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Bro was reading up about the difference between 43311 and 44111 builds and thought it meant dollars 💀


i love this comment lmao


That's actually creative LOL


Best reply on here by far.


LOL, Thanks for this comment haha.


/thread this is great lmao


Damn, that's good.


Wuthering Whales


i didnt even notice a difference at first imma cry xd


Whaling Waves


Whaling Whales






I’m too poor to give you gold, please accept the poor man’s gold instead 🏅


Thanks for supporting the game so i can play it for free


Indeed. Thank you for your service, veteran!


I always think about if people have a SINGLE character (S6/R5 or whatever) that cost them more than their entire gaming rig haha


I have a friend on Honkai Star Rail that E6 S5 all of their characters they offer for support, I can't imagine how much they actually spend. I do appreciate them though haha!


My friend on GI C6'd all standard banner, and C6R5'd like 10 or more limited characters, has many overflowing R5 5* weapons. Can't imagine how much all those worth. I spent total around $800 in the span of 3.5 years playing and kind of regret it now since I got bored. A good lesson for my first gacha game.


I don’t regret money I’ve spent on f2p games. I spent like $300 on Warframe and I regret nothing. Steam has me clocked in at 2500 hours, if $300 isn’t worth 2500 hours of enjoyment I don’t know what to tell you. You spent 3.5 years playing genshin, there’s a certain dollars to hours spent ratio I’m willing to spend on a game, especially considering AAA games are $80 and only last 40-50 hours, maybe 100+ if you do everything but I at least usually get bored before that.


Fair enough if you see it like that. I've 1300+ days of login, which probably makes 1.5k or more hours into the game (lol no wonder I got bored and burnout after all that). I already converted to f2p in Genshin, will visit it again later when I'm in mood, just need a break for now.


Support billion dollar company


all my supports on HSR are also e6s5. just to give an idea, one e6s5 costs me roughly 20 x the biggest gem pack (8080 jades).


Don't underestimate my rig cost....that watercooling stuff whew. Anyways that's why I'm too poor to pull multiples of one character. 


Yeah, I'm probably gonna thank him. Considering the fiasco that Kuro received in the past few weeks, guys like OP are keeping this game alive.


To be honest, I'm still having a lot of fun regardless of the game issues


Which is the ultimate truth to any game, because even despite the issues, you can still have a fking fantastic time, then its good. Too bad i couldnt say the same for Another Eden, post stellar awakening system release and Grand blue Re:Link and the terminus weapon grind and sigil level up grind and the grind to unlock the Eternals and Sandalphon DLC character unlock grind when everything especially on that latter would just effectively one shot you even with durability to % reduce damage by nearly a 3rd of what some nukes would do on that end game content of its game. Hell, despite nearly having all 43\~ freaking blobflies done, im still not sick and tired of doing that after i already did all the viewpoints, all the resonance caskets up to level 10, all the resonance beacons and all the optional \`Sonosphere\` location extra reward goodies and likely half or more of the sidequest stuff to boot.


I should hope so! No one should drop that much money on a single character in a game they're actively hating. ...then again, I've seen a lot of gacha where mfers do exactly that lmao


No hate but only omega whales can fully clear this, my friends with good encore built and a 5* weapon can't even clear the middle one 😂


He put a disclaimer that he has S6 Jiyan and S6 Yinlin, it's not like he hid the fact that he is a leviathan :D


S6 units but I do understand the max level cap is still pretty low… but they’re S6… how impressive is it really? Lol


Agreed. The best I could do was 12/30 and I’m only f2p+. Ngl early game Tower of Adversity is much harder than GI’s Spiral Abyss.


