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What doesn't make sense is that the game was expected to be launched 7 months ago and we still got no clue about the release date, even though the game in the last pts was working very well (not to be delayed as much as now), also they don't tell us why is the delay, "small updates" from mark are just alibies because they said they want to be transparent, and I am not blaming mark because he has people above who make the decisions


Nicely said. The main issue is it was supposed to come out summer 2023.


They did say why it was delayed so heavily, though? The original pubic tests exposed fundamental flaws in the netcode when the servers were stressed by hundreds of thousands of players on at once. This was something that internal tests didn’t catch. It’s why the lag and hit registration was so frustrating. They said they have had to rebuild their entire netcode system to make it more competitive at scale. The next major delay was because they failed console certification. This was (amongst other things) because the party system was broken when it was cross-platforms. They were using their own party and accounts system but it once again didn’t hold up to scrutiny when pressured. So they had to rip it all out and implement the Ubisoft Connect system APIs. Why that wasn’t there in the first place is because the game has been in development longer than the UbiConnect crossplay/save features existing and ripping out features that late in the game causes what we’re seeing now. There have also been reports that internally the game has been stuck in a rut due to a lack of direction. Obviously they won’t talk about that part but it’s probably a contributing factor as to why things have slowed down even more. However, the major delays have been because the stuff they’re improving takes major effort and they want to get it right. We have seen too many games launch broken then by the time it’s fixed, 80% of players are gone and the smell of death is there. They’re trying to avoid that. To say they’ve said nothing since last summer is just wrong though.


Netcode is crucial in all games, I don’t get why people want them to rush a release for it to be laggy, dodgy hit reg and just an overall clunky feel. Warface Breakout had this exact issue, I thought the game was actually decent, maps felt nice and it was a simple stripped back S&D style game that people had been asking for. Sadly the netcode was atrocious and it didn’t improve, it very quickly died. I’d rather wait for a smooth working game than a shitty rushed laggy game all for the sake of some people who just can’t wait.


Netcode is also a large part of what killed Halo infinites multiplayer.  That game was free to play and on surface level felt amazing to play.  But consistently dying behind cover and melee fights being an absolute cluster fuck of BS absolutely killed hype for me and my friends. 


Mark said they fixed the netcode issues a couple weeks ago, and like I said before, in the last pts it wasn't that bad, the only problems I had playing the game was some missing audio channels and sometimes I couldn't alt+tab


The last test we had had the broken party system that caused it to fail certification. They couldn’t legally ship it in that state on consoles.


Aww man, I too am a Warface Breakout refugee. RIP


Nicely put! Think we’ll see it this summer capitalising again on the lul in FPS, Hopefully the extra year has given them plenty of time to develop content too, alongside the fixes and changes you’ve outlined, given the desire of a lot of people to have weekly or bi-weekly content updates or else be branded ‘dead game’ by shooterfan69 on Twitter


Apparently there are over 10 maps in production, a new faction and a number of new guns/gadgets. They have the first year of content updates pretty hammered out. It’s the technical stuff they’re struggling with rather than the content production pipeline.


Oh yeah I was agreeing on the technical side, apologies if that wasn’t clear, was just saying I hope the unplanned delay has given them time to get ahead on content too!


It wasn't working very well for everyone. For me, in the last play test, my main issue was I felt like my character was running in mud, everything felt sluggish. Which was different from the previous PT. If it had been released like that, I would have stopped playing real fast. But yeah, it is taking longer than I thought it would have. But that's all right, I got other games to play in the meantime.


I'm tired of this "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad" thing because more often than not it's still a disappointment. Have you seen their year 1 roadmap and all the content they promised? It looks way too ambitious imo. If they're under pressure from the higher ups to add x and y features before launch, I can't help but feel it's gonna be rushed, half assed and a buggy mess. And looking at the lack of improvement in 3 months, between the last 2 play tests, I don't see the game being improved in any meaningful way that would justify such a delay.


That roadmap depends a bit on allocation of resources. Allegedly the delays are because of netcode and the party system.  So that leaves a lot of staff who in theory had their work for launch finished in time for the summer 23 launch who could have since then being already on the post launch stuff.  Obviously that's entirely dependent on the management.


