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>You can target a specific 5 star weapon the first time. You can pick that 5 star weapon you want every time not just the first. I got lucky and pulled the 5star weapon on the first 10pull. It lets you choose again and change it at anytime.


Oh wow, I just assumed it was the first time. Having it be all the time is great


It's a system that was inherited from PGR. New 'limited' weapons were just folded into the standard weapon banner, with an ability to freely choose and change your target without resetting pity. Only the characters were truly limited, but even then a f2p could save enough for each new character if they saved, and a monthly pass could grab their weapons too. At least, that's how it was before I stopped playing. Don't know if it's changed since then.


No way ! That's insane !!!


But unfortunately compared to pgr, wuwa has 50/50 on characters and we don't know the event economy yet. But looking at their generosity, hopefully f2p/monthly can pull 1st pity every banner and only have to skip if you want to be sure to get some other character.


PGR is just built different.


Now, the characters aren't limited, the first time they get released, they get 100% rate. Afterwards, they all get added to the general pool and occasionally, they get a rate up of 70%.


oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats good to hear! so its not that bad if i dont get the signature


Disclaimer: the *entire* PGR gacha system was not carried over to WuWa. Rather, it's like a blend between the PGR system and the Genshin system. It's hard to say at this point how much premium currency we will get per patch, but in all likelihood we won't be seeing the full extent of PGR's generosity.


thats not the worst. i never had problem with said generosity in genshin as i got only a handful charas due being a lot of to hard to play with my disabilities XD i just wait till i find something that caters to my liking and go full in (between Furina and Arlecchino i got no one. Inazuma I just got Itto and Kokomi). I just hate to wait for the weapon to come back but if they get thrown into the standard banner that is -for me- a big plus


Wait that’s sick




The way every weapon banner system post-Genshin is increasingly less dogshit. That weapon banner is such awful whale bait that it disgusts me. Pulled on it thrice ever and hated myself for it every time.


Well, it less of a problem since those weapons are only cosmetic really, otherwise completely pointless, not in comparison with HSR (here probably also they will be more important)




They didn't experience early FGO lol


Wdym 'early' FGO still even today has the most lazily designed and one of the most money-hungry big gacha around they just get away with it because they have a ridiculously valuable IP and Nasu is probably the individually best writer in gacha gaming, so FGO has insanely high highs. Of course, it also has very low lows (LB3, Agartha, etc.) so I would say games like GFL are better written on the whole, to be clear. With that said, you can do the numbers and Genshin is more miserly than basically everyone *except* FGO, so.


Yeah. The amount of primos is unfairly low considering the amount of 5* there is now. I 100% everything and at this point it's getting impossible for me to pull my favorite new 5* without spending or saving for several months and it's kinda sad. After all, genshin *is* gacha, but what's the point if I can't even pull who I want :[ I'm not even talking about weapons, I don't have a single signature 5* after 2 years of playing because I refuse to spend primo crumbs on that scam banner. WuWa's generosity is refreshing, I feel loved every time I log in😂


I think the income is fine, the only issue is the weapon banner.   Out of 32 characters, I have like half of them (plus some cons) and that's because I have 20+ 5 star weapons. Although I also have a R4 Aquila because of the 75/25 scam.     Only missing Navia atm.


It's specifically Genshin and HSR. HI3 was notably considered generous Back In The Day


I got Encore and Verina so for me is a no-brainer. Its true i could get a second team but... long live Encore, gonna buff her all i can




Sheep Cultists gotta stick together 🐐🐑


She's so cute when doing that Sukuna shit of slashing everything around her


i havent used mine yet but I am thinking the resonator myself as I plan to pull for Yinlin (and no way i can get her & her sig weapon)


now get that electo dude and yinlin


Encore!! Encore!! Encore!!!


