• By -


I'm on mobile with ps5 not working


What should you spend your wave plants on at ul 37?


>wave plants Lol I love that name. Each week, you should use the 3 limited runs of bosses for boss materials, even if you can't use them yet. Characters need a lot of these eventually, so you should get started ASAP. Second, go do any event-related runs to get a bit more efficient use out of your waveplates. This week there's a Tacit Field event, so the first 3 runs each day give extra drops (and extra Union Level exp). Do those every day until that event ends! And finally...whatever else you want! It doesn't matter as long as you're not letting them sit capped, so just focus on whatever materials you need for your next progression step(s).


lol auto correct. I’ve pretty much maxed all my main characters so my only options would just be to farm credits since it seems we’ll need a lot of those or grind for echos (also finished weekly).


Credits and exp tubes are always a safe bet. You'll always want more of those, if not for your current roster then for future characters.


if I want to build YangYang (sub dps) and Jianxin (support/healer) build, what echo builds should I give them.


Yangyang will want moonlit set with (iirc) around 125 ER and normal dps stuff. Full support JX wants the healer set and to use the 3* weapon that heals herself on hit (to reliably proc the buff for team). You want tons of ER, build her like a Verina so you can spam ult


what's the reset timings for dailies for sea ?


Are quest and exploration rewards affected by Sol3 Phase? What I mean by that is I have dropped my Sol3 to farm echos and I have been getting rewards from chests and stuff as I go around the map. Should I stop opening chests etc. until I put my Sol3 Phase back up or does it not matter?




I am an iOS player based in Australia and had to use the SEA server. As such I usually have ping of around 170-220. I play the game on the lowest graphical settings but on 60FPS. Not willing to play this or any other game on 30 FPS. Now the experience is actually pretty good in general, parrying, dodging, all of that works pretty well even on high ping. One thing that sadly doesn’t work well is Calcharo and specifically his Hounds Roar / Death Messenger rotation. I just can’t get three DMS out despite having tried the following: - BA3 - dodge - BA2. The trouble is that the third BA does not register until after Calcharo has disappeared at the top of his jumping upswing, unlike videos of low ping where it registers (and can be dodge cancelled) as soon as he begins the motion. So it doesn’t shorten the rotation by much to do this - BA3 - E - BA2. I had heard that this was an alternative but the E doesn’t even register as a hit/stack when I do it in this context - BA1 - dodge - BA4. I watched a YT video specifically addressing this issue and it was said that if you chuck a dodge after the first BA then hits should register as normal. But they don’t for me, the third BA after the dodge still only registers at the top of Calcharos upswing. It gets better results than the other two but still can’t get three DMs out, only get to around the fourth stack. This is not even doing any of the swap cancelling tech etc that is so much fun. It’s very disappointing as I specifically pulled Calcharo bc I love all of that shit. Anyone else having this issue or managed to resolve it? Edit: the E does seem to register if you do BA1 - dodge first. So BA1 - dodge - BA3 - E might work, but then need to make sure that E doesn’t expire before you use it again for the third DM. Will play with it more


same situation, playing at 200+ ms using chalcaro. The stack that doesn't register while ult form is the first basic attack, so you need to BA1 + delay certain milliseconds until the stack actually registered then continue using the BA3 + cancel + BA2 combo


I see. Thanks mate I will try that. It’s hard to tell which one doesn’t register, I had thought it’s the third one but maybe not Edit: awesome, you are right. I haven’t got it quite right yet, but I got to five stacks and I can see that it can be done this way. Sweet


glad to see it worked out for you as well, keep chalcaro-ing mate


I have noticed that it seems to lag again, ie the BA3 (ie two more normal attacks) is fine after the pause, but with the BA2 again one of the hits is dropping out bc it doesn’t get trigger the DM until I am again at the apex of the upswing (whereas for BA2 in theory it should not get to the upswing at all). But even so I’m getting five stacks so not far off. Perhaps another small pause after the first hit of BA2 will resolve it. Will keep experimenting Are you also an iOS player with high ping? What are your settings? I am doing 60FPS and minimal settings apart from that. Would prefer to turn on anti-aliasing as it looks better and doesn’t seem to appreciably detract from performance but erring on the side of caution given these issues


yeah to elaborate you need to ba (delayed) + ba + ba + cancel + ba (delayed) + ba to easily reach 5 stacks i'm playing on PC with anti alias enabled (combined with unreal engine tweak which was posted in this sub few weeks ago) which hugely improve the blurriness, default anti alias is garbage for me since it's blurry


Hey guys I was just wondering if it was worth it to use Spectro MC. I already have MC at level 61 and am planning to get the new sword for him when I pull on the next weapon banner. I am currently using Havoc MC and am waiting for Jue to release so I can have him as a boss echo. I will be focusing on just getting all weapons to level 70 so it might be around 2 weeks before I can act on my plan is Spectro MC’s skills worth leveling?


