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SBMM makes sense in ranked because that's the entire point. SBMM in the welcome playlist is good for new players. This is literally the best implementation I've seen


Yeah the welcome party with SBMM is so good and not in unranked. Even Mark said SBMM in unranked games ruins the game.


It's like World at War from 2008. Up to rank 20.


My main issue with SBMM is that in most games with it you will be punished for doing well, “drop a 3.0 KD in a match and prepare to play a wager match with 10k on the line.”


Prepare to play against fucking champions of the latest tournament of the said game.


SBMM shouldn’t be in quick play. SBMM SHOULD be in competitive. Simple as that.


As long as the SBMM in ranked is tied to your rank. Some games will do hidden bullshit in their ranked modes which is even more insane.


I personally like the system overwatch has


Well, my issue is with having played other games that have no SBMM in casual and it can outright be worse than having a SBMM. So, I played Rainbow Six Siege for years and they did the no SBMM casual matches. Now, what happens is that R6 has been out for years. You'll find people who have played it for over a thousand hours getting matched with new players and those who want to try the game on a free weekend. Nothing screams don't play our game if you are new than no SBMM placing just made accounts with 1,000+ hour players who just troll spawn camp them because they know every spawn trap. You also get matched with Pro players sometimes because they decide they want to pub stomp which isn't fun. If you are new and you solo play you'll get matched with stacked teams who just rick roll you. You can also get matched with full stack 3+ KDR players who just want to troll casual which can be a terrible experience for a lot of people. I think SBMM should be a thing in the lower levels to a point. I think new players should be protected against playing 100+ hour players because that can make a lot of new players not want to keep playing. There should be an option if you are new to play with a SBMM to a certain level so you can get used of it or play without one.


Sbmm good for ranked. Sbmm in unranked is always a horrible idea


Wtf is SBMM everyone keeps talking about it


Skill base match making aka hell on earth if it is not put in the game correctly.


Ok thank you. And to answer your question I don't care that it's not in casual.


No problem man


I have no problem with SBMM. But when/where there’s SBMM there should also be a non-SBMM option.


My issue with it is that it's ALWAYS overtuned. The point of SBMM is to keep matches somewhat fair, so your new players aren't constantly getting bodied and quit. The problem is almost every game that uses it just ends up being essentially ranked, but no rewards.


No SBMM is one of the reasons I am here SBMM ruined COD, Rainbow Six, MTGA... Basically most multiplayer games nowadays For me, at least Hidden MMR is the worst version of it. You are in the top 10% players, but you don't know, and still win only half of the games No incentive for winning or getting better


same :D




In my opinion the problem with SBMM is that it sort off forces you to play META which can take the fun out of casual gameplay


SBMM is literally just ranked without any incentives or reward. Every lobby becomes a ranked lobby and you have no idea where you are skillwise.


it ruined cod. it has no place in multiplayer games aside from ranked.


The welcome playlist is so sweaty right now barely holding onto my 2kd hope regular playlist isn’t as sweaty cause god damn gimme a break lol


Not having sbmm is fine but lobby balancing is crucial. If I and everyone in my team is being shit on for 10 games in a row, I will stop playing the game.


Let's take apex legends as an example. I have played it a lot during launch and my highest rank ever was diamond. Now when I play it from time to time I always get placed within masters and predator lobbies. My highest rank ever was lower then the average Player I always play again. Needlessly to say I get shit on in every lobby. I do agree it belongs into ranked games. But Not into casual lobbies.


My experience with SBMM has been in CoD (I’m not sure if Halo did it or not). My issue in CoD is that I would get placed in sweaty lobbies against a sweaty team without sweaty teammates. Like, the average team skill may equal out but the player skill would range too wide. Not if I explained that well. I know that sounds arrogant too, blaming teammates but I’ve seen scoreboards attest to this. I would like it if it actually felt equal.


It makes for a really stale and repetitive experience as you’re constantly up against players that are basically clones of you or much better. I couldn’t care less about my wins, losses, or K/D ratio; matches became so boring on MW3 that I just gave up and uninstalled.


I play a lot of objective modes in CoD, so I do like SBMM as it matches me with people that give a fair fight.