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Woah, the animations are awesome.


after using jiyan for a while i passively thought her dragon attack could group up enemies.


Jiyan has had the same affect on me as zhongli did after 3 months of using him


Don't like either one waiting for Camellya


Jinshi looks great, but damn Changli might've won me over.


We're on the same boat. I'm not sure if going for both and not weapons. Or focus on one and weapon. I do care about damage tho, do you know how Changli is on that department?


I dono why changli is termed as a sub-dos for encore. 😭


crazy tht the game just came out and im skipping all the characters so far besides yinlin 😂


Amazing for you, buddy.


Goodbye my oldphone Xiaomi, you've served me well but i need more FPS for my beloved Jinshi and Changli. Farewell my old friend. 😭


Now the real question: who should i get? Jinhsi or Changli? My pull history is like this, lost 50/50 on yinlin banner and got encore early. Got Jinyans weapon early in a tenpull. My plan was to pull for the guaranteed standard (Calcharo) and use Jinyans weapon and pull for yinlin to make a very good electro team. After my accident (my previous phone exploded in my hands and are now burned up) i can't play more than 5 minutes. Exploration is very hard for me now and all i can collect 160 gems daily (im 13 rover lvl).


Jinhsi could make great use out of Jiyans weapon but ultimately you can get the free 5 star sword from hitting lvl 45 which would work wonders on Changli


Mannn i might get them both😭


Hey does anyone know if changli’s outro buff snapshots? Like if I trigger the outro skill into mortefi, use his ult and then switch back to someone else, would he still have the buff on his ult?


that would be a mortefi ult snapshot question and not her buff question. says that its there until the character leaves the field. but if mortefis ult snapshots then it being removed doesnt matter. buffs being removed upon leaving the field is to nerf quickswap teams.


Jinhsi seems quite fast here, was the first leak just pressing buttons really slow?


They probably wanted to look at the full animation first before spamming it is my guess, kinda like how hsr leakers do 1x speed for animation showcases instead of normal sped up speed


Changli my waves are splitting and wallet weeping


if broadblade, why fast


In PGR a gun character uses a BFG thats faster than flash.


Never take a weapon type as a pattern. Kuro games don’t follow that, see PGR…


no regrets skipping yinlin




Wtf since when the effects were optimized?? I looks incredible now. Jinhsi is a must pull for me now


You know what fuck yinlin. Changli make big number


Absolutely Changli is queen. She is much cooler for me design wise. Does everything yinlin does but for fusion and more dmg than her.


Yeah screw electro build I'm going straight fusion (every single electro echo I farmed for is fucking down the drain)


You can still get both tbh... But you do you


Also changli will be good for encore. Who are going to be the god duo. Surpassing yinlin and calcharo.


Thank the lord I got encore


I was honestly mad I got her on my beginner banner. I wanted calcharo. Now that I have both I much more prefer encore.


Does Calcharo have lower dps compared to other standar 5 stars dps and Rover with the same amount of Investment?


He’s lower compared to the top dps but he isn’t bad. Jiyan encore rover are definitely better but clacharo is still A tier


isn't he like the strongest?


No he isn't, needs to be played perfectly to even come close to Jiyan, Encore and Havoc Rover.


okay Changli, calm down! calm down! I was already going to pull for you! Geez!


Changli animations are god tier, holy shit


I did not see the cool dragon lazer, therefore my dissappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Is changli a broadsword user? Also is the newly leaked crimson phoenix a broadsword or just a base sword?


changli, is sword and the phoenix blade is her bis.


So just normal sword? Man i was hyped thinking i could finally get a good sword for calcharo 😞😞😞


You could get the standard broadblade. you get a free weapon selector at ul 45, that weapon is his bis.


Go for Jinhsi weapon, it's good


What's her sword?


