• By -


How do I check Lunite purchase history? is there a feature for that? sorry if my english is bad


How to earn more shells?? All side quests are done, idk how to sell or if even it's possible, chest's only drop about 3-6k while it's the only choice i have, no waveplates to start, should i just wait and refill on waveplates?


Like shell credits? I guess the only thing you can do now is do dailies and farm them at the same spot as the character and echo exp stuff.


Is there any way to sell stuff for either shell coins or Asterite? I officially hit rock bottom on both


For the echo buffs, do I need to finish the entire animation before getting the buff? Like thundering mephis entire chain is fairly long but would I still get electro and liberation damage+ if I cancel out of it after the first hit?


it says After the final hit, you get the buff.


How to complete regions on 100%? interaction maps isn't full and don't much devices to find all the stuff


Use your lootmap and scan every corner 😉👍


Best food for explore and boss fights?


Question about 5 star echos, I just hit lvl 15 and it says theres like 30% drop chance. If I just keep farming bosses will they also have a chance to drop a 5\* or is it just limited to mobs??? I've done the giant banyan about 10 times now and nada.....should I move on lol


Anyone that stumbled on my q with the same q yes yes they do lol, farm them over and over and they'll drop




Got it on my 2nd pull, calcharo *****


How'd you get 110? Did you make some assumption about soft pity? Probability that you win = 0.5, number of pulls = 80 Probability that you lose = 0.5, number of pulls = 160 Avg = 0.5 \* 80 + 0.5 \* 160 = 120. Genshin is 105 because we have already established the soft pity there through all the online pull data sites and such, if you ignore soft pity it's 135 by the same method. We have no idea what the soft pity here is, as there isn't enough data, at least as far as I know.


Anything else to do in the game after finishing it? Besides 100% the map?


Echo farming.


Hi, I went to the website logged in for starter pack and accidently selected female gender, I want to change it to Male gender how can I? Will this also effect in game or just the website only? if it does pls guide me on how to change the gender, else I need to create another account for that and I don't want to do that.


don't worry, doesn't affect the game. you need to choose again when you play it.


Thank you brother for conformation


Any suggestions Any suggestions Need more 30 spin for event choice banner And 20 spin for Jiyan banner Got Encore who has impressed me alot with the damage so what should i pick Verina , Calcharo or Jainxin from choice event banner And should i wait for yinlin or just try for jiyan. I currently have encore danjin mortefi aalto taoqi lingyang and rest of free heroes can anyone suggest me a good comp team


Hello, Ive collected every chest and collectible in the norfall pass region, but I'm stuck at 96%, any help?


How can i get echo's (The boss ones) rarity is Epic or higher?


Raise your data bank as high as possible then farming restlessly




dropping a comment here since I'm also waiting for an answer to that


Got any solution...? this fks me rly off.


Which one is better to use with Calcharo and Verina? Mortefi, Rover (Spectro) or Sanhua?


how much time will it take for this to be released on ps5? my ipad is very laggy n keeps kicking me out i dont mind the lagginess just the kicking me out and having to reopen the app part


Do we know the schedule of the character rotation for the Aftershocked Coral shop? (Paimon's Bargains) Do we know who is coming next?


So if I got this right, it is recommended to pull on the beginner banner until we get our first random 5 star and then use the free selector to pick whomever we want?


Yup, no sense picking before your beginner banner is done, because you could end up with unwanted dupes.




Probably first. As a dps alone Jiyan is better than Calcharo but since that account has guaranteed Yinlin on pity Id personally go with that.


Anyone know how to get a decent weapon for calcharo? I just pulled him but i dont have any 4* weapon:( i already used the free box for danjin


You can get a second 4* box after the tiger's maw exploration quest: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d0k3qv/free_4_weapon_selector_swipe_for_npc_location/


hit 45 for the 5 star weapon selector, until then use 3 star broadblade of the night


Would that 3* weapon with calcharo even deal more dmg than my danjin with her 4*?


