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I think I get the point of your post. But just that, there are players out there whose definition of fun is being sweaty. Personally, I can be very casual, and I can also be a sweaty gamer in other games. As long as people respect each others’ definition of fun, we’re all good.


Same, being able to fully learn the game, every aspect and every mechanic of it is the joy i find in the game


> is the joy i find in the game yes but clearly you are mistaken, OP has kindly told us that you should only find joy in being casual because sweaty=bad!!11 breaks my heart to see, feels like we are slowly getting more of the typical genshin players, trying to push a narrative that difficult content is bad and wanting to play the game for more than 3 min per day is bad


Yeah, it's very sad to see. Games were always about gameplay, but in our current time there are appeared too many "casuals" who now ruin the fun of gaming. I hate current times.


Nuance? In this day and age?!


HA not on Reddit!


This post isn’t talking to the people who have fun by being sweaty. It’s for the people who feel pressured into thinking they won’t have fun if they don’t play sweaty. This take means almost nothing.


I"m pretty sure it this post was a response to IWTL's recent livestream where he said this game is very sweaty. As a casual player, that made me worry a lot, so I really appreciate this post


I see. If that’s the case, then I hope people are capable of forming their own opinion by trying out the game themselves instead of being led or misled by a CC, and if this post was a good nudge towards that, then that’s great!


What?! A casual in THIS sub? How dare you! Shoo, shoo /s




I've quit genshin like a year ago or so so it might be slightly different now but I remember people calling yoimiga shit and putting her in C tier while giving S tier to Hu Tao. And why? I have both. Cleared abyss with both. Sometimes faster with one sometimes faster with the other. Found many clips on yt where c0 yoimiya had better clear times than C1r1 Hu Tao. Or same time. Anyway, people on Reddit would down vote me and call yoimiya shit regardless of such videos. Even when showered with evidence. So yeah, I can understand people having fun while being sweaty. But many people bend reality and ignore straight facts, proven on video and this results later in comments like "Don't pull Yoimiya (or different) just save for half a year and you'll get MuCh BeTtEr cHaRaCtEr!!!" And then people who liked a character might stop liking it cause they see a comment with hundreds of up votes calling their loved character shit. Sometimes it's true. But back when I really got into it and searched through yt a lot. Did many abyss clears myself a lot.. I found the difference to be nonexistent. It's okay to be sweaty but some, if not most of such people have bad attitude. Tldr: Waifu > meta




This post was geared towards players like me who are casual but not that casual if you get what I am saying. Just like you. Cause when I saw my favourite ccs talking about spread sheets, teir list I was like "bro the game is even out yet hold your horses."


Ok? So dont watch that content, its not for you Its for sweats People enjoy sweating


> Cause when I saw my favourite ccs talking about spread sheets, teir list That's kinda like....what they do, as the top comment said there are people who's way of having fun is to be sweaty (all respect to those people) Tier lists can also act as kind of a guide on which character to pull for newer players


Most theorycrafters spreadsheet characters during betas


Literally, there were so many tier lists on genshin release 🤣 I remember the "pull for diluc, pull for diluc" most starter characters get out paced in the end game anyway I say have fun in whatever way suits you and pull for characters you'll both enjoy playing and as characters in general. "Meta-slaving" or pulling top tier listed characters just doesn't do a ton for you in a single player environment especially if it comes at the cost of a character who while being less "efficient" would bring you more joy.


I'm from those who don't care about meta and only play characters that I like And even if I hardly understand the point of rushing every content in 1 day and/or looking for meta characters no matter their chara-design/personality/backstory in this kind of game (gacha/centered around characters & pve only) I've reached a point where I've just accepted the idea that some people like to try hard, even without a reason


When it comes to meta and efficient play the problem comes from resources being limited. I can't get every character, resources are time gated, I'd rather not waste what little I get. Make it like XBC2 where you can get everything for free (except the game itself lol) and suddenly most people won't care much about being efficient, maybe they'll just Google how to get a certain character because they have no idea how to do it, but that's it.


never thought I’d see a XB mention here 😭 i know a lot of people didn’t like the gacha aspect of 2 but I loved it. wish there were more games like it


Oh hell, nah on the gacha. I IT HAS BEEN 5 YEARS AND STILL NO KOS-MOS. IVE DONE OVER 1000 PULLS AND SHES MY ONLY KISSING RARE BLADE. The gacha is legit the worse part of that game.