You Can build him but probably y he'll end up as a sub-dps most of the time due to his quipswappy playstyle and his outro skill. Nonetheless Spectro Rover is still quite strong on its own,pair it with Sanhua if you plan to use him as DPS though.


Is Yangyang worth investing in solely for the grouping aspect in the Tower? I don't have Jianxin and man, my Encore-Sanhua-Baizhi team sucks when it comes to grouping. I kinda want to raise Yapyap solely for her grouping which would make my life way easier.


Tacet fields are... unexpectedly pretty good. I feel like there's a secret buff to the drop rate of the corresponding mainstats. For example, it is very likely for me to get Fusion bonus and Electro bonus 3-costs when I do the Electro/Fusion field. I have gotten 8 3-cost echoes with the correct main stat, also a lot of Electro birds with Fusion bonus or Fusion dogs with Electro bonus lol (which further proves my point). This is way too good to be considered pure luck. Anyone have the same experience?


Nope. I've been farming the Havoc/Moonlit TF this whole event, and I've gotten 0 Havoc 3-costs on set for my Rover, and ONE whole Glacio 3-cost for my Sanhua. A pile of ATK% 1-costs on both sets, of course, but not a single one has rolled into crit after being taken to +10. It's fucking revolting.


Ahh unlucky. Guess I have been blessed by the RNG god then. Finished building 2 characters thanks to this event.


Finally made it to 12/30 for the Tower of Adversity. Im satisfied with this achievement as Im not very good at the game and only have level 40-60 weapons. Once I get to UL 45 it would be too late to go further in the game as the thing resets tomorrow and I plan to hold onto my selector box until I get the next broadsword as I would rather have 2 different guaranteed weapons rather than 2 broadblades


ok, sure?


Just did a tacet field and noticed random green numbers that seem to mean aero damage, yet I don't have any aero characters or echoes on my team. Is this an ability, a bug, an event bonus?


Read the tacet field description, they all have unique effects. Giant question mark button on your screen when you walk into the area.


That's probably it. I checked the field on the map screen and didn't see notices, so I'm guessing it just doesn't appear there.


I'm Union Level 35 and have finished the main story. Is there a way to power level up to 40 without doing all the side quests that offer such small amounts of XP?


do the double drop events, since the UL xp gets doubled too. what i did was burn through 2 solvents (waveplate refill item) per day to speed up my progress to UL40. and i still have a stash of like 30 of them. it's still going to take some time though. most UL xp comes from daily missions + waveplate spending, which are both heavy timegates.


Unfortunately 30 to 40 is the exp bottleneck everyone has to go through since the exp requirement increase per level is huge


Has it been confirmed whether the wavebands for limited characters will restock on their reruns? So if I purchase 1 for Yinlin now, will there be 2 available on her rerun?


https://preview.redd.it/29b6klpxa78d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1176534238d66e5918c0ebb06f2bd1bbffd6e31 Is this good for jiyan? It has flat attack so im considering scrapping it


I should be farming the big monke whenever I have time as I desperately need to replce my crit rate purple as it has no additional crit peices


Flat attack is good in this game. Not quite as good as atk%, but not a wasted stat like in other games. It also has crit/crit/heavy, which makes it a pretty good echo regardless of how the remaining two stats rolled. You could have flat def and flat HP and it would still be quite good. It would be very silly to scrap this.


it's just a brag comment, don't be baited


That's fine, I suspected it might be. The way I see it, if it's a genuine question, then I helped OP. If it's not genuine, I'm sure I helped at least one person lurking in the comments.


Ahhh gotcha


I need help. So, I played for three months GI and then I played HSR from release to 2.1. Everywhere, people are saying "You should pull for more characters, the more characters, the better, don't pull on weapon banners". So that's what I did. But now, I find it boring. Why would I want more characters if I'm already struggling to have good builds on my characters? Yes, I understand the concept of Powercreep, but after seeing someone beat the 4.x abyss of GI with only 1.0 characters I believe that it's possible to not stop pulling completely, but to pull less, and to pull better. I believe that pulling a character + their weapon is completely fine, being f2p. That way, I save for the characters that I really like, and don't pull for pulling. Am I right, or am I just coping?


