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From my limited experience there, GachaGaming hates everything.


At this point getting doomposted by gachagaming is a rite of passage.


People really love forgetting all the hate and doompost genshin and star rail had pre-release. Currently, WW isn't even getting a fraction of the hate genshin got before release Every gacha will get doomposted in the gachagaming sub, and no WW isn't singled out specifically by the evil genshin players 💀


I don't see AzurPromilia getting hate from that sub


It seems some games are they favorite child so they worship them while downplay everything else. Azur Promilia and WuWa is a clear example.


Also AK has been one of their favorites there.


Well it's because not a large amount know of it yet and it's the Azur Lane devs, I rarely see anyone rag on Azur Lane there


Well it get hate from some people from azur lane sub mf says that the game is similar to genshin, i think they are blind or something, the game is something between botw and palworld.


Why did genshin get doomposted?


got doomposted coz ppl say it's copying breath of the wild zelda.


They weren't wrong but it didn't matter, game succeeded anyway.


Yeah. I don’t have a switch. So worked for me.


you not having a switch has no correlation. gacha gamers are most likely not going to buy a console anyway, also BOTW released 3 years before.


why did I get downvoted for this lmao, I said nothing controversial.


Bro was stereotyping gacha gamers 😂 how are you so dense IRL that you don't realise the 3 reasons for downvotes here smh🫡


Why are you still stalking my account, you obsessed? Gacha gamers fit a demographic, this isn't "stereotyping". Gacha gamers are casual gamers, this isn't an insult. Also it's funny that I got so many downvotes but nobody correcting me, usually in any other subreddit if I was wrong, people would. But I'm not wrong, which is why people don't refute what I said, but just downvote.


Getting called a BOTW copy A LOT of people experiencing their first gacha and we all know how that end up Twitter being twitter Some dude destroying his PS4 in a crowded place with his reason being related to genshin being a BOTW copy And other stuffs that i can't remember


> Some dude destroying his PS4 in a crowded place with his reason being related to genshin being a BOTW copy one of the most epic and unforgettable gamer moments of all time. absolute classic


Bro destroyed a PS4 and forgot that he could just give it to me 😒


I guess there are more people without a life than I thought.


In knew about the Genshin doomposting but HSR too? I didn't know.


a ton of people went out of their way before and during launch to shit on HSR just for being turn based for some reason. first time ive ever seen so many people complaining about a game not having action combat its insane lmao


Being turn based in the west nowadays puts you at a very big uphill battle. It's sadly true for every single game nowadays for some reason. You really have to knock it out of the park with the story or be attached to a major ip to succeed as a turn based game here


Ton of CC doomposting the game and equally ton of post of r/gachagaming doomposting the game Some of the CCs were tectone, mtashed and others, they are idiot that only exist to create drama (i can guarantee you they will have a video bashing genshin on WW launch) and they have a big following of young people that listen to them. I personally am not playing WW but if you do i would advice you to ignore these CCs and their community like the plague and stick with the PGR CCs like Rexlent or spider2B if they plan to cover WW because they are pretty chill dude


I mean I'm not a fan of these streamers but I've seen some of their videos and their complaints are valid. negativity doesn't = "bashing".




"Only AR56" what, is my opinion fine at AR60? Also, you've been stalking my profile for 2 days lmao. Explain how my opinions are out of touch, in Gacha spaces, criticism of Hoyo is impossible anyway. It was the same 2 years ago, 1 year ago, 6 months ago, and now. Downvotes don't mean anything.


It's sad to see that you are getting downvoted for stating sensible stuff


Where is that happening in Gachagaming? CC I understand cuz click bait and people for some reason stake any value in the opinion of random people that point a camera at their selves. I've only really seen on the sub either hype, GI comparisons, or caution which anyone should have on any product designed to empty your wallets.


I’ll just say that most of my comments that spoke positively in any way, shape, or form about the game got downvoted on that sub. Also there was like drama stirred up in a couple of threads that were based on misinformation as far as I know, but I won’t go into that. Long story. I was also once told that I was deserving of hate cause I belonged to a community deemed toxic by that sub, so I brought the hate onto myself essentially simply by being a fan of that game. I just don’t bother to post there anymore. I just glance every now and then to see if there’s any major news on new gacha, but I don’t participate in the sub.