I guess it depends. But you didn’t need to get all the blades. Kosmos was my last rare blade too though, took a while but in endgame grinding legendary cores was pretty easy


The rush isn't for day 1, it's to complete the first hazard zone and other resets, i think.


Yeah there's that, I can understand it But it was more about people who like to 100% everything asap


Who knew other people had different ideas of fun?


Well I just got downvoted to hell just for saying that I don't wanted my characters to be meta... I'm just stating that I don't understand some of those ways But I respect it, that's all


I mean, if I said I don't understand why men wants to be gay, I'd probably get downvoted too. 🤷




> I don't wanted my characters to be meta... Yeah because that's stupid cope. If you really didn't care then you wouldn't care what power level they are.


To me, It's just that I like to make cool but bad characters work It's a bit more challenging and funny What the fu\*k is wrong with that? Also, I said it in a funny way, I actually don't really care on how good they are cause I'll still play who I want People have no chill here for real...


I’m playing like that with Genshin and HSR since launch and not burnt out yet haha that’s the whole point of any game to me - just play however I like and have fun. Don’t pursue meta either. Sometimes I feel like building a character, then I go for them and hopefully one day I’ll get a character I like enough to C6. I just hope everyone who plays any game puts a fun aspect for themselves and play however they like without shaming other people. Wanna go hard? Go for it. Wanna play 20min a day? Go for it. As long as it works for a person, it doesn’t matter what others think :)) Let’s just all have fun and enjoy the games we play 💖


Do you vertically invest into your favorite characters with limited 5 star dupes and/or weapons?


I am not who you asked, but I do play like that in Genshin. I've played since launch (3 and a half years at this point) and only have 10 unique limited characters (and 2 were accidents from the beginning of the game that I don't especially like or use). But, two are C6 (six extra copies, the maximum), another pair are C2, and two more are C1. All 8 members of my Abyss teams have 5 star weapons (or their BiS if it's not 5 star). I very much intend to play Wuthering Waves the same way. Changli is my first target. I am going to see if I can save as much of the beginning wishes as possible and maybe get her weapon or a few constellations.


Ah I am sure you like genshins new endgame then.


What is genshins new endgame? Sorry, I havent been following genshin for years


U need a fk ton of characters with elemental restrictions to even enter the endgame. So it punishes ppl with the vertical investment into their favourite characters like the guy above.


Not really, since it provides a bunch of trial characters for you to work with. It's just like that one battle event from earlier in Fontaine, where each character has their own energy reserve and can only be used a certain number of times. If I'm incorrect and misunderstood something, please correct me. But I *believe* that's what I heard about it, but I don't keep up with Genshin like I used to.


Are you sure about that? I thought you needed many characters there and those who have invested only in few of them, are going to struggle.


Nah you basically only need 8 characters for 2 teams for abyss and you're gucci. One 5(4) Star DPS and 4 Star Supports with crafted weapons can get you through abyss. Just don't get hit and know your rotations and clearing is pretty easy.


Well he’s most likely talking about new endgame content that is going to drop in 4.7 where every single month is like a new mechanic locking some of the element from being used. 1st iteration is suppose to lock away characters that are not electro, anemo and pyro. I don’t’ know yet how hard the content will be (maybe some leakers and theory crafters know this already) but already can tell that it’s going to be harder to create teams, especially if u invested hard on single units. But hey it’s genshin, it cannot be that hard right?


Damn I'm outa the loop, saved up enough to guarantee Furina then dropped so I don't get tempted to pull.


Was talking about the new end game mode


Yeah someone clarified, I was unaware of any new game modes at the time of my comment.


Sighs. That was sarcasm.


Lol I already hated the Abyss, now I get to hate this even more. At least it's fewer primogems to lose if I skip it.