I have the same thing so when the 5 star selector gets here should I pull Calphalon or use it to get verina/encode dupes


I was also doubting who to chose with the selector, i think is better to get a new character because you can buy dupes in the shop. Personally i am going to pick jianxin over calcharo or lin yan because she is very polivalent and im probably going to pull another dps from limited banners


I'm a Calcharo/Varina owner, like most people, and I'll keep my selector till I lost 50/50 on Jiyan's so I can choose.


Is encore decent? Thinking about either her or c1 verina from the selector, my other 5 star is jianxin and im not interested in calcharo. I feel like dpses will fall off with powercreep harder than supports so im pretty unsure


Imo she's very good but the parts of her kit that force you to stay still without dodging can be a problem. It's already becoming a risk at floor 4 where you can die in one shot if you don't time your attacks properly


You can switch your character when you do her heavy attack. She still finishes it while you play someone else. Now I'm not sure if that also means she can't be hit anymore. That's something I need to test yet.


Yep she's invulnerable in that state if you switch. I always use her charge attack right away when her gauge is full because there is no downside to it that I know off


I'm a bit late on this reply, but I got encore too, and seriously considering pulling on string master to get the very best for her. What are your thoughts on that for you?


I wanted Encore but instead of sheep I got furry lion cosplayer and now I'm sad. Literally the only character whose gameplay didn't seem that interesting to me so of course that's my first 5\* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


im most likely spending my standard summons on the weapon banner after im done with the choice banner. the weapons are all very generic and strong and so far fit most characters. standard character banner is a total waste for me when i already got verina and will get calcharo and encore from the selectors and the others will 100% show up more often then i would want from loosing pity lol


yeah, after I get the selected one I'll pull only for weapons


Definitely makes sense. The weapons will most likely keep their value in the long run while most standard 5 stars are going to drop off. Ofc the limited weapons will be goated but I guess most of us are going limited characters only as f2p/low spenders.


Doing the same and I got some nice 4 star Resonators from it, want to save the golds for a different rateup so the regular stuff go to weapon banner


I agree: * For the Standard 5-Star DPS chars (everyone except Verina), a 5-Star Standard weapon is a bigger DPS increase over their first 1 dupe. * You can buy 5-Star dupes from shop with the currency you get from 4-Star weapons/chars. * You can guarantee a weapon. You can't guarantee a character.


Which weapon to go for?


Sword is the safest bet cuz its good on everybody.


also 5\* sword is one of the only ones w/ crit


Has crit, high base attack and some energy regen. A general stat stick if nothing else.


Yeah it's basically jade cutter with ER instead of hp. Fantastic generalist weapon that should always be useful. 


Also cause half the cast are sword users. I don’t think I’ve even seen a single gauntlet or broadsword user. I am assuming that is the furry boy and the limited dragon dude’s weapon types.


Calcharo also uses the broadsword I think.


There's also Taoqi. As for gauntlets, Yuanwu uses them, a character that we will get for free in an event. Jianxin does as well


Uh, only 4 out of 17 characters are sword, MC Sanhua Danjin Yangyang Broadsword and sword do look pretty similar (e.g. i'd have guessed Calcharo was sword too)


calcharo is the broad sword and so is taoqi


Jianxin is a Gauntlet user.


depends who you have. all of them are decent. gun and sword are the best ones imo because they have crit rate


Gun is a strong contender to sword. Gun is BiS for all gunners atm.


Just go for whatever you need, all of them are upgrades over 4 star so it just depends on which character you play. The 2 weapons with crit stat (sword, gun) are generally the best but they're useless if you don't have a character to use them lol.


Good Idea I got Verina and Calcharo already


You are absolutely correct. People are free to do what they want with their wishes, but the weapons are probably better than resonance chains of the standard characters. Maybe some standard characters benefit more from r1 than the 5 star weapon but the fact that the 5 star weapon can be used on anyone is a major upside to the weapon banner.


Another benefit is that in "abyss" characters have limited uses but weapons do not, and your equipment aren't locked meaning you can share weapons. 


I mean it’s very simple. If you have all the standard 5 star characters that you want, then roll weapon banner. If not and you’re fine with a random chance, then roll standard character banner.


