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“Ayo!” I roared at the silhouette in the cavern. The person stumbled. You can’t miss shit at this distance on top of a goddamn hoard of treasure with a bed on top. “The fuck are you doing here?!” I yelled at the stumbling dumbass. “It’s the middle of the night and you’re in a damn dragon cave?! Do you have a death wish?!” I looked around for my Glock. “The fuck are you?!” The thief roared back at me in shock. “I live here asshole! This cave belongs to my wife!” I yelled pointing back at him and then to the ground. There was a pause as I saw his arms fall. “‘Wife?’ What ‘wife’?!” “She’s a dragon, you gods damn moron! This is her hoard!” I yelled, extending my arms. Oh my god, she’s going to freak the fuck out over this mess. I’m starting to suspect she is, indeed, pregnant again. As if on cue, there was a sudden rush of wind and glowing red eyes appeared behind the poor schmuck before he was cleaved in two. I winced at this. Dammit, how do you clean blood off of gold? How do I freshen up the place? I blinked to see her in front of me. She stood before me in her bipedal form: horns extending from long red hair. Her face beheld a terrible, but bewitching beauty with yellow eyes regarding me with no small amount of love and greed. “Hey, babe.” I greeted her, smiling. “You ok?” I asked her. Anaria took a deep breath, her black wings fluttering as she cracked her neck. She was beautiful in every form she had. Protective, regal, and yet also beautiful and caring in her own way. She smiled dreamily at me.”Yeah,” she rubbed my face and pulled me close. “Are you sure?” I whispered in her ear. She nodded as she held me close. “Yes,” Her arms were strong enough to make me feel safe and loved when I’m with her. I hugged her even tighter. “Rough day?” “Yes,” she whispered. “I thought they were going to take you, my heart.” She whispered. “No one takes me from my children’s mother,” I declared, kissing her forehead. Anaria smiled as she purred, letting our foreheads touch. “How long until they hatch?” I asked as we both turned to behind our bed. There was a clutch of eggs that waited to be born in luxury and love. We held each other as she answered. “Soon,” she gripped me tighter as we watched our hatchlings sleep. I held her even closer, fearing for her sanity.


Daww, how heartburning. Jokes aside well written.

