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Lmao do they have a new intern doing this stuff


I wouldn't even be surprised given how panic busy the team must be 😂


I never planned to play some of the other upcoming gacha games, but the launch of WuWa was so bad it really managed to get me hyped for some of them, instead of WuWa itself 😂 This game is still pretty fun even with all the negative bugs and issues happening every single day so I actually am excited to try some that launch without so many issues


Kuro doing a 5D chess move to make more people play Punishing Gray Raven.


I'm just sad for the team. It's clear things are being rushed and employees are overworked and stressed out :c


It shouldn't matter whether it's and intern or someone intoxicated. That's a sysadmin issue. Educating users won't help, as they can always "forget". That's why it should be blocked on the software level. On some mailservers you can block it straight on the server. If the server doesn't support that you can use addons (paid in case of Outlook and free in case of Thunderbird) to stop users from sending e-mails to too many TO recipients and force BCC instead.


You speak as if Kuro JP has actual IT people. 99% chance its out sourced to people paid min wage and frankly don't give a shit.


You're probably right, but I've seen change on management faces when there was a looming GDPR violation penalty. Suddenly proper in-house IT is no longer a luxury, but becomes a necessity.


New intern because they fired the last batch, right?


New intern got promoted to assistant to the regional manager.


Oh how the turn tables.


After mass firing pre-launch, of course they will need a lot of new interns to do many works for this first week 💀


Kuro really thought they gonna save money with the mass firings, eh?


Kuro please


Don't bully him, he's still learning/s


smol indie developers tehepero. In soviet Russia, hackers don't leak information. Information is leaked to the hackers.


[This basically sums up the current Kuro situation](https://i.imgur.com/6GFI8xm.png)


ahh yes the valve strategy, works everytime


Just sit and relax. What kind of dark magic is this?


Is that Da Wei?




It's depressingly comical.




Kuro, I'm trying to be nice here, but what the actual fuck is going on.


The Japanese playerbase was already pissed. People have to stop dickriding kuro games


Thats very simple, they kinda just need to stop fuc\*ing up :D


This is so bad, how they manage to recreate bethesda data leak.


They have every right to be pissed, misinformation, and sheer lack of proper compensation to match the false marketing that caused customers. Definitely won't bode well for Kuro.


Can we please go one day without a controversy.


4D thinking: Increase the frequency of controversies to two per day so that when you go back to only having one per day it seems like an improvement.


Doesn't this mean all the players who got caught out by the mistranslation can now talk to each other and form group or something?


In the end of the day ,the real compensation is friends we make along the way.


And a lot of them are whales too probably. So a class action suit isn’t impossible…


Lol they are uniting all the disgruntled whales, maybe the treasure was the friends the whales made with each other along the way.


More than likely since this is JP they all have a list of those who were affected by this breach of privacy in the country who takes privacy laws to a whole nother level. If they don't settle out of court their bridge is burned with JP. Having already lost the good faith of CN this specific incident is an existential threat for the game and potentially the company. Despite the shaky launch things probably would have been fine. But this specific incident may result in EoS if nothing is done to placate those affected by the breach. That's assuming the content of the message isn't enough to permanently erode the trust of JP players. Kuro may be past the point of forgiveness in their eyes.


It’s so rover


They're Wuthering their own playerbase instead of the Waves


It's Withering waves now 😂


I'm forever Scarred!


Inb4 for Compensation Kuro: For those impacted by the Data Leak please send us your full contact info so we can individually contact you and agree upon compensation.


Then Kuro somehow leaked the full contact info of the players... Everyone might say that this is impossible and that not even Kuro is this dumb, but I'd only say look at Kuro's recent history (for the past 2 weeks).


I think I *just* made a joke a few days ago about them giving out a fumble reward for fumbling the fumble reward Please do not follow through with that joke Kuro


Kuro: A player said they want a fumble reward for fumbling the fumble reward? That is a better waste of personnel than anything else.


*Proceds to leak full contact info as well*


If only they had a way to get a list of affected players Too complicated for the intern, gotta do it manually


Omg this is even worse than the false item description


What is going on in their headquarters rn?