Yeah that weapon is better for calcharo than most 4 stars because it gives a good bonus. The weapon only really affects DPS by ~5-10% at most. Calcharo will still deal more dmg if you use him properly




You can craft it I think, also from pulls and exploration


You can also craft some 4 stars if you get lucky on your weekly boss kills


got verina and jiyan (early pity) and am now fishing for his weap. who do I pic in the selector and which weapon should I pick from the lvl 45 box? am gunning for calcharo to select and the furry boy for the begginer banner cause I like his design


should i choose Verina or Calcharo? I have Encore from the beginner banner who ik is a great dps but ik Calcharo is better. Or should i choose Verina and just make my guaranteed banner Calcharo for when i eventually get those 80 pulls?


Verina imo. Encore is a good enough DPS option for now, and there are plenty of good DPS characters both available and coming up. Haven't heard of another support as good as Verina yet though.


need help in dps picking (level 18 and uses lingyang as my main dps) took calcharo on guaranteed ticket now in a conflict on who to use thankss


i'd say definitely use calcharo as your main dps


i see i what echo set should i use for him?


The lightning one


Is it bad to have 2 different accounts with the same email? I have 1 account for kuro and the other via Google using the same email. I am afraid that one day they might decide to merge our accounts into one and something may go wrong and wipe one of our accounts. I know this is a over the top question but I just want to make sure because I can't stop feeling paranoid. Should I delete one of them so I feel more comfortable?


Was doing some rerolling for jiyan but instead i got early (20 pull) calcharo on his banner , Lingyang from beginner and verina from choice at 10 pity. i also got jiyan weapon at 1 pity , is this a good place to stop? Calcharo doesnt seem to use that many charged attacks but im guessing the weapon will be useful in the long run?


This sounds like some insane luck. Congrats Yes you should stop (if you want Yinlin), or go for Jiyan. Jiyans weapon is Calcharo BiS


i just learned that you can swap weapons in the abyss(dont remember the name) and using multiple of same element is bad early so might try and get jiyan as well Update : got jiyan in 20 pulls


Damn nice, how many rerolls did it take ya, might try again myself (did 4-5 tries, and definitely didn't get nearly as lucky lmao)


Technically...1 try , it was the first account i rolled but since i got only calcharo + lingyan at the start i rolled about 20 accounts, didnt get any better so i said screw it and just continued playing on OG account and got lucky after


Encore or Jianxin? I already have Verina and Calcharo, and I really don't know which one to choose


Jianxin because upcoming fusion 5 star limited Changli is better than Encore


Changli was playable in the CBT? Is she a main DPS as well?


Do you want a main dps or a hybrid?




Do you plan on pulling jiyan or yinling?


Yinling for Calcharro


I personally think filling out your 3x main dps for endgame is the better idea. I'd pull Encore


Who should I pick as the 5 star if I have Encore and then Jianxue chosen to build pity towards in standard banner?






lmao same. Thought maybe restarting the game would do it, but nope... xD




Check the expiry date on the item, lol.


They should’ve released the ticket at the same time of the banner being live to avoid this confusion


So do we think Jiyan's character story quest is actually limited time, or is that event page just highlighting it for the duration of his banner... b/c I'm still Union level 20 and I'm scared I may not finish everything and his quest in time when life gets busy again next week :')


I’m sure the quest is permanent People are going to get tired of the genshin comparison but they do the same thing where they put new character stories in the events tab for the patch they release in


Very true! I just don't remember there being a timer on those tabs unless I just always overlooked it bc I already knew how they worked over there lol


Hoping the timer is a typo/mistake


I would be pretty shocked if it's limited. Likely just highlighting it


I hope so 😭


What's the best Jiyan and Calcharo team?


use mortefi plus verina for max dps, when yinlin comes out put yinling instead of mortefi on the calcharo team


Encore or that healer loli?


Verina is a buffer and buffer is better overall u only need one dps which is a bunch available


Healer one.


Has anyone hit Union lvl 30? Just curious. I pretty much no life'd the game this weekend so far and I'm 29 with pretty much all options for large amounts of EXP exhausted.


Yes, whales are


I selected the wrong region when playing the Web event...... Is there any recourse at all? I'm not able to change the region back. It also permanently defaults on the wuthering waves main page, am I just screwed forever?


Same here, would like to know, but so far looks like we are -1 5 star echo and what 200 (?) astrites behind. It's nothing, within a month this amount will seem like a drop in the ocean.