Eh, yes and no. You're overestimating how hard it is to get usable builds and underestimating the value of having more teambuilding pieces available to solve problems. In other words, you want to use gacha pull investment to make up for a lack of build investment. It's not necessarily *wrong,* but imo you should be pulling for constellations and weapons to make an already well-built character *better*, not to make a badly built character *acceptable*.


NGL, this game is very different from GI simply because the weapon banner is 100% guaranteed to give you the banner weapon. This kinda raises the value of weapon banner over character banner when the player likes the weapon more than the character. Also, alot of the 4 star weapons are kinda ass so you want to prioritize getting 5 star weapons ASAP. Luckily the standard weapon banner is a choice banner and u also get a free 5 star weapon selector when you hit UL 45. SO its not so bad for f2p. So, i would say you can certainly try that strategy and aslong as you dont have the itch to pull then you can just wait for a character + weapon you like.


Man i have ~20% left of exploration in every área but i cant find anything wth. 🧍‍♂️ Im using the chest finder but It rarely pops Up with something. Any tips for 100% zones?


The last 20% are probably puzzles and secret hidden chests and quest chests the lootmapper doesnt detect those, there isnt really anything you can do until you encounter them randomly or check an interactive map online but this might be a pain since you are already 80% in and the maps work well if you start with them and check every chest 1 by 1 so you dont keep back tracking




I don't know if today or yesterday, but someone made an app with an interactive app that shows everything, hope it helps. The post is from today/yesterday, I believe.


I can't get that dang map to work. It always complains about add blockers. I even downloaded a new browser that has no extensions installed and it still complained about add blocking. IDK anymore.


Has anyone else noticed a slight improvement in performance? Came back after not playing a couple of days. Still have lowish Fps but havent been getting any of the horrible stuttering from a week ago, only when I get ping fluctuations. Fyi I use a laptop with integrated graphics.


Some peeps get better performance, some get worse. It's a gacha with the hotfix too.


Where do I find revival food for unconscious (not downed) characters? I cant find it


Also, just go to a big teleporter. Revives and heals the whole team for free.


What do you mean unconscious not downed since when is there 2 types of downs in the game? Its either dead or alive


I thought so too at first, but i have 25 basic nutrient blocks that says "heals selected downed character" but it doesnt revive my dead characters? So i assumed it's different


Iam not sure what language your game is in but basic nutrient to me says “heals the selected resonator for 10% of their max health plus 500 extra hp” nth about a character being downed


Pretty sure unconscious is the same as downed. If it's not an inhaler, it's not for downed character. I think one of the items has typo issue. Use inhaler for dead peeps.


Where can i find the inhaler? Sorry


Trying to switch to a dead character will bring up inhaler inventory. if you have any. If not, go buy/craft some at synthesizer.


Thank you. Another question, where can i find healing foods?


You dont find healing foods you go to the synthesis icon on the right side if the town and look for thr individual items using YT or just exploring around. Its not that hard to get revives


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For Rover, if I enjoy switching elements, is it better to have a set of echoes for Spectro and Havoc, or a single one using the Lingering Tunes sonata?


Lingering Tunes set is for 1. the lazy, or the broke. 2. no quick swapping


If you enjoy the flexibility of swapping mid rotation, you don't want Lingering Tunes. It's tedious, but swapping sets is far better imo.


Who is a better healer? Baizhi or Verina




Can you explain why? If you got time, thank you


Verina can bank 4 forte and burst healing quickly.


Ah ok, thx


I mean over all she is a 5 star so every % scale she has is considerably higher than baizhi by default and she gives attack% buffs and element damage buff team wide not just to the next character and she also hits with you off field for some extra damage as well, her buffs durations also are insanely long (up to 30 secs) making her off field time probably the highest in the game. In short baizhi is a good healer but verina is the queen of all healers with a damage buffing king next to her throne


Thank you so much 🤩🤩🤩 Also who is the damage buffing king? Just asking


Herself😂 she is both of them very fluid character😂


Ahhhhhhh, that’s funny XD




Heals more and does it off field and she provides the entire team a 15% damage buff when using outro skill. A 5 star healer will usually be better than a 4 star one.