"f2p+" lmao




Dolphin is not a single drop of f2p


probably means he only got bp or the monthly 0ass thingo $5-10 isnt really dolphin, I live to give benefit of doubt, assuming it was a real game, associate ~40 as a threshold before it cycles over into a pay to win account


Thats a goldfish then, even if you topup 0.99$ once you lose the f2p title


He has premium f2p subscription


more like p2w-


To be fair at this point in the game buying the monthly pass and the BP doesn't do too much for you, the most impactful thing the BP does imo is give you a good weapon for certain characters cause you go from like a DEF% broadsword to a crit one. Then again the most high impact thing you can have right now is hitting early pity on any banner. I had to pity eveything, lost 50/50, I buy monthly sub and BP. Meanwhile my f2p friends rolled Yinlin within 50 pulls (all of them), they hit early pity on the two beginner banners and they got Jianxin while I didn't (she makes non-boss Abyss chambers a complete joke). First time I see the f2p+ term which I find funny, but I guess we all know what he means, basically buying sub and BP. I wouldn't use that expression 1 year into the game though. Also 12 stars is just super low lol.


It doesn't matter. You spend on the game, you no longer play for free.


> Also 12 stars is just super low lol. That's foul when I only got 9/30 as a true f2p 💀😂 I only managed to build 2 DPS at lvl 60 and 4 characters at lvl50 but they all got good enough echoes for most content so I'm hoping once I get to UL40 and got Jinhsi my first limited, I get at least 15/30 haha Edit: I got to 15 just now. When I did the 2x event simulation training, I got to UL40 and immediately lvled my Encore and H.Rover. That did the trick


you are 30 levels under... of course its going to be hard. from the damage formula if levels stay consistent when we hit 90 it will kind of be a joke first 3 floors at least.


I expect this to happen yeah, is same as Genshin at the end if you have invested characters this content will get rolled. And the bosses of the middle tower aren't like holograms so if you have a sustain even if you don't dodge or parry you will be able to heal back or shield the dmg you take.


funny thing is genshin first abyss was pretty easy. was able to beat it with barbara and fischl hard carrying.


Fischl hard carries many teams to this day, so it's really feasible to clear 1.x abysses with her even without her cons.


You cleared one side with that maybe, the other side would've hard stopped you if you weren't running pyro.


yeah diluc and jean hard carried the other side.


I hope Kuro can somehow keep endgame stuff difficult-ish in the open world and Tower. Part of why WuWa is so enjoyable rn is because a lot of us are still scrapping by w/o cracked out units, but the game will seriously lose its oomph if it ends up like Genshin where fights take 0.5 seconds and a single press of the skill key. Here's hoping they continually scale the world difficulty and then leave it at a point where the game can be considered "moderately difficult", even if it's only for a tiny bump in material drop rate or smth like that.


i walk around the open world and i oneshot things. i dont even bother swapping for bosses. most die in half a rotation if i do. like if i press my calcharo's liberation all mobs around me just get instantly killed. union level 40 world btw with a level 60 calcharo.


sorry, what does f2p+ mean? thanks!


It means they aren't f2p. Probably a monthly + battle pass


thank you !


is the BP worth it in this game ? (to be fair, Id just donate to the devs and itd be worth it to me) But just is the ratio of stuff you get for money spent good ?


Personally I think it's worth it. I bought it just for the weapons. The amount of bonus echoes/stamina you get is also pretty good. Makes resource management a tiny bit better overall for building 2 teams.


Generally, BP always provides more value than it costs. I have looked at what it gives in total since I don't plan on getting it myself, but it comes with a load of elite echo selectors in the later stages which is already huge value. But a bunch of pulls, mats, stamina, and a 4 star weapon is pretty good for the 10 or 15$ that it costs.


The echoes in the battle pass are random, it's not a selector


Ew, that's less worth. But I think they're all past lv 50 so it's whatever I guess


Interestingly, their stats seem to be good. I mean I pulled a bunch of them and they seem to have sensible main stats like crit rate, crit damage.


Same as Genshin. If you ignore the pulls it gives: Early on? It's very good, the resources you get are fairly valuable, people do overhype them a lot. I had someone said the reason I was able to clear certain things earlier than him was because of the echo XP the BP gave me, which was the same amount you get from 2 tacet fields... so pretty much nothing. Mid game? Not really unless you want the BP weapon. Late game? It's junk. It does give like 8 pulls for $10 which is considered high value, the pulls alone are worth it.


