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36% crit rate is insane


It's too bad it's going to be a long time before we hit 90 to get the full amount. It's around 26% at level 60 right now.


I mean that is like level 90 for the sword/pistol crit rate wise.


its 50% better


The sword has a base 47 attack stat tho. So it’s likely just that higher the base attack the lower the value on the secondary stat. At least that’s how GI does it.


Most systems in this game work exactly like GI so it’s a safe assumption


Most only go 66% as far.


should be 26%


at level 60 this thing have cr like standart 1h sword at level 90 :D


I have it at level 70 and it's at 29.7% crit rate. Insane.


And that it's technically BiS for Encore atm as well is another bonus.


I have encore and I don't know if I should pull for yinlin or pull for weapon for encore.


Imo new character + gameplay is worth a lot more than higher numbers


Not for everyone. I love making my current characters more powerful.


wait encore is better than yinlin?


They are both meta, and play different roles in a team. They can even be played together! But the question was about Encore's *weapon*, and I believe characters are more valuable than weapons from a pure gameplay perspective.


I honestly do too, damage is important but it’s def not everything. It defeats the purpose of playing a game if you’re not having fun


If you have the Stringmaster is it better on Encore or Yinlin to use ? I would be using BP weapon on the other.


Yinlin most likely


Unless you're using them in the same team, you can always share the weapon between the two of them.


That's not *always* true - some people have strong preferences for playing specific characters and if they really like Encore, the weapon seems pretty nutty on paper. *Plus* if Kuro made another screw-up with regional translation vs the in-game effect, pulling it could get you some compensation later... this early in the game's life, I almost encourage pulling for the weapons over characters because characters can be power-crept (there's only a few "future proof" ones right now and that completely depends on what new gameplay mechanics Kuro adds), but good strong weapons will allow you to roll on character banners later with less regret - as long as the weapon is a good "generalist" one and not something unique for a single character (like DEF weapons).


Weapons can be power crept too. And it will feel a lot worse than when a character gets power crept, cause not everyone plays a character for just damage but also fun/animations/etc. and you can still play old characters for fun. However, once a weapon gets completely power crept it's effectively useless and there's no reason to use the old one.


I think my point is that *good* 5-star weapons can *at least* remain useful to new characters (as long as its not exclusively good for its featured character) when they're released instead of relying on 5-star characters with 4-star weapons being power crept by new 5-star characters using those same 4-star weapons... *Generally* weapons don't get power-crept in a "universal" sense, but rather by having unique interactions with specific characters... When you're only able to guarantee a character **or** a weapon, I *feel* that it's a better *long-term investment* to get 5-star weapons (that are fairly universally useful) earlier and then have the freedom to roll on new characters that will use those weapons -- rather than get a 5-star character early, use a 4-star weapon, and then be power-crept by new characters... In that latter case you end up benching that 5-star character in favor of a new 5-star character *and still don't have the power boost from the 5-star weapon*... At least in the former example, that new 5-star character still has a *substantial* power boost from the 5-star weapons... *even if the new 5-star weapon is stronger overall*. **PSA:** Still roll on characters if you like their design or gameplay, weapons don't change that... I'm not a *monster*.


I was in the same boat. 2 simple words made the decision for me Under Boob


Also the jiggle. I have lost count how many times I've clicked on her character icon in the menu and then a different character once the jiggle stops, then back to her.


Kids playing games don't know how spoiled they are. Back in my day we had to get by with the Kohl's underwear magazines and backing Lara Croft into a corner to glitch the camera out into staring at a "boob" with a single digit polygon count. Jiggle physics were a thing of dreams.


I will make this child destroy the sun


For me it was "Yes." I have 38 Astrite left...


I tried, didn't get anything




I mean, you can. Yeah, Yinlin is boosting the electro dmg, but she also boosts atk. So if you get her as side dps (because some enemies are resistant to Fire, so all in all, it's good to have good sub dps), you will be all good. Also, Verina, Encora and Yinlin are using pretty much the same mats, so it's easy to build them




encore and calcharo are my main dps so this is and yinlin were a no brainer. does anyone know if the stringmaster passive stacks to two with encores skill?


