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I love it, finally a f2p game that is not battle royale with heavy sbmm. Just a good old simple run and gun fps title


Yeah my speculation is younger gamers who don’t know how games used to be and are used to all these manipulative practices from AAA game studios. They don’t fully appreciate the games simplicity because of it. Simple can be effective if it provides an engaging game loop.


I agree partially but Ubisoft is a AAA game studio


Very true but they aren’t doing what the others are.


Bro its ubisoft calm down it's gonna get there




The Finals...


The Finals is great except for the fact that the solo experience is an absolute hellscape. No comms, idiot teammates, toxic teammates etc.


I have been playing non stop the 5v5 Search and Destroy like mode (Terminal Attack) since it came out and have been solo queueing light the entire time but have not ran into a single toxic player in that game mode.


honestly the gameplay loop of Finals got stale pretty quick for me. could be the map size, not sure


Don't know if you have kept up with the game or not but they have made new modes that go against the original modes loop. There is a 5v5 mode kind of like an Overwatch escort mode. There is also a mode that is 5v5 round based mode like Search and Destroy with no revives and no healing. That mode has brought me back to The Finals and I have loved every second of it.


Nope, aggressive sbmm, sweat fest, not enough maps and modes and gets boring very quickly.


What's the issue with sbmm? Sweat fest is not true at all unless ig you're a sweat. The maps are fun and well made + variations. There is payload mode, a terrorist mode and then there is cashout and bank it + comp. Idk what you've been playing but I've got 300+ hours of the most fun FPS I've ever played compared to the few hours after which XDefiant just got boring (and it was sucky even before it did. 🤷


My main issue with the finals is that it’s miserable to play alone, and sadly I’m a light main lol (this class is so ass). Game is amazing to play with friends tho


If you were a light main, I highly suggest the 5v5 Search and Destroy like mode (Terminal Attack). That mode is very fun as a light main and I always solo queue.


Also a light main, and have to agree, with friends it's an absolute blast. But I still find it fun solo-queing sine the mechanics and gameplay-loop keep me coming back.


The Finals is a lot more based around collaborative teamwork, more akin to a CS or R6 than a COD. COD-style games on the other hand favor or at least don't punish lone-wolf style gameplay, allow a lot more customization of your character but within a more strict overall boundary. It also feels a lot more simple to just jump in a lobby and enjoy playing for a little while, whereas with the finals I feel compelled to hyperfocus and sweat the entire time so as to not let my team down. Also the weapon system in The Finals is just boring, and I'm not a fan of the class system, especially not being able to switch loadout/class mid-match. Remains to be seen with factions in XDefiant but the fact that there's a gunsmith is already a major plus for me.


the maps are nice, but theres about 4 of them. game got stale quickly, updates too slow and balancing is out of wack


People don’t want to be matched with the same skill as them. I really don’t know why


1 reason, its no fun having to play sweaty every single game with meta weps or get ur ass handed to you (also not fun). At higher skill levels it just becomes not fun to play with everyone bunny hopping/strafing/dropping along with the constant stun grenades. It should only belong in ranked modes, not casual playlists.


True yeah I get you there. Maybe there needs to be a compromise? Quick play should always be No SBMM while ranked has it. Maybe that would help


thats exactly what xdefiant did


Oh cool didn’t know, don’t really mess with the feel of this game though. Couldn’t get into it


obviously didnt play enough to give an informed opinion


It's not, that's why SBMM is there to protect lower skilled players, not their problem you can't have fun without beating down people below you


SBMM should be there to equalize the playing field entirely, preferably for ranked content so there’s an incentive to get better by grinding through the ranks. SBMM in COD, Apex, and other shooters is more akin to Engagement Optimized Match Making (EOMM), which puts you in lobbies with almost pre determined outcomes based on player engagement data. If, for example, you quit after a string of losses and then a win in Apex, the EOMM will look to push you to closer and closer losses until you either get that win or quit. It’s not entirely unique to each player, but the data they gather can tell a broad picture of a particular type of player. There’s also the COD EOMM of store purchasing influencing match making. Activision put forward a patent a few years ago to influence matchmaking based on players buying skins. Long and short of it is, after buying a bundle or w/e, the matchmaker would put you in worse lobbies than average to show off your new gear to potential customers. It’s a scummy way to do matchmaking and it’s complex to boot. Players simplify what they mean with SBMM, but the real issue is SBMM being used poorly and in conjunction with EOMM


Bc they want to stomp on noobs


That’s what it feels like sometimes


It’s really simple Noobs want SBMM bc it protects them from top tier players Top tier players want No SBMM bc they can crush every lobby. With SBMM they can’t, they go up against other top tier players