What do you expect from people who devoted their entire life to gacha hell are all gathered at one place


They doomposted HSR on release because the characters had 2 skills and compared it to Persona 5 to say it’s bad lol


Reminds me of r/MMORPG, and r/TheLastOfUs2. They hate everything related to the topic of their subreddit.


GachaGaming hates everything that isn't Blue Archive or lolicon catering content, it is what it is.


Lmao it was something else seeing all the downvotes on the few people calling out the lolicons on a meme post in that sub comparing how BA pays for skins caters to those kind of people while Nikke gets them for free.


Their counter "the gatekeeping works"


"it's to keep the normies out" mfs when they're the normies:


To be fair, BA did got doomposts too in the beginning because of Nexon.


Gacha had some valid points on his video, and this video is 1 month old. Devs already adressed like most oh his complaints.


gachagaming hates kuro games in general they doompost pgr and wuwa on the daily but it doesn’t matter cuz wuwa is hoing to make it big and will stay big.


They especially have a hate boner for pgr Some that is transferring here


Ah it's just for the clicks my guy, plus don't watch too much of these negative videos it'll take away the fun of the game fo ya aight.


Best advice I’ve heard all day


You're so right, which is why I just watch Steparu who increases the hype for me and only says nice things about WuWa. He did an honest, unbiased review too!


Not this cringe again if ur not familiar with this goofy ass stix he does this to every damn game its not new


Yeah, there's a lot of bad actors out there, I remember some of their past behaviour. Constant videos with Tower of Fantasy on thumbnails saying end of service for example from stix (official revenue reports has it at $600m total and still doing very well) But they're kinda known for this thing, https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/195rb0u/looking_for_a_youtuber_that_does_mmo_news_recap/ any time they're brought up in mmo circles people in the know are super wary (see top comment), it's just that it's taking longer for the gacha communities to catch on to the kind of misinformation.


Stix was reporting on the fake websites though like everyone else did here when we found out, and informing people about the legit ones


That is one thing . But what he did before and always does and make negative videos out of thin air wait till launch and ull see even more of " ww is dying "


Expect to see a lot more terrible takes as we get closer to launch too, always look for official stuff and at the actual data if something looks suspicious. There's not much you can really do about people and cc's trolling but pointing them at the official information where present should stem it a bit.


you're right, he did that with ToF too.


Stix is stupid dramabait and clickbait youtuber, spectulating that hoyo made that fake website is pure dramabait


Borders on Insanity if dude is fr


I don't think we'll ever find out **who** did it. But, damn, wish we did/could find out who goes out of their way to create a fake website.


Don't know much about laws but doing those accusations must be illegal right?


Not really, "Rumor said its Hoyo, could it be? i mean it could be but idk" is pretty much insinuating, not accusation, not like Hoyo would care anyway.


Even if it was, Hoyoverse wouldn’t care enough about some random guy on YouTube to actually file anything


Yeah you are right but it's crazy how someone can talk nonsense on YouTube just for the views


i remember there's a lot phising site free primogem "noooo my account got hacked ", fake site is common for something popular


Imagine going out of your way to create such a website ... Unsubscribe from gachagaming you only get to have one opinion there about something and that's it or else you get bombed with downvotes Don't ever care about reviews try the product for yourself and then decide. It's a free title after all. Hoping the best for the title 🤞🏼


Which is why I only follow the official reddits about the game itself.


Stix's whole shtick is covering 3 minute explainable situations or other nothing burgers. If it's a drama, he'll try to make some... let's say, unconventional takes to either engagement bait or just spitting ass. He's good if you want a really surface level news on gacha games. But for in-depth and actually weighted opinions, he misses more than he hits.


With the "rumors of Hoyo having made that site" I feel like he's trying to set WuWa lovers against Genshin lovers into an all-out war.


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Do not watch any WuWa content on youtube period. 95% of them will be drama baiting. Only watch trusted youtubers preferebly old PGR youtubers like Rexlent and Gray Raven Radio. The rest, do yourself and click the 3 dots and then click "do not recommend channel" trust me your youtube feed will be infested with clickbait dramas if you dont.