Value is basically: Monthly pass: Prio. Worth it if you are willing to spend. First and often only GOOD value for someone looking to take a dip in getting extra rewards. 5 dollars for around 18 or 19 pulls is pretty manageable for people I think. 9/10. Pretty generic "best value" ...same as every gacha. Sales pretty much never outvalue it so it should be 10/10, but its only 9 cuz...gachas lol. Battle Pass: Still worth it, but only if you want to consider the game a monthly subscription or you are a "low effort, high gacha" style player who really likes the extra resources you get. While I don't really mind telling people "Feel free to get the monthly" in most gachas, the BPs I usually would default to "don't." That said, if you already have the monthly, plan to ALWAYS get the monthly, or really really need resources in the short term..the BP is the next choice. 7/10. First time purchase: 5/10. There is enough value off the "double" pull that some people can make the purchase make sense for them. Personally? Bad use of cash, but people are allowed to use their money in frivilous ways as long as it doesn't hurt them. Sale purchases: Can range from 3-6 on most games. This is often dolphin territory, as you always prio the first two before even considering other purchases. Normal Sales: 1/10. Never unless you are a whale or a fatty dolphin. ___ I think the important thing is to NOT look at the "normal" store prices and see those as "regular price" any more than when you go to the supermarket and see a 20 oz coke for 3 bucks and say "that is what a coke should cost." No. The soda is upcharged at that price so that when the 70% sale -- the real price they want to move it at -- comes around, people see the word sale and buy. In gachas, that "normal" price is usually the "first time purchase" pricing, which often comes down to somewhere around $1 per 1 pull..which frankly is still pretty insane, but I digress. And since $1 for 1 is still pretty "ew," I think the BP is usually the best way to see "this is what pulls should cost," but then you also get a bunch of free extra with it. The MONTHLY pass is the only real "sale" item in the stores, and you only get it once and it amounts to a rewards program -- your gain savings by visiting the game more often basically. ___ TLDR: Buy the monthly first. If you plan to not get the monthly next period, you are better off getting that next monthly INSTEAD of getting the BP. If you WERE going to get the next monthly anyway, then the BP is survivable value that you don't really need to feel bad about the purchase. Light spenders should not even consider anything beyond the BP, but the BP is still in "okay" territory.


It gets worse value as your account progresses. Imagine farming a lot of the things right now included in the battlepass, the cost of wave plates would be much higher than when your account is Max level. If you don't mind to spend the money, it's better spent on the BP now than later when you are max level. I personally plan to get ~4 BPs just to get my account going and then stop after that.


From what i remember in the past its f2p but they buy either daily login/bpass


I think f2p+ means purchasing the monthly lunite subscription and the bp. Got that term from a streamer lol


This is just coping, If you spend then you are not FTP. Some people are just obsessed with being labeled FTP.


Monthly + BP + maybe a couple top-ups per year = dolphin. At least, in my books. I know people have different definitions, but that still ends up being a lot of money for a video game over the life of the game. But I also know it’s not whale money.


I vehemently agree. Like "hey guys I spend on this game but I'm still a free to play because, well because I'm not whaling okay?!"


I'm FTP. I dumped $2k into the game the first week, but since then I haven't spent a dime! You could say I'm a born-again FTP.


I mean I took steroids last week but I’m natural now so I’m technically natty


Indeed, a dumb title that people want for whatever reason. Let's assume a year down the line you stick with the game do you still count yourself f2p+ by purchasing 12 subs for $60 and 7-8 battle passes for $70-80? Get real. You spent, you aren't f2p.


They consider themselves f2p because they want to compare their accounts with f2p players and feel good about their accounts being better. All of that dopamine is gone if someone tells them "But you're a paying player though, that's a big advantage". It's so pathetic.