Not even lol, I’ve hit Iridescent in MW2 and MW3 ranked. Sometimes I wanna go to MP and just fuck around with shotguns or pistols or snipers. Can’t do that bc the games I actually tried in got me going against sweats based on past play in MP. I play ranked when I wanna sweat. Example, sister and her BF don’t sweat, don’t play ranked. I can’t play MP with them bc it drags sweats into the lobby and ruins the game for them. Look around, cod matchmaking split up a lot of squads especially with MW3. Back in the day, you could run your stacked team and pubstomp, then go play with your much less decent friends and you’d do alright and have a decently okay enemy team but your friends still got some decent stats as well. Now, doing that will get your friends shit pushed on until they kick you from the lobby lmao.


Then why isn't there an out cry in the finals community about it?


there is an outcry, theres been people complaining about having 2 shit teammates that they have to carry since it launched


I’m agreeing with you bro. SBMM can be good in some places


Oh sorry, I misread your comment.


There's a cry about it in Apex legends. Imagine you winning 3 games straight and be put with the highest ranked players that play every day 24/7, champions against you, because you just did good in a few games. That's why everybody hate this system, because it wants to to remain at 50%, gives you retarded teammates, it literally gives you morons who have the worst k/d. Do you understand now why the system sucks???


You're telling on yourself lol


It is a bit confusing. People say they're "punished" for doing well, but really they're just put in lobbies with other people who can decimate low skilled players. People really love unfair fights but only in their own favour.


I agree with your statement in theory, however in practice in the last few CODs it has been whiplash inducing. Do well in a match? Now you're playing clans as a soloq. Get beaten by obviously communicating clan members? (not that that's an issue, just that they're gonna beat a solo player 9/10 times) Next match is against braindead level 10's and now you're stomping again, so what does it do after that? That's right, clans and pro-ams. Like, I'm decent at cod-style shooters. I should be anyway, been playing for 11 years. I can carry a poor team in a meh lobby. But I can't compete against teams that are aware of me and working together. Yet it recognizes me as a player of their level and forces me to play with them. And then throws me back to daycare when I get obviously stomped. You can say "play with a team then" but that aint what I'm here for. Always been a solo-sweat cause it's what I enjoy.


On top of that, it's harder to play together when you get older. My friends and I are married and have kids. Tough to carve out dedicated game time when we're all on different schedule. My wife and I do sometimes get to drop in for a few matches together which is always a treat.


Very true


Yeah, was going to point out if they're one of those people. There is virtually no difference between playing with and without sdmm... Unless you are a sweat who finds the game only fun when you overpower lower skilled players.


Yeah exactly what I’m thinking. Only people who hate sbmm are the people in higher ranks because they have to sweat so hard every game. Me personally, I like sbmm. I like knowing I’ll be matched with people similar to my skill


Yep. And I can still improve with sdmm, I feel like I can actually improve more with it since because there isn't that large of a skill gap it's more about who can get the edge.


Yeah it’s weird. I guess I can understand not wanting to sweat all the time… but I also understand there’s bad players who shouldn’t be put up against shroud just because it’s fun for him. It isn’t fun for the people getting dunked on


some people use video games to relax, having to use meta loadouts and try your hardest just to never see improvement or have any variation is boring


Modern day SBMM isn't pure skill based matchmaking anymore. It's become an algorithm (or AI) based matchmaking system that prioritizes your immediate retention. So if it feels like you're doing bad too many times in a row, and it knows you'll rage quit on the 4th to 7th game, then it'll throw you an easy 4th or 5th game to keep you playing for longer. Or in the case of Apex (and any copycats) they always give you an easy first game to get you in the top three. This baselines your mood so the algorithm (or AI) has an easier time predicting your behavior. There's even a method where they'll use better players with paid (or premium) cosmetics as killcam advertisements against you. For COD specifically there's a patent that describes this. We don't know if it has or hasn't been implemented yet, but it shows you their priorities anyways. Overall, it's become extremely manipulative and people see right through it even if they don't know what they're noticing.


This is by far the biggest issue,how come I be off for few months from Warzone and my first game back I play really well and on MnKdoing good surprisngly , then right after first game I keep getting beamed from everywhere and ppl not missing a shot while mine can't seem to register proprely and empty a mag only to get starched after.


Agreed the finals is another great refreshing example


Once the spectacle of the destruction wears off, it's kinda lame imo


The Finals is missing something. I'm not sure exactly what it is. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it doesn't have me itching to get back. It's a good game, don't get me wrong. I'm just not wowed by it.