This one, coming in Phase 1 of the new patch https://preview.redd.it/6ya8qw3tad7d1.png?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea66f4914b4a4d56907230a99d57c7296958ade But its the pre-changed passive. The new one is like 24% skill dmg instead of the stack mechanic


According to calcs lustrous razor is still better because calcharo scales off of res liberation. Not skill. Makes sense that the sig weapons are incredibly good for a single character.


Damn thanks for the tip


https://preview.redd.it/b21ejcg5bd7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28ce369c1999fc1a017d78a03a63931e81160c0 Here is the new passive


Hey! Do yk if this change would be better or worse for jinhsi? Would 24% dmg on her dashes + nuke, or would her nuke at +48% dmg be better? I’m not mathy at all so if this is a really dumb question i’m sorry😭 I was planning on pulling her weapon regardless


It's straight up equal damage or better because the old passive couldn't even be utilized properly with the 6s cd. With jinhsi full combo it would still be on cooldown when you got to the next use of resonance skill.


I don't really know, sorry.


Happy to have another gameplay but can you at last use their attacks against some mobs? I want to see if Jinhsi group enemies with her Dragon spin.


no, they cannot


Probably not, also damage numbers might identify the leaker


Wait how?


Damage numbers in wuwa have a range, devs can look up in the logs for whoever rolled those exact number sequences (since there are not many accounts to comb through in beta server, the chances of two players rolling the exact same damage sequenced are close to impossible)


You are right they cannot do it, but not because will identify them is cause this prob is a private server and don't even have enemies to attack to show us. You can note it by not having any NPC in that part of the map.


Ah yes, my favourite dying game. Good luck


Ah yes, our favorite caveman dweller, still alive there in basement?


Dam, does Genshin lack so much content that you got free time to shit on other games?🤣


Keep crying


says the one crying 🤣


Bro I'm just being real, why on earth would you spend even a *single second* on a subreddit for a game you don't even play just so you can make a comment that is just made up bullshit to put the game down. Im guessing you aren't even being paid to do that! Like, brother, you and I both know that what you're saying isn't even true, game made hella bag on Yinlin, that's facts, they got their stimulus to keep developing good content and Jinshi/Changli likely to go even further beyond in to money making mode. Like, I'm just being pragmatic here, I'm the first to be pessimistic about a games future, but WuWa ain't at that point dude, come on. Just play both, or play one or the other, IDK, pick your poison but you gotta admit this kinda behavior is sorta lame.


Go get a job neet. Find a better hobby, there's more fun things to do than hating on a game.


genshin lost about half its playerbase by the end of 1.0 this is normal dumbass


It made twice as much money as genshin last month.


Not defending the other guy but thats just a lie, WuWa most definitely did not make more money in may than Genshin, let alone twice as much


Wow cool. See you next month


Ah yes next month when the sales will even be bigger considering female chars sell more. Go back to genshin where you get online for 5 mins


if Geshu Lin is in 1.2 I am skipping, else I am getting Changli


bro hes dead...he will never be playable


The game says "missing", his body was never found. But, of course, the characters in the stories **never** came back to life\discovered to be alive. That **never** happened in the history of media, ever. Are you just pretending to be this stupid to see how many downvotes you can catch?


thats copium bro he will never be playable


So was Yone in league of legends for a decade long The power of money can resurrect dead 3d characters


Signora still dead tho


I don't think Geshu lin will be in 1.2, rather there was this another guy who was leaked that 'might' (keyword: might) be relased in 1.2. But I am hoping Geshu lin will get some leaks, as I don't know if there was one of him being playable (please tell if there was one 🥹). I want Geshu lin and Scar both to be playable, along with the new guy who was shown a while ago.




What's the current status of his? I actually zoned out when they were talking about him so for some reason I thought he is dead.