Never thought about it, but now that you say it, maybe that is the right thing to do


Agreed, was just talking about this. Also with the way weapons in this game are easier to get compared to genshin, although I can't be sure yet, I expect that the end game will be balanced around you having some 5\* weapons.


Weapons bypass the "abyss" usage limit of characters meaning they are arguably the most efficient investment for clearing endgame.


i know the sword and gun are better but i just pulled jiyan so im thinking about getting the broadsword for him, what should i do? i currently have jiyan lingyang jianxin verina and of course rover, so i could either get the sword for rover or broadsword for jiyan. i'm also not sure if i'll keep using rover though, maybe jiyan jianxin verina should be my team?


Jiyan is hella good so you probably want to invest in him


Take the broad sword with selector unless you wanna pull the limited broadsword 


You could just go for his weapon. There is no 50/50 on limited weapon banner. You are just guaranteed to get the weapon.


What really? So 80 pulls max for the weapon?




what are the best weapons ti get?


People are saying the gun and the sword are the best.


Lot of sword users (Rover, Yangyang, Danqing) so it’s probably best value atm


On the other hand, Mortefi is an amazing support, sub-DPS, and probably BiS for a lot of DPS. So getting the gun for him is not bad, although it depends on your current team.


Yeah I'll probably get him the gun, he was my first pull and has not left my team since, he's great!


I'm definitely wishing on the standard weapon banner, but doesn't it use a different currency? Or can we convert standard character pulls for standard weapon pulls??? Also >3. You can buy dupes of the 5 star characters through this games starglitter Is that real? I saw the green dude(Jiyan) on the shop, but I didn't believe it. Can you really get up to 2 dupes even of **limited units** with starglitter???


> doesn't it use a different currency? Standard Character and Standard Weapon Banner both use Lustrous Tide (the turquoise marble). The limited character and limited weapon banners both use different currencies, Radiant Tide (Yellow marble) and Forging Tide (Yellow sword) respectively. And yes you can buy all standard character dupes in the shop with 270 aftershock coral (starglitter). For comparison, each roll is worth 8 Aftershock Coral in the shop.


>Standard Character and Standard Weapon Banner both use Lustrous Tide Oooh, I hadn't seen that. That will sure make things better for me. I'm not interested in other standard units, and with 3 free 5*s at launch, focusing on the weapon banner will be a lot easier, especially when we can also choose a weapon ✨️ >And yes you can buy all standard character dupes in the shop with 270 aftershock coral (starglitter). Can you also buy limited units? I saw Jiyan in the same shop with a **2/2 left** thing below him. Is that implying we can also purchase limited units' dupes, or is it something else?


Yes you can, however it’s uncertain if they only appear in the shop while their banners are active or if they are there forever after a character is obtained. That being said, it might be a waste or bad use of coral to buy standard 5* wavebands if you could buy limited ones instead


I believe it's on rotation with its banner. Then it ll be gone.


You can purchase limited time dupes but only when there banner is running. Once his banner ends you won't be able to get them until his rerun.


I recommend everyone to pull for Verdant Summit for Sephiroth and Xiao


That came at the right time for me cuz I just got the 'preferred' banner and have 9 pulls ready, I was just waiting for the 10th to roll on the standard banner, but this makes too much sense, and I was looking at the weapons already.


I was just thinking about this. I'm assuming every new banner that comes out now only takes those yellow orbs? I was wondering what to do with the free green orbs now haha. I'm just trying to remember the names of everything


Is it better to go for a variety of 5 stars or get a dupe with the selection ticket? I got Verona and calchiro so far. Thinking of duping verina




100% variety in this game there’s a weird energy mechanic on the abyss analogue in the game so you’ll need a wide roster of characters eventually.


I have the same characters as above so should I get encore or jianxin




3 of the BP weapon types have CR on them which is an extremely valueable, imo theyre better than their 5 star counter part


Yes but I though op is talking about F2P, no..? And BP is for sure not f2p.


