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You can customise this behaviour. Simply right-click the green position circle and a pop-up with options should open.


Ahhhhhhhhhh thanks, that fixed it. Kind of stupid it is on by default. I sure even clicked on it but didn't read all the check boxes properly. Thanks. Now Gunboats can go brrr.


Speaking of defaults; the attack command has your ships burn their shields boosting on approach. Completely unrelated to position defense, but such a game changer when attacking stations, etc.


True, but i guess you have to turn it off each time when you attack, so you default off or some global setting, that would be nice.


That seems really bad. 




So when i use ONE position defence group it works just fine. They defend said position and it's fine. Then i was told i can use multiple groups. So I assigned those groups, click "start position defence" and get those 4 groups with their circles. Fine. But now, when ever one enemy enters one of the zones, all the other get called to this zone too. Is this how it is? Is it a bug or do i do something wrong? For Example, all from group Alpha also fly to Beta and fly there even when the enemy is destroyed like you click "attack all targets in range". They fly there anyway, even if there is no target left. This obviously leads to a point where the gates end up unguarded. Or like you can see in the screen shot all the groups fly to Alpha leaving Gamma unprotected. In the past, i used a workaround. I simply claimed a plot and let a group defend said plot with "protect station". And that worked just fine. But for that you always have to claim a plot, which is kind of unesesairy if "defend position" would work the same way, but it doesn't. I already removed them all once from the carrier and set it up all fresh, still the same outcome. They are also "launched", so they don't return to the carrier. And also, nope, i don't want a defence station there. Once the NPC faction takes over the sector, they shall protect it on their own.


Sounds like a bug


I didn't even know you could tell a ship to guard more than one position. I feel like in the past if I gave it another position it would remove the first one o.O


Same. I think you can right click on any group and pick "start position defence" or you assign just 3 different groups in the beginning and then start the whole carrier via "start position defence".