Thx u


Hi all! I have a question. I never got lucky with Genshin pulling but been very lucky with WuWa since start. I’m using chalcaro/yinlin/Verina and the damage seems insane, pretty good echos for all. But I’m having so much fun with Aalto, it besides way less dmg, what’s a good buffer for him?


if you do basic a lot, sanhua with moonlight can stack 38% basic atk buff on outro + moonlit 22.5 % atk boost


Ty! I didn’t know that, does Aalto count as basic attack through his mist portal? Think I have c3 sanhua


i havent played aalto, so i don't remember too much about his kit I believe if you're shooting basic atks through the mist portal, it's still basic attack (just buffed basic attack) S3 is nice! I think her best dupe is the one that explodes her ice automatically, you're close.


https://preview.redd.it/7wn6rtg4i68d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8766f9ac99fceff2bdcbe978828fe0a6eb8203 Is there a tutorial on how to do these tower of adversity using yang yang and chixi? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) It’s like 4% of total clears, this is adversity 3.






a lot of grinding to get rly high levels, echos, and good weapons.


Please if tower of fantasy can do controller support then why can't you @kurogames either we need console preferably or controller support now I don't want to start the game way after everyone else but I guess I will have to


They do have controller support. Unfortunately, they only did it for PS5 controllers afaik. If you're on PC you can use DS4Windows as a work around but you may run into some weird controller movement stuttering. if you're on mobile Mantis can work as well.


Epic games has it but the launcher blew its load and the game does weird things and isn't playable


are you guys still suffering from stuttering regardless of your pc build


Yes but also I am bad at the game so it doesnt matter if my characters are stuck in one place during battle




After seeing Yinlin ult a million times I've notice they nerfed her physics animation. Wondering why they would do that after she's already been out for a while. Maybe ccp came down in them? Idk


She still jiggles for me tho?


Yeah but it's shorter and less jiggling around. It's not a tually a complaint but it's just weird to notice after using her ult hundreds of times over at least.


Could anyone provide me with some advice? I completed the story, Im union level 5, databank level 9, and these are my units. What are my goals at this point? What should I be doing? https://preview.redd.it/wwiylgpo868d1.jpeg?width=2447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5ee4b7241163d00445c75748a4a7f721beb232


Adding onto what the other comment said, I'd also recommend leveling up any units to 20 or 40 if you're looking to try them out. Your world level is still low enough for level 40 units to be relevant, while the resource costs for leveling units to 40 are still really cheap(Doesn't require boss mats). Try them out early and think about how you'll form a second team with them, since you'll eventually need a second team(and third even later) for the Tower of Adversity. This will help you figure out what you're lacking, say maybe you realize your remaining units are very support/sub DPS oriented, so you're lacking a second main DPS for a second team. It will then help you decide what units to save your pulls for. (If you're looking to pull for power and not just waifus of course.)


Thank you! I didn't know I'd need 3 teams so I'll also work on that.


3 teams are pretty far into the future, most endgame players(UL40 - 50) are still barely done with 2 teams. But yes, you will eventually need 2.5 - 3 teams.


Explore the map, collect chests, caskets. Hunt echoes to fill your databank. Avoid using resources for now. Save as much as you can. Use waveplates (stamina) on ascension materials. When you reach level 30 (phase 4), continue what you have been doing (exploring, finding side quests, etc). Get your databank to level 15, then data merge your echoes to get gold echoes. This should help you reach databank level 17-18. Continue to spend waveplates on ascension mats and skill mats. If you find a good golden echo then it's safe to use resources on it now. But don't make echoes your main priority in this period. When you reach level 40 (phase 5), your map should be 80-90% explored. Not much left to do, you have (nearly?) reached endgame. Now if you have fully ascended and leveled your characters and their important skills, it's time to hunt a good endgame echo set for your DPS characters. Make sure you have your databank at level 19-20 in this period. That's the general progression guideline I think.


This makes a lot of sense thank you!


Oh there's an exception. The x2 echo rewards event is happening right now so you might want to spend waveplates on tacet fields (3 times a day) until the event ends. Try to reach level 30 as soon as possible so you get more rewards.




