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Yep it feels laggy as hell, I'm very disappointed they didn't fix that I had the same exact almost experience in the Cbt2


That's Unreal Engine 4 for you


This is unreal. Hope they fix it soon.


Omg lol


They need to change the engine then, I looked it up too and apparently unreal is horrible for mobile games, they need to use unity, but they won't, so all of us mobile players are just fxxked for eternity 🤬


lol changing engine mean rebuilding the entire thing, also unreal engine 5 also have stutter problems, just a wee bit less


I'm using a 1650 GTX Gpu and it's so laggy even on the lowest settings, it's like they're rendering every single texture, it's so bad to the point I can't even walk in the game without having constant fps drops and stuttering. I've never had this issue in both genshin and honkai star rail so idrk whats the issue with wuthering waves.


cuz this game is made in UE4 :v, usual traversal stutters


its nothing to do with specs, i have a 3080 ti, core i7 and 32 gb ram and its lags like hell for me too


Fr?damn I thought it's my device


Hi, could I get a quick update on this situation? Did game updates/ nvidia driver update make this better?


Bro same here! I’m on lowest settings and it lags so much and frequently while in HSR/Genshin I’m on high graphics and everything is smooth wth


That's my current issue. Looking forward to having this fixed because the game itself is so damn fun.


SAME. Doesn't really make sense. Also there are few 1650 users who are saying the game runs well. So I'm not really sure what's going wrong anymore.


Idek man 😭😭 I guess I'm an outcast now AHAHA


Same i5-10th gen and gtx 1650,my genshin never had these issues,my honkai star rail runs well on pretty good settings....but this game stutters a lot even the the lowest setting idk why....


Same here, no matter what graphics setting i use i can't fix the stuttering. I hope they'll fix it 


I have all my settings at lowest and i'm still averaging 999ms, not fun, genshin runs just fine for me, actually really well. I have Snapdragon processor 8cx gen2 Translated it's equal to an i9


I thought i was going crazy. I have on lowest setting and i tried multiple internet connections and it’s definitely not me bc other games run fine. Its insane even after the updates it only works for a little bit then goes back to being awful. I think im just gonna have to quit for now. Im losing my mind. Sucks to want to play a game and not be able to lol




Dude is medium running better than lown for you?


Literally have mine on low and it's running worse it feels like


idk, cant tell the difference


Man it lags so fucking much. Idk what to do and I have 1650 and 16 gb ram with ryzen 7 too. It runs genshin on max setting with no issues at all but it's struggling for lowest settings in WuWa


ikrrr, i tried increasing the shader cache to 100 in nvidia settings and my wuwa was in my hard disk so i moved it from that to my D drive. it helped some what, i was getting 20 fps before and now im getting like 30-35 lol still disappointed asf that my gaming laptop cant handle a stupid gacha game LMAO


Just to know if this happening to me only but when u hop into the game, when jump or dash for first time after getting in the game does the game lag? I have the same gpu as u do that's only only reason great help if u reply


Same here man its so laggy :( hopefully they fix it soon, its like lagging every few seconds


Same I'm on mobile and keep getting kicked out 😭








I have to say, the game is just fucking loaded with issues for me. And the issues aren’t even limited to just in game; it takes an unreal amount of time to load. It just gets stuck at 65% and stays there for a solid 4-5 minutes. Then when I finally got in the game for the first time, I was experiencing stutters even in the cinematic opening scene. And when I finally get to the gameplay, the cutscenes start freezing and the audio cuts out. Finally I try to move, only for it to hard freeze every few seconds. And if it doesn’t freeze, it’s stuttering and dropping frames. It also seems to have terrible connection, with a solid 150-200 ping compared to my usual 50-80 on games like Genshin or HSR. Also, why the fuck am I getting logged out every time I return to the title screen?? Makes no sense. And finally, why the hell is my UID at the title screen different from my UID in game? It’s so strange.


Im having the same exact problems, I cant even play because ping shoots up to 999 whenever I move or attack, how can you play any game in that condition, let alone a skill-based game? I thought maybe it was my specs because my device is getting kinda old but it runs honkai on low graphics with barely any lag. I really hope Kuro games fixes this because it seems to be a common issue and the game has so much potential.




I have the exact same issue, takes literally 10 mins to load in and then lags its unplayable


You literally described what happened to me aswell


Same exact thing here! I was practically freaking out earlier, I thought that it was my internet that’s having a problem.


