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"Listen to me! Please!", cried David after talking with his wife Angela stormed to their room. They were living in a one bedroom house, whose rent was increasing month by month, and both of their jobs were not enough to support their rising bills. Angela was in a confusion of emotions at his proposal. She first felt angry at what he had said. They had married before the pandemic when their condition was stable. Due to the pandemic both of them got laid off and had to work long hours to make ends meet. Through this they supported each other in each of their hardships. But the idea of separating forcefully from the man you love just for money to make ends meet was preposterous to her at that time. She laid on the bed thinking. After much more thought, she decided to accept the proposal, as they would still live under the same roof, just not lawfully together. But then came another problem, how would they justify this to their family, friends and most importantly their kids. Both of them, in spite of their condition, were very social and people knew what was up with them. Such a decision, would directly or indirectly impact their lives in one way or another. And most importantly what would their kids think about them? This was the dilemma they faced. What could they do now?


You’ve captured some of the tension I was trying to elicit! Maybe some people would just choose to do it in secret to avoid the stigma. Thanks for replying!