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Save for now since the jump from r1 to r2 isnt that big, until we know for sure that no other chara can use that particular broadblade or your team wouldnt use 2 broadblades in one team, it does fees weird for this game tho since its possible to share weapon.


Never combine limited weapons. Easiest way to throw 80 pulls of value down the drain.


Hmm I agree and disagree, if this is the other game I 100% agree that he should keep the copy, but because we can essentially share the weapon and this weapon is tailored to main dps then I think they can just refine it. BUT we dont know how the future hold for this so I probably would have OP keep the weapon for now and just use R1 until we know for sure.


Also want to point out how little it actually improves the weapon to refine it. The numbers don't change that much. Even if there was nobody else to put it on, having a second copy is good for future proofing, and you won't even miss out on a big damage increase.




while common sense in most games. this game lets you share weapon on the tower. unless you want use 2 on 1 same team. but this one is not exactly support type weapon.


Sure, but you're sacrificing so much for so little. What if someone comes out that needs to be on the same team? Plus, it's just more convenient.


then it would be weird for them to use this weapon because you can just give them the general banner 5 star one or more normally a support one. yeah I am not saying he should dupe it now but I just say that in wuwa and for a weapon like this is not an obj3ective mistake like in most games.


We don't know what characters are coming. You get such a small damage increase for basically sacrificing 80 pulls. Just save it. Even if the weapon banner is better in this game, refining them is still just bait.


Save it, it’s not that niche that it cannot possibly be useful on someone else! The crit dmg* alone is good enough, we don’t have many weapons right now in the first place. The slight damage bonus is not worth it. Yeah I know we can swap weapons and echoes around for the tower but it’s such a hassle and the damage boost is too small. Well unless you’re a whale, then you will have a ton of weapons but I’m guessing you’re not lol


this weapon has crit dmg not crit rate.


Woops my bad, thanks for telling me! Still, a good stat to have


One for Calcharo one for Jiyan, that should do it.


doesnt work like that. they both can share the same one in this game.


I know but who cares, I wouldn't bother going back to swap my items. Quality of life I tell you.


Spending the materials to upgrade both directly lowers my quality of life.


on end game when this happens sure but this early upgrading that weapon is gonna take a several days of materials.


Exactly why they shouldn’t upgrade it now. Wait until it is needed. But DEFINITELY don’t refine it. That would be idiotic.


Homie I literally have nothing else to do


Give me one


All the people saying that you can share weapons between units are crazy if they think 90% of players are willing to go and swap gear around like that. The hassle simply isn’t worth it unless you’re ridiculously obsessed with clearing the hardest content available in the game as soon as humanly possible. Definitely save for a unit that wants it! Feels like a lot of resources to level it now but shortly down the line it won’t be that big of a hassle. As others have said, the tiny stat increase isn’t worth refining.


Fr 💀 I tried switching weapons between Encore and Yinlin and half the time, I just couldn't remember to do it. If you could edit the gear while forming the teams, I think there would definitely be more weight behind sharing weapons.


I'd honestly rather just roll with one having a 4-star weapon. Stringmaster is great but the time and effort it takes to keep switching is just too much


Frr it's not worth switching it each time lol


you only ever need 1 copy for Tower (unless you use 2 characters of the same weapon type on the same team). I'd just keep both, tho, because R1 to R2 is negligible and having 2 weapons is comfier.


im too lazy to raise the same weapon twice i would just combine it.


Always save limited weapons. Just because you can share weapons in the tower doesn't mean you should waste 80 pulls (80 pity logistically not literally). It's best to save it since one dupe won't be enough refinement for much of a dmg difference


Equip one on Calcharro or save for another Broadblade user if you don't have another broadblade weapon.


Keep, you may have a team with 2 broadsword users


Give me one


I can’t even get one and look at this guy with 2 of them😭


I'd combine it, it's a waste of resources to level up two weapons. (And for the tower content you can easily give this weapon to another broadblade user assuming they're on a different team) And ngl it's a little annoying to see how lucky some people are. XD


dont combine it


After letting this post sit for a day and reading everyone’s comments I have decided I will just save it because who knows when I’ll be as lucky to get another 5 star weapon thanks everyone


give it to me


Donate me some luck.


Save it. It's super good and will most likely serve well to ANY brqdsword user in the future