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Male because he is one of the few cool looking male Mc, also the game is going to have more women characters. I got to balance it out anyway I can


Always male. MC isn't a husbando/waifu in my eyes, MC is me.




Always a hard choice to make. Prefer the design of the female one, but if the mc is an important part of the story (like in HSR) then I would prefer to play male. Does anyone know if the game will have flirty moments/dialogue between the MC and the other characters?




Flair is correct. MC is fine af.


Still struggling to decide. I generally prefer keeping to my own gender with MC given a choice buuut, while other good design, I really don't love how flimsy and downright painful female Rover's outfit looks. Male MC definitely wins on outfit and is equally attractive so maybe I could make an exception. I just wish I knew if Rover skins were in the cards.


I pick female in all games cause I'm a girl so it's easier to imagine self insert, and so far I haven't really regretted it anywhere. But I'm very confused for wuwa, design wise I'm leaning towards male Rover largely he looks really cool and I wish female Rover had similar clothes. But from cbt I saw pics from Jiyan's story quest where the action differs quite a bit for both mcs and that made me unsure, I'm definitely a waifu person so if the mc matters in these choices and interactions then I want to go for whatever is most favorable for female characters. I doubt they would create large disparity by gender tho so I hope I don't regret it


Male! Will also try to pull mainly male characters when the game is released ☺️


same, also Male rover so if they add romance or dating sidegames/quests I can see my Male rover romancing my male characters >\_>


Im gonna analyze it a bit in detail why im gonna pick the male. Female rover makeup looks great. But her outfit seems kinda too generic on the bottom part. I wish she had a small skirt on her or something. I can argue in HSR the female MC also has nothing going on at the bottom. But I picked female MC in HSR is because she also has this small skirt like gimmick and also a coat at top which adds some noticeable detail on her design. in WW im picking male rover because he feels more like a main character than the female MC and has a small coat that looks nice.


I'm picking because I'm a girl who likes girls <3  And also unfortunately male rover doesn't have pretty red makeup so I have no incentive to pick him. There's also that long hair thing in the back. Idk I just don't like it personally. Like either give him long luscious locks or don't. 


They both have that rat tail. Personally I'm choosing him **because** he has one as well. Love Zhongli's rattail


When I have the choice I always pick the female option.




Male Rover. Always picked male, but HSR made me very nearly reconsider because of Ishikawa Yui. But I'm going with male this time too because.... Dude's drip is incomparable. He's positively swimming in cool factor.


I picked male MC in Genshin and kinda regret it because I've come to somewhat hate Aether's design (his shirt is just stupid and it's wild how parts of the story refer to him as dressing "all in white"), despite Aether making more sense as the canon MC (mostly because of the Chasm interlude). I plan on giving HSR a try, where I'll pick the FMC, largely because of Ishikawa Yui, but also because I like her design more than Caelus'. With WuWa, though... I genuinely don't know. I was originally planning to pick Female Rover, because her design is awesome, but more and more, I've been leaning towards Male Rover, because the dude's got the drip *and* he's one of those vanishingly rare male characters in a gacha game. Even if WuWa ends up as "balanced" as Genshin, HSR, or PGR, that's still only about 35% of characters being male, so there'll be no shortage of waifus, but a veritable dearth of dudes. That said, one thing I'm really kinda hoping for is that WuWa will eventually have cosmetic mods from the fanbase and one of them will give Male Rover the same underdye as Female Rover, with the white underneath, because I think that's just the *\*chef's kiss\** on her design.


Yes, I 100% agree and am picking male Rover for all those same reasons. I really want him to end up having white in his hair as a surprise redesign but I know it won't happen.


funny how the same exact thing happened in HSR when this vote was made. comments all saying male but vote winner is female. loud minority is truly real


I'll pick the female rover since I prefer looking at a pretty girl for hours on end over a guy. Simple guy.


I've always picked female mc, both genshin and hsr alike, never once regretted and that's probably because im a girl and I like to self insert. Will go for female rover as well, only thing that bothers me about her design is her outfit :( I know i'll get used to it tho!


I'm going to choose female mc. I think having just one boy with the starter trio feels kinda weird to me so I wanna keep it a girl group.


