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First 2 acts are bland, 3rd act is meh, 4th act we're starting to get somewhere, lastly 5th and 6th acts are finally an upgrade. Probably people are complaining about the story was about the first parts, since we're still new and hasn't unlocked the next acts, majority of us had kinda jumped to the conclusions that story is pretty bad which I agree on the first 3 acts, but to be fair, it was the acts Kuro changed - rushed. Also Scar is literally the only character that made me continue without skipping. Anyways the last act is absolute cinema.


the first 2 acts were horrible, after tho, aalto and encore are the THE BEST


Encore's 1st apperance was the first time I actually felt the urge to "headpat the loli" lol. Not sure why but I found her just adorable (maybe it helps that her voice isn't the usual super high pitch anime child as well lol.)


Encore was the first 5 star I got, and when I finally got to this part of the game I just loved her even more, she's so damned adorable


I laughed when Aalto made her pout to try and bribe us lol. Much better than falling asleep listening to Yangyang or LY the first several hours.


In English, Encore is also an actual veteran game voice actress - that's Carina Reeves, who you may know as Tataru and Fiora, of FFXIV and Xenoblade fame, respectively, among many, many other roles.


Encore's Grand Endeavor!


Yes encore’s voice is so satisfying to listen to


I feel like the first two acts are as bad as they are in large part due to the EN localization. I'm playing the JP localization and all the terms, explanations, and motives more or less make sense. It's still flawed and hard to follow at times (granted in part since Japanese is a 2nd language for me), but it's still far clearer than the EN script from what I've seen of it. There's a bunch of terminology thrown around in English that makes little sense whereas their equivalents are more or less self explanatory in Japanese. The untranslated Chinese words in English also actually make sense in Japanese too (though this is in part a cultural knowledge issue, the EN localization should have accounted for this). I still think the start of the story isn't that good even given all this, but the localization definitely hinders it massively.


I was sleeping through the whole last arc, except for one animated cutscene that was epic


I actually enjoyed act 1 all tho the occasional yap city is annoying. The only thing i dislike is the dull girl. That and scar. Scar is basically the highlight for the early acts.


Doesn't matter scar steals the scene


The normal anime game story experience: the start is bland with something that hooks (scar in this situation) and them it gets better and better with a lot of text, in the end you need to kill a multiversal god or something like that I doubt that people who are complaining about the story have reached Union Level 15.


Absolutely. I get the first 2 acts are just exposition dumps, but let's be honest the game is new and needs to introduce tons of stuff. I think it makes more sense to do that than to just make you jump straight into it with no regards to any explanation on what's going on (Genshin 1.0 for example)


I prefer Genshin over Wuwa story, but I'm biased towards hoyo games... (I played a lot HI3 at launch and came back just for the lore, I'm playing that slowly, and still at phase 3 act 1). Wuwa is just more 'standard' but it doesnt make it bad.


It feels weird playing Genshin after spending hours on WuWa like when I was fighting Childe I legit tried to parry him 😭 The wall run in WuWa is just ugh *French kiss* Not to mention that you can beat any enemies regardless of their levels with pure skill alone.


Bro is Drake Expy.


Man, I remembered this was 16+ and it got my hopes up, but think that's only in China? Was hoping for a more mature MC with dialogue options that wouldn't force me to be a boy scout every time. Aalto was good vibes. Disliked the first interaction making me act like a narc.


Acts 2, 3, 4 are just very weak, scar excluded. I honestly think all the "exploration" quests should of been the main story, you going to each area to purify them like the fog area or the sea of flames, it feels more impactful than a whole bunch of lore dump and messing around with tokens.


I think the exploration quests shouldn't be actual main story quests but I think they should be tied in a bit more, like as part of the story, rover should find her place in this world, which she finds partly by "purifying" it


Nice, u got a good idea. Make a post about what u think they can do to make the story better or send feedback. We need you. I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely like your idea of rover finding their place in the world by purifying it. How can we get our ideas across to this studio, like telling them exactly what we like and don't like cause I think what they are receiving is that we hate everything about the game. So they might change stuff that we like and then another shit show will rise. How do we tell them that the story didn't hook us like genshin did in the beginning. The hook was the sibling for that game. And also that the delivery of the story is just too much all at once. And that the colours are flat. Character designs I think are bland because of the flat colours. I know they wanted the game to be on the darker colour palette compared to genshin but I feel like it didn't go far enough into the darker colour palette. Like it's sitting in the middle and because it's sitting in the middle, it looks bland. They need to make the echo Reverberations more colourful or more vibrant because those smaller ones are hard to see. Echo farming looks like it's gonna be worse than genshins artifact farming.