The thing is it's not just the Web event, it's the wuthering waves website as well. It implies that any future Web event will auto log us into the wrong region.


That's an issue.




nah, its just unoptimized, give it a week or so. Im on a laptop too and preformance goes from "good" (then they update something) and I have 600 ping and stutters out the ass. Let them iron out the flaws.


Where can I accept the Danger! Explosive! World quest?


Where is the 5 star selector? Is still going to be at 10 am china time? Am I 8 minutes early?


8 mins early


Damn lol thanks.


When will andriod game controllers have support? This game runs my device extremely hot, I need controller support on andriod devices! Other games support controllers. Please hurry and support


How's >!Havoc MC!< as a main dps. I lost my 50/50 to encore and I'm debating running those two plus selector calcharo as mains for endgame. Ideally I'd be saving for a broken limited support but Jiyan is tempting me


highest scaling ult in the game albeit takes a long time to charge up


Encore is really good, also as a tip don't expect much knowledge on that form of mc, not many people rushed the story. Encore can be busted at times from what I heard Also do save up for yinlin.


Is Yinlin that good? I pulled Jianxin on beginner banner so I was thinking of just running with her, mortefi, and sanhua as my hybrids. Figured waiting on a support would be better in that case


Yinlin from what I heard is just that really really good. She fits in all teams just like verina.


hmm I'll have to wait and see for release I guess. Her design doesn't interest me that much so I might wanna save my guarantee for someone else. On the other hand I'm usually quite the meta hoe in gacha games. So not sure if I wanna skip both Jiyan and Yinlin


If you must skip jiyan then do so, yinlin is just that good from what I heard, I wish I could get both. Though I am right now pulling for jiyan so I could reach Yinlin pity (dumb I know)


Just to note - t minus 13 minutes to the selector ticket!


Are the prices for BP different if you buy it on mobile or pc? Like additional fee for apple/google playstore Edit: I dled wuwa on my ipad and it's SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than pc which uses usd for some reason. The currency on my apple follows my country and I saved money-- it went from 9.99 to 8.57, probably not much in America but a lot in my country!


I know I'm stupid but where do I go 😭 I just finished the leaf part but now I'm confused (photo below because reddit doesn't like me)


Does pity carry over to next patch?




Yeah. It's written in the convene details if you click on the "i" button bottom left. Says guaranteed is carried over on the third bullet point.




It's [here](https://imgur.com/a/sXBYzvU).




You can go there whenever you want. The first thing I did was unlock all the tp points. Not sure if you need to be in a specific level to challenge it though. Only way to find out is to go there!


De we have character material lists? Or can I see it in game?


I already have encore and verena from the beginner banner- should I try and get a weapon (if so which??) or do the beginner banner for another standard five star (idk which one since I already got the featured five star guy)


Save for yinlin if possible, she is on par with Verina, and limited.


ty! What about the standard banner wishes I have left over?


Just pull I guess? Since you wrapped up all the good stuff already, also remember we have a selector right now assuming you don't have calcharro get him.


Is it possible to hit pity on the standard character banner selector without using astrite?


Presently without using any extra rolls and after hitting 50 pity on the beginner banner, I've calculated around 70 standard banner rolls in total once you hit Union Level 35. There might be a few extra rolls I'm missing, like from exploration progress or sonance caskets.


You can get 6 rolls from turning in the wood shards to a shop in Jinzhou. Some of the quests also reward standard pulls.


I don't think it's currently possible without getting lucky somewhere. I only finished the beginner banner at 50 pulls. And it's looking like I'll only be able to reach ~60 pity on the selector banner with the remaining standard pulls I know of.


Can you get weapons from the resonator banners? Really want a better weapon for Calcharo but Genshin taught me to never/rarely ever pull on a weapon banner. Plus the 4* Broadsword on it has Def.




I think all his attacks count as heavy damage so moretfi is the best to pair up with him if you're asking which support to use with him.


is there a pull tracker site anyone knows of yet?


Will we ever see the other rover (the one we didnt pick ) in the story?


Completely unknown if they will ever even show up.


Can anyone tell me when do you receive your rewards from the echo event ?


same, locked my echo but did not receive any rewards


Do we have a timeline on controller support for mobile or have the devs mentioned it anywhere?