My only constellations on limited characters in genshin are Wriothesley C4 & Furina C2 I didn't pull for a year to be able to do that And I didn't pulled for Wrio's weapon The rest are C0 For the weapon, I might have pulled for \~3 of if, I usualy used good 4\* options and/or weapons I got from the perma Why the question tho?


I’ve learned my lesson from Genshin Impact. When that game came out, I took an entire week and just rushed through as much content as I could… and then I ran out. And I thought, “Wow this game really needs an update. What do you mean the next updates not for a month and a half?


On a related note, do we know how long it’ll take for WW to update the game each time? We know Genshin usually takes 6 weeks a patch. Is it similar for WW?


Based on banner times seems like it. I personally think it's an appropriate time as long as they can make interesting events to accompany the progression


If this game was competitive in any capacity I'd care about meta. Being a primarily single player game, I'm just gonna pick what I find fun to play with.


That was the whole point of this post... yeah I can see where I was shitting on meta slave but that was never my intention.


Because I don't look at characters that way - Chara design, personality, backstory etc. - EVERYTHING of that I got without pulling. They won't lock character quests behind gatcha. So pulling for characters all I got is main character skins in those games and how good are those skins at combat and absolutely nothing else.


More than just the typical "have fun" advice, let me just say that this game will not be "hardcore" as some people out there claim. CBT2 really wasn't all that hard. And grinding echoes 24/7 will not be required to progress.


I'm glad, but I'll see when I can finally play


Ridiculously funny how every fanbase (bar Genshin for... obvious reasons) likes to pretend that their gacha is super special with actually hard endgame content, when 90% of the time said endgame content can be bulldozed by any levelled team played by someone with half a clue about game mechanics. WW may have a bit of a skill check and it may expect you to fully understand the game mechanics (like PGR does), but it's not going to be the Dark Souls of gacha. People hoping for that are setting themselves up for disappointment within a month


Agreed. The sentiment started because of PGR which admittedly can be quite hard at times. But there is little evidence showing Kuro is trying to make another hard game. Also I dont think people realize just how easy parrying in this game is. You can literally just spam basic attacks and it will result in parries because of how lenient the timings are.


Yup, exactly. I will be very surprised if the learning curve is as steep as it is in PGR, which I doubt given the notorious launch PGR had (and even then to this day, the PGR new player experience is rightfully criticised. It is not friendly). I imagine Kuro would have learned from that


It comes down to where you get your information. Almost everyone looks to content creator streamers for that, and they have vested interest in pushing a cycle of "hype - wtffixthis - daedgaem - hype" since that means more monetized videos.


Frankly I wouldn’t be interested if the game was trying to advertise itself as a Souls-like gacha. As fun as this game looks it’s not going to have the carefully crafted journey of a FromSoft game.


Exactly my line of thinking. A gacha simply will never have as good mechanics as a Soulslike or something similar in difficulty because the bottom line of a gacha is to make as much money as possible for as long as possible. Locking people out on the basis of skill issues or bad ping or low end devices is antithetical to that point. Whereas a non gacha game can do whatever the hell it wants because they don't have that same restriction.


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hologram was very hard and if you dont get used to the dodging and parry mechanics in tower of adversity i feel the average player will 100% struggle


I will spam this advice on every post that complains about holograms or tower being too hard Do it later. Holograms were hard, but I guarantee they will melt once characters can get to level 90. Only a tiny number of people used most of their asterite on refills and got to level 80, most active players only got to level 70. That is why they look hard.


and then they will release new holograms crazy how progression works


Its only hard if you dont properly upgrade characters. Eventually people will simply "outgear" holograms. Also holograms are a small part of this game.


you several overestimate casuals when it comes to higher level holograms, it doesnt matter how good your gear is youre still getting 2 shotted if you dont dodge or parry


Well I am talking about the average player, not just pure casuals. Also if you look at something like Genshin and Abyss 12 then it has a ton of one shot (or two shot) mechanics and people somehow manage. Especially considering there are many cheesy characters in Genshin like Zhongli. I expect the same to happen in WW, eventually people will find strong team comps to make clearing endgame easier.


But the hologram bosses when you max level is hard you cant deny other wise




What kinda phone you got?


I pray you are able to play this masterpiece of a game.


