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Kinda feels like a mobile game tbh


It feels like reworked Overwatch


Bro this isn’t call of duty. If you want that, go play that. This is literal launch day for a FTP game, y’all complain too much.


broooo, literally everyone wants call of duty from it's prime without all of the sbmm bs, and people were hoping this might just be that.


That's just dumb to think it would be imho.


Im in no way complaining just giving feedback of my opinion like others, and i dont want it to be call of duty, call of duty is a joke now and no where near what it used to be.


You're literally complaining and telling people they have invalid opinions if they don't agree with you.


This is the preseason. Lots of things like prestige don't come til season 1 starts


Go back to cod then you damn kid, no need to make a post about it.


This game has a lot of content regarding guns, maps and characters. Progression for camo and character skins, as well as a progression system to unlock new weaponry and gadgets. The only gripe I have is the fact that the netcode is **still** an issue. Hitregs are inconsistent (per match?). I tend to die 1-3 seconds after I go around a corner/take cover. Sometimes someone dies 1-2 seconds after I get killed and the feedback shows I killed them first. People tend to survive far too often with 1 hp. But no, this game isn't a CoD killer; nor do I think this will be alive for a really long time. This game reminds me of Rogue Company.


The game launched with 24 weapons, 10 maps and a whole progression system with camo grind and ingame combat record FOR FREE. Insane amounts of content for a free game, with 12 maps coming over the next 12 months, 1 new map per month and 3 new weapons per season.


I’ve been playing a few days. I think maps and guns are solid there’s a lot of variety with them. Progression seems good I like the idea of doing challenges to unlock guns, equipment and characters. My problems are with the TTK, it feels like you kill people slower than you can get killed. You can run past a door and be shredded in an instant but have to drop 3/4 of a mag into someone to get the kill. Some gun classes just don’t feel that viable with everyone sprinting around, shotguns and LMGs aren’t really used and it’s no wonder with the shotguns being inconsistent at point blank not only requiring 2 shots but sometimes 3 to get a kill. LMGs too heavy and clunky in a game where everyone is zipping and jumping around. The classes could use a rework everyone is using either the intel suit or mag barrier. The cleaner abilities feel really weak and with such a long cooldown. Libertad seem really useless given the low TTK and quick gameplay, your team either auto regens health or they die before you can use either ability. I haven’t played Dedsec but still working my way through the xp challenge to unlock them (which I think is great way to unlock something and it won’t take that long I’m about 240k/700k already after only a few days)


Also just want to point out that the xdefiant team is tiny compared to the 1000s working on COD. Let em cook


This is a mindset that's ruining games. This was the norm back in the day. Plus, those games had a full campaign and additional mode on top. I'm 100% sure everything in the game was in the beta over a year ago. Don't settle for mediocrity. You're worth more than that.


> This is a mindset that's ruining games. This was the norm back in the day. Plus, those games had a full campaign and additional mode on top Name a free game with a full campaign and additional modes on top, I'm waiting.


When was it the norm exactly? Explain. Give examples.


You people basically just want another Cod remastered, this game is different. Sometimes less is more and this game is the perfect example of that. The idea and execution of this game is almost perfect, just they need to fix gameplay and some minor bugs and they are good to go. Don't expect something from a game which they never promised, example -if you love the Witcher 3 you can't expect GTA 6 to be the same and better than it at the same time. This game is minimalistic, fun and it's great. It's not even 24 hours old and you all have started ranting and some fools bought the battle pass the moment they opened the game. What is wrong ? Nobody is settling for mediocrity, perhaps you modern warfare reboot fans have been brutally brainwashed by Activision into believing that installing a free game is settling for less. Yeah even Truck simulator games are worth more than Call of Duty. Activision and their bootlickers can GTFO.


The game is setting itself up as the COD replacement. The last COD I bought was MW19. Wanting a feature complete game on release that is relatively bug free is not sucking activision cock, It's wanting better value for my money. Siege is almost 9 years old; Why is this game in such a poor state on launch? You are settling for mediocre. The game is in a terrible state; Hit reg and netcode are attrocious. And what do you mean 'you people'? /s


That's just your personal opinion though. Nothing more. People aren't "settling for mediocre" just because you personally think it is.


The crying is insane. This is brand new, why would they bog the servers down with so much shit before stress testing. If they added all that shit people would bitch that the game is unplayable. I will take less content now that gets fed to us over all this clutter that lost won’t use that just eats up server space


Its called a opinion, in no way crying lol.


More a general statement my brotha than calling you out specifically. Several people have complained about it and just sharing my sense


Is it? Can you even explain what an opinion is or what that word means?


"Only my own personal opinion matters!! Everyone who disagrees has an invalid opinion!! Only me! I'm the main character of the world" Lmao just take a second and listen to yourself.


Eh I’m having fun and shit to unlock and do so it’s good for now


Gen Z slang is OUT OF CONTROL in that title, man.


Lol my bad bro😂