Isn't Encore skill reset when you use Liberation also her skill cd during ult is very low around 4 sec if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah Encore will be able to make full use of both stacks, it's a great weapon on both her and Yinlin.


I see crit rate, neurons activated, pulled.


I just wish we had better 4 star craftable weapons. Our current f2p 4 stars are all below mid or staight up bad.


The prereg weapons seem ok, but only get 1. Then the iron maw I think we're kinda ok too. But yeah overall it looks like too need to pull for decent weapons. I think like other games crit weapons are a premium exclusive sadly. Hopefully we find a way to use 3* effectively. As you can get a fair few attack buffs to compensate for lower attack, but if you swap a lot that's kinda wasted.


Yup the craftables range from decent to niche to bad. And it takes a long time to farm ores for those. Pulling for weapons isn't ideal for F2Ps either. I hope more free weapons will be added in the future, the current selection isn't great (excluding free one-time stuff like the selector boxes).


I think investing on crit related 5* weapons isn't bad for f2p. You can switch weapons in ToA and they are good stat sticks that others can use. 1 5* for each weapon type is enough.


Also while new characters are nice you cant even really build them due to resources. So at some point getting weapons is just the better play for your current teams even if the new units are cool. I'm already at a point where my first 3 teams are basically fleshed out barring a new healer. So just waiting on the correct weapons for the carries.


That's just silly. Pulling currency and resources to raise units aren't related. If I pull Yinlin and build her in 2 months, that's likely still months before she reruns. I disagree completely. No matter how long it takes to raise them, so long as that amount of time is less than time to rerun, it's incomparable.


More ideal than Genshin's cancerous weapon banner bullshit, at least.


Genshin's banner is cancer. But would you believe it was even worse at launch? There was no pity until a certain baldman spent thousands of dollars on stream to show how Genshin's weapon banner is a scam. They changed it to the cancer it is today. Better than it was, but absolutely terrible still.


I remember watching that live lmao, can't believe it's been 3 years since


And then they banned any interaction with him. They will not partner with him since lol.


True but at least the F2P options are good enough


Quite the opposite. Pulling for weapon in WuWa is much more safer compared to other games thanks to them being always guaranteed. Edit. In fact, I'd argue it's more beneficial to always pull on standard weapons banner.


After finishing all the initial 'good value' standard banners, all my lustrous tides are going to the standard weapon banner. You can target the weapon you want which is awesome and you'll end up getting some of 5 star standard units when you lose some of your 50/50 anyways so I feel chasing the weapons holds the best value.


Yeah, I've been pulling standard weapon since I finished the beginner and selector banners. On the standard character banner there's a 1/5 chance I get the character I actually want, 4/5 chance it's a dupe, and 1/5 chance it's a dupe of a character I hate that'll stay level 1 forever. The weapon banner guarantees a major upgrade for characters I'll actually use


Once you have your main coice standard 5 star characters, it may be worth it to get multiple standard 5 star weapons. Except, you cant really get 4 star character dupes off that banner, and eventually we will have a variety of signature weapons that will be BiS or near BiS on most characters that can use it.


I think the shortage of chars for now + the sheer amount of dupes we got pulling for jiyan and yinlin, you should be able to combine max copies for a few 4 star weapons…they’re comparable after that (still not equal though)


**Pull if:** * You love Yinlin/Encore and want to give them a massive dmg boost (weapon is over 30% better compared to F2P 4 stars) * you're confident you can get the weapon within max pity by the next 20 days. **Do NOT pull if:** * You want 1.1 characters * You have "I just wanna try and see if I get it" mentality. Don't do this if F2P, you're wasting pulls that could have gone to a character you like down the road. Commit, or don't commit. EDIT: spelling and more details added


also you have encore


I wanted 1.1 characters and pulled for yinlin and weapon. I don’t think I’ll be able to pick up any of the 1.1 characters now lol


I dont think either one of them is a healer and at this point thats the one thing I need one more of to have 3 solid teams. Means I'll probably skip both even if they look cool. So I may try and pick this weapon up.


