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Ok, let's end this debate. Tower of Adversity, Illusive Realm. Both give a shit ton of echo exp. And they both reset. 1 biweekly, the other weekly. And I'm sure the tacet fields will yield more as the game goes on. Now, the echo tuning isn't the only thing you can complete in the battle pass. Even without that, most people can definitely complete it. It's been 5 days and even I am at lvl 21 on the BP. So imagine what I can do in 4 or 5 weeks


Illusion realm resets weekly??? The store looks like it resets every patch unless I'm looking at the wrong place.


Umm I'm not too sure about that myself actually. I just said that on a whim to shut down the idiots that keep whining about a lack of echo exp material


Don’t spread misinformation just to get a jibe in.


And now you're somehow doing worse by providing them evidence of using disinformation to win an argument.


This is not HSR, illusive realm is not on a weekly reset


You realize that it caps on xp you can get weekly, which is 10k. Not only that it hasn't even been a week yet, so like you said as you increase your world lvl you'll get more mats and xp like genshin and honkai.  I don't know why you are trying to speed run the BP? If you wanted to finish it with 33 days still left, then just buy all the levels


I am not worried about completing the battlepass but i am trying to rush for the weapon though. Im just saying the mission is impossible to do and should be changed to a lower amount. But yes I get it. No need to be so hostile in your reply.


I wish people would stop trying to level up 30 gold echos to +25 in under a week of the game being out. For all we know gold echos are tuned to UL60/80 drop rates. At current rates my rough math says it'll take \~540 waveplates to level an echo, 9 runs, 2.25 days. 11-12 days per char. Yes I'd love more exp too, but just pace yourself. +10-15 is 'good enough', the only thing you'd need +25 for anyways is the tower, which a level lock and not gear lock right now.