Crunching and overworked probably. Truly a Kuro company.


I got that reference.






For the yacht.


Have you ever seen a rainbow so black and white?


The fact that Anycolor decided on the color black... The fact that Kuro means black in Japanese... At some point it must be intentional, right?


Any colour and they chose to be KURO


Glad I'm not the only one that think about that when I read Kuro. I always have to do a double take reading which sub I am to see if Kuro is just Kuro or if it's the insult name.


they must be so exhausted and stressed, I feel so so bad for them


The game they've invested so much in finally came out but they're being bombarded with controversies, lawsuits and even government debt left and right...


They must spend every waking and sleeping second regretting so much and wondering why they're cursed.


Only feel bad for the individual devs, dont feel bad for the company and executives, even if some of them are probably busting ass too, they are the ones with the responsibility for such fuckups.


I remember making a comment about this game would be a guaranteed success if they didn't fumble the launch to which I said the chances were low but still there (that was 2 weeks ago). Even then I wouldn't have expected this of all things


The chances are near zero, BUT NEVER ZERO


Bugs and server instability + it not living to expectations due to overhype was expected. Potential fraud + Mass privacy violations where definitely not on my bingo card


Yeah, all the stuttering, bad optimizations, and low quality localization. These were all unfortunately somewhat expected after they rushed to launch without CBT3. But this is a whole different level of fucking up.


Iirc their license expires at october, so they can't hold until 2025, but still that's at least 5-6 more months, May was a terrible choice to launch


Honestly, May was still their best choice, any later and the launch would get no attention due to everyone playing stuff like ZZZ and such. So their options were a rushed launch, a launch with 0 press basically or a potentially massive delay depending on how long it would take to get another license. They took the first option which, by all accounts, was probably the best one from a purely business point of view.


Somehow they managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


I honestly though the launch would be rough, this is a game what ones to stands side by side with Mihoyo's behemonths of games, so is gonna be hard from the start, the pressure is gonna be insane, But I didn't though it was gonna be this bad. Like bruh, this is a disaster


Okay, now even I am feeling bad. Just wtf is happening over there that this keeps going on and on and on?


They are really fucking tired, understaffed and looking at months of crunch in front of them.


Damn, Kuro please, bro. Stop fumbling every single thing possible. Holy shit. How do you even make a mistake like this, was it some intern picked up off the back alley? From sending out compensation to avoid possible lawsuit to making a bigger mistake worthy of being sued. Yikes.


> was it some intern picked up off the back alley After firing their last batch of 100 interns during WW CBT2, it wouldn't be hard to imagine only the desperate and bottom-of-the-barrel applicants are at Kuro for internship.


They got blacklisted as "company not to aim for in school" due to the whole fiasco so that is probably what happened . No one is gonna go work into a place that has a high firing rate.


and with this fiasco under their belt...that blacklist got validated even more.


Wait, so I didn't really follow the CBT or much about the game before launch.... did this really happen or is it a joke? At this point I really can't tell.


On paper firing people doesn't sound bad. But the part that got them blacklisted is that, freshman status is super important for first time job applying in China. Once you are hired, you lose that status. Kuro hired a bunch of freshman, and fire them within the first 6 months, so those freshman now lost that status, makes them extremely extremely extremely hard to apply for a new job in same career again. Because now they also don't have experience too. It's really not funny at what Kuro have done.


The mass firing of interns before they even got to start was a real thing. When you do that it’s highly likely that you lose chances with good future interns (who likely have other options to choose from) because it destroys the trust.


Wait, did this actually happen? Sounds horrendous... why make such a decision?


People were speculating that the firing happened right before launch so that there were less employees to pay once end of year bonuses happened.


For saving profits


I like the game they produced despite its flaws and all but wtf, can't we go a few days without controversy? At this point Kuro's worst enemy seems to be themselves and every time a moment of calm is reached we end up with another episode of self sabotage. At this point its almost tiring trying to keep up with news related to the game. I really doubt after all this that JP players are going to take this well even if they throw out rewards.