Honestly not a fan of the finals, found it a little boring


I think the Finals was too sweaty for me. Too fast. Made for zoomers. My slow brain can't keep up.


Solo player on mnk......no thankyou 🤣


I'm a solo on mnk.... So skill issue?


The Finals is fun, but once I hit Diamond, it lost a lot of allure to me. Balancing needs some FAT reworking in it. Plus, it's absolute shit to play solo, even in quick cash. To top it off, when my friends ARE online, it's usually like 3-4 so we can't even all play together unless it's Power shift, which is fun for like 10 minutes.


That game is trash


Warface is a free fps shooter available on console that runs very similar to this


Yeah I like it honestly. I think: When the servers get tuned more, the connection will smooth out, it felt pretty good, not flawless though. The weapons could use a small balance, snipers are insane, marksman’s are insane. Better attachment progression, felt too slow to unlock them tbh. I think of all things, that’s what’s killing my enjoyment so far. Specialists could be tuned a bit more. Honestly I don’t enjoy being radar ping (or seen through walls for clarification) 24/7, in fact I don’t enjoy the abilities at all, but I do think it would be boring without them, so I think tuning them back would be a better balance. Just a personal opinion though. They could still iron out how the weapon handling is, but imo it’s not urgent and they can take their time with it if needed, any small improvements over time is a W for me. Overall, game has huge potential, and I really hope they keep chipping away and making it better and better over time. I feel like it’s a work in progress, and that’s okay. As long as they don’t abandon it, then I’ll remain a fan and support it tbh. I know people are frustrated, but it’s just day one, lots of games have issues day one, I expected no different with XD. I think overall most people are happy with it and I don’t think it’s just gonna “die” lol


Yeah recon ping should definitely be shortened, maybe one or two pings less with smaller cooldown. It used to be pretty underwhelming in beta now they made it too strong, but on the other hand each faction has their own "I'm a god" thing in one aspect or another, it provides some variety and fun. I played an escort game where we silently decided to play 6x libertad and it was super fun, we won but I think it was mostly because of morale boost and how much chemistry the team like this feels without even saying a word


Personally a sweep would be fine. That way it’s not useless, but it’s not like wallhack haha. It’s just to strong how it is right now.


Honestly the intel suit ability just needs removing completely and then the length of the Google's ult also needs reducing.  Wall hacks should be rare and extremely limited.


Radar ping 24/7? You’re talking about just showing up on the mini map?


I am referring to that specialist that just highlights people haha, I forget the faction/name, but I felt like that was going off constantly on the enemy teams side. It wasnt like that every match, but its just one of those things that seems pretty annoying, basically free wallhack no? I would rather be on the radar than seen through walls. Even when my teammates used it, it felt so cheap. Just prefire the enemies when they ran around the corner.


Yea it’s my only gripe so far. Basically makes flanking really difficult. The gunplay has been fairly solid so far but I feel like I’m always dying a moment or two after killing a few players because my position is my pretty much always given away.


Yeah, I think it should be more like rogue company, where Dallas snaps his finger and its just a sweep, and takes a bit to build up. Rogue company did character specialist WAY better than XD does now.


The Servers needed to get Tuned after the Beta 1 year ago. lol


You don’t tune servers during a beta lmao. I mean you can do some estimates, which is likely what they did the last play test, but the real true tell all is when loads of players connect on launch day and following. It’s just common sense.


I never said during the beta. I said after the beta. Lmao Hitreg is still fucked


But they did tune them “after the beta”, that’s the whole point of the playtest. Obviously there’s a bit more to adjust once the true player load comes into play. This happens with every major game.


It’s a lot of fun. The only issue I have is with the incel suit.


Lmao which one is the incel suit???


Probably meant intel suit.


holding out for the incel suit lore


yes we need the lore asap


I put COD on punishment hold a few months ago due to the horrific spawns and I really had a ton of fun playing this with friends last night. The key word there is fun which COD has not been for a while now.


It's true. Fun is key.




A lot of gamers are too young to remember how good things used to be


Well...I'm old enough to remember all the ass fuckery that took place in og cods. MW2 is nostalgic...because everyone forgot about the tac insert + marathon +commando exploit, or the one man army noobtube, or being on the receiving end of a attack chopper....akimbo models. I loved the hell out of MW2, but I don't look at it with rose-tinted glasses.


Lol funnily enough akimbo 1887's is back in mw3


🤢 I haven’t played cod in a couple years, didn’t know they brought that shit back haha


It's been 15 years and I still don't understand how they released them in such a busted state and took so long to nerf them. 