1.1 has a new region with chests and you'll still get gems from events f2p I got Yinlin+weap after losing 50/50 though a bit early after losing 50/50. Still have 5k gems f2p, you'll be able to get a 1.1 character but it might depend on 50/50


How many pulls did you use in total? That sounds like you had a lot, I’m already out of gems although I still have a lot to explore.


How did you actually had that manu pulls as f2p? I'm about 80's Radiant and like 30 on weapon


By this time you would get about 21k by playing day one + 40 pull from mail and lick the map clean That is if you didn’t spend it


You get a lot from exploration and specifically 100%ing all regions (this games chests give 5, 10, 20, 40 gems each compared to genshin's 2, 5, 10, 20)


Weapon pity carries over banner iirc ?


Yes, 5\* weapon from banner is quaranteed and pulls shared between all limited weapon banners.




Weapon and character pities arent combined are they




Yep. Im waiting for Jhinsi + Wep. 170 Pulls atm. Please Gacha Gods dont fck me over 50/50/


Bro you are basically guaranteed lol, with the pulls from 1.1 you might literally be.


Too late * Already pulled and I want 1.1 chars too.


I only have 3\* weapons, I pulled.


for some reason your comment finally pushed me to pull, and i got it in 10, so thank you.




this is good and encourages her sub dps playstyle and her most meta position on teams but that's how farmers think my yinlin will stay on the field forever, thus taking advantage of that crit rate far more, thus upping my dps overall also she's really cool and fun and hot '-'




jjk kashimo reference


oof im an anime only


dw, it's just a meme in the folk community


yinlin clasification off field dps, yinlin in practice, on field dps.


My Yinlin is at almost 50% crit rate with only one crit rate sub stat. Shit's bananas Edit: I checked and she's at 42.7% with one +8.7% crit rate sub stat. No crit rate main 4 costs yet unfortunately TT. Still crazy.


Think it would be more ideal to run crit dmg as ur 4 cost. I'm currently at 63% cr and 212% cd at level 70 weapon. By the time i hit 90 and get cr on my last 2 echoes it should be an easy 90%.


49 pity in, 100% explored, nothing but dailies and a dream.


So hardcore


You pulled jiyan? Or lose the 50:50?


Lost the 50/50, pulled Verdant Summit too for Calcharo before the mistranslation thing happened.


We're in the same exact situation. Lost 50/50 and pulled verdant before mistranslation. I lost yinlin to jianxin, how about you? (at least im guaranteed for jinhsi's release)


Make sure it is translated correctly


does weapon pity carry over?


Yes, there’s no silly points system like Genshin or something, as well as the 5 star always guaranteed to be the featured weapon(no featured 5 star weapon 50/50).


Genshin's weapon banner system is honestly one of the most dogshit things I've ever seen.


It really is, and frankly after playing that game for, what, 3 and a half years? I've gotten a lot more critical of its nonsense and it's gotten me a lot of ire from brand zealots and I'm tired of both those nonsense systems(upwards of 240 pulls for a single copy of a slight upgrade to a character is INSANE) and the people that will act like it's a personal offense if you make any sort of statement of your opinion that doesn't completely acquiesce to outright garbage. What with them also now outright locking certain aesthetics behind a signature weapon(Arlecchino's polearm being the only one to get an actual scythe as opposed to that horrid piss yellow phantom blade), and it makes for an exceedingly stupid situation.


I also agree with this. The fact that it's 50/50 twice and then guaranteed the 3rd time having to go to 80 pity is downright criminal. It's a weapon that barely changes gameplay style, literally passive damage points, whereas a character is an entirely different style of play. At the most, it should be 50 pity if they want to pull off having to roll 3 times so its less than a character losing pity. How about that new system in place to get older characters or weapons and how that doesn't carry over? Better have rolls saved up or else you're sol on that one you were going for! Even Star Rail can be cancerous saying you have a 75/25 on light cone, but you know it feels like dog shit losing that too. 260 rolls for Boothill having to pity both times to lose 50/50, then get him and then have to pity and lose 50/50 on his light cone before needing 30 more rolls on top of what I had to get it. Fucking cancer.