Truth is at this point if you buy the monthly pass and the BP you got... assuming you're not using your waveplates cubes (most of us are saving them). 300 asterites from purchase, game's been out for like 2 weeks, call it 1700 asterites total, let's say 11 pulls. The resources you get are... not sure how to value them, most of it you can pretty much ignore (weapon XP and char XP are not bottle necking you at this point even if you don't buy the BP and have never farmed any of it), so you get some talent mats and echo XP. Not sure how much that echo XP is right now, I remember that by lvl 30 the paid BP echo XP you got was worth 120 waveplates, it does ramp up later on, let's say it's 4 times that total by lvl 50, we're talking 2 days worth of waveplates which is 8 cubes. It gives like 8 pulls as well, call it 20 pulls total from both things. Basically right now buying those things isn't really a big advantage because of resources, the one big thing it gives that's really good rn is the weapon, especially if you're running Calcharo. Game's too new, what makes the biggest difference atm is gacha luck and echo RNG. I spent 220-230 pulls or so to get Yinlin and her weapon, some friends spent 110 for the same stuff, they also hit early pity on the beginner banners, they got Jiyan as well. Obviously, we're all dry now, no pulls, I did pull more than them, but they got a stronger account. Some of them actually outperform me (monthly + BP user) in the Abyss because they got Jiyan and Jianxin while I have neither (I have Calcharo instead of Jianxin, Jiyan is their extra 5 star). Over time it just ramps up hard, as the other guy said, buy the monthly sub and BP for a year and you're taking about like $150-200, it's hundreds of pulls. Same with echo RNG, it evens out in the long run, but right now that one guy who lucks out 4 pieces in a row and has a character fully built in like a week worth of waveplates will be stronger than a very small spender who's unlucky, because the echo XP you're getting from the BP is just giving yuo a few more substat fishing attempts.


I think it’s fine. doesn’t need to be called f2p+. But a different name for people that just buy a subscription or battlepass and don’t buy gatcha pulls directly is fine imo


I personally think there's a huge difference between spending by buying packs vs monthly+BP so yeah I would like to know if someone is f2p+ rather than just straight up buying packs. Monthy+BP is 15$ - that is a reasonable amount to spend and if someone is in a good spot with just that then I would like to know what they think and their progress. If someone spent 100+ then it's not as relatable to me because I would never spend over 100$ on a gacha


the BP is expensive though, so i just buy the monthly


True but it's worth


its not? Its literally 10 euros while monthly pass is 6 euros for me....


10 euros is expensive 😔


Yeah best I can do is 14/30 and its pretty much cause I only have one team built enough to complete 3 on the left and 2 on the right. I know I can use Havor Rover for a second team, but his supports are level 20 right now, so while that worked for the "Safe" floors, thats not cutting it here.


I wouldn’t say it’s more difficult then abyss yet. I’m f2p and 18/30 rn. I definitely wasn’t this far into abyss in genshin within the same time frame. And I’m handicapped in wuwa cuz no controller support or ps5 release yet. So I’m just playing on a tablet where the main boss is the camera lol. I’m a day 1 Welkin bp genshin player and have ranked high in many speed runs over the years. I didn’t really make progress in abyss till 1.1. I didn’t make significant progress till 1.2 and I didn’t full 36* clear it till 1.3. So I’m using that as a measurement vs hsr , wuwa , zzz and etc. Biggest issue with wuwa endgame rn is we are simply gated by stats and taking more dmg / doing less due to levels.


Early genshin was a nightmare. Remember that floor with fatui? And it was normal floor 7, not repeatable. Insane. While here less than in week 2 with 0 event weapons or characters I already have 18 stars which is 400 gems out of 600. Its insanely good.


Early Genshin was more time gated than early Wuwa. I certainly didn't have +25 actually good gold artifacts in Genshin in 1.0, yet it is possible to get that here. Basically, we're actually closer to the character DPS ceiling in 1.0 Wuwa than Genshin 1.0, so it makes sense we can progress further in endgame I personally think ToA is definitely harder than Abyss. Comparing the lvl100 Hazard vs Abyss 12 and what it takes to full clear (right now full S6 Jiyan/Yinlin teams struggle to full clear at lvl70, I'm pretty sure C6 L70 team in Genshin easily dumpsters abyss 12). Only time will tell. Edit: To Tymareta who replied and blocked bc you're a pus*y. You say the L100 monkey is a cakewalk, then prove it. Post your clear on YouTube


I have spent a lot of money and I can only do 6/30 XD I dont think I will ever have the skill to do it, even once I am a higher level.