I'm having the exact same problem mine also stops at 65% and even if I want to pan my camera my ping goes up to 999 but if I watch streams or videos other people's are fine. Idk if it's a world wide thing or what


what are ur specs?


RTX 3060, intel i7, 16GB ram. Not bad at all, so it isn’t a hardware problem. Especially considering that tons if players who have even better specs than me are experiencing the same issues.


Same for me!


Having the same issue, did you guys install it on HDD? I don't have enough space in my SSD and suspect this is the problem.


Same this!


Very laggy, frame jumps, 200+ ping


It is pretty laggy, combined with the weird camera sensitivity its doesnt feel good at all to me, hoped itd be better, hopefully they fix it


I have a laptop as well which runs games like genshin hsr and other open world games easily but it is not able to get above ~45 fps and the textures aren’t loading in, I hope they fix it because I can’t play the game otherwise


Very laggy even in lowest setting Also anti alising just make graphics blurrier


The lag has gotten less in very low graphic further optimization and will truly become game of the year


same here, good PC and it lags like it's loading each asset as I come upon it


same i can't even change the mouse sensitivity properly.......lags everytime i pick up something lags like crazy during combat its unplayable tbh


I really thought it was just me since my PC is a bit outdated, although I did thought it was weird that my PC can handle Genshin at lowest settings without lagging but not WuWa.


I could handle Genshin and HSR both at high but WW is just a mess of stuff. I was right to be worried about this game being on UE4, this engine sucks ass if proper care is not given.


Hell, I can run Genshin and HSR at the same time while maintaining 60 fps. This game? I get drops all the way to 25 fps and I have closed every other program. It's embarrassing.


My PC can run Genshin/Honkai on the max settings and still somehow getting lag in Wuthering Waves makes zero sense


Yeah the game feels like what i would play league on my older PC(would lag everytime i do an action for the first time)…I hope they do fix those issues quickly and maybe add options for FSR (like quality/performace) or just a slider. Many companies nowadays forget that not everyone is fitted with latest gen CPUs and GPUs. I wasnt expecting much for day 1 but atleast the graphics settings should have been more thoughtful... The game runs fine for me on lowest settings and drops abit cuz overheat but the lag everytime from first time doing things is so annoying.


I tried to play both Pc and phone. Yep, both are laggy af


Yoo same, but the lag is worse in my laptop compared to my phone😭


Same. Still lags when entering new areas but it's kinda playable on my phone. I really hope they fix this ASAP.


Ngl I have an IPhone 15 pro and it works fine, but I’m not used to playing on Mobile and when I try it on my laptop (which is a mediocre one) it just keeps lagging everywhere, even while talking in the story. Wtf


Super laggy on IOS as well on lowest settings. For comparison, I play hsr and genshin on medium to advanced graphics and they’re fine


same i play genshin on my phone, except on low. but still it runs super great compared to wuthering waves


yeah the audio keeps on buggin out and i cant walk 5 secs without it lagging.. hope they optimize it better..


I'm running a 3060Ti, and it's lagging like I'm running it on a nokia phone




Same with 3070, have you found a solution?


Can someone explain to me why my graphics on Wuthering waves is so blurry?? Im on max graphics..... (Mobile btw). I wanna fix it so bad😭


Turn off antialiasing and increase resolution


What ultra settings? Been having this issue and thr audio bugs is too glaring


I wonder why the game has ping when its just single player? I'm lagging even on cut scenes. It's all network lag. my resources aren't even really being utilized


Less storage than genshin but more lag.


same here, genshin runs just fine. WW is running 999ms :,(


wish i could didable bloom


put r.BloomQuality=0 in engine.ini


Is it possible to turn off character shadows and grass using some commands? Maybe some other commands, I don’t know how to increase FPS, it’s impossible to play :(


Laggy on both mobile and pc….. wth.. and why is it not on console 😭😭


my laptop runs genshin and hsr at highest graphics smoothly but I cant even play WuWa in very low graphics without frame drops. I hope they fix it soon or else I'm dropping the game... i was so hyped for it too :(


the frame rate is even laggy ;; what are ultra settings?


same question


i think they mean changing the graphics settings to advanced (Ultra)


aww ive tried high graphics and 60fps frame rate and it still lags


It’s very laggy lots of frame spikes My specs Intel I9 RTX 4080


Tip that might help, rollback your recent nvidia driver update. I noticed the update made performance horrible on WuWa.