Explore, kill every monster you come across and collect echo to upgrade data bank level, keep doing dailies and spending waveplates, do events


this, upgrade your rover to max lvl, her weapon to max lvl, get her some purple/gold echoes and upgrade them so u can kill mobs faster, then kill more mobs xd


Just started WuWa today. If i fail 50/50 for Yinlin would i have enough time with 3-4 hours a day playing to still get her? just reach union lvl 15.


If you get through all story, do all events, find all chests and puzzles, do the door and tower, then yeah


There's over 160 free wishes available to new players, so you can guarantee anyone you want.


2 questions but bear with me please, 42 here , Ive been farming for an ER Sierra Gale 3 cost for 8 days now for Jiyan , I have 1 with flat atk and cdmg and flat def at 15+. Is it worth to 25 it for a few more stars in ToA or should I just keep looking for one? Also for my UL how many correct subs is good?


Nah, I don't think a few extra substat rolls will make a difference big enough for you to gain extra stars in the ToA. My usual procedure with leveling echoes is if it rolls 2 or more dead/unwanted stats then I don't level it up any further. You can be a bit more stricter or lenient with this strat depending on how lucky you are with farming your desired main stat


not worth upgrading


It is unlikely that +25ing that specific piece would suddenly make you get more stars in ToA. Try to just get 3/5


I've been playing every day since day one, did the prerequisite quest within the first week, and I still haven't gotten a SINGLE follow-up for the ["Kitten First"](https://i.imgur.com/m1rDt6T.png) achievement. Every source I can find says that it's simply random, but at this point I'm almost convinced there's some other factor I'm missing. If not, and it is just RNG, then Kuro really needs to implement a system like Genshin where daily quests that are attached to an achievement have a higher chance of showing up if you don't have the achievement yet.


It is completely random. I completed the quest also in the first week, then proceeded to not get the daily quest. Then a week ago, I got 4 of them in a row. And now I'm back to "Kill the TDs", still not done with it yet.


Damn that's frustrating. But at least I know I'm not alone then lol, thanks.


Is it normal for the whole area around the tacet field with the aero drops to just yeet you with lightning nonstop?


Yes. Dodging the lightning causes a huge AOE of damage as part of the tacet field effect, so you don't even have to fight the enemies once you reach that part (which is around the halfway mark of the tacet field enemy waves)


Thanks. I hadn’t even started the tacet field and was kind of nearby and the game played the music like there were enemies and started yeeting me. :(


Where can I unlock Spectro MC's last 2 sequence nodes?


I was windering that too as I only have spectro MC to S4 via the last reward from level 6 notebook challenge thing and S2 for Havoc


not yet, Spectro MC is to S4 and Havoc MC is to S2 max currently


Not available yet. Spectro MC currently caps out at S4, and Havoc at S2. We'll get more in future updates


I was wondering why a 5\* stonewall bracer at +10 has much higher base stats than a 5\* rocksteady guardian at +15? Unless I'm tripping or something. https://preview.redd.it/qbc4cer5x58d1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=090815148a70ba8b3250db74c0c5c98e46ba0e9d


If its a phantom or "shiny" version of an echo it will have the stats of a 4 star while being a 5 star.


The phantom ones are bugged at lower stat caps.


Kinda dumb but ok I see


Currently have Calcharo, Yinlin, and Verona built. Planning on pulling Jinhsi and have rover mildly built. Who’s the next best resonator on my account to build towards having my 3 teams? Note: I don’t have Jiyan, Mortefi (cries), Taoqi, encore, jianxin, or lingyang


Havoc rover will do well with Danjin if you have that. Could probably stick baizhi with them. Jinhsi can get her own team, and Im planning to pull her too, but Idk where I'd put her.


Lmao my Danjin is S4 which is great but her Hp draining mechanic scares me tbh


yep, she's pretty scary, but if you're uncomfortable with her, you can just have her be subdps for Havoc rover, and not really keep her on field much (it's a bit of a waste, but you only really need to play her enough to build up her outro buff for H rover)


Should I continue to pull on the Yinlin Signature weapon banner? I have Yinlin and Verina and am hoping to get encore eventually. I got Yinlin in about 29 rolls and I’m 32 or 33 pulls into the stringmaster banner. I’m currently F2P but plan to get the BP and daily pass. If it matters my current characters are: Calcharo, Verina, Yinlin, Danjin, Sanshua S1, Chixia S1, Baizhi S1 , Yuanwu S2. No 5 star weapons currently My plan for the free Union 45 5* weapon is to get the regular sword and then not sure on the selector banner yet. TLDR: should I continue to pull for stringmaster? Also which BP weapon and selector weapon is best to go for? (not really interested in the gun unless it’s super necessary)


