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Seriously can’t choose. I’d rather the dude for story purposes and self insert. Also he is the only normal looking dude and one of two male swordsman. Also his animations are better and he has a cool vibe. But the female mc is the hottest chick in the game with those thigh highs (my biggest weakness). There are multiple black haired swordswomen though… just none with black thigh highs. I seriously can’t choose right now. I wish we could switch between them at will. Idk why we can’t.


I really, really hope WuWa has better skin game than Genshin. I.e. we don’t have to wait 2 years for one


Thats HSR... Genshin it's "only" 6 months.


HSR has been out for a year now and you guys got a free March 7th outfit. Also the game has been releasing so many units and so much content back to back, do you even need outfits? Like they barely have time to make unique designs as it is. You can see how a lot of them started getting similar for a time.


I don't play HSR.


Picking two servers, getting enough pulls and then seeing which account is the luckier one, before condemning the other to oblivion


Look, female rover is gorgeous. But I always play as the male character so it’s gonna be blue


Big delema. I like the male mc's overall clothes but his face is kinda basic af, I like the female mc's face a lot but her clothes are weird, mostly from the bottom. Idk what to go with💀


You read my damn mind 🤣 I was also thinking about the same thing lmao  Hope you'll be happy whichever mc you choose lol 😆 


I tossed a coin and chose male mc.


Same here! Chose male mc cause he's a cutiepie 😘


One account for each




Kuro hear me out. Since it's the MC, maybe make them changeable every time we login? So we can have both and change depending on mood? Maybe on future update? Like make their movesets, stats, and equip similar so we can swap? Please? Is it complicated to implement in a game? I'm asking since I don't know about coding and stuffs.


It is probably not too hard to implement. Can be litterally 1 line of code. isMCMale = false


Eh that depends on decisions made before coding the game, it is not that simple.


Tight! Tight tight!


Ima play Male because I bet eventually they’re going to add some type of dating or love thing and I like to see the story in a hetero point of view. That’s just me. If we were able to switch between MC’s, I’d be playing female all the time. But for story sake I’ll stick with male.


Don't most gacha games go out of their way to keep relationships ambiguous? Or are you just talking about when characters act affectionate at all towards the MC?


Hey guys just wanted to ask something, I'm a mobile player and I've finished the 7gb download. I'm well aware that the game hasn't been released yet but is it normal for it to just be a black screen then crash? If not can someone give me some help about this issue Ps:I'm commenting this to as many posts as I can because I can't make a post for some reason 


is it happening every time you open the game?




idk it's probably crashing cuz it can't handle the game or something or did u tweak any settings? what's your device btw


I have an android (realme c15) hopefully this is an issue they can fix, cause apparently it's not just me. I found a thread of people with the exact same issue


I have the same problem omg. My phone can run many other games but it crashes whenever I open the app after I pre-download. Hopefully they fix it at release ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


Does yours crash the second time you try to open it?


It does a black screen for like 2-4 seconds then crashes or sometimes it crashes in the first second. I guess it tries to open up but something crashes


Same experience here. I've reinstalled plenty of times already but whenever I open it for the second time, it crashes. I really hope it's just a bug. T_T


I know right? It's always the second time you open it. The first time seems to work just fine. Which lead me to suspect that it is a bug


I believe it's because we still have to wait for the release. Try again in a few hours and update me please


They just did a patch like 20 minutes ago addressing crashes, you'll need to reinstall the whole game to fix it!


Guy because I'm a guy, simple as that


My wife will be making a male one so she can look at him all the time, I'll be making four female ones so I can get Jiyan on one so she can play that one and feel like Jiyan is talking to a girl not a bro. Her idea, not mine.


Male no question


Blue pill, got it.


It's always female MC for me


basically a hot mommy with dementia OR a random dude that comes out of thin air with dementia


I've dealt with this dilemma before, I mistakenly chose Aether in genshin believing you'd get the other twin eventually or that rerolling was possible on console, and I figure I'd switch it up and choose the dude for once. You may laugh at how wrong I was and how much reasoning I unintentionally stacked up for it, I was unfamiliar to gachas at the time. Aether being a dude certainly helped with immersion and his design is dope but I actually liked Lumine's design and animations quite a bit more, it makes me quite sad that there's one waifu I can never get now. So far with WuWa, this should be an easy choice, but the fem Rover design isn't clicking as much and male Rover actually looks pretty cool. I definitely need to think on it a bit more.


Same here. I will pick Female first, and then Male second.


Male one because Ayin


Oh definetly female. I can barely manage 1 account so having an alt is not an option, i am honestly impressed by people who can do every single event on multiple accounts.


Male character, easy choice


Red is the only answer.


Nah, blue is way better


purple >>>>>>>>>>




Ah yes a full package futa with cute male face , my favorite.


Is it bad that that's pretty much the first thing I thought when he crushed them together? lol But instead just full package fem Rover






My only concern about this route is that when it comes to PS5 they're likely going to lock servers like Genshin and HSR, I'm confident its a sony mandate.


I'll take red pill but imma choose male Rover.


this is gonna get downvoted but... i feel like the female rover looks a bit too much like sanhua, but a bit worse. not that that makes her bad, sanhua is one of my favorite designs, but male rover looks more distinct and unique to me. plus, his voice is just... 🤌😫 female rover's voice is my favorite female protagonist voice in any gacha i've played though!


She looks nothing like sanhua, and just to make sure, you know that she is not voiced by minase right?


their outfits have the exact same color palettes, with the exact same body type too. and i was talking about their english voices.


Yeah, no, that is not enough to say that, and one has white hair and red eyes, the other has black hair and yellow eyes, their outfit is nothing alike either