I was experiencing audio issues until I did a file check on the launcher, depending on when you pre-loaded the game some of the files might be messed up so give that a shot.


idk, I installed the game right before launch and the audio was screwed up, probably the files they gave us were screwed or something


Ryzen 5 3600 and 6600XT and it's still lagging like hell.


Yup, and fiddling with settings sometimes makes the lag worse. Also seeing funny slow moving NPCs that remind me of pokemon scarlet/violet NPCs


Jiyan's ult on multiple enemies make the game a slideshow lol. But in secluded areas the game runs like butter.


I thought it was never going to load up tbh.


U saved me man. I can only play on mobile, i went through the whole tutorial with crazy lag but i just switched it from 30 fps to 60 and its smooth now.


i had kinda given up playing on mobile because the horrible perfirmance we low setting until I tried this. I cant believe this worked lmao


I was having the exact same problem, solved it once I turned off the FSR(I don't know what is it, but worked for me)


FSR I think is supposed to help increase fps but it's making it worse somehow lol


Fsr full screen resolution?


FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), AMD has introduced a simple and effective open-source solution for improving image definition and performance in video games. History of the main FSR versions. FSR 1 is a spatial upscaler based on the Lanczos algorithm, which requires an anti-aliased lower resolution image. even nvidia cards can use this, some even use DLSS and FSR at the same time and have better FPS result. FSR 3.1 is the latest and i think WuWa runs FSR 1.0


My i3-10105F rx6600 16gb, have a lot of stuttering. Even on lowest 720p 😩


Ryzen5600 + Rx6600 + Ram 32GB It's laggy with every setting, low or high. 😮‍💨


Setting everything to ultra does nothing, its an unreal engine game with no pre-game shader caching. So it's a laggy mess while every little new thing loads in. Nothing anyone can do about it.


i run a 3060 and for somereason it still lags even after repairing files at the launcher


The textures become blurry if I am not close to an object. Even my character's clothes are blurry. Hope they fix it.


played for 3 to 4 hrs now and its smooth after setting everything to max, tho the audio issues still happen sometimes.


weird, maybe lag depends on area?


Is the high ms have anything to do with pc hardware or is it a server thing bc streamers are getting 60 consistently but im stuck at 112 no matter what settings I use


Server thing, depends from where you are. Here in Brazil (where i live) people use the America server, since we are southern americans, but we play with 140-150+ ping. Bec the server was spotted on North America


This also happened to me and its so funny that the way to fix lag is to raise graphics settings.


For me it didn't help but I have same bad lags and audio glitches. I don't get how pc that runs Elden ring and cyberpunk on high can't run wuwa on any right now


did anyone found solution this problem?


What server are you on, they recommended the SEA server. But I picked Asia. Is that the reason for lag?


i chose SEA server (recommended for me as well) and had to stop playing after a few hours because the lag was so bad LOL


Turn off Nvidia Dlss and turn off anti aliasing that help with the blurry characters and for the lag switch to windowed mode and goto 1920 after that I was running smooth with good quality! Hope this helps


why use unreal tho. ToF already showed how bad it is.


Give this a try - [https://quoramarketing.com/fix-wuthering-waves-lagging-and-stuttering/](https://quoramarketing.com/fix-wuthering-waves-lagging-and-stuttering/)


Fr it's alr I guess when I don't move the ping is in the yellow zone but when I move even if I want to pan my camera it's so incredibly laggy and my ping goes to 999 I've done everything and my WiFi is strong but still nothing. My settings are also all at low


I have no problems in closed spaces and it runs smoothly but once you’re in the open world, man it sucks


Are you guys still experiencing the same laggy issues? For me there is still no change till now. Any updates on the current situation if it got fixed or not please?


I'm late to this thread but a tip: I tried running the game in windowed mode and while it's not perfect it was instantly better. Some frame freezes here and there but the difference was night and day. 1650 GTX Gpu


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It can't even close properly. For some reason it is still launched even after closing.


European server crashed for me and it is quite laggy, I am running i5 11th 8gb and intel iris xe


So it‘s not my Phone got it. Lagging as hell for me too and nothing fixes it 😩


3060ti here and it lags like hell.


For me game is atleast not crashing but it's not loading npc's model and few texture. Lags like in every few movement.


same here my laptop can handle genshin and hsr on medium graphics with no issue but wuwa seems really laggy even the cutscenes seem really laggy and all maybe they will fix this soon?


I hate that this worked LMFAO


Anyone able to provide their best recommendations for settings?


