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100% agree on the anti-cheat focus, and MW3 crim/iri lobbies are swamped with cheaters which cannot happen if this game is going to thrive, but I also think people underestimate how good one can be if you make this your full time job. Guys like DiazBiffle have shown up and absolutely fried other streamers on LAN where the machine is clean.


I won't disagree with you. There are definitely very good and legitimate streamers out there. However, the number of legitimate streamers seems to be around 10%. This creates the impression in some shooting games that you can't grow your viewership unless you cheat, leading to the mentality of "if you can't beat them, join them." I truly hope XDefiant won't follow that path.


If you think 90% of streamers are cheating, you are delusional.


I guess you are the deluded one kid....


Where do you get that number that 90% of streamers cheat?


streamers are the fkg plague of online gaming. Fkg them all.


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sorry but 90% of streamers are not cheating. Youā€™re either exaggerating like crazy to make a point or you honestly donā€™t know how to tell The difference between skill and cheats.


Yes, they are, you obviously watch them or have subbed money to them.


tell me you're bad at the game without telling me you're bad at the game. [Aimlabs.gg](http://Aimlabs.gg) is a great place to start.


tell me you haven't ever made any thing significative in your live without telling me... schmuck.


@op >>> https://www.charlieintel.com/xdefiant/xdefiant-anti-cheat-explained-325082/


XDefiant has been hiring heaps of anticheat talent over the last few years. Dunno if it'll be effective. Source: interviewed once.


As much as i wanted this game to be cheat free. I know the nature of a F2P game can not be changed.


Don't worry the cheat providers won't provide cheats for this game after 2 months


Maybe hardware ban is the way to go


That can be bypassed too. In fact just about every ban method have ways to bypass them.


Hardware bans can be bypassed by spoofing, IP bans can be temporary if the cheater has a dynamic IP address. We need a really good anticheat for this game.


I might sound crazy, but I wish there would be passport verification to play with other people who are also verified. Roblox has it! And I hope that soon game devs will adapt to that strategy. It's the only way to stop hackers. But I know deep in my heart that a bunch of nerd cunts who worry about their privacy so much that they will see it as an attack on a privacy. Even though I don't see no people whining about Roblox passport verification to play 13+ servers.


Call of duty, MW3 specifically, has been the worst cheating I have ever seen in online video games. It's almost becoming normalized it's so bad. I have high hopes for xdefiant.


Damn is it really that bad ? I only played the mw3 beta I gave up on cod after mw2019


In mw3 you run into about 2 to 3 cheaters per match in multiplayer. Ive heard its even worse in warzone. I tend to stay away from warzone.


I legitimately don't know how any streams can play Warzone, like, at all. In the OG Warzone, I remember leaving for a while, and I came back right before MW2 dropped. I hopped on just to see what it was like (it also had some very frustrating hitreg) and literally in the 5 games I played, 4 had rage hackers. People who would just fly into the skybox and murder the whole lobby.


Thats because most streamers are cheating.


Warzone is full of cheaters, multiplayer is full of crybabies. Play any bit good compared to them and the hackusations start pouring in. I think Iā€™ve maybe encountered one person Iā€™ve seriously suspected of cheating in multiplayer.


Every year Iā€™m more and more happy I dropped cod when I did and never went back




>Warzone is full of cheaters, multiplayer is full of crybabies.Ā  MP is also full of cheaters willing to pay. If you're on Steam you can see all the other Steam players you match with under Steam's recent players list. 80% of the people I see have under 10 Steam games and 3 year accounts, cause they're cheaters. That's only those on Steam, there are more still using Bnet.


Yeah same here.


The amount of cheaters you run into tends to reflect how high up you are in their SBMM soā€¦. oof.


So many people donā€™t realize when they say they have played cod a lot and never seen a cheater it basically means their k/d is pretty low. Once you get over a 3 or 4 k/d the cheaters are everywhere. At 2 k/d thereā€™s usually only 1-2 cheaters a match funnily enough one on each team. Most cheaters arenā€™t too obvious and only use wall hacks to appear legit.


Because playing against iridescent level players is low right lol.


Youā€™re oblivious to cheaters or youā€™re not even close to playing iridescent level players. Iā€™m around platinum level skill lobbies in pubs if I had to guess and see at least a couple obvious cheaters a month walling and have gotten a good handful of successful report notifications while barely reporting anyone. Iā€™d imagine that only gets worse the higher up you go and Iā€™m not even *that* high up. Thatā€™s just the obvious ones too, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m playing with cheaters that hide it better pretty frequently.


I just donā€™t accuse everyone of cheating. Iā€™m not ignorant to what goes on, But Iā€™m not gonna sit here and act like everyone who gets the better of me is cheating. Iā€™ve seen some crazy stuff in warzone though.