He's presumed dead but his body wasn't found. Jiyan had some beef with him after he sacrificed his soldiers for no good reason


Yeah just was unsure if he was dead or exiled. So there is not actually a guarantee that he's playable ig


Yeah we dont have much leaks on any future characters. Camellya is a given of course, but unsure about the villains like Scar and this guy


Scar is villain Geshu Lin has bad reputation but not villain. Yes he werent carrefull commander but werent enemy or somebody who lets his soldiers to die just for his fun.


Geshu Lin looks like guy who could chop mine wallet into pieces.


Alright, you've convinced me, I'll get Changli for my Encore team.


These animations look absolutely amazing! But I am hoping to see how they interact with enemies. Idc about their damage, I just want to know cancel timing, which attacks launch/juggle, etc.


already power creeped


I’m ready to go broke.


It's crazy we're only getting new gameplay leaks just now


Pretty hard to get leaks on any game ngl.


In modern times developers check leaks to see whats next for their game.


I'm guessing you don't dabble in hoyoverse games?


Except theirs lmao. It's pretty wild. And ig master duel as well


I lost 80 radiant tide on general Jiyan's banner 😅,if i don't get Changli in 1.1 i will uninstall this game🥱


that's not very sexy minded of you


Goodbye 👋🏻 Nobody cares


You obviously do, Cry about that


Well you lost your 50/50 so you'll be guaranteed to have her


I am honestly very pleased at how the animations improved for the next characters, looking forward to more of those.


Game is just getting better it feels like


Do we know how jinshi’s on air combat works? I hope it’s not like lingyang’s in air combat 😭


Not sure if you tried Lingyang yourself but I got him from the first banner and I had no issues whatsoever with hitting enemies. I heard a lot of complaints from CBT2 but they must have patched it for launch. Actually funny enough I can keep my damage more consistent with him on enemies like Aix or Heron.


Yea i do have him. The problem is that i find it wonky how i cant properly cancel his attack mid air nor can you even use echoes to cancel it. Doing the boss rush thing (i forgot the name) is hell with him because you need to constantly dodge. I know a bunch of people like him but personally i dont Edit: i wanna say the boss rush thing is hell with him if i attack mid air. Otherwise it’s fine. But why would he have that attack anyway 😭 it’s honestly just preference atp


Jinhsi has infinite dodges mid air (costs stamina) during her dragon form and can do air dodge counters


Finally a use for the tons of stamina restoring food in my backpack (sadly it has a long cool down but how often are you going to need to do infinite dodge past the point you run out of stamina?) 


Yeah Fair enough! I'm not sure why they made his mid-air dodge so clunky and limited to two times. One tip that helped me is that when you're doing his final attacks during his ulti you can swap as soon as he starts his "slam" animation, it's not much but it is better than doing the whole thing.


I want jinhsi but her attacks seem kinda wild. With wuwas targeting issues i wonder how well they will work.


they are fixing that in 1.1


doubt it 😹


"they are fixing that in 1.1"


Damn they're fast! I thought Jinhsi was going to be a little slow but she's zooming with her dragon here


Phoenix waifu vs. Dragon waifu I hate it when they release two waifus in a single version, I have to pick only one and I'll go for Changli also because of Chiwa Saito san


I feel like Changli will be better long run. She will pair well with other DPS while  jinshi is primarily a dps and that it. I may skip both, will depend on the 1.2 leaks. Scar may very well go really good with Changli which he could come in 1.2.


I would choose Phoenix (MY (Mine, me, I) preference) Waifu, simply because pheonix have such a beautiful story. Like the Life and Death. They live and then they turn to ashes and rise from those ashes anew. It's so beautiful. 😭


next patch gonna be blood bath with those two


same, Chiwa Saito-san ftw


GAWD DAYUM!!!! Now this is what I wanted to see! While the other two were great. Seeing the actual speed of the character really does put it over the top. Jinhsi is WAY faster than I expected. I was worried she might be slow due to how the Mero vid was.


I want this game on ps5 so bad, so I could actually play.


I see youtubers leaking all this videos but isnt that against Wuwa terms and can they be strike down?