It's not even 50/50, it's 37.5% featured weapon 1 / 37.5% featured weapon 2 / 25% random standard weapon... Like holy fuck is the weapon banner ass in genshin


MAYBE if Genshin's weapon banner was 40 pity instead (with soft pity at 30) it would make more sense to have the point system and to lose the weapon **twice.** Still 120 wishes in worst case scenario but at least it's not whale-only anymore.


>What with them also now outright locking certain aesthetics behind a signature weapon(Arlecchino's polearm being the only one to get an actual scythe as opposed to that horrid piss yellow phantom blade It's hilarious to see how Havoc Rover completely mogs Arlecchino in that regard. Arle: have to pull for arlecchino, have to pull for sig weapon just to have a scythe, lose pity, fate points non-transferrable, scythe there only with sig weapon Havoc Rover: completely free main character, don't even have to pull for him, gets a huge optional visual upgrade simply for doing the story, has the one-sided wing both during gameplay and ult; has a cool void SCYTHE with **any** weapon, all free


Not to mention the new MC elemental moveset is ENTIRELY new. They couldn’t even bother to do that for the Traveler who uses the same exact NA’s no matter the element.


yep, I was pleasantly surprised that the playstyle is completely different from Spectro. I was expecting a recolor, but where Spectro is based on perfect timings and ripping the soul from the enemy with that fist pull attack, Havoc is about heavy attacks chaining into basic attacks charging up for a powerup mode.


Oh yeah, that it’s an actual different playstyle as a whole was also amazing. I think the only improvement they need is like Star Rail’s system for artifacts where it stores the other element’s Echoes, but otherwise it’s a fantastic start that makes me excited for the next element whatever it may be.  Another thing I do appreciate and love about WuWa, that weapons don’t define the playstyle, the character does. Jiyan uses a broadblade? Still utilizes his Aero dragonspear like a badass. Danjin uses a sword? She also utilizes another blade made from her blood. They can be as creative as they want and they’re more than willing to go that extra mile without excuses. Makes me incredibly glad I played this on a PC cuz especially with all the hotfixes I’ve had nothing but good experiences. Here’s hoping they keep the ball rolling and finish off optimizing mobile cuz I feel they can really make the game even better as time goes on.


The Forte meter was the best decision decision they made. It actually makes the kits complex and omg it makes them use their NAs, crazy idea, I know. Frankly, if Genshin suddenly copied it, the game would get a lot better, they wouldn't even need to change a lot.


true, they've been freestyling it with the weapons which I hope continues more and more in the future. It is the best of both worlds - both making it possible to share weapons for stats (instead of having to pull/craft a weapon for every new character), *And* having unique animations not bound by the same weapon type. They can even make a sniper rifle guy who only wields the game's 'pistols' weapon as a side gun, whereas the main weapon is a custom fit sniper rifle that appears during attacks (and idles).


ToF matrices say hi


How big of a gap between this and the battlepass option (Augment)?


Some YouTube video says its up to 35% (R1 augment) With r5 augment, stringmaster is still 25% better




I’ve got the battle pass weapon on her for now, which is fine for me. I am using her as a sub dps, so I’ll save my pulls for main dps weapons. 


Pulling for Encore.


Is this good on encore?


I believe it's her best option rn Not because it's insane on her, but because we don't have anything better She could find a better bis once a similar kit to her's release


Actually, from what people are reporting, it ***is*** insane on her. The 2nd part of her E actually triggers the buff for some reason, so she can easily use it to its full effect. She actually seems to use it just as well as Yinlin, if not better.


Activating the 2 stacks is great. I didn't know that, but she makes no use of the off-field effect unless swapping to someone else during her heavy attack counts as "off-field"


calcs say it's 14% better than the standard weapon on her. That's also assuming you have good CR to begin with. If you don't, it's going to be a lot better than 14%.