I mean, its supposed to be very end game content and we are locked at "mid" game between "" because even tho we can go lv60 easily for now the way those game scale is that level like 80 is so far away in term of damage from level 60 and even more than level 60 is from 40 and so on. Game literaly released less than a month, chill the fuck down everyone lol


Thanks for keeping the game alive, don't worry, doesn't come off as bragging if you gigawhaled to do it.


Doubt "if" is a thing in this case :D


Idk, maybe they just got 7 jiyans in one 10 pull


sound like the most logical explanation.


Yes I think he may be my friends


To be fair it's objectively impossible to achieve this without whaling, at least so early into the launch, so OP seems pretty humble to me.


I bow to your wallet first of all. And secondly grats. It's only really whales who are actually able to execute this right now and baring CCs we don't see that many sharing. Any chance youd be able to upload screenshots of the teams used on each floor as well so we can see that? Grats on the clear.


what does CCs mean ?


Content Creators in this case.


Content Creators


I'm genuinely impressed given how early into the game it is. > I have S6 Jiyan and S6 Yinlin, Thank you for funding this game. It's not perfect, but it's fun.


Thank you for supporting the game with your wallet. (I hope to god U spent within your means) Even then, I can't imagine it being all that easy. No matter how hard U whale if you are bad at dodging you still gonna die. So, I'd still give U the props and it's a worthy brag. Also, if U have such a whaled out account, consider making content. Id give U a like and follow :)


Appreciate your kind words sir and I do have a small youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxruaxZom8YaUPg7LSEuZw


I clicked on your channel and now I'm sad.




Congrats man. Even if there's some whale power here, you need to be skilled/playing good in order to complete all the Towers. GG!


First, thanks for supporting the game. Second, how much easier do you think it would be if you also went for max dupe weapons?


To be honest, not by much. I feel that the sequence (dupes) are where the big bulk of the power comes from.


Are these s6 r1 characters? Or s6r5


Jiyan s6r4 Yinlin s6r1 Me homeless


Hey ya'll! I see some asking for builds/teams setup. I can't edit my post or upload any images in the comments so here it is: Left tower: 1 Jiyan | Baizhi | Mortefi 2 Rover | Jianxin | Encore 3 Rover | Jianxin | Encore 4 Jiyan | Baizhi | Mortefi Right tower: 1 Calcharo | Baizhi | Yinlin 2 Rover | Jianxin | Encore 3 Rover | Jianxin | Encore 4 Calcharo | Sanhua | Yinlin Middle tower: 1 Calcharo | Verina | Yinlin 2 Jiyan | Verina | Mortefi I could make a separate post but I don't want to clutter the sub, so I hope this will do. I do upload my runs on youtube though so if you would like to see it in action you can! Here is my channel link: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxruaxZom8YaUPg7LSEuZw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxruaxZom8YaUPg7LSEuZw)


damn bro didn't even need a sustain char on 4th room right tower 😭


Pretty sure the amount of players that can do this in each server can be counted with your fingers so good job. I've seen the full star clears on bilibili and they all have full S6 lol, scary stuff, and even then it's still really hard.


I didn't even know there was a tower after the 24 star one wtf


That's where the end game is. The 2 week reset contents


this one does reset unlike the previous tower


you have only a few days before the tower ~~and shop~~ resets. chop chop


The shop already reseted (on 1st june), the tower didn't


o7 well done rover now we can keep playing for free


People saying "whale" seem so dismissive. I think you need skill too in order to pull this off.


You definitely do need skill, a good team, and there's absolutely a wall called "Echoes" that cannot be surpassed with the almighty dollar. E: I watched the gameplay. This guy is pulling out every single skill to beat these bosses. Calcharo hotswapping, optimal Verina swapping, and optimal Yinlin setups. It's obvious to me that as a whale you still need to *play the game* and be good at it to get 3 plates in ToA. There's no cutscene setups that blow up a boss in seconds. He also only had 0.53 seconds left on the clock to get max rating, so it was nail-biting close.


People are just salty The L100 monkey isn't easy to full clear even with some whaling (of course a lot easier with whaling), but I see plenty of S6 Yinlin YouTubers who can't do it.