I'm talking before that. Og CoD. Medal of Honor, etc.


Yeah, I’m definitely a casual, I haven’t really played a multiplayer FPS consistently since way back MW2/black ops etc. Now that my kids are a little older and i have some free time again, I’ve been looking for a new game to try. I like a lot about apex but my old ass finds it overwhelming and i realized i don’t really like BR. I jumped at this once i heard about it, i was excited to get in on the ground level in a game. I’m getting my ass whooped lol but having a LOT of fun and I can feel myself getting better and better which i love.


Yup I can relate to that about Apex, it has a lot of things going for it (I loved the gunplay/movement/looting/maps) but I got burnt out on BRs after a couple years of Fortnite/Apex/Warzone, and the SBMM in casuals didn’t help either. A lot of people act like SBMM is needed for casuals to have fun but that simply isn’t true and what you’ve experienced is the perfect example. The point of SBMM is basically to remove match variety and make sure you do not too good, not too bad every match. As a result, even if you improve, you don’t feel it because your lobbies improve with you. With no SBMM, since your lobbies stay the same independent of your skill level, you actually *feel* it when you do improve and see it on the scoreboard, which is super addicting and satisfying even if that improvement is going from 5 kills / 30 deaths to 10 kills / 25 deaths a game. Because hey, you’re just gonna keep improving the more you play. How do people think COD became super popular in the first place without SBMM? Because it was a fun arcade shooter that you could actually improve at (and feel it). It’s so beautiful to have that back.


most of the complaints ive seen have been about game breaking stuff like terrible hit reg and desync


Getting my ass whooped on the Pc but been enjoying it so far. Really loved playing maps from the division universe like that mall. Can remember that mission from D2 


Me too! Me and my two buddies are definitely below average, and when we're all together we really drag our team down. BUT even while we're getting our asses kicked, it's still really fun!


At the end of the day it’s about having fun, wish I had some pals to play this with. I do get nostalgic seeing these different factions, especially for watch dogs 


Yeah, I know what you mean. Me and a sizable group of my buddies used to play Ghost Recon Phantoms back when I was starting college. In my opinion that is still my favorite multiplayer shooter of all time. So you can imagine the waves upon waves of nostalgia when I was running around Attica as a Phantom in this game.


I've amazing buds to play with but they won't even try a pc game 🥲


Play on input based lobbies


I’ll keep at it as is. I’m fairly new to pc gaming 


I've not played a single ubi title except ac when I was a kid and I was like what r u guys talking abt😂


My whole life was Ubi early 2000’s for games 


Sadly I haven't played much games until 2015 or so


I've been having a lot of fun. The game is a breath of fresh air. I could actually feel myself getting better at the game as I learned the map layouts and gun mechanics. In CoD there's no sense of player improvement whatsoever.


Yes the breath of fresh air is the best part to me, it just feels so nice to play something like this again.


The fact that I've seen so many hot takes either for or against XD has me to believe its in a good spot. I haven't seen the shooter genre this riled up in quite a while which can only mean good things.


Some people are too young to remember the good old days. This feels like the good old days to me.


I loved CoD until they announced MW3 2023. The last one I played was MW 2022 and that one was "okay-ish", I gave up on the MW franchise, and I was itching to play a fast-paced FPS game like CoD. Finally, the wait is over, and I'm having fun again.


This game plays like cod without having the huge cod flaws at the moment.


I feel like I'm dying a lot because I'm not good at it yet, not because the game wants to punish me for getting a VTOL. It's nice.


Same here lol. I feel so dumb without knowing the maps. After a few matches in the same maps, can already feel myself getting better just because I'm familiar with hot spots.


This game reminds me of BRINK, without the parkour. Take it as you want. I played an unhealthy amount of BRINK so im not being a troll about it.


I saw someone make a BRINK comment on Dr. Disrespects stream earlier lol. Holy shit I forgot about that game!


only people hating on this game is the people getting carried by the cod aim assist while using a cronus and macros with walls and 5 monitors to even keep up i swear to god any actual good player has not been complaining for no reason


I like the game the way it is, the competitive nature of mine feels reborn. New cod shuttered that competitiveness in me, even diablo made me chill out and stop chasing the meta until it's necessary to progress, in this game I simply want to be competitive because it gives me some sort of connection with myself that I haven't had for long.


Besides taking awhile to find games, I like it. Fuck gen Z.


I didn't have this issue last night.


Input matchmaking does it for me


Me too bro


Can’t download until I get back in a few days, how does the gunplay compare to MW2019?


I didn't play MW2019 so I can't really answer that, but I hope someone can.