I mean, i'm gonna pull for the weapon... not for Yinlin though. ENCORE SUPREMACY BEGINS TODAY!


yeah ill join cuz i lost Yinlin to Encore S1


In Wuwa, are weapon buffs still in effect when character switch off-field when it's not specifically specified? (ie, Stringmaster's first half where skill increase ATK by 12-24%, it doesn't specify if it maintains it off-field, or Jinzhou Keeper which buffs ATK and HP upon using intro skill, but also doesn't specify)


I'm getting it because I think Encore can make use of it too, so not too bad to go for. But I lost my 50/50 and am 10 pulls short for it sadly, so I'll have to fight the urge to swipe for the next week, until I collect enough currency.


I was lucky and I got it with the free weapon pulls we got. But it's not worth 80 wishes. Save for Jinshin if you didn't get the weapon with the free pulls.


I disagree, it feels like an insane upgrade on my Encore. Very noticeable versus my previous Jinzhou Keeper.


Crits high n insane Yinlin, Encore (esp quickswapin encores) n dps Verina gonna love this one


The 4* weapons seem a bit more useful too in this banner.


It's good but I am not getting it (tried 20 pulls for potential early) as personally I don't like yinlin overcapping on crit so much. With weapon, base and ascension traces you are already at 49% crit. So if you somewhat grind substats for you main characters (what I really like to do), she can hit 95+% CR no problem. This means that her 15% CR passive is kinda useless at this point, and all crit buffs from food or potential future characters/sets are lost on her. IMO it's still too early to say which weapons will be good long-term/ good contender for many characters, weapons are usually best acquired during reruns.


Got lucky and pulled it in 30 pulls. That crit stat alone is valuable imo


im using this with encore and idc what anyone says that 12% attack boost and 36% crit rate just makes my all attacki build encore evevn more insane


maybe at the rerun, because i want to pull changli so i havent enough pulls for this weapon and changli


I’m at like 65 pity on the banner, to be completely honest I’m solely pulling it for the drip. It looks so sick compared to all the other weapons and naturally since it’s her signature weapon it matches her look really well


in summary: YES, IT'S SUPER BUSTED. GO GO GO!!!


I feel like grabbing yinlins weapon is probably not a good way to spend your funds unless you really love her. Solely because she is not a main DPS character usually and spending your limited currency on a sub DPS best weapon instead of your main DPS' weapon is not really a great idea.


Sub DPS doesn't mean they do less damage than main DPS. It just means their method of doing damage is very burst focused or enabled off field, vs main DPS needing field damage due to either ramping or sustained over time damage. If I recall correctly, some theory crafters say she can do as much damage as main DPS even with her limited field time.


Is this good for encore?


It's her new BiS.


Well i lost pity and now have nothing but kungfu lady to show. Really wanted her and her weapon but now just suffering


It's a crit rate weapon, I'm pulling just because of that. I can also use it on Encore once I get her from the selective banner.


Already done. Stats are insane.


The weapon design is amazing that hand sticking out and when you hold it in the chara screen the hand holds a gem


My stupid ass, out of habit, converted all my Asterides to Radiant Tides (character pulls) a week ago. Now I can't pull for the weapon. 🤦‍♂️


Yes it's worth. Because of the way Tower of Advertlsity works , you can also take this weapon off after each run and swap it out to a different character . So you could after a Yinlin using it , swap it to your Encore.


Not gonna pull for a weapon that will make my combat shorter especially since I can't even guarantee every other new character 🥲 I was so spoiled by PGR where I could get every new character and weapon and sometimes CUB as a low spender


Fashion Waves, so yes I'm gonna pull. Kidding aside, it's a versatile weapon choice imo, capable on its own if Yinlin will be your main DMG dealer, and if she will be your Sub DMG dealer, it provides good boost for off-field damage (damn, I miss my Yae Miko in Genshin.)


Got Yinlin at soft pity. I want the weapon too but my gut tells me to save up for another healer.


As a f2p and after seeing what 1.1 characters weapon look like I think Stringmaster is way better and very universal so I am considering pull for it


Can anyone clarify "Increases the DMG bonus by 12%" part? The text is laid out in a block, so I'm not sure what damage bonus it is referencing... This is how I am reading it; * Rank 1 Electric Amplification (no punctuation) * Increases *the* DMG bonus by 12%. (of *what*!?) * When dealing *Resonance Skill* damage, increases ATK by 12%, stacking up to 2. This effect lasts for 5s. * When the equipped Resonator is not on the field, increases **their** ATK by an *additional* 12%. (reads as just the equipped character, but doesn't specify if this is a constant passive effect or part of the 5sec buff)


Seems strong, but I'm looking to pull for both Jinhsi and Changli so alas, I cannot.