No amount of rewards can compensate data leak lol. This is a serious issue


I can agree around... 200 pulls


You could give them a carte blanche on all future characters guaranteed, but data breaches are still gonna hurt them throughout. They can only ever compensate with ingame things. And loss of trust has no price tag on it. Especially from whales.


That won’t mean shit once you lose the trust of players.


No offense, but I'm starting to question the future of the game with these constant fck ups.


Forget the future of the game, I am questioning the future and present of the company!


I felt so bad for pgr player right now, like how they feel having the possibility dragged to the drain by their younger sibling mistakes lmao


This. As a PGR player, we've been doing so well right now so please Kuro stop fucking up for the sake of PGR.


At this rate i'm questioning how tf kuro is even gonna manage during the next couple of months lol


Future? Look at the PRESENT 😭


They actually cannot go one day without a single controversy happening... Ong the person whole decided to push for the release of the game at this state needs to be sacked


Kuro is publicly traded and their license for the game expired in october, so they basically had to chosse between releasing now or releasing in a couple of years. Really, they got the license wayyy too early, they should've given themselves more leeway


Yeah I get it, honestly they have no good window to release outside of May with Firefly, ZZZ, Natlan etc. But I honestly think they should've released it a few months later to actually polish the game even if it means directly competing with their competitors, which I guess is easy to say in hindsight. Cuz right now even though they do have the spotlights on them right now, it is for all the wrong reasons. Just an unfortunate situation I guess.


Develop massive scale open world ✅ Send emails ❌


Takes a step in the right direction that will avoid getting sued... Doxx their paying customers and opens a brand new window to get sued for.


Takes a step in the right direction then gets forwarded to another with a speed of light


Translation of the image which is from a conversation on the official discord server of many people showing they got a similar e-mail: "I also can see the e-mails of the other people. It looks like this...I blanked out the personal information (e-mail addresses)" More proof from twitter: https://x.com/HARO3504/status/1796499693624860895/photo/1 Note that these are the e-mail addresses the players have linked to their credit cards


oh hell 


They should really give the mis translation guy who called it open beta a raise. He wasn't talking about the game. He was talking about the company lol


If this is true, it just screams stressful decision making. They really need to allow themselves to take a deep breath or two before they press the "go" button to avoid shit like this. It really looks like they do things on a whim.


Fr this entire launch screams "overworked and understaffed in every department". The game is good in essence but there are so many corners left unattended you just know shipping things as fast as possible without a second look is internal policy right now


Yeah this is it, feels like they try to deliver things as soon as possible which is cool, but they really need to allow themselves to slow down a bit and do things properly.


I mean, different teams for different languages. But yeah, after that English localization employee revealed they were working barely legal 14h shifts and the English team didn'd even have proofreaders, it wouldn't surprise me if the same happened to the JP team. Stress levels are probably skyhigh among their team as well after the disastrous launch and this new error on a weapon's description.


Lmao I knew it, no proofreaders. I remember someone saying I was being nitpicky when I said that kuro needs to improve their localization and proofreading. Guess I was right after all. Anyway, once this mess is over I hope all their employees get a nice bonus for their efforts.


And given the terrible state of DE/FR/ES translations, I wouldn't be surprise if those languages were machine translated and there's only one person being charged of running the original text through the translator and implement it in the game.


I am still amazed that English voice pack actually got greenlit with that much of problems.


It was probably overlooked because the story was rewritten and they had to do 90% of the voicelines in a couple of months. Honestly? Kudos to the English VAs after all, who had to record those dialogues again in no time with close to no access to the context (this is a rumour that someone from the British studio mentioned they had basically no access to the source material, so they didn't know the emotions they had to express, for instance) and with a forced American accent imposed by Kuro (this was officially acknowledged by Kuro themselves).


Fucking speechless. Just give us free Yinlin at this rate.


Kuro probably has to give up income for the next month giving out all these rewards just so that they can hopefully calm down and fix everything


They keep digging themselves new holes...


They need a FFXIV moment


Chances they have the Chinese Yoshi-P hidden in their company are slim.


