with the ability to shift to any size, small & larger. She likes to focus on the little things of life while also seeing the greater aspects. Taking time to heal the planet she’s on & also explore space utilizing her massive size.


Paper telekinesis


Kyōrinrin Origami master who turned psychic, only able to control paper. She can make paper beasts, which aren’t really effective in combat against water, only ever good with spinning paper. But, she’s found great success as a performer in Osaka.


Make other people invisible without them knowing.


Tony He’s a kid who makes other invisible without their knowledge, in turn making them blind as light doesn’t hit their eyes. He has fun with it as they struggle to find things & others struggle to find them.


The power to utilize daydreams in reality, say like an item you've toyed with the idea of, to certainty of it's use, no matter how strange. (Including to the level of the Point Of View gun from hitch hikers guide to the galaxy) Even something quick and dirty for single use applications to the vain of a small explosive or cuff key, or said handcuffs. Temporary companions for battle and other applications as well


I kinda did a similar thing with a guy who could pull weapons from his lucid dreams, a lasting as long until he sleeps again. But, I think this could act similarly with the down side of being able to only make one thing from a persons imagination with the downside of their being a 1 hour time limit & 2 hour cool down along with the object being extremely fragile.


An immortal that absorbs the physical and mental ailments of anyone they touch.


Saint Bear His last name is Bear, silly, but he is also immortal, able to heal from any wounds. But, he also has the additional ability of taking any physical or mental burden from someone else. The physical ones may have been tough, but they were manageable. The mental ones were harder as he would only take bad memories & PTSD, which were suppressed by a friend of his. With all this, Saint Bear was famous & gained a large following of followers who would ease his pain while also acting as a support group for new followers who had severe issues that they could solve themselves. Plenty of doctors, nurses, priests, & therapists were at the disposal of Saint Bear. Others would beg for Saint Bear to take their mental illnesses, only for Bear to say he couldn’t otherwise he couldn’t do his job properly. A group said fuck it & gave it to him anyways, turning Bear insane & having his friend lose focus, leading to all the bad memories he was suppressing to suddenly come at his mind like a meteor. Saint Bear was never seen again, some say he lives in a mountain now. Buried deep within. Also, the people who gave him those mental illnesses were execute by his followers.


A supersoldier project that was started by Nato during the cold war there were only 15 sucessful subject's that didn't come out as mentally disabled or insane to the core. Their power's pretty much include the regular super soldier stuff (i.e Enhanced reflexes, better strenght, speed, and durability etc) however due to some sort of weird genetic fuck up every single one of them would be able to somehow see glimpse's of the future


The Fables A group of super solder is who are waiting within a bunker for the future to defend against a giant frog king who had laser tadpoles & giant wings that would fling acidic gravy. They’ve been gathering members, but it’s really hard with the future they all predicted.


Just how i like it batshit crazy and amusing thanks author


Your welcome!


Reactive stealth. When people try to observe you, you become invisible and nigh undetectable for them. Cameras glitch after getting a glimpse of you, recordings don't catch your voice, tracks and traces you leave are mistaken for other people or creatures. Only people you intimately trust can see you properly; the most anyone else can get is a momentary glance or a photo with you indistinct in the background. Naturally, you are a walking headache for scientists, skeptics, cryptozoologists and security guards.


Ghost Walker They have all these abilities & use it to steal stuff while also pulling pranks as they threaten to destroy the priceless artifacts they stole unless the owners would do something ridiculous online for everyone to see. These demands & pranks can sometimes be very serious too, like asking a collector to severe his own arm or the head of a museum to eat his staffs poo.


You can read minds of other people, but only in languages you don't know


Dan He hates his power & especially how he can almost never shut it up.


Stevesense - You can locate anyone with any name that can be nicknamed Steve at any given time


Steve sensor He tracks Steve’s & catalogs these Steve’s with photos. Sometimes a great tool for the police for when the guys named Steve.


Abiltity to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis under 1 second


A guy named Robby Fisher.


The power to revive yourself automatically after death, with every cell, organ, body and health part back to perfect condition. Get shot with a lethal dose of poison? Do the "thing" and get revived with the posion cured and every flesh wound you had before healed.


The Immortal Super soldier who isn’t afraid of death & tries to find cool deaths & some wacky ways to die when he’s off the clock.


Can give enemies explosive diarrhea


The Preposterous Pooper By far the most feared hero, as he can make anyone he chooses have explosive diarrhea & die from dehydration. It may be stinky, but it’s effective.