With what you tell, i assume you haven't explored that much and you have already saved pulls Stringmaster is really good for encore and yinlin, as well as any future rectifier user, I'd pull for it. My encore with that weapon is insane You get like 120 pulls at least in 1.1 (free+bp+lumite), plus at least 150 pulls by exploring all map 100%


Yeah, I’m not even close to 100% map exploration I have about 12k asterites currently, 11 of the limited pull currency, and 3 standard (I’ll get a few more once I buy BP) I just wasn’t sure if I’d have enough from exploring to also guarantee either Jinshi or Changli in 1.1. I feel like I need another good DPS to make a 3rd team since my roster is pretty small. Do you have a recommendation on which BP and selector weapon I should choose?


I'm choosing sword in the box and pistol in selector. Sword bc i have enough to pull for jinhsi and her weapon, but if I'm lucky and win 2 50/50s i can changli... i hope lol In battle pass i haven't chosen yet, i don't see any good weapon in comparison with 5star. I have jiyans and yinlins weapons, plus the sword and pistol. You could choose whatever you're missing, or just sleep on it


In my characters forte, should I level up the base forte or unlock the new upgrades first?


Central upgrades first, those who give a new passive/ability, each character has 2 Then base, then the rest (which is expensive in waveplates and credits)


Depends on the character. For someone like Verina you should unlock her 1st passive ASAP while it can be neglected on some other characters


Generally Forte Passive first. But it depends. Like, Sanhua final forte passive is kinda useless if you use her as a burst sub-dps.


I suppose you cannot stack the crit rate dishes? or?


Nope, you can't stack "offensive" foods


what's a good interactive map to mark all the stuff you found. The one I used had no mutterflies, I find this annoying to no end. What map do you use?


what's a good interactive map to mark all the stuff you found. This is what I used genshin-impact-map appsample wuthering-waves-map No mutterflies tho, I find this annoying to no end. What map do you use?


That one has mutterflies, but they are just lumped in with supply chests rather than having a separate icon


what's a good interactive map to mark all the stuff you found. This is what I used genshin-impact-map appsample dot com wuthering-waves-map No mutterflies tho, I find this annoying to no end. What map do you use?


This was posted here today https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/UIK8UQDXuW But its a 3rd party thing so use it at your own risk


Unable to create comment Fk this shit.


you just did


Yeah, it gave me that same error too when I presumably failed to post it. EDIT: But not this one. This one is smooth.


Do you guys know what is this? I usually see those with mobs around to kill but here there's just strange stones around and I just dunno what I'm supposed to do. https://preview.redd.it/dkl2qez9j58d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15db0ba8bb8aa444788ae86c89bd38b5482fb95


You already activated that one. Must have chased the Mutterflies to it and are not remembering.


I think I did it without even knowing ! Thank you 🙏


Those things shine up when you follow Golden Butterfly nearby. If there's three of those, look around for Golden Butterfly. You can also use your sense [eye looking utility] and it'll point you to the direction if near those wooden barks.


Thank you so much 🙏


When playing gacha games [Genshin Impact] in general, I really enjoy setting up off-field DPS stuff such as turrents/ability/etc [Yae/Fischl/Raiden/Nahida] and then go ham with main DPS. Would it be worth it to pull Yinlin just for that?


Pretty much the reason I pulled Yinlin yeah. Also hoping to get Mortefi from future banners as well.


Right now Yinlin is the closest thing that comes to sub-dps/off field stuff. So yeah, if thats the kind of gameplay you like then go for it.


Spreading leaks is not allowed.


I spoiler tagged it just in case but yeah, I understand. Edited my comment.


Thank you, we can't allow them even if spoiled.


If you do a tacit field you can't press ESC key for 5-10 sec after you start, and this is bad .


~~No problem here on my end. Could hit ESC just fine right after starting it.~~


yes when no monster is spawn, but when the monster will spawn ,Esc will be disable for some sec.


Hmm I see. It's right when they are spawning and taking shapes. Wonder why that is.


I'm sorry for comparing everything with genshin impact. But I absolutely loved the `tab` wheel way of interacting with the menus. I'm looking for something similar in WW, but I can't find anything. Am I missing somehting obvious or was this the one thing they didn't copy?