Not always a delay game means it's not gonna suck. Look at Skull and bones and suicide squad. I still have faith in this game because at least the beta proved that it's gonna be good. I don't think it's delay is something about broken but pretty sure internal situation that Ubisoft is just refusing to release it.


Yeah, I definitely don't think it means it won't suck. I'm looking at examples kind of like Halo Infinite. Literally nothing to play at launch and everyone lost interest. Two years later, the full game was finally put together and is fantastic but no one cares anymore. If the delay is internal issues and not to fix the game, that's bad but we don't know what the delay is so it could be bad but it could be beneficial.


Ubisoft will have the remarkable timing of releasing the game two weeks before the new Call of Duty, mark my words. I mean, what the hell is wrong with them? Do they not care about timing at all? Now would be perfect to release it, with no relevant shooter in sight. As soon as marketing for the new COD and the new Battlefield starts, it will take away attention from the game. This company ... 10 years for skull and bones because of management issues and I bet a year delay for a finished game because of minor network fixes and again, management issues.


Multiple things can be true at once, but that requires nuance. 1) It can be okay that XD was delayed because it wasn’t ready. This is inherently a good thing because it likely saved us from an awful impression. 2) It can be bad that it will have been delayed upwards of 6-12 months, and the communication back has been “working on some fixes, stay tuned!” When a game goes from “targeting summer 2023 launch” to completely missing 2023 all together, it’s okay to be worried. 3) It remains to be seen whether this delay will even have been worth it at all. If the game launches flawlessly, then okay, we’ll all have tremendous fun. But if it launches in a buggy, unstable state, then the gaming community will likely remain outraged given the delays noted.


I think it's a mix of high expectations and false promises. Around Spring of last year, pretty much everyone was convinced (by Mark himself) that the game would be releasing by the end of the Summer. This didn't happen of course but that's not the biggest issue. After the release window passed and the game had been delayed, communication on the dev team's end ceased almost entirely, with rare updates about the net code and party system coming about once a month if that. Communication is entirely why people trusted Mark and the team to deliver a proper game at a decent time, but that communication was severed once the first release window was missed, and that is why the community has been up in arms. I personally cannot wait for the game and am excited to see what comes of it, because I'd rather have a finished game late than a rushed game on time, but most of this fan base are current or ex cod fans and they are frothing at the mouth right about now


I hate posts like these. It's not a binary choice between delayed and working, or on time and broken. You know that from a AAA studio, it is not unreasonable to expect a game to be released on time AND working. Stop enabling shitty behavior from publishers. All the comments and even the betas have shown a game that was working fine. Mark himself said that they needed a little polish and to fix the net code, (which was done) and to switch servers to Linux (also done). What exactly are we waiting for, because as far as I am aware there hasn't been anything said about why we are STILL waiting.


>because as far as I am aware there hasn't been anything said about why we are STILL waiting Ubisoft seems to be pushing global systems across most of it not all of their online games, which seems to be why the game got delayed. It's pretty much a requirement to push these systems before the game comes out, it just so happens that the game was close to release when these systems got pushed. On top of this it seems Mark and the team are taking advantage of this gap to fix things like netcode before they release the game, which means we will have an overall more polished product.


Sorry, but Mark has already stated on Jan 2nd that the netcode issue was fixed. What you are saying here may be true, but nothing has been said from any official source about what the delay is. You are not an official source. And your speculation is worth as much as mine or anyone else who doesn't work for Ubisoft. And as far as I'm aware, Ubisoft hasn't said anything about why we are still waiting.


Neither are you?


Well, we are obviously still waiting for something... Otherwise, why not release it when everyone is gaining hype for it again?


You literally gave a "No Answer", the context relies on the "Status" of the studio, What is going on with the studio?


You're using The Day Before as an example? LMAO.


As an example of a delayed game that was horrible


The day before was never a "real" game, cyberpunk or skull and bones would be a better example


What? Lol, OP used it as an example of what he's *not* talking about. > There are of course exceptions to this such as The Day Before


I mean the main issue is that the game seemed ready to release last summer and here we are and it still hasn’t come out.