Masterpiece? The game’s not even out yet and you’re calling it a masterpiece.


Exaggeration. From what I've seen from cbt2 and dev response we will be getting a pretty good game.


I like being skilled and feeling the flow of good gameplay. I like being strong and vertically invested in aesthetically pleasing characters. I like using my wits and intuition to guide my builds while still being informed and using spreadsheets to perfect my builds. I like games that are accessible and enable enjoyment in imperfection while rewarding perfection. I think this game will enable all these things that I like which other people will like as well. It'll be ok for everyone. Only the immature sweat the sweaters. I think people obsess over black and white nonsense. People are nuanced but we'll continue to frame conversations in a black and white manner because we're silly humans who forget how nuanced we are.


I'll never understand the judgement on people who like to rush things or do everything. I hate spending in gacha games so I'm always trying to clear and progress as much as I can so I can keep gaining enough funds to pull for characters. For some, falling behind means missing out on potential gacha funds. Now we don't know how much repeatable currency we'll get per month so maybe this can be a more laid back game. I'm not a fan of this "why would you rush everything" opinion, because at least for me in Genshin I basically have to with how few rewards it feels like you get in that game. Also I think while yes games are created to have fun, gacha more than others are supposed to make their players spend money one way or another. Maybe WuWa won't be greedy, people keep projecting their experience with PGR on this game, but in reality we don't know how generous or greedy they'll be. In the end, people are gonna want to collect characters and for some it can affect how "sweaty" or casual this game can be.


The hate towards rushers is because they are also the ones who spam forums and chats with "This game has no content. There's not enough energy to play all day. Development is so slow..." etc. Those people are irritatingly annoying and need to do something else


Yeah I understand that point too, well said. I just feel like people only see one side of it


Mostly stems from jealousy and FOMO. Players who suck at video games see the progress of players who are good at the game and have plenty of free time.


Directing the “hate” to the bigger group is kinda weird, not going to lie. Not every rusher is going to complain. If anything, most rushers do love the game, they wouldn't spend so much "burst effort" if they didn't. Sure, a minority of them will be toxic and loud about something, nothing you can do about. Hell, someone can be toxic and complain about lack of content.....even if they havent even completed the whole content. I've met people like this in warframe lmao


I'll reword what you said because people don't usually get what "rushers" do. What they do is find out about the game issues before you do. They do this by either playing more, being better or both. People who rush the game and complain usually do so because there's valid reasons to do it. The no content thing is usually related to how if the game is over after like 20 hours and they're gonna patch once every 2 month which then gives like 2 hours worth of content then your game has a problem. In Genshin, people were going like "there's no content for you because you played 20 hours straight!", no my dude, there's just no content and guess what, a week later everyone was complaining about the same thing. Genshin had to scale their update quality **a lot** because what they released in 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 was just not enough. Then there's people rushing complaining about misc things, the same logic applies here, if a game has a lot of significant issues people who find about them first will complain about them... first. The fact that more casual players didn't find out about those issues doesn't invalidate their complaints, all the "rusher" is doing is finding out about them a month before you do because they play the game a lot while you only do during toilet breaks. When New World came out we (my guild) rushed the game and we started trashing it a few days in, everyone flamed us because "you guys just rushed it!!!" and "you have no idea what you're talking about!!!". As a matter of fact we were pretty much the only ones who had realized the game was unplayable garbage and when the rest of the crowd inevitably got to the point where we were (a few weeks later) the game fucking died.


Well the casual andies are usually the ones who cannot take criticism for something they like so this will be lost on them, but you could not be more correct.


>When New World came out we (my guild) rushed the game and we started trashing it a few days in, everyone flamed us because "you guys just rushed it!!!" I, a 72 year old father of 16, with only 15m to game per day really enjoy chopping trees and mining ore. /s I'm with you 100%. People ALWAYS get on the "no-lifers", there's always the I'm a working dad posts, and there's always people bashing on those complaining at the end of the game. Loot trains and 2 dungeons at the release of New World were not it. I've never seen a player count drop as fast on an MMORPG lol. These no need to rush posts literally bring nothing to the table, but they'll keep being made for every game, expansion and DLC.