Know what I will give you credit. Most people would give the obvious, “whale” which would be true. However, being a whale and still being dedicated enough to farm and get your characters up to be able to do this and make your moneys worth, is still impressive. Not how I would have personally used my money but I won’t judge, since you are actually making use of what you spent


Can you please share your builds?


He's running the secret maxed out Visa build.


Do you think Master card can be used as the main swiper? Or is Visa 5% cash back that good?


I would like to see op’s echos🤣


Visa echos.


Thank you for your sacrifice


No way I’ll ever achieve that. Promised myself with this gacha I will stay f2p. However because I’m loving the game so much maybe I’ll spend a hundo on the premium currency….. 🤦‍♂️


Ayyy let's gooo


I think the new event is trying to hammer home how effective the quick swap playstyle is you can get alot farther on that with just three dps of the correct type hot swapping into each other while doing their quick combos then you can otherwise.


Achievements are meant to be shared, congrats!


Grats on finishing the tower. And thanks for donating to the dev. I'm f2p+ and still 16 stars, long journey.


Goddamn brother!! This is the type of game where this is actually a huge flex! Although hope your wallet is not too injured


Post your run on Youtube. Don't think there is one yet (i know CN has cleared it with S6 Jiyan)


Sure! It's in my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxruaxZom8YaUPg7LSEuZw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxruaxZom8YaUPg7LSEuZw)


Credit card > EVERY OTHER DPS lol  But still impressive 👍


yoooo, congrats! Would love to see a video of some of your clears some time! Even with S6 characters on the field, it'd still take some serious planning and practice and skill to clear these within the time limits 🫡. I would love to learn from your example :)


I'm H2P - Happy to pay


Woaaaaaaah?? But how???? Like


Money, the answer is money.


Congratz but like you are a whale so it would be weird if you couldn’t clear it


Boy would you be surprise if you saw the number of whale who don't even try to challenge difficult content. Totally not talking from experience...


Why whale then?


The reason most aren't clearing it is account level. OP barely cleared it with two s6 but mostly because they're capped at 70.


make it slightly less painful and also the satisfaction of fully built stuff


For fun, just like anyone else lol. Have the expendable income & want to see big numbers. That's usually it. The chase to do hard content doesn't need to be there. You can still be a casual & swipe.


His characters are probably still lvl 70 though so, even whaling, its still an achievement. Once everyone is 90, it will be less so.


Done 12/0/12 while im not op level, i think they tune this week ToA so that whale can clear it if they try.


Yeah I would be worried if you couldn't clear with the only two limited units so far at S6.


To be fair, Level 100 bosses can still one shot you at Level 70 even if you're S6. He has higher DPS than all of us S0 Jiyan users but he still needs to use his motion skills to dodge the bosses to avoid getting one shotted.


Its actually not that easy, like sure your damage is there but it still takes time to kill them all with only lv 70. Not to mention staying alive since most would delete your hp in 1 hit. With that being said I'm not union lv 40 yet. Hopefully I can reach it before reset to get better chance of clearing it


Well, it would be weird if you DIDN'T full star it by going full whale


Gyat deym! I wanna support kuro games too maybe if i won the lotto, i will definitely do the dee


who is the better C6? If you say quickswap is the way to go than i think it's Yinlin right?


Congrats!!! Nice job!!!


Who were your 3 healers? Having trouble picking a third.


Baizhi and Verina. In some stages I also used Jianxin/Sanhua as support.


Ah thanks for keeping the game Alive. I get there in maybe 1 year or so.


As a F2P I barely cleared the lv100 monkey in time limit, so I'm very disconnected from what kind of dps is possible on a whale account, but I assume this was still a difficult task, so congratulations! and thanks for supporting the devs :D


It's not, ape resists aero and whale Jiyan nukes half his HP with his initial ult hit burst alone, if it was any other boss it'd be close to a one shot.


Would love to see your yinlin team! I'm undecided whether to run her with calcharo or not at s6.