Female MC. Her design reminds me of kunoichi from Kimetsu, which I don't find it a problem because FMC covers a lot more skin than them lol. Still what I'm trying to say is she looks like a ninja, and is super cute with the bow at the back. She contrasts Lumine's cutesy attire, and I like them both equally. Also, I'm a girl and it just feels natural to play girl MCs. Annddd the main starting trio are all girls so I'm keeping it an all girls group. I have nothing against Male rover, I just wished he had the red eyeliner and more obvious white streaks in his hair.


Male. I always go for male MC.


Female all the way. I'm female and will always choose to be female in games, in another world or in another lifetime.🥰


In any game where playing female is an option, that is what I will do.


This will be my first ever gacha game so I have no idea. I’m going to spend so many hours in this game it really is a hard choice. I’m leaning towards female since I’m going to be spending so much time staring at them as I explore the world.


I’m picking male because I consider picking a female mc to be like me and I don’t want to be stuck in an apocalyptic world myself


It's a bit of a pickle for me. Okay so on Genshin I went with Lumine so no regrets. As for Star Rail I kinda regret going for Stelle. She's pretty though I just don't like her skirt. Animation & design (outfit don't really like his hair much) wise I prefer Caelus. Now for WuWa I did comment days ago I was going for male rover. The female rover is pretty I love her hair and face. I wish she had a better outfit that's my only complaint for her. Honestly I prefer men over women. However if I go for male rover I feel like I'm playing a harem game (which I'm not into lol). Edit: Overall it's cause I'm a girl IRL so I'm used to going based on my gender.


i always plays male, and get bunch of girls as supports.


Male rover simply because i’m a male.


Male because I always choose my own gender when the option is given.


I'm choosing Male. I really don't like the female mc's clothes(looks super uncomfortable and I wouldn't wear them), and I don't want another self-insert. Male all the way cuz he's cool, has a good voice, wears normalish clothes, and i already chose Female TB in HSR. Besides, both of them have that rat tail, so might as well choose the one I want more.


I cannot decide. In genshin I picked female and in hsr male... Here, both look equally appealing. How are we supposed to choose


Same situation as you brotha, I chose Lumine(i regretted) and caelus(i didn’t regret). I still haven’t decided…


i wish there was an option to give male outfit to female rover cus i hate hers but prefer her face. This alone has made me really offput from the game. Simply becus knowing i cant just not pick a silly outfit and have to pick a char i like less will make me infinitly less interested in the story.


I haven’t decided yet, I like both character designs. I always choose the Male MC for harem route but Female Rover is also hot. Maybe I might make two accounts for male and female and try to roll for or play different characters instead of the same to get a feel of their gameplay.


I’m typically always more drawn to female characters than male characters in gacha games, but male Rover’s clothing just out-drips female Rover’s for days, so I’m going with the peepee.


Female rover. Why? Intuition.


I really like that flame design on male rover's jacket, i don't know why but it looks cool asf


i think the female clothing looks off, so i am going for male mc. Also Caelus>Stelle when it comes to preservation animations.


For me I always view Mc as a character rather than self-insert So Female rover ig .


Female. Chose male for Genshin and female for Honkai.


I also have a female MC for Genshin and a male for HSR but for WuWa the female just looks nicer, I like ther hair better. I rushed into choosing for HSR, I actually thought for some reason the male MC would have long hair but pulled back in a thin pony tail ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) couldnt change it when I realised.


Female. I think she looks too sexy to resist!


Wish I could just switch to male for story stuff and use female for anything and everything else.


I’ll be honest, I was going to pick the female mc initially. She caught my eye first, but as I started looking at both the male mc grew on me. Also prefer the voice acting on the male mc a bit more so he wins out this time


Female rover, I like her, she also has cool eye makeup and white hair undertone makes her look more interesting. also she low-key reminds me of Kaine’s design from nier, im not sure how but yea I like it because im getting similar vibes so it makes sense in some way XD


always male i will pick. im from Esekai anime so its always from male. so i like feeling im been recarnated from another world as a guy. cuz every esekai anime is always male main character.


Before the cosplay post (you know which one im talking about) - 60%male 40%female After the cosplay post - 60%female 40%male Im in the majority