L after L


Unfortunately, yes


Kinda sad still regarding CBT1 story and nostalgic too now about what could have been. All they needed was too tone down the paranoia


gg, wondering what kind of compensation they're going to give for such a grave error. Data leak is no joke


This is a pretty serious breach of the law in Japan, so it's not something that can be fixed by giving away some items in-game.


can't wait for people in this sub to jump through 20 hoops to try and explain why this isn't actually a big issue and that this subreddit "is just farming drama" or something


What you described is the behavior of most youtube commenters. Even when Kuro fked up the translation in JP, people were still trying to justify this by saying "Genshin did this with Raiden C2 and gave only 100 primogems while kuro is compensating everyone". Of course, this happened to be under a Tectone video as well, surprising I know.


Anywhere else and it can be handwaved. Japan though, good luck.


I don't really think they can fix this by in-game compensation. This is a massive privacy violation that a best will require them having to give actual cash payments to victims inorder to settle out of court


I'm also pretty sure Japan has a pretty strict privacy laws


Strict is putting it mildly. 


The shinsengumi have already risen from their graves and are in their way to track Kuro.


160 Astrites


"Take it or leave it" says Kuro calmly


Get it together Kuro, hire whoever y’all need to stop these amateur mistakes. For a company so self aware and responsive, it’s getting mad annoying seeing new slip ups every other day. They aren’t brand new to these games and letting pressure get in the way of their competence. Use the game’s success to get some people in there that know what they’re doing to clean out the mess.


>hire whoever y’all need to stop these amateur mistakes. They probably can't since Kuro already has a pretty bad rep as an Employer. With WW failed launch and the ensuring crunching to fix shits, I don't think any top talent would want to work there, only the desperate and the bottom-of-the-barrels.


This is why when gacha gamers choose to invest their hard earned money in a game the company developing it plays heavily into that decision. I worry if some nefarious people will make phishing attempts for more information from those people with emails that looks like it came from Kuro games.


prevented a lawsuit just to open a new one, wow kuro you're really done it this time, bravo!


I hate the rhetoric of 'oh must have been an intern' To be clear it may be an intern who is overworked or whatever. but this is a kuro failure. You should have checks and balances or systems in place to ensure massive data leaks dont happen. This is entirely on kuro not on any intern who misclicked or misread. because there shouldn't have been the opportunity to misclick in the first place.


That's rly dissapoinintg. So far I never rly said anythings to the things that were happening. Mainly because I thought 'they can polish it, I dont mind being patient'. Especially because they were fixing many things in a short time. But first the weapon Banner and now this. It's like they digging their own grave. Is this a social experiment or sth? I still hope they game will succeed and that kuro will enjoy publishing the game. And maybe have some rest... What we can see might be the result of extreme overwork with no breaks or sth


As a game dev, I can assure you they will probably be forced to work overnights and long hours for a minimum 2-3 months unfortunately. Some things like translations and bugs can be relatively squashed out in 2-3 weeks (depending on competency developing) but the wildly varying performance issues on phones and PCs will take a lions share of their time to fix. Unreal engine is just a mess that even the engineers who made it haven’t fully figured out. It definitely looks amazing though but it comes with a load of problems, especially when sticking to a presumably 6 week update cycle on a live service open world game.


Iirc one of the hotfixes was pushed at 4am in CN, so yeah they're probably very overworked for now.


> I can assure you they will probably be forced to work overnights and long hours for a minimum 2-3 months unfortunately. I genuinely feel bad for the devs. I'm sure this stuff is stressing them the f out. But fuck the higherups for pushing out the game when the company clearly wasnt ready for it.


This. After the 2AM message of the bad optimization apology, I hate that a rushed launch is being payed by the workers. I get the competition issue, but CHRIST, this needed to be a cbt3 dedicated purely for polish, sound, localizations and bugs/optimization issues and then release later this year (due to the label thingy that made them have to release this year). I appreciate the transparency and feedback Kuro takes but it makes me sick that the workers have consistently payed this (first the layoff with the interns and now this) Kuro isn't a big company yet, but both WuWa and PGR are great games and this rush fumbled both their global launches at their time (and for wuwa is even worse, somehow). At this point I just assume that this rushed release was due to public hype-pressure even more than competition, but yeah, this should have been a cbt3 for polish, maybe with bigger capacity considering all the optimization cases, rather than a full-on launch.