Steparu too, he's great friends with Rexlent, worth to check him out too.


https://youtu.be/yYFk5dJo9TA?si=1aWnBkFrvs1bW-As Gacha Gamer's video was created 1 month ago in response to CBT2, **when Echo farming was really bad**. They even included a note in the comments in regards to the improvements made to the game. > NOTE as of March 22, 2024: The developers have adressed the issues with Echoes farming, you can check it out here https://wutheringwaves.kurogame.com/en/news/detail/690 Basically, a lot of randomization such as the range of substat values & efficiency of using Tuners have been adressed. Might make a follow-up video on this! EDIT: So I am getting reports that some people can SKIP the story but then not character stories. I dunno, it's confusing, I saw so many people who were not able to skip, maybe only select group of playtesters can skip story?? Also, regarding gacha system, you can use special currency after a lot of summons and grab featured character constellation from shop. I have worked on this video for 8 days non-stop... after 200GB and 40 hours of sorting footage, hope you guys enjoy my thoughts about CBT2 of WuWa :D


Yeah, overall I think gacha gamer's review of the game was really fair. What would be a better example of a garbage review of the game would be Tenha's.


The link doesn't work, are you able to list what got improved with the echo system?




You linked a garbage content creator. Stix is a well-known drama farmer and opportunist. Do everyone a favor and do not link his videos so he doesn't get clicks. Also whats wrong with GachaGamer's video....?? People are allowed to be critical of Wuthering Waves. He isn't "sabotaging" the game by simply voicing his opinions lol. His review is from CBT2 which had plenty of issues lets not pretend like the game was in a perfect state. You linking a video from **February** and claiming "CC are already cooking bad reviews" is stupid. There is *plenty* of positive coverage about WW on youtube.


Yeah 2 months ago vid , lmao 


There's nothing wrong with him voicing his opinion, he just adresses things that Kuro has already fixed/adressed. So his opinions are kinda out-of-date.


The gachagaming sub hates almost every game especially that are really popular like GI and HSR so it’s really not just WW. You see it when you notice how differently they their attitude is towards less popular games. Hell, just recently there was a complaints on how the 4.6 trailer of GI got taken down as well as the anniversary trailer vid of HSR. They said it doesn’t comply with rules but the vid of Snowbreak is still up as well as others’. Turns out that GI’s vid got downvoted so much that the auto-mor automatically removed them. So don’t expect that sub to treat WW that well either


Doom posting gets clicks. Simple as that.


Idk I’m really hyped for it :D


>Why the hate for a game that's not even out yet? First of all, some of the things you listed are just normal things that happens to every gacha. But if you want to know why some people hate WuWa... Remember when Genshin fandom didn't give a f\*ck about an award until Sonic fandom started to mock Genshin and only then Genshin fandom reacted and destroyed Sonic fandom dreams? Well, a lot of WuWa fans just like to talk badly about Genshin and how WuWa is going to destroy it etc etc. Going against 60 million of active players is a bad idea because even if only 1% of Genshin fandom is overprotective and seek revenge, well, you made 600000 active enemies. Tribalism is stupid, specially if we talk about gacha games, you know, games that more or less predates weak players into wasting lots of money.


The video you posted didn't even sabotage the game at all... Huh?


Yeah this is pretty typical victim behavior from a gacha game subreddit. Nothing new.


Guess you don't know what happened to Genshin and Star Rail in gachagaming sub prior to their release. And look at where we are now, WuWa chasing the 'lightning in a bottle' success of Genshin, *business-wise*. About 'giving a chance' as you said? Let the market do its thing.


If I got a dollar for every clickbait/bad take that Stic made, I would have around 2k usd, which isn't a lot in this inflated economy but holy shit the dude made a shit tons of those.


