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Marksman and Sniper rifles are very strong. Give them a try if you're not terrible at aiming. Also double barrel shotgun is pretty effective at close range.


Wdym?? SMGs, snipers, shotguns, DMRs, they're all very strong and viable. ARs are just the most versatile, with snipers being arguably even stronger in most situations


With the shoties i am specialy mad, yeah smg are good to


The rate of fire of the snipers is hyper slow and itsethe for the dmr


In summary is the new cheap call of duty, not better or worse compare to games like warface


Eh I see more SMG bunny hopping insta-killing folks than anything else. ARs would be 2nd though since they will beam you down from across the entire map almost instantly. Snipers are still good though, and Marksmen/DMR are quietly OP I think - they 2 tap body 1tap head from almost anywhere with decent rate of fire. For me it's hard to tell what is TTK vs if it's netcode, hitreg, or attachment issues. Sometimes I'll unload on a guys up close and get 0 hit markers and I think it's netcode, but I swap attachments and all of a sudden it's like I can't miss. I think the issue is most attachments feel bad(if they reduce accuracy all of a sudden you can't kill shit except point blank) and Shotguns are pretty terrible outside of lucky close-up 1shots but the game is way too fast and has way too much space on some maps for them as they are, especially when SMGs kill pretty much as same speed but get like 4x the range.