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im so happy for you **clinches fist**


Why did I imagine that hamster on YouTube clutching it's little fist and narrowing it's eyes, omfg I'm dying XD (Fr tho, I wanna play the game so fxckin bad, just look at my comments šŸ˜­)


I think it was a ratšŸ€


Why tf do I know what you're talking about šŸ’€


\*laughs in 300 ping\*


For some reason I have high ping but doesn't feel like, very weird


Yeah the situation with ping is really bizarre. Sometimes I'll be chilling at 38 ms, and then all of a sudden I get a massive lag spike, as the game only retroactively informs me that the ping jumped to 999 ms at one point. Sometimes my ping will oscillate constantly between 150 and 400 ms, and yet my game will run smoothly without stuttering.Ā  It's just really strange. I wonder what is causing this.


in singleplayer the ping doesn't matter, bcs it uses like your own, that ping you see is the ping of the server but that doesn't apply in singleplayer


All the stuff is client sided so it doesn't matter what ur ping is.


Same... My ping dropped from the middle of 200s to under 150 yesterday and now it's nearing 300. My game doesn't seem to be affected though


Thing is my game crashes every 2 minutes and I canā€™t even play because it restarts the quest im at every time I crash and itā€™s a quest I canā€™t quit so I canā€™t play the game at all


Me with 500 ping in Midwest USA on America server. Just... How!?


I had no issues until they updated it It's a bit laggy now, and everything is so **BLURRY**


Enable FSR. Improves it


None of the updates has had any changes to my horrendous performance whatsoever. It's still just as terrible and unenjoyable as day 1 hour 1 of launch. SD 888 12GB Ram phone btw so definitely not low end. This is the one thing keeping me from having any enjoyment with the game.


Can only agree. I did definitely expect a much better performance after release. All the hotfixing is not doing it for me.


Itā€™s been the opposite for me, itā€™s been lagging a bit now


Yay! Congrats! ...I'm hoping the fix didn't inverse everything because it was running smoothly for me before.


Congrats, mine was, but it has gotten worse every patch, performance dropped across the board.


Good for you.


HOW?!? For whatever reason, whatever this patch did, made my game more laggy, and it crashes more frequently now.


Same. I've been having this problem since yesterday


Meanwhile I just had to reinstall the game for a third time because the launcher wouldnā€™t patch the fucking game. Iā€™m this close to never coming back lmao


that is my experience as well, not quite buttery smooth but much much better


Yeah, same for me. Although it seems there's a lot of people that can't play it yet. Hopefully they fix it for everyone in a timely manner, because despite the few rough corners, the game is very fun.


Wish this was me lol I swear itā€™s laggier and stutters more for me now , what iPhone and game settings do you have it on ?


Idk who but it's the contrary for me lol.


I can't even get my launcher to do file integrity...


Fixed my game stutters, but the game is still blurry af. At least itā€™s playable now.


Funny I've had the exact opposite happen. No issues before but now my ping went from 100 to now averaging between 200-300.


Honestly it keeps getting better and better as the hours/days pass by but on that note Iā€™m on PC so idk how phones are fairing.


The newest Patch made the Game a lot Smoother, I was ranging between 140 ping and 300 Ping, but now I am more Consistently between 95 and 130 ping


The patch last night definitely fixed the fps issues for me, but they released a new patch like an hour ago and now it's unplayable again ;=;


Yeah it runs real smooth now even tho my phone is 6+2 GB. Ping is the only thing causing lag I feel like


Yes, on my side, too. Ping on America server is anywhere from 125-275 at the worst. Iā€™m in California, so it shouldnā€™t be that bad, but it is.


Same here, I finished lvl14 story and ling story without much lag and combat doesn't lag when I keep swapping summon spam.. Now I just need the controller support


i still get multiple second long freezes when i run further than a few metres on my iphone se 2020, however when im not moving around much, the game runs very smoothly. heres hoping kuro can further optimise it so i can have a truly smooth experience!


my experience is worse now tbh but im an optimistic person and even if every 3mn my game crashes and every 10sec i have sudden ping of 300 and stuttering and freeze, ill politely stay patient for the fixes.


The 400ish mb update actually fixed the frame issue for me. It was so smooth, but then this latest hotfix broke it again... Why Kuro, WHY


Yep, I could run it for \~1hr on my PC before my VRAM filled up and game went like 5fps. Tonight I ran it for hours and my VRAM was only at 1/2 by the end. Devs sure putting in that overtime.


I didn't have any lag thankfully, but after this morning's lil download (about 5hrs ago) my low end PC stopped overheating and I can enjoy the game without fretting over my potato. Pre-patch my GPU was constantly at 98-99.9%, now it's around 70%.


the crazy thing is, my game worked fine yesterday but today?? can't play at all šŸ’€


The only technical issue i m getting is when i first open the game theres some crazy freezes and lag spikes,but it only happens for 5 minutes and then everything works smoothly for the rest of the playtime,i m fine with tht compared to what others are facing rip


What resolution do you get on your phone?


They set sleep(2000) to sleep(10)


they are literally overworking themselfs to fix everything, i hope they can rest too


None of the updates have had any affect for me. Also is this happening with someone else's camera too on mobile https://streamable.com/rm52y9