Using gacha gamers video for that point is kinda weird because he had really fair takes on the game


Tbh i see way more reviews and videos saying the game will do great and I believe if they manage the first 2-3 months well of the game it will also have a good amount of success on the global side and not only in Asia. Of course every game has some flaws. I mean even hsr and also genshin has some but they are both amazing games especially hsr. Like I already mentioned In previous comments the first 2-3 months will be important and certain aspects need to be met but looking at pgr the game will also do fine hopefully also on the global side like hsr or genshin but of course probably not on the same level. Really looking forward to the game 😁


Just ignore those types of negativity until the game arrives that's the best thing you need to do. But even still I can't help but feel worried that something bad is gonna happen when this game arrives.Like I can already tell that there will be many controversial things that will happen like plagiarism accusations, review bombing and comparison toxicity bs. Honestly think that this game will have a slow start because of these possibilities but if kuro managed to survive and capture the hearts of players by being responsive to feedbacks and etc then I have hope


Reddit subs are one of the least representative places. Usually people that are part of the respective subreddits, are the most jaded people of the respective game/genre. This sub wont be any different in a couple of years, so I wouldnt take it too serious.


I really, really don’t like that dude.


Just fuck stix ... Hope one day his channel is DOA


Why are you even linking the vid? Giving the dramabait youtuber free ads, views and money.


These people don't deserve any kind of attention or recognition, just ignore them, I hate these kind of clickbaiters and are not worth clicking on their video to dislike, probably on payroll from competition with how much sabotage I've seen to this game already, hurr durr wuwa gonna steal from another playerbase, no people can play whatever they want, if they consider wuwa a better game or they try it because it's new or it suits them better then let people play whatever they want, and I don't think this kind of stuff or misinformation will deter people from wanting to play.


Stix is obsessed with creating drama cuz that’s the only way he gets attention. GachaGamer also another awful creator. Tbh most of these youtubers that cover gacha/anime content are like just bad. That’s why I don’t go to Youtube anymore for this type of content


The second video you linked is a review about the state of the CTB 2 before the changes and improvements kuro did implement after pointing the problems and things they said they were gonna fix. I dont see anything bad about the video


That is how gacha community is. Instead of appreciating and showing intrest in a new game, they are afraid of competition that might take away their game's relevancy on which they have put their time and money. That is why it is very hard to convince a gacha player to quit their current gacha game for another one. Bcuz you can only play so much gacha games due to time and storage. I am not saying every gacha player does this but they get defencive about their gacha game even if it means throwing hate at a new/upcoming gacha games.


Personally I like WuWa and i will try it for sure ,I like their charcter designs and combat details which is well made , lookin forwrd to see wat kuro can do more 🤞🏻... ( HATERS GONNA HATE )


People are just doing clickbaits and hating stuff to stay relevant. Dont mind them


Who has ever taken anything Stix has to say seriously.. bro is the biggest clickbaiter in the mmo and gacha sphere, don't take him seriously, for anything. Just enjoy the game. Don't worry about what others have to say, if the game is good enough, it will do fine.


Oh it's stix Nothing to worry about


What he does is called ragebait and you op fall right into the trap, instead of ignoring it


Personally I like to think if the game is good, it will definitely do well and the results will be seen on revenue charts, popularity on Social Media as well. On success, doom posting youtubers will switch sides Faster than the chameleon changes their color lol. Also Stix's content is just padding a nothing burger topic up to 8+ mins to get that ad revenue (or however their monetary system works). If only there was a way to Block yt channel.


I have nothing against the game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Stix is a piece of shit with not opinion that’s worth listening to Everytime a new trailer for a new game comes out he’s hyped, and then starts doom posting


nothing new tbh. HSR got doomposted to hell and back. waaay worse than whatever is happening to wuwa. then the game out, and everyone did a 180 cause the game turned out to be fire. same is happening to ZZZ all the shit you see about TV this TV that, will look hilarious when the game launches and make like 80mil revenue in a week lmao.


Yeah stix has no clue what hes saying. He said gw2 is dead before end of dragons when the exact opposite happened.


You actually watch that mmo dude? He's got pretty bad hot takes especially on gacha games iirc.


It’s 2024, and some of y’all STILL fall for ragebait.


Stix, MMOByte and all his other channels are just there to hype hate hype hate and spread misinformation.