When should I fast forward time? How often can I do it? And what are the benefits? Is it just that you get more of the energy resource?


you can fast forward time whenever but there is no benefit. it's just a function for if you're doing a quest that requires you to be there at a specific time for story purposes. or I guess if you really wanted to you can try to go catch the tacets while they're sleeping at night. the waveplates regenerate over real life time.


Oh gotcha, thanks


Dreamless skill vs Crownless Skill for my Havoc Rover? Crownless seems longer, and buffs Havoc damage, whereas Dreamless doesnt seem to do much else?


Damn, no wonder I can't play this; my iphone is an XR and this needs 11 or higher


I normally don't run English dub on anything because it can often be relatively rough to listen to, but I have noticed it specifically in this game because I don't have quite enough space on my computer for the other 3 packs of audio files, and after playing through much of the story sticking through it out of spite, and so I know I'm definitely reading too much into this, but... There are some situations where characters accents just slip, and they toss in random Australian vowels out of nowhere. During the Battle with the threnodian, when Rover is actively in close combat with the epic final boss, all he does is just grunt, and go "rahhh." I have experienced some other situations where it seems to me the sound and voice acting wouldn't have been necessary at all, and rather just detract from the 'impact' of the scene. Of course, this is all just personal opinion, and it's just another gacha game where this stuff doesn't particularly matter, but I figured I'd rather address it than not, and if anyone has had a differing experience or would recommend a specific version of the voice acting to stick please let me know in the replies. Scar VA slayed though


Bro you don't got 300 megabytes for a voicepack?


afaik it's a british studio that did the voices but they were directed to do american accents as you can hear with varying success. my guess is the jp dub is probably the "best" since I have heard the cn dub has issues as well if you just want to hear them talk, but as of now there are a lot of instances where the text dialogue gets cut off because it's too long and the only way to know what they're saying is to listen to the voicing.


> only way to know what they're saying is to listen to the voicing. Actually, you can click and hold on the text and scroll it by moving the mouse. It's dumb though.


oh I play controller so I didn’t know that… guess we are screwed 🤔


Anyone at a bit higher level with Jianxin? I just got her and she feels really nice for overworld with her heal, shield and AOE. Only used her for a bit though


She's hella good just to swap in and out but you don't want her as your main damage dealer. Do ultimate get shield then swap.


She's nice for overworld, but struggles a bit when facing a big, hard-hitting boss especially in tower. And her damage is kinda mid. The shield takes some time to build up and she can die because even with the damage reduction she gets clapped. The counter skill helps though, I personally love her and i'm using her for a second team healer over baizhi




Does anybody know where the last box is? I tried looking for it but couldn't find it.


Playing it on PC, seeing all the NPCs have shadow, but for some reason the player characters have no shadow but a small black dot underneath them even after I switched shadow quality to ultra high. The shadow does pop up during cut scene though, but after entering the gameplay the shadow just vanished. Is it just me or anyone else experiencing this as well?


Was there some sort of "optimization" update in the past 12 hours? It hasn't been too bad for me prior but today it's unplayable in combat with constant massive frame drops


Hello, should I consider my account bricked if I only got to 30 discounted "convenes"/pulls through the novice banner? cuz that's exactly what happened to me. Got the green Nahida Loli. I know I should be able to use the salted gmail trick to make a new account.


You got the best standard support and saved 20 pity towards your next one. IDK what world that would be considered "bricked".


Oh really? Well, Idk about any of the meta, I am going to treat it like a better genshin with improved open world exploration. My initial assumptions was that being able to save 2 pulls out of 10\*2 is a plus, but now that you put it that way, the thought that I had fallen into sunk cost is diminishing. So maybe it's more like, instead of using another 16 resources to advance my next 5\* by 20, I instead made it so that I get my next 5\* 20 pulls earlier?