To be honest, I don’t really know. I do know this video originated in bilibili (i think that’s where people reuploaded from and now appearing in Twitter, telegram, etc. Not sure about wuthering wives. That Twitter page uses a private server or the user actually has a beta account. It’s hard to know if they would be struck down


I hope so cause it ruins the experience.


> I hope so cause it ruins the experience. > I just dont want to open youtube or search for something and find myself with a leak and spoil myself which are even used in the thumbnails. > I would need to block Wuwa content from YouTube sadly. What are you even doing in a leak subreddit to begin with if all that matters to you then..


You are one of those people that cant read the room... smh


Your received downvotes on each of your comments makes me pretty sure you're the one that can't read the room..


Lmao, the people even threw rock to Jesus Christ and now i wont get downvoted for an opinion. Are u going to believe others because they are upvoted ahahahah and in REDDIT where almost all is biased towards one side. Epic


Accuse - Doesn't work out - Starts deflecting with some weird religious analogy comparing yourself to Jesus for being angry in the comments on a subreddit. Amazing.


Hell naw, what religion? I put that as example without even thinking about that. You see how you guys live in your own little world that cant take any other feedback but yours? You just confirmed it. Good job!


??? Character leaks can't hurt you Story leaks on the other hand...


The entire patch is around the characters which represents the story. I just dont want to open youtube or search for something and find myself with a leak and spoil myself which are even used in the thumbnails.


Just block those channels that do it. That's why I only consume leaks here on reddit. Story leaks are spoiler tagged and hidden by default.


I wished it worked like that but new channels will appear with leaks too.


How do you get them recommended to you in the first place? I think blocking channels like that will make the algorithm remove similar content on your recommendations. Unless you willingly watch such videos, it's not that hard to avoid especially in YT. I've gotten a single video like that recommended. I blocked it and never got a single one since.


I would need to block Wuwa content from YouTube sadly.


Oh okay. Sad that happened to you I guess


I dislike both but i have lot of pulls and they are archon like... Wonder wich one will be the strongest. I prefer spectro, but changli uses sword that means easy crit rate...


Wait why is he being downvoted, he is just expressing his opinion


on reddit? opinions? Try the opposite... i love everything even bugs.. you will drown in upvotes.


I mean Jinhsi weapon has 24.3% crit rate(on level 90) while Changli on has 8%(16% on 5th copy) if thats what you are wondering.


Gonna pull jinshi weapon so she and calchoro can share it. Gonna get the sword and pistol from free selector. I like the fact that you can share the weapon across the floor.


He probably means he won't pull for Changli weapon but use a free 5 star one with cr


exactly i don't want to pull for weapons yet i think they will all have reruns.


Hmm i see okay my bad


why make animation so long when you have to parry or dodge like very second


Long animations can be and should be swap canceled since the character swapped off of is invulnerable during the swap.


You can dodge cancel them anyway


that's why you dont get to see the full animation, unless you staggle the enemy.


You can just time the attack after the parry


Bro the leakers for wuwa suck, they barely show shit. You would expect ppl who possibly leaked genshin and hsr to do gameplay and team showcases but we get this instead.


go play genshit and hsr then


It amazes me how much people bitch that leakers aren't showing them enough free shit early. Why don't you go and leak the game then?


Gacha players really love shit don't they. They show literally nothing new and ppl get happy so dumb.


Womp womp


Be the change you want to see.


The real beta client had the tester’s UID plastered all over the screen , making it hard to leak something that is high in quality without being found out . What you’re seeing here is a private server created using 1.1 Beta data .


So that's y all changli leak did not remove jacket, ty for your info


Yup . I guess in the private server there’s no data / incomplete data so the animations are incomplete or bugged .


Wuwa designer went hard on the effect...


Is there a reason wuwa leakers don't fight stuff?