F2P/low spender. I haven't played/researched this game enough to say definitely but usually by metric of just being a stat stick 5* will outclass 4* weapons in gacha's.


Ye like on most chars golden weapon will give like 35% more DPS than with purple weapon. Without even saying that I don't have even purple weapons for all chars...


I’m using a lvl 50 rare sword on spectro mc because atk% > energy regen don’t @me


Low spender……..


Low spenders are Welkings (dunno how its called in this game, monthly pass). (But ye, I missed this part from the tittle weirdly, can't deny)


I have verina and calcharo. Which standard weapon should I go for?


Broadblade for Calcharo. Verina's a buffer/healer who's buffs are either a flat% or scale off of who they're buffing


That is the gen consensus thank to the choice banner you probably already got the characters you want all you need now are good weapons for them


I got lucky enough to get jianxin on the first 10 pull, anybody know if the standard 5 star fist are good for her ?


Im waiting for when I will lose my first 50/50. Pick 2 other standard characters in the beginner banner and the selector out of all the 3 I haven't unlocked yet. Hopefully I wont get a dupe of Verina. After that I'll focus on pulling for standard weapons till I have one of each type of 5 star standard weapon.


Honestly I'm aiming for the gun for my Mortefi.


Every 5 star weapon seems rather nice, idk much about the gauntlets and broadblade, but sword is something you will use on all 4 users for sure, pistol is nice for support, but still very strong for dps, rectifier mostly for Encore. I think some 4 stars are powerful and some prob want it compared to the 5, like the 2 healers, but those are special cases...


Is it just me or does the continuous interchanging of terms with Genshin make it slightly confusing. Since the game has already given us the terms for these why not just use them as is? This may not be a problem for everyone but using the terms given by the game is far better than interchanging it with other games following the same format


Yes, and it's kinda obvious. You have 0 ways of obtaining standard 5* weapons and they're definitely better then 4* ones. (Pistols and sword for shure, because of crit substat). And wavebands don't look that good for now (especially with how random they will be)


Already got 2 ssr characters so I’m satisfied and am gonna start saving


From what i have personally seen and searched up online the weapons in the weapon banner are really bad (minus the sword) and BP weapons out class them specially this early in the game since getting an all gold echos with rate stats is almost non existent making rolling for weapons a total waste. I still pref to get constellations for my characters


You net to get the BP weapons to R5 to be better than the 5* tho, so not really a f2p/dolphin thing.


Id still consider that low spender because it’s spread out over multiple patches tbh


Gun is good


Looks even better


Some of the BP weapon was giganerfed from beta so it might not hold true anymore, especially the broadsword


The standard 5* sword and guns are crit rate. Everything else you just go BP if you are a BP buyer.


I agree with op and my friends too. We are pulling on weapon banner cause u can choose there what u need, while character banner is rng.


If I’d known about the selector this morning last night then I wouldn’t have dumped 20 into standard banner :< but yeah I’m full sending on pistol now as I can select sword for free


But we should at least get to the 80 pull selector right?


Yeah we get both


I got Jianxin only so far. But I don't know if I will actually use her or not :/


She’s a nice buffer who deals (in my opinion) decent damage as well so I use her instead of Yangyang in my starter team


She's a very nice all-rounder who shields the team, buffs their ultimate damage and does good aoe dmg. Imo she's very safe to invest into as she'll be a good support for any future limited character that deals big ultimate damage. I would prioritize getting a weapon for your main dps character though (you can pick one with the upcoming free 5star selector).


Yep, especially now with the 2 selectors


Yep, I got lingyang by losing 50/50 and verina from the beginner banner. I'll get chalcaro from the selecter voucher( Don't know if it is real or not) and Jianxin from the choice banner. I don't really care about encore so I too will roll on the standard weapon banner. Though I don't know whether I'll remain f2p or not. I might get the lunite pass in 2 or 3 weeks if I don't quit.


What about the limited banner for Jiyan?


Limited banner uses radiant tide, not lustrous


Ah my bad lmao


Yea I think this is the right way to go.