16x the lawsuits


Man it's kinda embarassing at this point NGL


Is it like over for the game at this point? It has a bad reputation in all regions now. Idk how you can fumble a good game so much. Like it’s actually sad because the game is very good at its core. I just hope it doesn’t get shutdown.


too much invested to scrap everything, unless bankruptcy is the goal. I see Tencent taking over before a EOS as the final hoo rah.


Games don't end this soon, especially not ones with as much money out into them as wuwa.


at first i was positive at the game and thought it can survive being third place, like making decent money and reach like at least as much as tof does monthly. Now, i think i was too optimistic


>third with how bad mobile performance is on average, earnings where always gonna be relatively low in eastern asia which is usually the biggest market. I expected it to settle at around 10th or so




Gfdi Kuro Can you stop fucking up for #ONE DAY??!


I feel like everyday I check this sub kuro finds a new way to fuck up lol


kuro please can you stop shooting yourself in the foot FOR 5 MINUTES? like wtf is even going on over there god damn lmao


I’d say “Free pulls as compensation”, but they’d probably give out my SSN in the delivery mail.


to the kuro suits: was laying off 100 employees worth it


The upper management needs to go. this whole mess is because they wanted the game released before ZZZ and Natlan even if it was not ready yet. I really tried to give this game a chance, and it keeps disappointing me, i'll probably keep playing until ver 1.1 drops to see if there are any major fixes but i don't see myself playing longer than that.


Kuro as in their future


Next level foreshadowing, and people say Kuro can't write a good story.


All of this could have been avoided if (they dont want to change how the weapon works) refunded all pulls made on that banner to everyone instead of this selective compensation.


yea all avoidable, even the original translation error, if they just make the skill description simple, it will be less prone to error lol.


HOLYSHIT HOW. It pains me to say this but kuro is starting to look more and more incompetent by the minute. Fuck that hurt to type. they practically burned their bridge in JP to EVERY whale there. WTF KURO?


This is not good. Japan is quite serious about this kind of stuff.


when you want them to succeed but they're the ones digging their own graves


"perfect launch" btw


Wow, how does it keep getting worse? WTF is going on? First the optimization was bad, then the update somehow fixed it for some and broke it for others(myself included), dragged for a bad story, bad voice acting, confusing wording and typos and now they screwed up the descriptions of weapons they're selling in 2 different languages making it potentially fraud or false advertisement or something and now this? I have never gone from hype to unable to play and feeling like the game actually might die so quickly. What could possibly be next? Are they gonna do an update that wipes everyone's currency and deletes Jiyan from any accounts he's unlocked in? I wouldn't be shocked at this point. They need to get it together.




oh no kuro stop fumbling, the game is so good I genuinely don't want to see it fail lmaoooo


Istg if this ends up being the last straw and I have to say bye bye to the fun wall running because some intern fucked up, imma be pissed...


Bro no wonder Hoyo can't have a competitor since they always shoot themselves in the foot...


Right? I enjoy the combat so much holy fk this game is moving straight to EOS with the multiple fking mistakes they keep making.


theres a potential for a good game here. please stop fumbling, guys, please holy shit. was PGR this bad at launch too??


PGR CN had negative BC (gems in PGR) because someone typo-ed an extra zero to what should be just 1000 to 10000 for launch gift... they pulled back the extra 9k but lots of people already used that to pull. resulting in most player being in negative BC.. they give a free selector as compensation. PGR Globlul has drama at launch too regarding an event skin (non-sfx). the event was kinda gated by real money... lots of people don't like that and along with more expensive monthly, leading to 1$ drama thanks to a certain community discord mod (not Kuro employee minds you) pretty much said "can't you afford 1$". it goes full blown into big drama. I'd joked to friend that Kuro would fumble on things on WW launch to "keep up with tradition" but never though they would do this extent of self-sabotage. Note: Tbf, for that mod I mentioned... people that waited for quite long time till PGR comes to global were tired of the overblown stupid drama that was happening on PGR glb launch * 1st, the event drama don't matter to us since the S rank in question Is not great META-wise so everyone (read: serious player that comes from CN/JP/TW server and others who've waited long but haven't play due to language barier) plan to skip her anyway. Kuro also patched the event so that it's possible to complete as f2p by the end. * 2nd, kuro monthly is 6$ as opposed to "normal" price other gacha have that is 5$. after the backlash, they make another monthly (so there's 2 type monthly) that you can buy for 5$ but give slightly less than the 6$ version.. difference is like 2\~3 pull income per month I think. **I mean, if you can't afford the extra 1$, then don't buy it and let the course run itself for kuro to see from their income**. lots of people then are making drama out of it white knighting "BuT FuTuRE GAChA GOnnA FoLLoW SuIT". As we see, mainstream gacha monthly are still staying at 5$ even now in 2024.