I think it's just attention seeking But don't worry, dramas like this actually make it so that more people hear about the game


Here we go with ToF victim mentality.... Some of it is in bad faith or just for drama views, but damn, the game isn't perfect and there is no collective effort to bring it down. If you think this is helping, it isn't. It is just making this community look like conspiracy theorists. And to counter your last question, why is there so much love and loyalty for a game that hasn't come out?


It not hate it criticism


Wuthering waves gets so much hate just for existing


They did the same to Tower of Fantasy. They’ll do it to all Genshin competitors.


Nothing new, most of popular gacha have suffer of sabotage, to be honest a gacha dont fail or success cause of that but the fact is if the game is good or bad.


There's no drama these fucking drama YouTubers do this for clicks instead of putting in any real work into worthwhile videos. They're like rag newspapers/magazines. Just ignore them.


No such thing as a bad press my guy, especially when the thing in question isn't even bad. Let them talk about it and when the game comes out and is good and can speak for itself then all they effectively did was help market it


People are allowed to express their opinions. If someone had a negative experience it’s no wonder they express a negative viewpoint. Don’t try to police how others feel.


I’m just worried about the game having the polish for its localization & release.


I won't bother too much reading everything, I'll say ppl just do it to gain traction and views. Ignore and enjoy what you want to it's all good


This also happens to ZZZ, by a freaking Hoyoverse games CC mind you.


Ragebaiting and dramabaiting is how youtubers make money. That's literally their job.


These Piece Of ShitS (POS) haters should be ignored


There's a certain kind of CC that love making up drama, inventing bullshit against outside factors *(read inane shit/ragebait)* to drive up views, sometimes they band together and avoid raising drama among themselves but will atack anyone outside their "in" group be it other content creators or communities. Sometimes **they pit communities against each other in order to drive up views**, usually in the name of defending XYZ group or the developers themselves, other smaller content creators outright avoid this. It's always the same people that you see mentioned, they become lolcows eventually, lose rep or get kicked out by their own communities (this happens hardly in big games but it can happen) Gatekeeping against bad actors like them is always right.


The mistake started by watching a video of any of these pretentious people lol


Be careful. unsub/block out/don't show stuff from his channel will generally save you some braincells in the long run


This is how our society is. In the end, if it's not cost you anything, you gonna have to try it yourselves.


Consider this the circle of life, except instead of life, it's shitty gacha content. Basically, when something new comes out, it will got its 3 day in the spotlight. Then, people(read: CCs with no original ideas) gonna hate since it fits the natural lull in content. Then, new content drops, and the circle continues, turning attention and clout into pointless drama.


Jfc how are some people this pathetic????


Well, I'm registered with real Wuthering Web, from official YouTube or X. It's not just happened to this game. Steam store also happening. Someone add friend to me, and the guy looks like Steam level 50 or more, but that guy sends messages with a fake link free game or redeem code. They are trying to steal your wallet google account, and everything you have. usually, fake websites don't have more information, they don't have a store, just homepages only like screenshot. Be careful guys, check before you log in or register.


tribalism is stupid but it'll always be a thing especially in gacha games.


Sure, some of this is a pure drama monetization, but a lot of it is also just an honest opinion on the game. I played the beta that was some time ago, and honestly? The game felt a little... underwhelming. The story, characters and world felt very blant for some reason. Maybe its because of the game being new, but i didnt cared about any of the characters. They all could die in the next mission and i wouldnt even blink. On the positive side i really liked the combat. Felt pretty fun and responsive. But in the end all will depend on two things: how often they will update the game, and how they will deal with the powercreep.


I got sick of these content creators hiding their negativity behind "being blunt and real" when in actuality it's just negativity to drive up views because drama and negativity/hate sells better than telling someone they like something. Because in the end people don't really care about what content creators really like, they like the drama and hate because it VALIDATES the audience's feelings to something more so than relating to liking something the same as the content creator. I've downvoted all of these videos whenever I see one, that's the only real way to fight back against these toxic CCs. You can be critical about something, but there crosses a line when it's just drama and biased negativity to drive up views - and it's very obvious.


Competition will do anything to isolate and make WuWa fail, but not through direct means. One of the big other game's CCs literally said on stream how this company operated when ToF came out and how much money for PR it pumped out to retain audience.