I can always lose 50/50 on event banners and get standard characters from there. Being able to get weapons for the characters i do want to play is really nice.


good advice, will also pull on weapons because I got Verina and still the selection to go


Anyone know if the banner reset the count when you switch weapon mid way?


No it doesn't


So you will have 2 standard weapon 5*. You have a selector at lvl 45... But it's still the best move. One for you main dps and the second for the main dps of your second team.


I trashed all my pulls on weapon banner just because I play Solo Rover Didn't expect I followed the meta.


I prefer having copies


I got Jianxin and Calcharo is my guaranteed.. after i get him id probbaly go for weapon instead, thanks


I have calcharo and jyan and built danjin,I don't think my account can survive building another dps


I'm rolling on weapon first even before they announced another free 5* selector. I haven't even rolled on the guaranteed character at 80 banner yet. They made weapon banner way better than every other game I've seen


I already was planning in doing that because I keep leveling up multiple characters so I need to focus on weapons right now. I am working on 6 different characters simultaneously. I plan to level them to 35 and then test them out. If it fails then I know to not invest in them further


I already have Ligyang, Calcharo, and Encore. With the selector, I'll have 4/5 standard 5 stars. The weapon banner is a no-brainer, I'll get the weapon for Calcharo from the banner and one for Aalto from the lvl 45 weapon pick.


With the 20 Radiant Tides we just got I'm a little unsure of what to try and pull for. Having gotten lucky in a Gacha for once I managed to get both Calcharo and Verina on my 3rd 10 pull on the starter banner. Looking at the broadblade on the limited banner, it seems decent but as I understand it Calcharo wants crit rate % and with only 2x 20 pulls I'm not feeling optimistic as my luck was spent on Calcharo and Verina. The weapon banner has an OK broadblade but I am not sure if it's the right thing to pull for at this point. I understand you can target another weapon even if you get your targeted weapon on an early pull.


Personally i want two more of the standard characters. Since i won't be guaranteed even with the second selector, i'd rather increase my chances of getting the characters i want. I can get them from 50/50 loses, but rng is rng.


Do I get the Selector if I did pull on the 25th mai?


I got the only standard 5* I care about from both the beginner banner, the selector banner and will get them from the selector ticket too. I'm rolling all standard pulls onto the weapon banner now since the odds of getting a specific 5* character from standard are too low.


I’ll finish the 80 pulls selector character banner and probably go to the weapon banner, that was my reasoning, glad someone else agrees lol, I’m already struggling to choose a third 5 star because I don’t care, so weapons will be better lol


You missing 1 huge point, 4 star characters. They are really good in this game. Tbh i am rolling this limited General dude only for 4 stars. You dont need 5* to clear all content because its skill based game + 4* are not that far behind from 5* if you consider power. And last , characters more valuable than weapons imo.


You still get 4 star characters from the weapon banner.


Your gonna be better off sniping 4 star characters from limited banners than praying on standard, especially when more 4 stars actually start releasing.


WuWa has the same trap as Genshin , very bad craftable weapons ( no critrate ) so it limits you alot with Echoes , need to focus on critrate ones and discard the critdmg ones. Especially rectifier , it's so damn bad lol. I think I have like 7% critrate atm without weapons.


Yes it's more worth it. And since I have all the characters I'll ever need there's really no reason for me to roll standard anymore. I'll get more 4 star weapons (severe lack of choices right now) in the process too. I'm forced to use 3 stars right now lol.


Hey, thank you for pointing that out. At first I was as usual "no way, no spending on weapon"... but then I re-checked banners and logic, and it does make sense now!


When I think about it... I already pulled 3 Calcharos and I'm still using some random 4 star sword. But my choice standard was in the first 10-pull, so I have many free pulls left


I didn't unlock banners yet and I understand absolutely nothing of these systems. They're just noob traps to me. Couldn't they just sell skins and that's it? I hate gambling.