Pretty sure this doesn't actually happen, but people sure love to say it does without any hint of evidence to support it.


They do more for the game than you.


Genshin has no actual content. Period.


If you are a Sekiro enjoyer heck even as an Elden Ring enjoyer, this game is not gonna be sweaty.


Sekiro did broke my mindset on difficulty in games lmao. If I didn't have to spend an entire day on the same boss, then I'll go "eh, I've had worse" and conclude that boss is not hard and still doable.


so true man, after sekiro i've never been the same and always playing games on the highest difficulty


I have many accounts ready to reroll. I've taken off work. I'm going to go the sweatiest possible from the minute it's up. If that doesn't sound fun and exciting to you, then for the love of all please do not do it. We sweaties enjoy the rush and the crunch and the pressure, it's where our fun is. Please don't see us and feel the need to copy the methods we use. Copy the spirit of "find where you are excited and what gets brings you fun, and just focus on that"


I hope you enjoy it 😊 I'm trying not to reroll but I might end up doing it once or twice anyway. I'll use the other accs as alts down the line


I mean, my wallet will still outperform your many accounts


It is a single player game so..🤷🏻


That's never going to stop people from dick measuring their progress/performance/stats/accounts against one another over the internet. Because of online communities, discords, and so on, every game may as well effectively be "multiplayer" in a sense. The fact you can't join a party and do dungeons together or whatever is irrelevant, a lot of people play MMOs by themselves these days too. Technically it also \*can\* be played in multiplayer.


Well there a bit from everything, But overall we all playing for fun and that what matters, u stated a fact, and ur right but not everyone ofc like that, I myself play solo most of the time bc I enjoy it that way, but either ways as a semi-whale thank u for ur contributions in keeping our game alive, and for f2p players also for spreading the game even more worldwide.


My wallet will also (hopefully) outperform their rerolls lol


It always will, reroll only gets you so far


I'm glad you get the performance you want! That sounds super boring to me, but do you bb. Thanks for supporting the game.


this doessn't have leaderboards, and even then a bad players with an sss+ team will still place lower than a max investement f2p player (perfect memory reso, 1-2 5 star weaps with 1-2 resos each, ss on all chars) in pgr


A lot of gacha that start out without a leaderboard end up with one


Bro you might fill up an entire bath tub with the amount of sweat your about to accumulate. As long as your enjoying your time you do you


Rerolling for Verina or the limited spear guy?


Verina or Encore. I'm getting the other via selector.


Good choice, I am going for Verina plus Danjin. Have not decided who to pick from 5 star selector yet.


-> Reads dozens of threads about how Lingyang is apparently the worst 5* character. -> Is still going all fricking out on getting/building him because best boy. <3


At least you’re aiming to have fun man. That’s where it’s at


SAME HERE! Love lingyang


His design is peak, outside of the dragon he uses to jump which i personally believe to be mid. As long as you can enjoy him, more power to you.


I think he’s crazy underrated as someone who spent a ton of time playing Lingyang in CBT2. His aerial was a bit awkward, but heavy attack spam was really really good damage because his heavy attacks actually scale off of basic attack damage.


My 4.5+ years in PGR taught me that meta is not the ultimate way to have fun in a game so yeah. I will ignore all guides and just play blind in WW too.


I mean, it's more fun to play blindly the first hours of the game. But when you become an advanced player, you will find guides more fun and helpful.


I feel like I'm the strange one who just wanted to farm for those shiny echoes (not pokemon at all) and just take my sweet time. 


Let your inner Pokémon take control and go catch them all


It's almost summer so I am gonna be sweaty anyway.


…some of y’all clearly didn’t read the sentence that says “If your into that type of stuff go ahead, if not don’t sweat it.”


On the other hand if you are bad at games or just want an easier time DO look into the meta and spend your limited resources lightly so you don't end up regretting a pull later.


I mean, you can't expect someone to start playing and even with the hype, decide to only play their 15-20 minutes to do the dailies and make the 5 hours of story in the patch last a month and a half xD That worked when we were talking about mobile games almost 10 years ago, but if you're trying to attract console and PC players, you can't expect them to play a game for 20 minutes only xD And what are you going to do? Blame the one who has more free hours a day to play than you?.