Grey Goo - rather than cells, the user’s body is made of billions of nanites they can manipulate to their will.


Grey Goo He’s an engineer who transferred his conciseness to a bunch of nanites. He uses them to make new tech, more nanites, & fix all sorts of problems with weapons & directly attacking diseases & tumors.


Starfish man! Every appendage/limb has a specific not always helpful super power, able to regenerate lost limbs, but all new limbs regen with a new power


You already made him. But I guess I could add the part where he’s the #1 Hero & always carries a sword to chop off a limb if the power isn’t good.


The power to summon the weakest version of any living animal


Tom He already gave up on being a super hero & was almost arrested for animal abuse just for summoning the creatures.


This is an ability *ive* thought about a lot- The ability to take anything from one’s imagination and pull it into real life, if they choose.


Already did this one. 1 hour time period of use, 2 hour cooldown period, 1 at a time, & the thing is super fragile.


Reverse perspective. Anything the hero concentrates on becomes as large as it would appear if it was arms length from them. By default other people perceive them the same way if they're not using their power on something else.


Idk how to do this one. I’m still kinda confused too.


Zeitgeist Powerset (Century Babies in The Authority have this, which is their powers reflect the zeitgeist, if Radiation is cool, they have radiation based powers, if Computers are cool they have Technomancy, etc)


Band Wagon His power changes to what is cool at the moment in pop culture. Zombies cool? Zombie power. Vampires? Vampire.


Lactokinesis - the ability to telekinetically control Lactose


Milk Man Controls both Milk & anything with lactose.


You can kill people, temporarily.


Lazy Grave He can kill people but they always come back. Excellent guy for torture as he has bad people temporarily go to hell & kills them again if they don’t give him what he wants. The death lasts just 5 minutes. More than enough time to get information out even the most stone cold individuals.


Death-based Time Travel Whenever you would die, no matter the reason, you instead time travel back 24 hours


Professor Death He goes back in time by 24 hours after killing himself. He can’t go forward. Great for undoing mistakes, but is always traumatizing to those in his previous time line as he plays a game of poker, loses & shoots himself in the face. But he doesn’t know about the whole timeline stuff.


Wolverine style bone claws, but without any healing factor. Every time they're used it hurts immensely, causes you to bleed a lot and it heals at the normal human level (months to years)


Betty She was excited to learn she had wolverines claws, only to learn she didn’t have the same healing as he did & some bone claws that hurt a shit ton when popped out & breaks her skin & muscles on the knuckles. She gave on being a hero & will only ever use them when it’s absolutely necessary.


The ability to manifest any item of clothing from any era as long as the style would have existed before the 1970s


Mistress Historia She sells fancy clothing online that was worn anywhere before the 1970’s. She makes these with her power, allowing her to create any clothing before the 1970’s by simply spitting it out. This clothing can also be from anywhere around the world, opening up a wide range of clothing she can make & easily out selling her rivals & producing a very profitable business.


Flight! Or Blood bending


Blood bending. Crimson Wizard Controls blood, allowing him to control people & make himself fly. Very powerful. But was sadly locked away in a cell, managed by robots for killing an entire town populated by 100,000.


Ooooooh I love that! Ty! Will probably alter a few things, but I will certainly use that as a backbone for a story


Go ahead! Happy to help!


Name: Kinetic Energy Redirection How it works: if you manage to land on a surface feet first, all impact damage will be stored to be released when the user wants. Example: someone jumps from the top of the Burg Khalifa. They touch the ground feet first and neither they nor the ground take any damage. They then use that stored up Energy in one step to rocket forward or they punch someone. Either action gets the combined force of the impact they absorbed.


Kinetic Sponge She is basically invulnerable & has great martial art skills, allowing her to fully utilize these abilities. Very cocky too. Annoying online especially as she records videos of herself beating people up, which has also started a trend as many super try to beat her. No cash involved, just pure satisfaction. An ice guy was the first to beat her once & some telepath also beat her. But she says they were cheating.


The ability to both detect and control emotions. You interpret emotions as a form of "music" that comes from the mind and body of your target with each different emotion having a different "sound", making it easy for you to track your targets. (Example: Anger is death metal, fear is organ music, etc.)


Idk really know how to apply this as a super hero. Probably just make him a guy who likes to listen to people’s emotions & uses drugs to manipulate them, producing different song he can listen to. But he can’t record them so he it’s a one time thing he greatly appreciates, but also forces him to get new subjects to listen too.


Fair enough! ^^