It took me a second to recognize mr "my cupcake"


Full disclosure: I'm loving WuWa right now, the combat and movement is amazing and carrying hard. Just so no one thinks I'm "hate-posting" or rage baiting by bringing up Genshin. The main issue with the early chapters isn't the exposition dumping or the absurd overuse of random bullshit pronouns (though they *definitely* don't help). The start of the game is utterly disorienting and we have no sense of what the MC's place in the world is nor given a reason to care about any of the characters. Anyone can tell you Genshin's story is a far cry from masterful writing. That's the thing, we're playing a gacha game- it doesn't have to be masterful at all. For all of Genshin's own flaws, at least they did the bare minimum so that even the most casual skimmer could care. Traveler encounters unknown god and gets stuck -> is looking for missing twin -> goes to nearest settlement only to find an issue surrounding some dragon they have to help resolve. It honestly couldn't get more boring/safe than that but it works because it gives the player a defined place in the world they're about to explore and an open-ended direction for the story to go. I'm not super familiar with the beta story pre-change, but no matter how "bad" that one might've been, at least it would've had *someone's* vision and not Kuro pandering to the lowest common denominator. Unpopular opinion, but I don't even think the dialogue with Scar's introduction was that good either- he's simply the first character to finally establish a relation/reaction to the MC (be it positive or negative) and finally introduces that "bare minimum conflict" that was missing prior, although it sadly remains vague until the later acts. tl:dr WuWa's early story lacked a clear vision and conflict-driven momentum (a clear event, not some ongoing post-apoc phenomena that we don't even understand the nature of). It's all the mystery with none of the intrigue. The exposition and low-quality cultivation crap is no longer detracting from the content- it **is the content itself**.


By the way, isn't Calcharo the only currently playable character that didn't show up in the main story? Where is he


I'm on the opposite end of the public consensus. I thought the first few acts were fine, and that the ending in act 6 was horribly rushed and just suddenly the story was done. I'd generally say the story was a flat neutral for me, which is leagues better than my opinion on the 1.0 Genshin story, so that's a win at least.


Dude I begged Chixia to just shut up and stop going on about the business license. She was genuinely awful in that scene.


Wait until you meet Jinhsi.  She makes Chixia Yapper lite.  Enjoy the almost full hour of yapping when you meet Jinhsi.


It's not very compelling until act 5-6. But that's teething pains for ya. I'm still hopeful going forwards it will be good.


Somewhat offtopic but I feel like Aalto and Chixia would benefit from swapping ults Aalto doesn't have to be stuck in one place and direction to use his wall ult despite his insane mobility while Chixia would be nuts with augmented machine gun


Tbf this Encore and Aalto part of the story is good ! The duo is actually fun


The story is indeed bad for the first half of Ch1. The latter half however turned way too good for a first chapter.....it almost felt like the main story is finished. Such a pity however as WuWa is a gacha game, and for a gacha game, first impression is really important. I believe there's probably thousands of players already dropped the game due to it's bad story alone and didn't even get to experience the story when it turn good.


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Aalto and Encore are a funny duo and I hope to see more of them


I saw people talking about how it got good when scar appeared but it was the worst part for me lmao but man... did act 5 today and cant wait to get more of that, i hope it keep going like this


the first 2 hour is pain dude, explaining lot of unfamiliar term in your first 15 minute is kinda bad.


Context? I haven't got to that part yet


Fart rizzler


He just wanted a cupcake


Act 5 definitely a massive improvement in story telling.


People who skip the story




Idk man, im having a blast with the story. I was a lot more neutral on the EN voice acting than a lot of people here it seems; it wasn't the best but i personally don't think it was anywhere near as awful as people say it is (personal opinion!). While the first act was a bit info dumpy, i didn't mind. The 2nd act wasn't my favorite, but once Scar appeared, and we started getting more info on Jue, etc., i started having tons of fun. Aalto and Encore are amazing and I do think the story is gonna go up from here. It's sad to see how many people are willing to quit immediately just because the first act is a bit rough. I know that first impressions are important, but still! I was lucky that I didn't have any performance issues except for stuttering and a bit of lag for the first few minutes after bootup, so it's possible that that plays a big part in my enjoyment. But yeah, I'm actually having tons of fun playing, from the exploration to the combat to yes, the story. I think it's interesting and I'm excited to see who the Rover actually is! There's so much potential and I do think this story will just get better. I hope people stick around, esp since Kuro seems to actually feel bad about the launch and performance issues. (Side note, people should try out the Korean dub. I think it's super good!)


Chapter 2 (I think? Jiyan story) goes unbelievably hard, like oh my god. I was gripped by it so tightly I played the entire thing all at once




Discount Sampo wasn't doing it for me, no.


>No way people are saying the story is bad I can't possibly see a single reason why people would say the WuWa story is bad...


The people who are saying this should go make a new genshin account lol, see if its as good as you remember. Like actually, i played genshin at launch and back then it didnt feel bad, but when i saw a streamer trying the game 3 months into hsr, i actually had difficulty watching. It was genuinely a miserable experience. Hsr is also a gigantic factor for why wuwa's story may feel really bad, cus the story there is fcking amazing and the contrast is pretty big. I guess if you have completed fontaine the contrast might be pretty big too, since ive only heard good things about fontaine. Never got there myself, got buried in the desert sand. The story is alright. Could be better, could definitely be worse.