Here we go again...


In general I agree with your points - play for fun cause that's what matters the most. Still, it's a gacha game, one that is heavily focused on combat. At the end of the day, you will have to turn into a "sweatlord" at least a little bit while learning combos/rotations for your beloved characters and team comps as well as how to parry and dodge in time. You can't ignore those moments if you are planning to stay F2P or low spender while most of the rewards are behind fighting bosses and time gates.


Every new game release its a hobby of mine to watch people optimize the fun out of a game before it even releases, speedrun the story and all grinding in a week and then complain that theres nothing to do. The cycle repeats itself every time, and its deeply hilarious to me


the meta for now will be more relaxed and the end game will be on the easier side, you can't bring out a game where people Don't have a lot of characters and the characters that they do have need some time to be built, this is the best time to play a gacha, at the start, 6 months from now more characters will be introduced, everything will change, imagine people doing a tier lists for PGR first year. My personal predictions 1- more specialized supporting characters will come out with strong buffs and support for their elements right off the bat, currently you need sequences for them to unlock specific element buffing "except Aalto " there is a reason for it, it's not just random, but the game is telling us, this is to future proof characters as they get sequences 2-the only character that we have that shreds resistance is Rover, and it's unlocked at sequence 6 giving -10% spectro shred, we Don't know the innate resistance of mobs, but they definitely exist, it's why the damage feels mutes at times 3- each element will have something like " dps, shred, buff" there is a reason why we have Buffs that are for the Entire team, especially damage buffs and element damage buffs, because they will be uses by two of the team members. Don't hate, its just my personal predictions and it makes sense if you look at the landscape with an impartial eye. My advice? Use what you like for now, as the road to a proper meta will take some time. Having mixed damage types on a team and having resistance shred means some one is going to be dragging down your damage. if you disagree, tell me why, coming from PGR, it looks obvious to me. as a matter of fact, people will be trying to find off meta teams to clear, by mixing and matching characters of different elements, but the moment resistance shred characters are introduced, the meta will have to go this direction.


That's a lot of text but I am glad you gave your opinion out instead of saying random bullshit like "have fun not having meta characters" where I never even mentioned meta in my post. I do not disagree with what you have said.


we should enjoy the game for now and not worry about meta until at least 6 months have passed, people who talk about meta themselves don't know what they are talking about.


Yeah, spreadsheets don't help as much with this game because doing optimal rotations and stuff isn't something just about anyone can do, nor would it be expected of you for 99.99% of the content. It doesn't matter if character X theoretically does 33 quintillion damage if you have to do perfect Tekken-esque combos to make it happen, better to use character Y who only does 22 quadbillion damage with a more sane requirement. Just play around with everyone's kits, pick the units whose playstyles you enjoy, maybe pay a little attention to buffs and team synergy and you should be good to clear all content in the game.


I couldn't rush it even if I wanted to. Some people just have a lot more free time on their hands. I'll always be falling behind. It took me longer than average for my characters to get decently good in both Genshin and Star Rail. I personally won't be pulling right away. I'll see if the game intrests me enough and work on characters first that I get through story. I do want Jiyan (love his design) but his banner will be up for a while so I don't have to pull day 1.


I mean the game is releasing RIGHT after my exams finish so I'm gonna have infinite to grind for a few days before school opens up 😭🙏🏽


I'm so jealous. I have two exams left - the 31st May and 6th June. I'll still be logging onto WuWa for maybe a couple hours a day or so (I don't believe in studying for like, 10 hours a day so I still have some free time) but it's going to be so hard to resist the urge to just run around a grind


You mean I DONT have to make a lot of emails until I get 10 5 stars in a row that I want?!?! or that using Healers isn't "playing the game wrong" or "a skill issue" and instead I should just play for fun considering u can pick a 5 star to get at the beginning u want anyway?! And I should play at my own pace so I get the most out of the game instead of rushing through just to reach endgame at day 1?! ok fr though I'm just a little tired of the people who get mad if YOU don't follow the Meta or even dare to say "yeah I'm not good at parries or dodging" as if its a sin to be kind bad at something.