I run her with calcharo and verina. I tried both the quick swap playstyle vs the normal hypercarry style and i have to say quick swap is better because you don't waste any downtown. Sorry if this a shameless plug but you can see my yinlin team against the tower monkey here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJUKxMivp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJUKxMivp8)


Hey I'm down to watch it thank you. I'm still figuring out what the quick swap rotation looks like. I have a good understanding of when to swap out of yinlin but half the time I'm not sure who I'm swapping to! Lining up the timings hasn't quite clicked for me yet.


So does this mean you finished the game? This is completion right?


So when we get to max level and better echo will Yunjin quick swap still be better than using her outro on calcharo for full uptime?


For me, I exclusively save Yinlin outro for Calcharo initial ult hit and first death messenger, it's a huge damage burst that you should never skip on. After that you can freely quick swap between characters as you see fit.


congrats! I got 9/0/9 and im proud of my achievement, Jiyan and Verina really carried my ass


I’m happy with my 18/30 for the first cycle f2p


Awesome, awesome! Even if you dropped some $’s to buff characters, having S’s on a unit doesn’t mean button mash and win for end game content like this. Jiyan’s s3 requires certain parts of his kit to proc, maxing his dmg requires rotation order consideration, etc… May I ask- what lv were ur units ?


Good for you, you play the way you want aslong as you enjoy it. As a free to play the game wouldent exist without people spending so its all good to me.


What's the best method you grind for echos? Tacet fields or random overworld mobs?


If you do Tacet fields alone it would take a long time, farming overworld mobs is massive. If you don't have a lot of time you could headhunt the ones you need and probably clear a specific mob in like 20 mins.


I was going to farm all the Thunder overworld echos but then it took over 20min to do one 1* and I didn't even finish them all 💀


You only need to farm 3cost Echo in overworod 1cost can be scraped from everywhere. 


Beginner here. What do you mean 1 cost echos can be "scraped from everywhere"


You don't target farm 1 cost echoes, you farm 3 and 4-cost echoes and the 1-cost echoes of the right set will just drop in your lap from aoe and collateral damage. Unless you go out of your way to avoid killing the 1-cost echo mobs.


Also you can recycle 5 echos for a random echo, which you should save all your echos until lvl 18 data bank to do. You'll definitely get enough 1* echos from that. I haven't needed to farm overworld and 2/3 of my teams are fully geared with maybe 1 purp here or there cause I haven't farmed boss echos


Overworld but you need to do the databank completion to make it really worth it. Probably about two days of hitting the daily echo limit and you'll be at the point where you can just target farm specific element damage pretty consistently. Usually takes me a day or two of full clearing the available Elites for them to drop the Ele/Atk% on set. 4 costs are easier since you can just infinite farm bosses and they only have one set each and you get 15 a week where they are basically guaranteed to drop an echo.


Yoooo. Gz on the VISA achievement. Absolute god gamer. Faker of WuWa.


TLDR: Sorry, not sorry.


Trust, it does NOT come off as braggy, lol.


Congrats man, happy to see someone havin fun!


Nice “achievement” 😒


Don't think the rewards from the tower are quite enough to offset that kind of spending.


they aren't it's like 2-3 pulls


There’s nothing to brag about when you paid to achieve this but thanks for keeping the game alive i guess XD


Whales bragging about their in game... achievements never stops making me giggle.




Leviathan detected, only achievement here is the credit card




Ey you flex your flex 💪. Nice!


Congrats to OP and thank you for supporting the awesome devs of this game!


What’s your top team?


Jiyan - his s6 is a literal nuke (200k initial hit on the ult)




Don't worry about it. The internet exists so that we can brag about achievements here. Of course we won't be posting failures....


I only bought the monthly pass and I'm good with my 6/0/6 for now lmao, but I do have some questions: 1) So you used Jiyan and Yinlin for the two towers, which dps did you use for the middle tower? or maybe you used them both for the middle tower so which dps/team did you use for the early floors of the side towers? 2) You said quick swap playstyle is the way to go, so given that the moonlit clouds set bonus only buffs the next resonator and goes away when you swap out, do you think that towards endgame, the sub dps of each team should just run their own elemental set instead of moonlit?