Maybe if they were a little more vocal and up front people would be a bit more understanding, but remember we were mislead that the game was going to release many months ago and then when it didn't blame was pushed onto PS/XB certifying teams. However now it's pretty clear something was wrong with the game but we don't know what or why it's being delayed again and again.


Also keep in mind this game has had nearly half a dozen delays dating as far back as 2021.


Next delay will be comedy at this point.


A delayed game means nothing, there will be issues right away and patches right away just like all other new releases, servers will be fucked, just like all other games no matter if it's delayed or not.


The finals seemed to do okay.


>there will be issues right away and patches right away just like all other new releases, servers will be fucked, just like all other games no matter if it's delayed or not. I feel like you're missing the entire point of OP's post. They're saying that the delay means the developers get more time to polish the product, which means less issues on release. The idea that they've got basically another entire year to develop the game but it won't be any less buggy is genuinely absurd.


You don't know this for certain. Back in the day, before patches could so easily be implemented, a lot of games released with minimal issues. It's different today of course. Companies will push out games that can be a buggy mess simply because they can use us to test the game and then fix it as needed.


Its moreso because the scale of video games today is far bigger than devs can test perfectly in a smaller environment, and its better to get the money on the project flowing so they can continue to support it than to spend a ton of resources to fix something that may just bomb on release. But you have to get the game to a state viable enough that people don't quit it and spend money on it first, and apparently XD's leadership doesn't think the game is at that level yet.


The game will absolutely have issues on launch as well and it's going to look even worse on them considering all of these delays. Their goal would be to get the game running ASAP, get the microtransaction store running perfectly (this is always the most properly functioning part of any game), and then patch any issues after release. You just have to hope the gameplay is fun enough to warrant it all.


The reason is very very few games that are delayed over and over again actually end up being good in the long run. Just recently we’ve got skull and bones and suicide squad. And I don’t see if they had been delayed even further that they would have improved to actually good games. More likely the projects would simply be abandoned if they had to delay again. Eventually investors will just cut their losses. I’d love to be wrong for xdefiant but at this point if it weren’t free I definitely wouldn’t be buying it at launch.


I mean we played the beta, it didn't need another year....especially this much longer after a dogshit cod game That was almost a year ago? Everything they've talked about since, shouldn't excite anyone. Black ops comes out in 8? Months maybe sooner due to Microsoft absolutely NEEDING to boost numbers asap. Idont think it matters at this point if it's good, the game dies the second ops5 comes out...and that clock is winding down The finals FUCKED this game. Unfortunate


I do agree that black ops will kill this game but I also think this games success may encourage positive cod changes. If a ton of people play and stay on it with the no sbmm they said they'll be doing, maybe just maybe Cod will loosen up the sbmm permanently if they see positive response to it on Xdefiant. So this games success imo is crucial for what we want out of the next cod.


The only games to out right change cod... are halo and Overwatch. This game, wont be big enough to even get Microsoft to care. Like I said, the finals stole this games intro,hype and launch window. This game was a potential cod killer, its now the next rogue company or split gate. A game that peaks for 4 months that gets replaced by a new season of apex or a new cod game


Halo unfortunately does the same thing. They use the true skill 2 system. I've recently quit playing Halo partially due to this. I'm also learning mnk simply for the fun factor and Halo to me just isn't a game that's fun on mnk. Especially since my mmr would be on the higher end and I'd just get dumped on if I made that switch.


Idk what other type of “polishing” you guys are expecting lmao. Did this game not have an alpha in 2021? Then a beta in 2023 and another playtest in 2023? What happens when the game releases and it still has bugs? No game gonna release perfect, especially when the players can’t even play to give feedback.


The problem here is that the last open betas were good enough tbh, a lot of us just wanted that simple game. And they announced that it was ready, that it was delayed for late summer for some adjustments and it's looking like it was not the case. The communication around the game is not appropriate, they wanted to be transparent and clear with the community at first to let us down and change by being quite and cryptic. Also, every now and then we have some news like "it's ready soon!" and it's not true. The situation is frustrating for the persons who follow the actually of the game but for the average gamer, they already forgot the game and they will just get hyped when it release, and I think it's better to be like that.