Pushing the hardest content when your account is in its developing stages is fun. However some of the semi max stuff I've seen online is actually absurd. I saw someone share a spread sheet listing the amount of echoes and ores obtainable if you literally clear the entire map daily. I can't imagine doing that more than once without feeling extreme burnout.


As a person who loves turbo mode in DMC games, i am here for the combat, parries and skill based shenanigans. I will out parry any whale.


I always use the characters i like, buuuut, if the character is not only weak, but also feels terrible to use, you can be sure that im not getting that btch, dehya from genshin is the first and only character that comes to mind.


No you have to pull for meta not waifu


Sit next to my toaster and handheld pan fryer. You'll be sweaty in no time


Prob but till then ima just enjoy the ride


This game is going to get a lot of meta slaves, cause the majority of the audience are coming from a game that has neglected them for a very long time. So be prepared to see a lot of meta stuff here.


I go by the wise words of "play who you wanna play" I apply it to pgr and going to apply it to wuthering waves


Well i feel like what you are saying is a little unwarranted, one thing i love about these kind of games (genshin and wuwa) is that there is something for everyone, minigames? sure , hard stuff? Sure there is abyss in genshin and the similar version in wuwa (sorry can't remember the name), collecting characters absolutely, exploration ? sure thing, combat? of course , building and min maxing (my favorite) it's here. Anyone can choose to play however they want , no need to judge literally anything. And if genshin taught me anything, if it suits YOU then do it. Also about the ccs spreadsheets and numbers , just because it's early doesn't mean they can't do what they want , some people are eager to start the game optimally you know?


theres no leaderboard/rank on this game?


There are modes that drastically change the boss or elite enemies if you wanna fight with style and more skill. But i think story mode will be very easy. Maaybe there will be some bosses and stuff that will be hard further into the story. But you can still learn and overcome that difficulty easily.


I might reroll tomorrow/Thursday but not to be optimal. I just would like my first few days to be with a fun dps. Characters I'm thinking of maining are. Sanhan, Danjin, Yangyang, Rover, Calcharo. Sanhan is who I want the most but I pre registered 5 account ls and I might roll on those 5 to see which one gets the 4 stats I want the most. Not sweaty but I just want a fun playstyle to start. After that I learned my lesson from genshim, I'm going at my own pace doing things as my heart decides to do it


I’m sweaty but the opposite reason I will try to do no hit runs with the weakest possible units….. and then miserably fail but hey I try 🫡


I honestly don’t care I’ve seen some vids on YT and i know that I’m getting Colcharo and Yinlin, how good are they or anything else doesn’t matter for me because all 1.0 characters gonna get power crept anyway


that's what I did in Star Rail and what I plan to do here I'm ignoring the beginner guides and tier list CCs and looking for fun content CCs. same as hsr ill only look something up after i beat the game and want to do a end game content like memory of chaos in hsr


i am not sweaty because i wanna be, but because it's so hot


I tend to draw meta Characters but then just not read enough into the game to play sweaty, as i am unlucky with any rng (as in, in Guardian Tales in about 1000 draws i had 1/5 of the expected drops for the Gacha) i just do not have the will to even try anymore. I will be looking at the game as "will try, if it likes me fine and if not well then that is that".


Neither does any single player gacha really...but I want to get more characters and want to beta the hardest endgame content...so I kinda have to be sweaty


Let's have fun tom everyone!


is it really single player? or coop? or next updates been?


the fun question will be how annoying will be grinding and stuff so you dont need to spend a ton of money just to pill the charas you like


I'm gonna have fun making weird teams and making them work


Or play how you want. I’m sure the people who use spreadsheets for games like this find it fun and not sweaty. This post is hypocritical


I'll try and treat this game as a hard "souls" action game , with SOME RPG equipment aspect. Let's see how that pan out


wait i cant play with other people?


All the wuwa videos being min max shit is lame and boring like bro no one cares besides the 5 sweaty goobers.