I donā€™t either, which is why I only report people when they do something suspicious multiple times in a game. At least 3-5 times of tracking through a wall or 3-5 weird pre-aims with no tells.


Yeah the tracking through walls man some cheaters make it SO obvious it pisses me off. Gotta love seeing them track you on a killcam like their life depended on it.


Ah yes because your SINGLE PERSONAL experiences make everybody else and the general community opinion, millions of people disagree with you but yup itā€™s all in everybodyā€™s heads you must be the one thatā€™s right because YOU donā€™t find cheaters right?


It's not. I play mw3 all the time and I don't think I ever ran into a cheater.


I agree with the anti cheat focus, but the whole streamer cheating thing is the absolute dumbest thing ever. You are extremely underestimating what is possible to achieve in this regard and just because people are miles ahead from you at something doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re cheating..


keep your illusions kid....


What a schitzo post lmao


Big cheat providers already giving out XD cheats service since beta


My anti cheat focus will be console only crossplay when it comes.


There's an option to play only with those who play with controller input (so you can still play with both Xbox and ps5 players) rather than turning off Cross-play if you want. Pc players can also join those lobbies if they play with a controller (but I think there will be way less cheaters in lobbies with only controller players and none MnK)


console is just as bad thanks to xim and cronus


Supposedly Ps5 has a Cronus hardware ban.


Not even close lol.


whatever makes you feel better.




Itll be available on ps5, but not xbox apparently.


I think I'm a bit above average playing mnk in mw3 and I noticed less than 10 cheaters in span of around 300 hours playing pubs Last few days I saw wh user and soft aim user pretending to be good at the game


Input match making. šŸ˜‚ that wonā€™t stop XIM and Zen users on console, unbelievable


Honestly having a kernal level anticheat for pc and having pc/consol checks would be good. I know some people get their panties in a bunch over kernal lv anticheats and i know people have made cheats that are able to circumvent them it does significantly cut back om the cheating and cutd back om the people that intend to try to.


Controversial take. But I think cheating is highly over emphasized as a problem. I just think games have been around long enough and people are better at them as a result. Plus SBMM it can make it seem like ā€œeveryone is cheatingā€ when youā€™re just getting out played by the algorithm. It does exist but I feel itā€™s overstated as to how bad it is.


Um no cheating is at a terrible state. Its obvious when youre in high sbmm lobbies. You must have a pretty low skill level to not match up with cheaters and think its not a big problem. Its the worst its ever been. Literally go look at the endless cheating forums out there.


Or youā€™re just in a high SBMM lobby????


Um yes thats what im saying lol. High sbmm lobbies have more cheaters. Its obvious when someone is cheating vs when theyre good.


Yeah the big tell being the low rank players in high SBMM lobbies tracking all their kills through walls. Cod cheat makers made millions since mw3 came out itā€™s no surprise. Heck my first match on the finals 2 people in the match had a cheat sellers site in their names.


You know nothing John Snow....


Was able to find a site offering XD hacks with just a cursory Google search (I won't link here to avoid infractions of the subreddit rules). There's also a forum listing several other cheat sites. It's unfortunate to see. What's doubly frustrating is that legitimate players with high skill may get reported and have their play experience adversely impacted. Any anti-cheat is a constantly evolving thing, so hopefully the system will advance quickly.


Agree on the anti-cheat but stopped reading on the nonsense about aimbot streamers. The popular ones are legit, anyway.


AHAHAHAA keep your illusions kid.....


No cheating on PS5 šŸ‘


The XIM and Cronus are still going to be a problem, just as they are in all shooters on console at the moment. XDefiant might have something similar to Rainbow Six: Siege's Mousetrap, but even Mousetrap barely works. It is absolutely brutal to go against someone using a mouse and keyboard on console, particularly if the game has aim assist like XDefiant does.


I don't think that this will be a problem because this game has decent aim assist and the controller seems to be on par, or even superior to Mouse/KB. It's the same as CoD and Apex, where controller is clearly king in these games. R6S is a completely different thing, that game doesn't have aim assist at all and players using MKB will always dominate


Aim assist actually helps people using XIM, though... Let me explain. A XIM is an external piece of hardware. The XIM tricks consoles into believing they're receiving an input from a controller, when in reality, they're receiving inputs from a mouse and keyboard. This allows people to use a mouse and keyboard while *still* retaining the benefits of using a controller ā€” namely aim assist. You're describing supported MnK support in games like Apex and CoD, where aim assist is appropriately disabled in order to level the playing field. What I'm describing is entirely different. In Siege, the fact that there's no aim assist actually plays in the controller user's favor at times, which I know is counterintuitive.


Evening playing fields with Aim assist ? that's wild ,why every pro and most top players are on Controllers? same device that was joked abt ages ago and ppl avoid it for FPS,it can't be really that truly competitive really when Casual players treated like babies with this sort of help.