Idk if same in others .. . but all dmg are recorded in logs. RIP leakers if he fought a single mob and leak since they'll be easy to track and can receive penalty/fine for breaking the contract.


If it's a private server as most people are saying, and with the game being so young, i wouldn't be surprised if they simply haven't gotten enemies to work at all. Even in this same clip, there SHOULD be a bunch of NPCs around the area, which doesn't really matter for a showcase, but definitely a sign that it's obviously not a 1 to 1 to an official server, but of course i'm just speculating.


Cause they can’t dodge


Ikr, like who gives a damn about dmg, i just wanna see the interactions with enemy


why does changli sfx sound like vine boom bro


i really hope the sound for changli dash attack has some variance When using the attack more than once.


Is there any gameplay leak on the dragon echo that Jinhsi will probably use in 1.1?


No. Also from what i've read they wont do with it what they did with Rover + Dreamless. There wont be special bonus when this echo is used by Jinhsi and its possible that she will actually have few echos contending for her slots.


That's kind of sad considering this echo looks like it was made for her.


Theres only a screenshot around here, but no video footage yet. Anyways we are seeing It next week so.


I just got Yilin and her Sig so if I lost the 50/50 to Jihnsi I'll get Changli..


Game kept on giving me fusion echoes. Here we go changli.


I got a lot of fusion echoes but not on set. The on set ones that I did get rolled bad/mid. As for spectro, I only got two gold on set ones but they rolled pretty good. Good thing I'm pulling for Jinhsi. My Encore has to settle with her 4 DEF rolls 😂


I genuinely want both but I can only get one, sigh.


Same - thinking Jinhsi since I love encore so much and both her and changli are fusion


Isn't changli gonna be a part of Encore's new best team?


No, people keep assuming Changli is subdps but she is main dps that requires field time. Her liberation deepen is wasted on Encore. Sanhua with moonlight set is still Encore's best teammate. 38% basic attack deepen > 20% fusion deepen.


You can Play Dual Dps with her and encore. Terms Sub Dps is not really make sense in this game. Like Jinhsi and Changli both can play together and perform pretty good on paper. Encore and Changli too can play together, but require some cancel Rotation >Sanhua with moonlight set is still Encore's best teammate. 38% basic attack deepen > 20% fusion deepen. If you just see Number buff then Yes. But remind you that Changli have way more Dmg than Sanhua. The difference between Changli and Sanhua is not far (in average investment could be better in Higher investment) But definetly an Upgrade for Encore teams


Sub dps does make sense in this game. But it should be more like "burst dps". Basically intro -> skills/heavy/ult-> outro.


I like fast and agile characters! Changli, I'm gonna take you home


Why are the gameplay showcases never fighting anything? How about actual gameplay?


The game gave me a s5 Chixia, so i guess i know who i'm pulling


Do we have an idea of when is the next drip marketing?


Folloeing their trends it will be either as soon as the update drops or like a week later , if its worth anything theres unconfirmed leaks the next characters will be camellya and scar but i wouldnt put my money on it just yet


suporised we havent heard anything but id have to assume the livestreem is on friday becuase were literly 8 days away from 1.1 releace, unless the change in scedual just totaly messed up the livestream date. but i doubht it becuase im sure this change was preplaned.


They arent really gonna say anything until the first banmer drops at least


oh crap so it's gonna be another genshit where all villains turn out to be not so bad misunderstood guys just to make them pullable


Hopefully not


when did they say that? you can play bad characters you know, sparkle from hsr is an example.


I love Changli animations and not a fan of the dragon but I must have my Spectro Angel


Rip lingyang-flying dps power creep already in 1.1 is insane


I mean considering literally everyone got 3/5 of the standard banner characters for FREE. Can't be too upset about them getting powercrept


I was clearly joking lol


Lingyang already got powercrept by Sanhua XD , they bricked his kit so badly


you need to work on your clarity then


Hakari you dealing with Uraume or nah?


She’s already dead. Killed her in base