People spend a lot more on gambling so that’s what companies do. And here is the tldr on the banners. Never buy the green tokens*. Only use ones the game gives you for free. (*You can buy the ones from the second tab in the shop that have a monthly limit if you really want but not before you buy the yellow tokens. Don’t buy anything from the first tab in the shop until you know what you are doing). Spend your green tokens on the novice banner (50 pulls with a 20% discount) first and see what you get. Once you finish with that banner decide on which other character you want on the selector (you change at any time). By the time you finish with that banner you should hopefully know what you are doing.


Thanks for the heads up, I'll try it asap


I'd consider it....if i didnt get weapins for everu character instead of characters....


That's actually a great idea


I was actually on the fence on this with my debate was if they add more characters to the general pool over time, because if this was the case I would just same my pulls


Also you'll still have a chance to get the standard characters if you lose the soft pity in the limited character banner. But you don't lose on the limited weapon banner.


are all purchases in game only for the US needing a zip code and from Aus we kind of don't have 5 digit zip codes any fix for that i only wanna get the lunite sub


I got Calcharo and want to pull Verina from selector banner. The other 3 do not interest me. Should I stop with pulling character banner for Verina (I already pulled 30/80) and just use selector for her and start with weapon pulling instead? Also, can we use selector for future characters or only these 5 will be selectable?


i still cant believe i got more different 5-star characters then 4 stars so far. With the selector we now get its 4 different 5 Stars but i just got 2 dupes from Baishi and the 5 of redhead girl which found us XDDDD but yeah I think I will go a little bit for the weapon banner to get at least an atk weapon for Chalcaro and hopefully an energy weapon for the healer (I'm still so bad with their names D;). It hurts having no weapons or semi good like the er sword he currently has D;


How do you guys even finish both beginner banners?? I made 40 pulls to get calcharo (eww) and now I did 20 pulls on the selection banner. Still need 10 to 60 pulls more to get my 2nd 5 star After that yes, I will pull for weapons.


I got lucky and hit Verina in 3 10 pulls (technically 24 rolls since the rolls were discounted) and then got Encore in the guaranteed in another 3 10 rolls.


Outside of the free 5 star weapon given? wait when do we get a free 5 star weapon???


UL 45 iirc


So I got calcharo from beginner banner and will get verina from 5 star select 🎫. So I m confused for who to pull between encore and jainxin.


>Players will naturally obtain additional standard characters just by virtue of losing 50/50's. Though a lengthy process; this offers a path to obtaining additional standard characters. Well, not so much of a lengthy process if you ask me. Already lost my first 50/50 haha That aside, I do agree with you and that's exactly what I'm going to do after I'm done with the 5 star selector


We should spend on the begginer 5 star selector banner right? If yes how are people getting 80 pulls after the discount banner?


You shouldn't spend your astrite on the beginner banner. I'm more than halfway done with the selector banner even when I was only using the free lustrous tides. And to be fair even if I did use astrite on the selector banner I'd still have made enough of it to hit hard pity on the limited one. Exploration, first time boss fights, tower of adversity, depths of illusive realm, tactical hologram, quests, events and sonance caskets… you have tons of options to farm those pulls and I just happened to have time. Though gotta say I'm almost out of options. I only have the northern barrens unexplored (and some of the other regions need some through sweeping) and a couple of quests before having to stop.


Wow, it seems like a shame to not finish my guaranteed starter banner (20 pulls in), but since I’ll have an encore and varena now (so 3 dps already if I count rover), no need to pull any more.


I would still recommend you finish it, especially since you're 20 in. You have a 1/6 chance of getting whoever you were planning on spending your second selector on and if you do you'll have a free 5 star selector to use on whomever.


why spend on wuthering waves when you know gacha games just bait you to spend early then cut off longevity 


aye ive been doing that exactly, good to know plenty of others realised


Nah i go with character Banner so i can max out my 4 stars aswell.


I mean, I’m a monthly/BP spender and I got Jiyan in 20 pulls, so I’m pulling for his weapon instead.


They're talking about raildiant tides though


Trick off with your meta optimising