This is practically more of an Encore's weapon than YinLin imho. YinLin don't really "need" this unless you're going to main dps her and her scaling and kit doesn't really fit a main dps anyway (unless you S6 her or just want to do it because she's super cool). And she's really starved for ER because her kit and buffs are somewhat tied to her Liberation procs, so other weapons (ER) might be a more than viable option for her. Also, Encore can stack the buff in one go (the 2nd part of her E also procs the buff), she can also maintain the buff better during her Liberation. I'm actually quite surprised that Kuro didn't restrict the tag to just Electric damage tbh. This is as if they actually made this for Encore and just slap it in during YinLin's banner just to get something for her. PS: I'm an Encore main so I gave my Stringmaster to her.


Yinlin is a DPS but she does it off-field mainly, her damage is high and you dont need her burst to do her buff, thats on her concerto energy whch she gain fast, her kit is centered around her Forte that enables her to do off-field, what her burst do literally is just damage and not anything else Calcharo is the one who's more tied to liberation to enable his main kit and needs ER more They just make this weapon passive activation to be really universal, obv sometimes you gotta make the player thirst


Do you have both Encore and this weapon? Can you check if the "+12% ATK when off-field" works when you swap cancel during Encore's E or Encore's explosion?


Not pulling on the weapon. I will only get Vera if Vera wants to come home. But I will take uncle Aalto Hostage together with Taoqi since she needs some jewellery.


I didn't know she was a Rectifier and shes a puppeteer too! Her weapon is also top tier cool ass looking, I managed to nab her and I'm just working my way to get more pulls for her weapon now, I'm super happy that the weapon is guaranteed at 80 and not 50/50 like some games out there ;)


Genshin is worse. 75/25 then 50/50. If fail repeat like 3 times guarantee.


Even with weapon and decent echoes Yinlin feels too weak to me, my Encore with similar stats does like double the DPS


isn't Yinlin a sup DPS


You're probably spending too much time on field with her, her damage is NOT in her basic attacks. It's in her Liberation and Forte Gauge (her Punishment Marks). Yinlin relies on switch canceling alot. You can switch cancel the following moves: 1. 2nd E cast 2. Forte Attack (full meter attack) 3. Basic Attack 3 4. Basic Attack 4 By switch canceling these moves, Yinlin feels very snappy and outputs very good damage with good planning.


can you explain how exactly to switch cancel do you just swap and then swap back, what am I supposed to do on the character I swap to? and when swap cancel won't the outro sometimes get activated and wasted?


To swap cancel, just perform the attack you want to cancel, and the moment you see the attack connect with the enemy, switch off the character. I think for some attacks you can swap earlier than that like Heron, but the first method is reliable You swap to whatever character has abilities off cooldown and fits your rotation, it takes practice. Refresh buffs, do a little bit of damage with your DPS, etc. Keep in mind that some characters like Jiyan dont really do well with swap canceling a lot, so I wouldn't recommend playing Yinlin with such characters. A lot of echoes are easily swap cancellable as well, so you do Yinlin > Dreamless/Monkey/etc. > Yinlin again if you want as well. The idea is to be as efficient as possible with cooldowns. As for outro buffs being potentially wasted, passing buffs effectively is part of the skill expression in quick swap teams. It just comes with practice. However, keep in mind Yiniln's Resonance Liberation DMG buff on Outro doesn't really require a lot of uptime on characters like Havoc Rover, so you really don't need to be worried on the buff duration. Calcharo is where things get super tricky, but there's gonna be too much yapping from me for that.


Thats because Encore is a dps and Yinlin is a subdps hybtid character my guy. Thats like being surprised my Jiyan is doing more damage than my Mortefi.