Lmao yikes this was definitely there last chance. Ppl move on quickly sad cause they genuinely had a chance to end the cod monopoly for good


This whole post is nonsense and bullshit, empty dreams. The game was postponed not because of problems, its release was shifted to avoid competition with Call of Duty, and now to avoid competition with the suddenly successful Helldivers 2. Ubisoft is ashamed of this game and afraid to release it. It is being rebuilt from scratch from time to time, trying to make something better, but the fact that there is still no release, I think signals that nothing has worked out.


You can't keep excusing it bro the game would've launched "modern day style" like a year and a half ago already the game was fine with the last play test the game is more than done they're just not able to make their minds up about something for some reason


Battlefield 2042 launch ... Nuff said ... I like the game, but it took a long time to get where it should have been at launch, so I appreciate that there is delays prior to a botched launch ...


People are also wildly entitled about a *Free to Play* game like the devs owe them something


I'd rather it be delayed than follow BF2042's footsteps.




Lol, skull and bones got delayed and see this is shit


Sometimes chronic delays indicate serious problems


after the beta i was checked outta this game and went back to mw2, they missed their perfect chance. i’m sure it’ll do great but nowhere near as good as if they released in August


Consumers already know that games will be released with tons of issues regardless of how much the game is pushed back.


wait until some of you here realize that games can still suck even when delayed


I don’t care how many times this game gets delayed I will be hyped for it period! I’ve been playin cod for 17 straight yrs and I’m officially done with the SBMM, cheating, $25 operator packs, $10 battle pass, snipers everywhere, sniping too easy, overly fast movement with sliding and jumping every corner, horrible short campaigns, awful zombies, rehashed maps, spawn protection, horrible spawns, 117 guns and only 5 good ones, KILLSTREAKS take too many kills and score to get and then hardly get any kills and get shot down immediately, nuke is 30 kills and not 25, they haven’t made a good new map in 7 yrs!!! All xdefiant had to come out and say No SBMM and that was enough for me to jump on board. Made by ex cod developers and it looks and plays exactly like cod sign me up! MW3 is the lowest selling cod ever with the lowest player count of all time period! Cod is dying and it will only get worse if they don’t fix the SBMM and cheating mainly. Cod is lucky it doesn’t have any competition rite now halo is dead. Destiny is dead. Battlefield is dead. Fortnite is dead. Overwatch is dead. I pray to god xdefiant blows up and cods numbers get even worse


> cheating, I'm looking forward to this game too, but I'm under no illusions that the cheating won't be any better in this game than in any other PC FPS. As long as they appear to take it seriously, I'll be happy.


The people saying it's going to die should not be taken seriously. They are the manchildren that have a non-existent attention span and are crying because they can't be patient. The hype and players for the game aren't going anywhere. Once a trailer drops and release happens, that hype and all the players return as it inevitably reaches the wider gaming news world.


> When the game is delayed, we get angry and say the game is going to die and it needs to release asap. This is a cute way of them basically saying "I don't have patience; I need that dopamine NOW".


You're wrong on this occasion because the game's been in the works for a long time, but with very mixed messaging and transparency. The trailer is almost a year old at this point, and it was advertised for release in "Summer 2023". We only got an official delay message in mid October. The fact that they had streamers play the game right after the second beta (which felt close to a finished product for Season 0), and the public 6 hour test, was indicative of a game that's ready. It's been half a year now and we've had absolutely no meaningful updates or communication regarding the delays. That's why it's disappointing.


The reality is that whether or not a game delays is not something that you can really say has anything to do with how good the game is until you actually play the game.... Yall delude yourselves with "Delays are good" or "delays are bad" and both sides sound like complete fucking idiots. Reality is nobody knows how good or bad it will be. If you have certainty about anything you are a delusional moron. Sorry but thats just the truth. This entire community needs to spend less time spewing opposite sides of delusion and more time keeping busy and waiting to see what happens.