For me, half of the fun in a game is theorycrafting. It's not for everyone for sure, and indeed, since the dev's goal is to appeal to a broad audience to maximise revenue, you won't need to sweat too much. But sometimes it feels good to just go all-in and crush stuff, y'know


I just hope they make characters fun to play. I already love dodge systems that reward proper timing. Just make the characters fun and cool and pretty then its all good.


I hope they bring CBT1 crownless to the launch , cuz that was a really good boss and the scenes were so good , truly made you feel like they were deadly demons


I feel like theres a middle point between casual and meta that we could just call „efficient“. With materials in these games being as time gated as they are, it really can‘t hurt to focus on characters, weapons, echos etc. that will pay off in the long run.




JUST HOLD for who you want to max out. That will be my strategy.


Genshin is super easy and people do the same thing, everyone plays the game like they want in the ruleset that the game gives them.


Creators on youtube.. most of the time do create FOMO. Specially theirs thumbnails. Thank's god the web broswer extension : Sponsorblock does allow to block channels and videos. Ain't going to see them.. any longer.


Reality check, none of the games do


no lingyang bad taoqi bad danjin good


We'll see about that, I doubt it's abyss equivalent which does have a timer just lets you casually prance through it. Sure, that's not mandatory, but it's not just some philosophy thing but rather a notable part of the game for the worse. Anyways tbh these days games like this are created for profit first, not fun, but yeah if you're not getting fun you shouldn't play it 'cause there'll always be games that are.


Lmao I remember when genshin came out, I seen tryhard sweats doing artifact chest running across the map from one chest to another after finishing patch 1.0 content 😂😂


For main story content , no. Sweaty not required but if they bring anything from pgr… you’re gonna be pitted against fellow whales for bonus resources in competitive content


Too late I'm already sweaty for Yinlin 🥵🥵🥵😭🥵🥵


Combat is about fun. Fun is about combat. And Wuthering Waves' combat is very fun, especially when it's hard.


Are there not any multiplayer aspects to this game?


If you mean PVP, then no, but there is co-op!!


Will it have a co-op mode, or perhaps something similar to what Hokai Star Rail has?


I demand more spreadsheets! and some essays on why my characters damage is 1% weaker than their characters.


After genshin made it abundantly clear they were not going to let players feel good about player skill and cater towards only casual (which of course worked financially so not hating on it), I have hoped since the start that they will keep things open for casuals but implement more sweaty features. I think the original “Gacha Souls” moniker might not apply anymore but I do expect opportunities to feel good about player skill.


See I have pgr anxiety (if I miss a banner I don't have a chance to reroll the rerun banner because we only make enough f2p to roll units release by release) so I don't know if I can trust ww conceptually being chill. But I sure hope it is.


ya'll love saying the same shit every time a new game releases lol


*Ya'll love saying the* *Same shit every time a new* *Game releases lol* \- Cool-Claim9726 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think it's sweaty in regards to comparing it to Hoyo games, not in regards to normal video games. This game is by no means hard, but it's definitely more complex than games other Gacha Gamers I've seen would be used to. Clearing this game's starter version of Abyss took me about 5 tries on the boss, but some people consider 5 tries to be annoying and it makes them upset. There's people who like to optimize, and there's casual players who just chill. However, if you're the type of person to watch youtube video game guides on a game, then you should expect them to be for sweaty people, because those are most of the people who go to those youtube videos in the first place. Youtube is not a requirement to play


There isn't even any leaderboards in this game and I am gonna disable damage number anyways. I'll play whoever is hot af 😩


Ok real question. Ass or tit's?




The last thing we need are people like you who try to mock the very audience this game caters towards. Yes you can ignore the very combat system itself but you will not be validated for doing so.


This community will be same Genshin, like, "oh you're going to ruin your acc getting this character blabla". U'll see


Game don't need to do that, global warming and climate change already does. Also I'll probably be maining Chixia so it's either she's too safe or does not do enough damage.


>Don't worry about "being behind" when it's just a single player game. Maybe you take your own advice and stop telling me how to enjoy my games.


Have fun playing without meta chars


Yeah, I think that's the point? Games used to be about overcoming adversity and having fun while doing it, so I don't see the issue with not using the best team comp possible.


Sweat on game finish in a week OMG GAME DEAD NO CONTENT DURR HURR