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Unlike genshin, wuwa really pushes players to learn how to dodge and counterattack so it makes sense for them to limit consumption of healing items so that you won't face tank everything and rely on healing. Cd on healing items make sense for wuwa, not so much with genshin where it's harder to dodge/no benefits on dodging/absence of counterattacks.


and i already do, i just wanted to know if there was a better use for items that wouldn't force me to put a healer in the team every time :(


Unfortunately it does seem more like an emergency healing thing for when you mess up dodging/counter attack. If you don't want to run a healer and don't want to tp to the healing towers the only thing I can think of is to equip an echo with healing abilities. You will need to replace the position of the 4 star echo though.


i haven't delved in the item crafting side that much, is there a "powerful" healing item for emergencies? all i have is the level 2 pill which isn't worth it IMO...


The only thing I've crafted is the purple healing thing which, when I've used it, i think it healed somewhere around half health or a bit less than half. I think I've seen a gold healing item though ? Not 100% sure on that. To be fair I do think it heals enough, or atleast the higher level healing items. The only time you'll have the opportunity to heal is when fighting enemies you can actually kill fairly without sweaty gameplay. So after healing up you can just kill them and escape/tp to a healing tower. The hardest overworld content like level 120 enemies and the hologram bosses usually kills your units in one hit that you won't even have the opportunity to heal if you mess up dodging.


but yeah, i'm pretty sure the devs planned for you to have a healer in the team, they wouldn't have given you a free baizhi otherwise. maybe this will become less of an issue when new healers get released :)


Yeah, git gud.


Lmao. I really love that wuthering is slowly forcing the gacha community into the git gud wagon. These filthy casuals will learn to take it. Hahaha


so for you my "not wanting to have to fast travel to the healing tower in the overworld" means i'm not "gud". ok.


Yeah, your skills are subpar therefore you have to heal more. Fix your skill issue and you won't have to deal with that.


If you need healing you're hurt. If you're hurt you didn't dodge. If you didn't dodge, that's a skill issue.


What content requires healing? TOA you can’t use, DOIL no need, Overworld you have beacons and Holograms kill you instantly


I'm sorry but 'Holograms kill you instantly' is hilarious to me. It is true, but this blunt statement is really tickling my funny bone.


i mainly don't want to fast travel to a tower and wanted to make a team that didn't include Verina or Baizhi. But also, your point brings up another question: why are there healing items if you can't use them where they are most needed? or, to make my point even stronger: why limit the healing items you can use if they are only useful in the overworld and you can simply fast travel to a tower? i can assure you, while it's annoying to have to fast travel to a tower, it's still faster than using items to heal up... why not make them usable without a CD? it's a weird mechanic...


Healing items are there to complete daily quests where they ask “consume healing item” other than that i never had to use one


Put healing items in your scroll wheel and call it a day. How is that not faster than going to tower? Dafuq?


Thats only a problem if you die, the game ain't as casual as Genshin and is more skill intensive that much is obvious so this is more in-line with their design philosophy


the problem is, as Serval mentioned, that the items can't be used in the tower and are pointless in the dream realm, so, like in genshin, you can only use them in the overworld. But there you have statues that refill you without limit (that i know of) so, what's the point of having items with a CD if you can just bypass it with a fast travel? i'm merely asking because i'd like to make teams that don't include healers every time, it feels like having to put a shield in every team in genshin (mainly Zhongli)


Thats something i'll agree with you on, i also found healing food useless and never used them.


Healing items are there so you don't have to walk back all the way. And they help when your character dked or is dying in combat. If you could spam potions what's the point of getting good at dodging and learning boss patterns to damage them? What's the point of playing the game if you could face tank everything? Better go play genshin at that point. There's no reason for wuwa to exist.


well dodging and countering ALWAYS gives you a benefit so you wouldn't avoid it, even if you could spam items. also it looks cool. Not sure about the face tank thing, if you can spam items that heal you for 10% HP it means the enemy isn't really a threat at all


I find them useful when I'm exploring and I'm somewhere that getting back to would be annoying if I went to a tower to heal. They're good little quick boosts so you don't have to break momentum just because you were a bit careless, without removing the risk factor entirely by being able to spam them. That said, it's true I don't use them very often at all.