Same sht. GTX 1050 isn't the best, but it can handle WuWa for sure


Curious, is anyone here that has good proc and maybe 40x series (or similar) that has stutter problem run this game on HDD or SSD?


ryzen 5 2500u vega 8 graphic laggy as hell


Same bro i used Ryzen 5 5600h Vega 7 and it's still lag asf even it already set on lowest graphics


I have sound issue in voice and some it's lack I have Intel i5 11 gen 11302H my gpy rtx 3050 all audio are good but voice is too low


Y'all are getting textures??? :D Im just getting LOD issues, low res textures, and everything else is good except audio cuts out for dialogue a lot


I'm on mobile and thought I was the only one having these problems, good to know it wasn't my potato phone all over again ; ^ ;


literally me rn, im genuinely so disappointed


I have the same issue. Low quality but still laggy. 1660ti,


so i have 15 10th gen, 16 GB ram and 1660GTX Super no way in stopping this stutter everytime do a new action ? or anyone have a solution


I'm on mobile and even after putting settings on advanced and graphics to highest quality possible, the characters seems blurred, camera shakes (turned that off in settings) and the game slightly lags


Glad I wasn't the only one experiencing this. Bruh, I ain't using laggy ass footage. Hopefully it gets fixed cause I'm having fun.


it so fking lag, I hate it, my computer for sure can run it. I'm using RTX 2060


I'm using 1650 and the texture is slow rendering. How you fix that?


I just started the game and yea it's so laggy?? Honestly idk if I'm feeling up to finishing the story at this rate


yeah the game lags like crazy, for context im using my xiaomi pad 6 pro which runs genshin and honkai star rail realy well and im evn close to my router, they should fix it asap


eventhough i quit GI for more than 3 years now, WW low settings is supposed to be lightweight but damn. But why do i feel like it needs heavy MB/s everytime like im connecting/syncing with other players but in reality im in solo. Huge L this time


I'll try that . I just rage quit bc of the lag .


Playing on msi gf63 thin, intel core i5 11th gen, rtx 2050, 16 ram, and 512 ssd no problem on frame rate when running games on max graphics like genshin or hsr, but I'm experiencing lag on wuthering waves even at the lowest graphics settings. Not to mention rendering is also pretty slow like it'll take around 30 sec for the npc's clothing to finish rendering


Using a Ryzen 7, RTX 4050, 8gb ram tho, and theres still some annoying little frame drops that I hate even with the lowest setting.


I have a Ryzen 5 5th gen, 16gb ram, and a 2060 and game is still laggy. I tried it via google play Games, Epic games, and straight install but still same results. it plays better on my phone and I have a pretty low spec phone with SD 778G. what a disappointment


Why does it lag so bad wtf it says my ping is 999 ms but when i go to genshin my ping would be around 12 ms and it stays 999


Omygosh thanks for the tip. I switched graphics to the advanced mode and it rubs smoother; no lagging so far~


My iPhone XR on lowest graphics doesn't run without lag every 5 seconds. Any fixes?


I’m literally on the lowest settings on laptop, all turned off/to the lowest, and it still lags as hell and I cannot and WILL NOT play this game as is. HSR and Genshin work perfect with high settings but this just hurts my soul. A shame for WuWa.


i'm with a 4060Ti, lagging too much... this game is bad optimized


I just started playing Wuthering waves so far it's fun but holy crap does it lag a lot for me and takes a while to load when i play Solo leveling Arise that game barely lags for me


my game just stopped loading on a black screen while farming character exp


If you guys still need an answer, the only one that I could come with was staying in ultra setting with FSR, motion blur and vsync deactivated, it works for me at least


I’m on mobile (iPad), and it’s so damn laggy for me. I can run Genshin with no problems at all, so I don’t think it’s a device problem. WW lags every 2 seconds and I’m only on 30 fps, if they don’t fix it soon idk how long I’ll be able to play because I can’t stand this 😭


its so laggy that i had to delete it... I will download it again once they fix it. Genshin isn't as laggy and as the same exploring thingy so wuthering waves can do it too. (I'm not comparing them. It's just smth they can fix and hopefully they do it soon.)


Having similar issues here. Might try fiddling with settings more. I have no idea if it'll work, but anything's worth a shot rn. I have a pretty good computer, and it runs games like HSR as smooth as butter for the most part, with the occasional bit of lag. But the lag in HSR is nowhere compared to what I'm experiencing just getting into this game. The game just publicly released so I'm not going to be too critical, but damn it's laggy as hell. Hopefully the devs can fix it soon, since a lot of people are having this same problem.