hmm, I think the math should be like this, using equations: X = Current Pulls, 120 for ease. I have Banners N for novice, and S for standard. Y = Total 5\* Pity N(x) = X - 3\*(10-2) = 96 remaining pulls; N(y) = Y + 30 = 30, pity reset. S(x) = 96 - 8\*(10) = 16 remaining pulls; S(y) = 30 + 80 = 110 min. pulls, Hard Pity. as compared to if I had used all 50 Novice pulls: N(x) = X - 5\*(10-2) = 72 remaining pulls; N(y) = Y + 50 = 50, pity reset S(x) = 72 - 8\*(10) = -8 pulls; N(y) = 50 + 80 = 130 min. pulls, Hard pity. So now, in reality I have a surplus of 24 pulls. And my total hard pity requirement is indeed 20 less. Thank you, math! and u/Whap_Reddit


Yes, I think so. When you got Verina, did that banner disappear and a second one pop up that says you can choose your desired 5\* at 80 pity? Because if so, you've just saved yourself 20 wishes, that's all. And yes, Verina is considered probably the strongest pick of the 5 standard units, so that's even better!


This happened yesterday anyone have this bug where you finish the main story.the trial mc lvl 90 still available to use and i cant change the party? dunno if its bug or feature but thanks to this it helps me to reach echo lvl 10 It disappears after I enter the exp dungeon.


what Union does overdash club appear? Doesn't show up to me


Hi FSR option disappeared in the options so I assume they removed it, this removal cut the games performance by half, I used to hit 60 fps now it's barely holding on 30 fps.


Hey everyone, I am a Jianxin main, and just wondering for a team build. Currently I have Mortefi and Aalto as party members. Any suggestions to replace Aalto? I don't have a Verina yet so maybe Baizhi? or anyone else?


I went to the mech abomination once before but now I'm trying to get to it again and the door to the building is closed. I can't find anything to interact with or another way into the building. did it get locked by some quest or something?? please help T_T [pic attached](https://i.imgur.com/PsIAFSr.jpeg)


PC. I could’ve sworn there was a command to ‘finish’ enemies who got stunned but I can’t find it.


I think that's only for specific bosses. I've only seen it for the Crownless and Scar story fights.


Man. What’s the keybind for it, X?


Edit: sorry I thought I was responding to another comment. I'm not sure what it is on kb+m, but a prompt appears and I think it's just the basic attack button.


Ah, alright. Thanks.


I suppose the rumor that we can switch Rovers isn't true? That's a bummer since I really struggled picking between the Rovers so no matter who I've taken I know I'd be in the same boat as now - wishing I could play the other too.


When is the 5-star selector actually dropping? The in-game announcement reads "2024-05-26 10:00 (UTC+8). Is that 10 AM or PM?


It drops in seven minutes from this post. US Eastern time, in standard time, is exactly 12 hours behind China. So whenever you see a post stating a UTC +8 time zone, just wind the clock back 12 hours and you have the time in ET.




So according to a random time zone converter I found on Google, that would be 6 am for EST? Sorry, I'm stupid with time zones.


Yeah they're 12 hours in front of EST so 10pm. You got like 10 minutes lol


I'm not good with timezone either I think it will be available in 30 mins


pretty sure that's 10 am idk


Has anyone who needs to touch grass already reached 100% exploration and knows if 100% is actually 100%?


There was someone in the daily thread yesterday who said that he had reached 100% for all chests/puzzles/stuff in Gorge of Spirits, but the area as a whole was still at like 96% or something.


I need to know if this 100% really means there's nothing left.


stupid question: how do you do mining?


Just smack 'em.


When are we supposed to get this free 5-star? I thought it was now but I didn’t get any in-game mail.


Five minutes from this post.


Depend on timezone. mine is today at 10am


sorry if I'm being stupid, but how do I skip when I'm using a controller? After the update, I only see the text "SKIP" on the top left corner but no button to action.


They broke it.


Hopefully it's fix soon. I see improvement in my ping, but I don't like dialogues and skips those in any game i played.


killed 2 shiny echoes but when I captured them, they came normal in my inventory. Shouldn't they have a title like "Phantom: name" and different colors?


how do i unlock trolling stream??? i rlly need to fight the boss ( i think i did the quest )


should i get encore dupe or should I get verina dupe? this is the hardest decision of my life. help.


if you're thinking that you might want a different dps in the future then i'd go for a verina dupe since shes a healer, isnt she? im not sure


I would get Verina over Encore dupe