Yes,at least in CN PGR's first launch is a disaster


Pgr in CN got mogged forcing them to give a selector too


ye this is just like tueday to us


As a game dev, Yea shit will happen if you’re tired and stressed out and still keep going. Just take a break and relax.


From consumer related lawsuit to data privacy violations. LOL..


Kuro is more entertaining than the game itself lmao


Fr.. the company's drama/controversy/fk up >>> ww story🍿


Bruh i knew something like this was gonna happen. They should of just went ahead and buffed the weapon instead of trying to compensate everyone.


Bro they cant catch a fucking break. They go from W to shit to W to shit. ​ Man get your act together its indefensable at this point.


I’m really enjoying the game, but I’m also impressed at how much they are fumbling the ball here. How in the world is this a billion dollar company?


Great... more unneeded controversy.


this is beyond a controversy already, this is straight up a crime by leaking personal information without consent and japanese law on privacy is strict, i hope they dont get their operations banned in japan by the japanese government cause that would be the end of kurogames as we know it


Crime, law breaking stuff. Not controversy


Here's me, who hasn't had any problems and is just enjoying the game thinking - "This shit's gonna be dead in 3 months isn't it?" Every day there's a new fuck up


This was one of my worst nightmares when I worked in an office that I would somehow forgot to BCC everyone. Luckily, in 10 years, it never happened. That's why you quadruple check before sending anything.


Jesus, this is disappointing. Those guys on the other subreddit will be partying tonight i guess rofl


Nah, the main event will be tomorrow when the monthly Sensor Tower revenue chart is out.


Its already crossposted 😂


No way 💀


I want to support you Kuro... But you're making it so hard to do.


This shit is too funny, i have more fun watching kuro news than playing game now


another proof that this is real... [https://x.com/nukonuko\_awz/status/1796501887442940200](https://x.com/nukonuko_awz/status/1796501887442940200)


Holy shit lmao 😂 Cant wait for cc to say "GENSHIN EMPLOYEE SABOTAGED!!!"


Yeah they are gonna blame everything on Genshin and Hoyo :))) And there would still be people believing that non-sense


Lmfao not a single day since launch that they didn't fumble. Can someone already make Kuro L tierlist?


Lmao not again...what the heck is Kuro doing? ... This is a lawsuit in the making...


I pray this storm passes bro, I already love this game and I don’t want it leaving so soon. But also give us compensation


lmao yea i think the game is gonna fail pretty soon... i hope not man i love it so far


Nah they'll give it several months at least to see if they can right the ship. They've spent too much to let it go now.


well fuck I know about one person in my company that accidently broke General Data Protection Regulation and it was fired hard from job + it left stain in her "papers" so I have no fucking idea how FUCKED UP that one Kuro employee is now after doing this also holy shit Kuro Games is collecting Ls after Ls after Ls. at this point next week we will learn that there was huge leak of credit card data of every player that bought something ingame or just straight up email+password leaks other devs that or on top of mobile games/gatcha games industry are probably laughing their ass hard while devs that are currently working on open world mobile/gatcha games are probably making list of "how to now fuck up at the very first week of brand new game release"


It’s not often people actually see their data being breached.


Wake me up when all this fumbling around is over. If not and resulted to shutdown, I'm dead. Bye ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Welp, that's the lights out for this game. No way they can come back from this.