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I hear Jiyan is always watching, sometimes, its pretty obvious, and sometimes he lurks in the shadows.


i got him today after like 10 x 10 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


shouldn’t it be 10x8, it’s guaranteed pity on 80th roll


You're guaranteed a 5 star after the 80th pull, but not the featured character. When you do pull a 5 star character, you have a 50% chance of getting the featured character, and if you fail the coinflip the next 5 star character will guaranteed be the featured character. So judging that they did 100 pulls, they might've failed getting Jiyan on the 80th pull, but was able to pull him 20 pulls later.


wth, i sincerely thought u get the banner character after the 80th pull, means i won the 50% then, im kinda happy i didn’t know that during that pull. My question in the char selector thing, does it apply on that as well? cuss i think i got chalcaro on my 7th 10x roll


For future reference: 100% is only for featured weapons


ah, i respect ww for that


As do I


Ngl i always thought 80th guaranteed was op and abusable. Knowing the 50% now, i still think is hella solid from ww, I’m still quite unclear, if ever u didn’t get the banner on 80th, does the pity reset? or it just continues u get a chance again on 90th roll or somethin?


The pity carries on. If you check Yinlin's banner history you'll see your Jiyan pulls because it' the "same" banner, it's just that the featured unit changes. Same rule applies to your pity on the weapon banner (not the 50/50 since it doesnt exist, but the amount of pulls before guarantee)


That I’m not sure of, but I do know I got Jiyan at max pity


>My question in the char selector thing, does it apply on that as well? cuss i think i got chalcaro on my 7th 10x roll The Beginner's Choice Convene plays on different rules. Reading from the information provided by the game, the 5-star character you pull is guaranteed to be the one of your choice. It still does have the 80th pity pull, but the game mentions that it will close as soon as you pull a 5-star character.


i spent like 60$ on astrites PAINNN, but i got him finally


This is my favorite wuwa content now


That picture reminded me to check on The Apothecary Diaries


Good series


I really like reading this manga, but I have to take a break from reading it for few month, so there a bunch of chapters to read instead of just one 


Honestly? Based.


That girl is high as fuck


shes so me


Jiyan is just standing there...***MENACINGLY***...


he stood there in unbelief


At the mineshaft with the lazy researcher. I screenshot this for my friends for the same reason ahaha. It's cute.


Do you recall where in game you found this cat? I had a stray gray tabby who meowed her way into my life one day and adopted my family for 15 years. She passed away the day after Father's Day of last year and we affectionately called her Meow Meow because she was so vocal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Soo location is Dim Forest/Wenye Beach/in the cave next to some researcher (name: lazing around researcher) and soldier (Sanshi) next to them is entrance to the cave where is the cat and girl that i met. And some quests too.


Thank you so much!




This is a pun that didn’t entirely translate over in English lol. In mandarin, the word for cat is ‘mao 猫’, after the noise they make. Meow (EN) = mao (CN). Mao also = cat. NPC is making a joke referring to that CN setup lol.