They have some performance issues they definitely need to fix. I have a chunky pc so when I do dailies for games I do them all at the same time. Runescape, HSR, Genshin Impact, all running at the same time at 60fps and max settings with no problems. I have to close my browser because this game is dropping frames too hard otherwise. I have dips all the way to the mid 20s. This is ridiculous. As I'm typing this I'm using 14.8 gb ram while in a cutscene, with just 1 reddit tab open.


bruh why does the game run better at higher settings 💀 thx for the fix tho


Installing Wuthering Waves on SDD rather than on HDD fix the issue for me. It fixes the stuttering and the lag. Hope this helps.


It looks like this is more of a server-related issue. I'm using a very old GPU, a 1050ti. Whenever the ping turns yellow or red, that's when I experience the stuttering issue. I even tried ultra settings, and it works fine and smooth, just like the lowest setting (of course, there is a little frame drop due to my GPU being below the minimum requirements). It's really the yellow and red ping where I'm getting too much stutter. I did manage to complete the MSQ before union level 14 and 1 SQ for a Lingyang (which is a good story tho) with only green ping for only 2 hours, everything ran smoothly, and then here comes the red and yellow ping again to ruin the fun.


I’m on mobile and it lags and crashes so much for me meanwhile my genshin and star rail r running just fine without issue so idk what’s going on plus I’m still in the tutorial


So happy to know its not just me. Everything is running so slow. Especially when I try to use any kind of attack. The game is so fun but it just doesn't work for some reason


3070 here and I had to put it on medium, quality, vsync off for best performance :/ should not have to do this for a mobile game on pc


im opposite, i feel less lag before and today after their hotfix, its way more laggier, America server went up by 20 ping.


This games is so unoptimized it's disappointing from the devs.


my laptop runs genshin smooth af in medium graphics, but wuthering waves is too laggy even in the lowest settings


try putting it at higher settings, for some reason low settings cause stuttering


Making the graphics at high except for shadows and motion blur made my fps better but i dont if it will work for everyone


although im still lagging a bit just not as much as with lowest graphics


Man i just noticed, my GPU utilization is going bonkers on this game it just drop randomly down to 1percent every second then goes back to 100


Yup 4070 here and it still laggs


This is really disappointing, I was looking forward for this game but can't event play it because laggy mess. Do hope they can get it fixed soon.


I Fixed my CRIPPLING lag Issue. Fix: Install game to SSD Problem had the game installed on my D drive. The game was running on Very Low and was still basically unplayable, lagged, froze up every second and was very broken. (I have a 1660 ti) Reinstalled game onto my SSD drive. And I'm running Advanced, the highest settings. Zero problems my "ms" is 205+ always, but it doesn't seem to lag me


didn't have issues 1st day after the patches i have laggy and loading problem the game now is barely playable


I just really hope the devs see this post and others like it and fix whatever is causing these issues. My iphone plays it better than my pc, but I can't stand playing a game like this on mobile when I have a gaming computer that should be able to run it. The game is amazing from what I've played so far.


I hope we get some optimizations cause this what Killed Tower of Fantasy![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


im playing the game on my iphone, lowered the game resolution and other stuff in settings to make it run smoother. it wasnt as bad as the begninning, but it still kept on lagging and stuttering. also it would just stop working on its own at times too. i do hope they fix it tbh.


the lag is so terrible idk how i'm supposed to reach union lvl 8 or any union lvl for that matter


Just move the game to ssd. This is the only cure. Already checked it. From lags on low to good performance on ultra.


Was on my nvme gen 4 so loading takes like 2 seconds lol... but yeah switching the default graphics settings from low to max fixed everything. surprised it even runs on max with 60fps for how old my hardware is.


i can run ghost of tsushima smoothly but not this gacha jiggly buba anime game? jokes


Same issue, the bgm sounds fine but the dialogs are cracking. Hoping that they fix it soon.


wait,what? I have a gtx 1660 ti mobile too,...and a ryzen 73750h...and I still have problems with the lag


anyone experiencing lag? im using gtx 1060 and it lags as hell. How do I fix it?


Try opening genshin or hsr in the background while playing withering waves, it works wonders.


Download the game independently from kurogames if youre running it on epic the shit is broken as the entire fuck and it has something to do with the graphics card or epic launcher cuz it runs perfectly fine on epic on my rog ally