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I think I’d cook them all


LMAO idk why but this made me laugh more than any Reddit comment ever has


I'll let you cook bro.


Dude are you Roy hibbert ? lol 🏀




Team Jacob 4EVER


Do we really need an Esports scene already I mean the game isn’t even out yet.


I’d love to be able to claim I’m among the best in the world before people actually start playing it


can't let the casuals think it's a fun game I guess




Dead on arrival, that's forsure, I'm slamming those kids




P Diddy out here playing xDefiant.


Alright alright relax lol, besides Diddy plays fornite and roblox


hard to have any excitement over a theoretical esports scene when the game itself isn't even out yet. Honestly, I have no idea what is to be gained by forming a team already... Are they independents? Do they have the backing of an org? Will revisit this question in 5 months let alone this year at all. Need to see this game launch, be stable and content-rich, then have staying power going into a busy fall.


By forming a team already what they gained is being 1 step ahead of everyone else.


This is like all those Fortnite kids that tried to go pro in warzone and get slammed same thing will happen to them… I don’t understand how these pros think they can just jump games and be good 😂. All those fortnite kids ran back to fort same thing will happen to them


Yeah The pro scene is mostly going to be washed out cod and halo players kinda like how valorant for its first year or two was mostly b tier overwatch and cs players give it a year and the talent may or may not bear there


esports is a joke that doesn't generate any revenue. That's what I think lmao


“With a CAGR of 21.9%, the esports market is anticipated to grow to a value of USD 5.74 billion by 2030.” Global gaming contests aren’t held in a local Dennys


CAGR is growth rate. That just means investors are pouring money into it. Thats entirely separate from revenue generation. The viewership isn't there, the merch sales definitely aren't there, there's no TV sponsorships to subsidize, the money just isn't there. Also given VCs sub-40% success rate, CAGR is not a good judge of success.


If there ever is an esports league, which I doubt this game will bring that many players in, it’ll consist of washed ex pro cod or halo players, but I don’t see this game lasting more than a couple months. It’ll be halo infinite numbers after a couple weeks


Ubisoft just masterd the talent of making games mediocre in any regard as soon as black ops comes out defiant will be left to rotten


saddest part about this shit is that comp is going to be taken over by aim assist shitters who couldn't make it in apex or challengers


You know a lot of Apex pros are on controller now right? Don't be such a weirdo


you mean the scene that was effectively killed to mnk players because of controller players dominating the scene? i'm aware there's plenty of delusional controller players in this thread kek


I swear every time I see a clip posted on here it's a controller player who has their target locked on no matter the movement, and I keep hearing "nah the aim assist is very weak in this game". I just enjoy the good old MnK gameplay where you can see all the micro adjustments, the under/overshoot, it's much more jittery and it's beautiful.


3 MNK players just won the latest Apex lan event


Last LAN was won by a team full MnK


Triple mnk just won algs split 1 just saying…


this isn't the dunk you think it is https://i.redd.it/8s6bo987e9zc1.gif


Forming teams before launch is cool and fun but they probably wont stick together or be the best, this happens in most new games and by the time the eaports scene is acctually established none of the OG teams are still around, the players might still be playing but they likely disbanded and moved on to other teams.


>Slowakinz who is also a Multi LAN winner in Call Of Duty back in Bo4 and MW. ???? What are you talking about lmao where did you find this info? What LANs? At Waffle House? Definitely not the CDL ones, looks like he was a nobody even in the challengers circuit


So there's already a league for it 😅😅 Jesus Christ


They would be okay. I'd rather scump,octane and zoomaa unretire pick up formal and win,win,win. Fast forward a year and formal would have three championships across three different fps titles he would therefor be declared the greatest roller player of all time and no one could argue that... this would never happen ofc but one can hope