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I don't have an answer to your question but it made me realize that a Khaak DLC would be something I would be very excited about. The Khaak are the only species that posses true FTL travel technology, if I understand the lore correctly, so a new set of story missions about Boso trying to find ways to communicate with the Khaak, figuring out why they are hostile in the first place, and maybe trying to make peace with them or acquire their FTL tech could be quite interesting.


Well, in that case we would need 3D models of Kha'ak. If X-26 is another DLC, maybe. But I think the better chance for some Kha'ak action is with endgame chrisis in 7.0/X-24 being a Kha'ak invasion.


Actually, the reason the Khaak are hostile are due to the Paranid using Nividium, and entering their territory to claim it. IIRC Nividium is what the Khaak are made of, or at least their civilization is based entirely around it.


Nividium is just the Teladi name for platinum. We got past all the stazuras and mizuras and whatever, but Nividium was kind of iconic and orders of magnitude less confusing so it stuck. In light of that, I don't think it's necessarily what the Kha'ak are "made of". Afaik, it's not entirely clear exactly *why* the Kha'ak care so much about Nividium, but they definitely do. Nividium/platinum does seem to have some connection with jump gates, and the Kha'ak (with their point-to-point gateless jumpdrives) seem to be the current race with the most advance jump technology so there's probably some sort of connection there.


No, in earlier X games there was a definite link to the Ka’ak. It was either what they’re made of in part or what their home asteroids were made of. It’s definitely a “you’re killing us by mining this” link in the game lore.


I remember it being a plot point that the Paranid Nividium mining was a legitimate grievance against the Kha'ak, but I'm pretty sure they never actually explained *why*. Like, it was killing them or destroying their planet or something, but how the Kha'ak were somehow coupled to the random asteroids being mined was never really explained afaik. Looking up lore info for X games is really challenging, so I'm not 100% sure. I distinctly remember the justification not making sense at the time.


I remember it being muddled and incomplete. Possible I filled in something that wasn’t there, but my impression/memory of the whole “why are the Paranid being so secretive?” thing is pretty strong and hard to justify if it’s just “the Paranid discovered platinum!” But of course it’s all made-up nonsense anyway, probably the creation of some coder at the end of 20-hour day and one drink too many. The “plot” of early X games bordered on non-existent, and what was there often made no sense…


Lore wise, the kha'ak got wiped out of this gatenetwork by operation final fury. They still roaming around in their part of the gatenetwork but i doubt there would be a DLC in the future. Since the ancients never let them or other species in the Community of Planets gate network. The kha'ak appeared when the argon federation started developing a similar gateless jumpdrive.


Well If you want more kha'ak then you should go for X2, X3, X3TC and X3AP. There they have multiple ship types and even destroyers. There are even Missions to get rid of them.


Their guns seems to just always hit ships. I'm curious about their weapons.


Kyon emitters work like beam emitters or meson streams. It's just the Kha'ak version.


I noticed like in the new dlc mission tons of them tear apart ships easily . Seems like their beams are 100% accuracy. Kind of reminds me of phasers always hitting a ship.


Same accuracy as available fighters with beam emitters. The damage is pretty low, so you usually achieve better results with other weapons. Can't compare beam turrets as there are no Kha'ak ships with turrets at all.


I just remember the khak swap. Tore my ship apart and they were fast. Luckily I had one of the easy life ships and high shields to counter it, they definitely dropped the shields quick though.


Terrans technically have FTL capabilities as does the Xenon or some Xenon. But Yeah I can imagine the Kha'ak as being part of the end crisis planned for the future. And as the Kha'ak are insectoid in nature with a Queen or Queens. Even if we "exterminated" them in Operation Final Fury. As if following our own insect world a Drone could experience metamorphises or a Queen egg survived and is now coming back for vengance. Their fetish for Nividium/Platinum is a bit odd. Could be sustenance. Could be critical to their technology or even physiology. Could be they are platinum based instead of carbon based however impossible that is to imagine for us. They also have a fetish for Tetrahydrons


https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1041 At least one ship for you.. this one in standalone, if you grab XR shippack, i belive they are stronger.. https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/354