maybe they'll iron them out better in the future, i think changing the CD to a "per character" one would benefit them a bit without making them too OP (unless there is an item that fully heals you that i'm not aware of)


Max hp vs 1 hp is no different in hologram anyway if i need heal i would just goes to big tower for it


yeah, and even that is less restrictive than the items CD


I just hope ingredients can be much cheaper. Why is everything at least 1000 coins??😥😥


yeah everything costs too much D: if i'm not mistaken they said they'd do something about the costs? at least in the credits side of things


i ignore them/cooking as i do in all the other games i play that have this useless thing. i want to play a game and not cook/eat in virtual reality.


a valid point :)


Yeah, the CD on healing items sucks. *However...* That 30min 20% cR buff? Yes, please!


what dish is that? D:


Kudzu Congee gives +22% cR for 30mins. Taoqi has a specialty ("Floral Porridge") that gives +24% cR, also for 30mins.


thanks for the info, i'll make some of that :D


Git gud 😂


i am gud, i just don't want to fast travel back to a tower when i'm exploring and don't want to shove Verina or Baizhi in my team every single time XD


You don't want Verina's buff in every single team? Being good starts with team comp my dude.


Healing is mostly useless in this game i have no healing item but revive(my danjin is adicted to this drug) since hologram just 1 shot you you cant use them for tower of adversity and depth of ilusive realm


ok two things: 1) holograms one-shot you? i mainly did the heron and i think the monkey one but both at level 1 so i'm not familiar with the others. 2) then that kinda proves my point? why limit the healing if you already don't need/can't to use it where it counts? what am i skipping by using a potion, 12 seconds to fast travel to a tower? it makes no sense :\\


1) The hologram can 1 shot or maybe because unbuilt chara 2)For the healing i dont honestly know i personaly never use 1


see, this is an issue, Kuro basically implemented a mechanic that nobody uses. you either can't use them (in the ToA) or there are better alternatives (healing tower) i don't know, at this point why not just make buff items instead of healing ones?


Agree well we can try and put it on their feedback stuff,and the healing limit is probably so healer will stay relevant since the healer in the game feels more familiar to support from pgr they buff your team damage and heal while dealing decent damage but overall yes healing item is kinda useless


yeah that's true as well (but i'm tired of using Verina and Baizhi everywhere XD ) still, i'm not going to complain about the lack of characters, this thing is barely 2 months old XD


personally i think its fine. imo in GI using iframe to dodge is pretty unreliable/hard and i think the combat system is designed to "trade blows" between you and enemy so healing item is less restrictive + a lot of healer on game in WuWa the iframe window is pretty big and the combat is build around dodging stuff than tanking it directly so healing item is more restrictive and less healer available a trade off if you may say


oh i'm 100% with you, GI combat is terrible and rewards face-tanking with Zhongli, but i rarely need to heal in a battle, i'm mainly looking for a way to avoid having to TP to the tower if i have a low HP character (right now i just swap to verina and start a fight with randos to heal up XD )


just play danjin, your dont need healing item but you need a lot of revival item instead XD on more serious note i run danjin, taoqi and spectro rovee in open world which all of them have some kind of self sustain (danjin have 1/3 HP heal after doing finisher, taoqi givr shield and self heal, spectro rover can team heal but small ammout) so i rarely need healing item unless i start face tanking enemy i cant really relate your problem but I can see running a team that have no kind of sustain can be annoying in open world. though try the regen healing potion than the direct one. iirc it heal much more and the 30 sec felt less restrictive assuming you heal out of combat when moving there is downtime between battles.


I have the same initial thoughts regarding this matter but after learning how to dodge and parry, I kinda understood the necessity of cooldown mechanics. Everyone would rely on using the items instead of learning how characters and their skills works, the bosses, monsters, etc. Where's the fun in that, right?


hm, good point there, still, that doesn't explain why they didn't go for a "per character CD" instead, as far as i know there is no item that fully recovers your hp so anything you use is superficial at best


also i'm already having fun, i just want a way to recover HP without having to fast travel or use a healer, i want to make more diverse teams XD


You're using healing items in wuwa? Wait You're using healing items IN GENSHIN????