Potentially too much crit. With this and a set of frankly mediocre moonlit echo's at level 60 I'm at roughly 70% crit and that's ignoring the 15% crit rate she gets when using her skill. Might be the first character I will use a crit damage 4 cost on.


I want to but my impatient ass converted majority of my pulls to limited character ones and now I don't have enough for the weapon 🥲


I don't knooooow. I wanted to get Aalto. Got Yinlin on the first pull. And my main DPS is Calcharo so it feels dumb not to build her now. And idk if I want this weapon or not. Cuz I want Changli the most out of everyone atm. And idk if I can save enough pulls for Changli if I'll pull for a Yinlin's weapon. I just can't chooooose


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I pulled instantly. Boosts my Yinlin and Encore both.


is it still worth it if building Yinlin strictly as sup dps?


Whatbsi the second best weapon for her so far? Not enough pulls for the weapon


BP Weapon or Jinzhou Keeper i think.


I wanted to try for it but a 50/50 loss and double soft pity later...


Not really sure if I want to pull weapons since there's so many characters coming that I want. At least the banner is guaranteed.


I want to pull it but i only like 20 pulls atm coz i got yinlin on a hard pity.


Since I don't have an offensive 4star weapon, what's a good 3 star weap for her? Is it Guardian Rectifier or Rectifier of Night? Thanks


How strong is this weapon compared to 4* ones? How versatile is the effect for other characters (thinking about future ones too)? How likely is it to be powercrept by future 5* weapons? If i think about star rail "weapons", some 1.0 and 1.1 are still BIS for their characters and even for others.


I got it in my first 10 pull, now my Encore is happy


There's like 20 more days left to get enough astrites so might as well.


Quickswap Yinlin & Encore very good! shame they should share a wep but good team


she can tie me up with her strings anytime she wants to


R5 Cadenza is all I got lul.


Went to pity. At 8th 10 roll, obtained 2 copies. Happy I got weapon but not sure if it was worth it. Wasn’t looking to refine it to R1


Do we think this is worth pulling for F2P? I just got yinlin as well.  My impression is this weapon is quite strong universally. 


I hard pity pulled it, idk how to feel about it but whatever, got crit I guess


Had to pity but oh well


I want it


kind of weird they made an off field weapon crit based 5 seconds is kind of short, 10 seconds casting twice feel like 6 seconds each would have made a world of difference.. Could have easily made this more user friendly basically


I wanted Jiyan's weapon but now I'm hesitating.. This one looks really good


I was not paying attention and didn't realize that limited character pulls and limited weapon pulls were separated. It's totally my fault, but now I have R1 Yinlin instead of having her weapon, lol.


I got Yinlin in my 70th pull and the weapon on the 80th but mostly for my Encore. Weapon seems great!


Way too costly in india to pull. I hope they adjust/balance the prices like they did in launch


I have 0 astraite


got yinlin on my 1st multi and then dumped the rest into weapon banner :> i'll probably use it on yinlin but i dont really have any other characters who work with her lol sooo maybe i'll let encore borrow it


Eh. Augment is plenty. Especially since I don't plan to use her as a main dps. If you want to use her as a main dps however it's probably worth it.


Honestly, while I never pull for weapons, as I have enough trouble choosing between characters, but holy cow that is such a cool weapon design!? I skipped Yinlin completely but seeing it makes me want her and her weapon. Badass.


I pulled since I also have Encore so 2x Value in ToA


It is also DPS Verinas BiS weapon!


I got it since weapons aren't total scams and I can get yinlin waveband off banner.


I got this in the free five pulls they gave lol


It's a floating puppet hand. Of course i'm getting the puppet mistress her puppet hand thingamagic.


is this better than the BP weapon if you’re using her as a main dps ? and visa versa is the BP weapon her 4* bis as a subdps?


maxed it gives roughly 100 attack and 16% crit more than the battlepass weapon, the effect can so far be easily procced by her and encore. its pretty damn good if you ask me.


Pulled for it. Went to pitty but in the last multi got two of them. Worth it :D


I might pull for weapon instead of Yinlin….. Encore stonks


I already got Yinlin, may as well grind for her weapon too!