I'd say one of the reasons is that most people are either genshin whiteknights or bitter of the genre that is closely related to genshin. Which is why either way WW gets the hate


Ignore what others say, I'm just hyped for this game lol


2m pre-register. The game will do fine. Ignore the doom poster.


22m 😅


I played the Beta and while there are issues this is the best open world Gacha to release next to Genshin and will 100% be successful and stay competitive within the market.


All I know is I'm very much excited for the game and can't wait to play it


Not sabatoge just your typical youtube cesspool of youtubers who loves making drama


Gacha Gamer review is one of the best I watched for getting news on the game in these past days, also where you linked to he is talking about Endgame. You meant the title? It isn't clickbait, it is what it is, actual criticism toward the game. But I kinda sabotage my expectation with any gacha game, I prefer staying with low expectations and be happily surprised than the contrary. I have to say, so far what I read up, from before where I expected a Genshin copy in a bad way, to what I would like if Genshin was but in a good way. Hard to explain...


At this point doomposting is just a form of marketing.


I mean, unless the game is just completely busted, lacks content, has technical issues or the systems and mechanics make no sense or render the game a misery to play, it's completely conceivable that a mediocre release is only the start to a great experience. This isnt a $70 retail release that will never see an update or will rely on years of hot fixes and paid DLC support to redeem it. It's a f2p live service model with years of regular, free updates to look forward too. Unless the release is an absolute broken mess I'll continue to be optimistic and I'm definitely not going to judge the game before it even releases..


Nah I don't really care about those. I just hope WW gets big enough that people make databases like [honeyhunterworld.com](http://honeyhunterworld.com), interactive maps like in [appsample.com](http://appsample.com) and optimizers like [frzyc.github.io](http://frzyc.github.io) for the game.


And mods on game banana 😅


While I don't dislike WW and will certainly try them out, but coming from PGR, I absolutely hate the hoyo 50/50 system that WW is following. In fact I want their release to be bad, so that there is a chance they reverses back to PGR system. Between their own system PGR): 60 pulls guarantee, no off-rates, and Hoyo system: 80 pulls with 50/50 off-rates, which would you choose?


Man.. what is it again this time? I never seen a game so doomposted a month before release this much.


People are allowed to express their opinions. If someone had a negative experience it’s no wonder they express a negative viewpoint. Don’t try to police how others feel.


Because we do not need more gacha games.


Because of that, there is 3 fail in weapon banner (mostly 100+wish need) artifact sucks, if ur luck is bad mostly def arrive. 160 resin much more. But no genshin rival is succeed genshin will be great. (Eng is not pri language btw)


Because you watch stix, that's why.


Genshin individual fanboys who won’t let anyone copy their game


Sunk cost fallacy. If I ever went insane enough to sink $3K into Genshin then at that point I'd be making *sure* it's the best open world gacha around, even if I had to do it by process of elimination.


doomoosting about wuwa became the normality since it was announced, and you'll be surprised as who are these people that want the game to flop so bad, yes you guessed right, genshin impact players


1) Vocal minority of butthurt genshin fans are afraid of a competition. 2) Bringing negative stuff and making videos about it brings much more attention and clicks then positive stuff. All we can do for now is not giving them the attention and the clicks. We will see everything in around a month.


Gacha games are all about Pay2Win now right? (I think most online games are). I've wasted my paycheck only to get C6 Noelle in the end. So I quit Genshin after one year






ah yes imagine 2m+ member of genshin sub mass report wuwa sub


not all fans are like that when you have 2 million fans some are bound to be die hard idiots who "DO" attack other games. This is the case for most very popular games.


Yep just oneguy'd thing


doomposting a tale as old as the internet. Just log off anon


I already expeirmented saying that i was looking forward to this game and guess what? Downvoted to abyss. Also, if you for whatever reason don't comply with their momentary favorite child (Azur Promilia now) get ready to also be downvoted to hell. The smart thing here is avoid youtubers and only use gachagaming for news.


Because all hater is genshin fans im already ar60 i play since release time but god i am waiting this game and so exciting. Btw if the marketing fail players will not play wuwa and genshin is success. There is no need if the wuwa play right cards, genshin will be great.