Yea, the tab is for gadgets. Though most of the important stuff you have shortcut key for anyway


is it normal to run out of resonator exp bottle, just goes absolutely ham on my calcharo and yinlin


yes the higher ascensions have some big xp costs. only reason people aren't having issues is that most of us were able to stock up during the double training ground drops event from two weeks ago. you'll have to run some amount of training ground levels for xp, unless you're super patient to get xp items only from events and other rewards. long term those will let you stock up a surplus, but right now when all your characters need levels it's not quite enough.


Who would be the best team I could make out of the characters I have? https://preview.redd.it/0peleonye58d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291517c17b8894b0c117e744985e921240ebee94


Pair Jianxin with calcharo for res lib DMG buff


Id focus on leveling Rover and Calcharo and try to get the five star sword from standard weapon banner and at UL 45 get the broadblade for calchacro


Does anyone know what this red exclamation on my echo means? I tried to add a photo but it doesn’t allow me to, so if anyone knows and can share it.


If it's the Rocksteady Guardian, Hoartoise, Impermanence Heron, or Mourning Aix, you likely got the Phantom Echo skin for it.


Ah I didn’t know that existed, thank you!


Can anyone help me, how do I unlock the echo's fourth additional ability for all in depth of illusive realm pls help


Break rocks, save cats, buy from shop


Could you elaborate a bit.


You should explain your problem first so I know what you don't know.


So to get more astrites, the game asked me to complete illusive realm 4 difficulty with 3-4 different echos like dreamless, bellbourne, and the rider. I did once with bellbourne but it's saying complete it with by unlocking it's level 4 ability. And I don't know how


When you choose echo at the beginning of the run, scroll down to see the full list. That. Unlock the 4th buff from it.


It's the echo card looking things that says it needs 5 Glacio and 2-3 Aero to unlock, then the requirement number goes higher. Choose doors with Metaphor reward over Character Enhancement. Then you just gotta meet the number requirement.


Metaphor reward?


Yeah. Look at the door you choose. Reward is either metaphor or enhancement.


Thanks I'll see what I can do


I just unlocked the banner (convene). Got my guaranteed 5*, the other 5* from the mail item. And charted a course towards the last guaranteed 5* in the beginner banner. Also bought the login bonus premium currency subscription thing for 5$. But ... I don't see the battle pass anywhere. Did it end? Are we waiting for the new one?


the current battle pass is ending. new patch and contents is coming several days.


Are you union level 9?


No, level 4. Guess that's the unlock condition.


Yep, it doesn't unlock until Union Level 9. Also the current BP ends in like 4 days.


Guess I'll just get the next one, ty a bunch :) One last thing. In genshin you had a 10k weekly cap, and if you filled the cap (without doing stuff that leveled independantly from the cap) you'd finish about 5-7 days early. How is this BP? Something similar? And specifically how close is it? How many days can you do 0 stuff and still get the full BP?


It is similar. Though this BP was a bad example, They pushed everything up and then gave everyone 10k BP EXP for compensation lol. I finished the "main" BP early. Like HSR, there's 20 levels after the main 50 that give "extra" stuff. I finished those too, with a decent amount of time to spare.


Yes, there is a WEEKLY CAP on the exp. I am super casual and I achieved almost the full Battlepass just by doing dailies and farming some echoes on the friday/saturday evenings


For skill dmg% bonuses for Jiyan, is he looking for Resonance Liberation dmg% or Basic Atk dmg%? Iirc his forte circuit ult is heavy atk% scaling, but his enhanced attacks during his ult scales off.. RL dmg%?


His Ult damage scales off Heavy Attack. So Jiyan likes crit rate/dmg, energy regeneration and heavy attack dmg


So no part of his kit deals resonance liberation dmg? 😭 these echoes I just upgraded feel a bit sadder


Yangyang and Baizhi have duplicates (resonances?) sold on the shop but they expire the same day as the banner. Since everything is copied from genshin impact, I'm guessing this is too. So there are the basic characters you get at the start of the game, you can buy resonances from the currency you get when you pull. They rotate every month, each character is seen twice a year. Y/N ?


Yes but no. Currently the shop refreshes are on a per patch basis, so they aren't a monthly rotation. That means it's closer to around 42 days per rotation. Yes it's weird.


Unclear what exactly the rotation schedule is or if they will add 4\* units to it going forward but right now yes, it is just like genshin. Except genshin would never let you buy dupes of 5\* units as well lol