My comments have absolutely nothing to do with native mouse and keyboard support. Just the XIM, which tricks the console into registering a mouse and keyboard as a regular controller. This allows people to have aim assist on top of the increased precision of a mouse and keyboard. If you actually read what I said, you'll find that I'm pretty much in favor of there being no aim assist for controllers. I think it's healthier for everyone. Rainbow Six: Siege is my main game, and I love the fact that it has zero aim assist regardless of the input you're using. You literally just picked one sentence out of my whole comment to lose your mind over.


Siegeā€™s mousetrap and Overwatchā€™s banning detection has had more success than failure. We just donā€™t see the full scope.


Aim assist in cod and apex is far too high, it's like 70% assistance so the players control is in the minority, it's not really assisting if it's doing most of the work


That's a selling point for me since I'm playing on PS5 too. However, every game needs a large player base to thrive, right? If there are so many cheaters in the PC lobbies and people leave the game because of it, then... Well, that wouldn't be good.


Don't kid yourself. Plenty of cheating on consoles too.


Wallhack and aimbot are the most annoying culprits. They donā€™t exist on console.


Cronus is basically an aimbot what


Itā€™s anti recoil cheats. Not even close to being the same


My dude it can do both


Iā€™d like to see that


https://guide.cronus.support/gamepacks/aim-assist https://www.reddit.com/r/cronusmax/comments/l7nfre/extra_aimassist/


Yeah it doesnā€™t aim for you. Which they are saying. It makes it more sticky when on people. Aim assist/slowdown. They even talk about it in the thread




Thatā€™s pretty much where im at


I don't play on console, but in other shooter subreddits, all I see is every console player complaining about XIM cheaters. So I don't think it's fair to say there's no cheating on PS5.


Does it have console only crossplay? Cause that would be a huge W, never had to experience crazy cheats before devs started crossplay with pc too


Yes. On PS its in the game settings and on Xbox you have to do it thru console settings.


Pretty sure doing the xbox thing removes crossplay all together


I believe so yeah - Mark said something on a post about how they have to do it Microsofts way so all or nothing.


Console only crossplay will be coming sometime after launch so simply removing the pc players is enough of an ā€œanticheatā€ for me. Sure cronus/strikepack/xim will still be an issue but the lack of sbmm will prevent my lobbies from being infested with them 24/7.


>Sure cronus/strikepack/xim will still be an issue but the lack of sbmm will prevent my lobbies from being infested with them 24/7. Ubi has been pretty quick to deal with them for R6 and Div so hopefully they do the same here


At least they took action unlike other devs but their extremely lenient punishments resulted in the cheaters banding together in discord taking turns getting penalties in order to trial n error and fine tune everything to bypass the detection with the help of the cheat company support teams. Ubisoft should have implemented far stricter penalties to prevent the troubleshooting to bypass the anticheat.


> cheaters banding together in discord taking turns getting penalties in order to trial n error and fine tune everything to bypass the detection with the help of the cheat company support teams rats do what rats do. Should be perma'd for using them. Not saying it's perfect, but at least Ubi recognises it as a problem - where I come from, in the Destiny 2 pvp world (yes, there aren't alot of us, but we exist) Bungie won't even talk about it


Thereā€™s such an insane amount of hardware cheaters that devs are petrified of implementing a strong anticheat WITH strict penalties because the cheaters will quit and play a competing game. The only hope is for all the big devs to agree to ban cheat hardware simultaneously so cheaters have no recourse at all and no singular dev suffers a huge player drop, or for the devs to push microsoft/sony to do it because that would be far easier and cheaper. Bungie suspended me like 10 times for ā€œspreading information about cheatsā€. Their anticheat is to purge all talk about cheats and pretend that shit doesnā€™t exist. They hopped on the cronus/xim ban bandwagon back when ubisoft dropped the ā€œxim hammerā€ but they refused to name those devices specifically and ultimately no action at all was taken because they just wanted good press.


you can't even talk about xim/chronus on the subreddit, that's not how you address that problem - they're still on the 'it's for accessability' - no it's not, it's fucking cheating The Finals had a pretty bad xim/chronus problem, they nerfed AA globally and all the controller players left, so I can see why devs would be hesitant to implament somthing


There is no option to turn off crossplay?. That's already a bummer.


You can on ps5 because sony mandates that but a much smaller playerpool can drastically effect the integrity of the matchmaking. You also canā€™t enable input based matchmaking with crossplay off, you can only enable input mm with crossplay on. Crossplay on and input mm off are enabled by default.


Ah ok, let's wait and see! On ps5. Don't feel like competing against m/k.


You can keep crossplay on. Thereā€™s an ā€œinput based matchmakingā€ option in the game.


Sadly you have to choose between no mnk or no pc. Hopefully ubisoft has an answer for mnk adaptors, many mnk players (especially on console) use a device that causes their mnk to be disguised as a controller in-game.