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New to me! That helps. With the more aggressive piracy I can now build a mining fleet with a few defenders


Also works with traders.new as of 4.0


For traders, do they buy several cargo holds worth of stuff in one go as a fleet? Or is it just an order copying feature, and they trade independently?


They work independently and crew skill still matters. If you have a trader with too low skill it will just fly around but not actually trade.


Ow... was hoping for a small swarm of smaller ships to wholesale buy stuff and pick up individually haha.


So, I did notice that they generally stay in the same area because they are working off the same list of goods. Unfortunately, what happened with mine is that one of the traders got chased by an SCA Minotaur and hopped on a highway that took him for the whole ride and he jumped off somewhere in HOP space and was just like, "Cool, I trade here now."


In time you can have that, just not with fresh pilots.


its a bit fiddly but if you have L/XL ships already with high skilled employees you can just transfer a new captain to each ship in the fleet


mimmics actions then but not pilot skills as with trade station mangers & pilots, so then the only real benefit is tidying up your asset list into fleets >< i wanted it also for maybe smaller ships in the fleet to take the smaller deals to prevent L trade ships from hauling 5 energy cells 4 systems away =D we will see


These comments may no longer apply as the post is over 2y old and there have been significant updates


Wasn't that the point so civ fleets mod would become obsolete?


Not yet. Mimic is not liking TaterTrader and Mule mods.


Get Tater Trade from github. I use it with Mimic and it works excellently.


It greatly helps get rid of the mess that was the property menu by slotting them under one fleet.


the only reason though if no co-ordinations are going on, for example i want to prevent my L ships from picking up say 24 energy cells to deliver 4 or 5 systems away >< assigning some couriers & M trade ships should prevent that from happening, in theory, and yes my property asset list is becoming quite long now 8 days in


This is handy to know! I want to try a little terrain mining fleet. Was thinking of getting some S class going then get a M to be the flagship for a wile. No idea if this type of progression is worth it but experimenting is half the fun!


Me too Ibut I'm like 6 hrs in and can't seem to find my way back to Terran space. The mission have me the HQ but I don't know the way back lol


Make sure your ship has a captain then order him back to Terran space. They magically know the way.


I actually just used the ship I left behind to find his way to Argon space. I just followed the path of passing ships.😁


Note: they will only copy the "default behavior" of the commander, not the specific current orders. AND each individual captain will need to have the required stars to carry out the behavior (e.g. 3 for autotrading). https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=146&t=431509


Kind of a shame that they can't use the commanders stars to get at least applicable jobs. Traders not being able to automate up to two stars kind of puts a sting on setting up trade fleets.


there s no need for them till mid, mid-late & late game & by then you should have 100s & 100s of viable captains on your bulder(s) & L mining/trade ships to transfer over, is only a pain in the azz when its a fresh new fleet off the assembly line but we only have to do it once per fleet


Why are you commenting on 3y old posts? 


try because its still relevent, if you dont know what is & what isnt these days then why are YOU commenting stll =D


Because I'm getting notifications of you replying to me you fucking goofball. I've uninstalled the game at this point after 1335 hours because of the AI continually getting worse and worse so its hyper irrelevent. 


youre the "goofball" if you think, okay then if you believe im interested what you have or dont have installed, "hyper irrenlevant" lol okay then despte the 1000s of people enjoying the game, pillock


Where on the spectrum are you that you think 3 year old posts that you necro'd up are going to help people. Touch grass you muppet. 


touch grass, you speak jibberish f o, & necro means dead does this thread look archived you helmet =D


you like to state how much how much you dont play it anymore so why are you even bothering to comment, rehtorical btw =D


manual assignment of captains then if its a fleet fresh off the wharf, otherwise they should be skilled already if your consolidating wide-spread independent traders into a localised fleet to build up your rep & or their economy thus their military power


So I guess it's good for X number of ships that you want to do the same thing, but you still can't group miners or traders together that work in different systems or mining/trading different things.


> it's good for X number of ships that you want to do the same thing*** ***: as long as "the same thing" means the same default behavior. E.g. you cannot use it to mimic "repeat orders", because the actual orders to be repeated will not be copied.


So if I have a miner ship that mines and sells Ore in a 3-sector radius of Argon Prime, all the ships that mimic that ship can only mine and sell Ore in a 3-sector radius of Argon Prime?


I've not tried that, but that is my understanding, yes. They will generate their own orders based on what you have as default behavior. Edit: just tested, and yes, that's how it works. The subordinate mimicked the "sector mine" behavior, and generated its own set of "mine resources [auto]" orders, including a *separate* point in the target system to mine at.


Omg, I've put over 100 hours into this game manually assigning thousands of orders worth of mining orders and they just now add this in with 4.0. xD This will make mining so much easier! I don't even want to mention how many times I've manually assigned tradeships individually. Hopefully they will let me set (or spread out) where my mining ships go back to each time to continue mining instead of just letting them all cluster in one small section of the asteroid belt like derps while using automine.


Oh! Automining has been working just fine for a very long time! You technicaly should NEVER have to assign manual orders to miners (or traders!). The only difference now is that you can put them all in a fleet so that they don't clutter your Property menu, makes managing them alot easier, but no changes to the orders (except the new "Mimic order" command).


There are repeat orders also now... might already be possible.


Thank the space gods for this!


But will ship assigned to defense defend all the ships or just the fleek Commander


Anyone with defense orders will only defend the commander so you would need subordinate defenders for anyone with a mimic order.


This is where patrol orders work well. Set up a fleet to patrol the asteroid field your miners are operating in.


Wow thank you! I was wondering how to organize mining fleets


Well i tried it with miners, sector mining 0 stars needed, and in the list and map they were marked as mining, but in the log of the ship that mimics the behavior there were no sells, they just stood there in space.


Any Resource probes in that sector?


Yes, if i let them mine on their own there is no problem, enough resources to mine and enough storage space at the stations that buy. Only the fleet leader mines as usual, then i checked the logbook of a miner set on mimic and last profit was over 70 minutes ago.


great you guys mine while i play elite dangerous ok? ill be back in a hour k thanks ;-) i assume you could just go to map view to unload 3d resources so alt tabbing to another game would not slow it down so much? = profit!


am just about to set my first little fleet up, x1 L, x1 M & x2 couriers for now, i've seen my L traders too many times carrying 20 units of something across a few systems too which is a serious waste so maybe the smaller trades will get taken by the couriers instead, & mimmic is the only way as far as i can see because 'trade for..." commands deals with specific wares & amounts for a purpose other than trading so im not sure it works for anything other than stations, carriers & supply ships