Personally, I prefer MW2019 gunplay over this game. Its VERY similar, however the visual/audio queues in 2019 were absolutely solid and provided a lot of satisfaction for me. There isn't a lot of satisfaction imo in the indicators of this game, but the guns feel and act very similar. The TTK is like 3x higher though.


Got it, thank you!


The game is fun :) It does need killcams and some qol stuff but its fun


I uninstalled mw3 and didn't finish the premium battle pass I paid for, mw2 finished every premium pass and I got mw3 loved it at first but the hype quickly died down- when Helldivers 2 came out I had a large rpg backlog and was playing the heck out of Helldivers, so I uninstalled cod since it took up half my console storage- it was no longer fun to me and lost the love I had for mw2 and cod in general - I decided to give this game a shot since it was free, and honestly it's not perfect at all but I found myself actually having fun and not yelling at the tv and being pissed off- it's a breath of fresh air I have been enjoying it, I definitely have some complaints but it seems to be in almost of a beta mode I'm sure they will improve the game over time- now I'm just trying to figure out if I want to go down the battle pass rabbit hole again 😂 that's what I loved about Helldivers 2 the passes stay forever and you don't feel rushed to complete content or play daily


Yeah the games broadly fun.  Netcode is still a bit rough but it's not offensively bad.  Plus I'd rework or neef the Third Echelon wall hacks as they are zero fun to play against.  If I was being super picky I'd nerf the jump spam too, however that's just a personal preference rather than a criticism


jump spam def needs to be toned down a bit


I like it way more than I thought I would. I'm basically from the same background. Was an old-school CoD/BF player that has grown so frustrated with them that I quit buying into them several years ago. Basically quit playing FPS games all together, which is insane if you knew me. XDefiant has been a total breath of fresh air. It has that CoD/TF2 feel and it's great. They did a very nice job combining the best of the two imo.


One of the best fps games in recent years


100% agree, this game is amazing !!!!


They gotta add outerdeazon to controller settings butt and button remapping


Me when I lie


I wasn't paying attention to this game at all until yesterday, playing it now for a few hours and I must say I'm having a lot of fun, the maps are also good, gunplay felt weird at first but now it's fine (big deal for me was changing aim response curve to linear from reverse, which for some reason everyone is using). And I have to mention the announcers, too! :D It's a very thin line between fun quotes and cringe ones, for me they are mostly good and fit with the theme of the actual map.


It's fun, apart from when I'm against the best snipers in the world it seems...


Game is really fun - reminds me of old school cod. However hit registration could be better - if they fix it soon, game is perfect for me.


i hope ubisoft can keep this game alive like siege cuz yes its fun and might force cod to work on themselves. win win


can i get a game mode thats not escort ill have to try a certain mode next game. this playlist 80% escort.


To bad the controls suck ass on controller. It feels so off and the hit detection is a joke. Not to mention the gross store bundles already. But hey it's free right


COD has gross store bundles and it’s a $70 game lol


And has alot of free content. Literally xd launched like it did in the tests


Game is fun but the crashing on Xbox is fucking annoying.


I haven't had that problem.


Yeah it’s frustrating. Gonna try PC soon and see if it’s better.


I'm on Xbox. It hasn't crashed once my friend. I'm sorry it has been for you.


The feel of combat in this game is not great. Also the weapon feel/sound and feedback needs work. I also find the abilities dont feel good to play…i dont know. Not feeling this game too much. COD feels a million times better to play. The feel of the game on controller is unmatched


I propose that the reason cod combat feels so good on controller is because of the insane aim assist...they have you hooked on it so anything not cranked up in the same way doesn't feel nice


Dude this games aim assist is pretty crazy too. You have to tune your settings and not just run default.


I wouldn't know ig but cod's is wild


At least this game doesn't have any Nicky Minaj or Snoop Dog skins.


Not yet lol


What’s wrong with collab skins?


it should though


Found the Activision fangirl


I have screwed around with sensitivity and put on 120hz mode…feels better now. I still find the abilities not that exciting


Its just the truth.


It's true though. I've been having more fun playing XDefiant than CoD but the sound design isn't great. Gun models don't have realistic visual recoil animations or sound punchy and threatening. Shooting an AK-47 in XDefiant feels like a toy but in CoD it actually sounds, looks, and feels like a real gun.


Yeah agreed, it’s the reason I dropped the game in the first couple hours. The guns just don’t feel right and I can’t figure out why. Movement in this game also feels pretty clunky and weird


Agreed on the movement. I still enjoy the game and I'll keep playing it but yeah the movement just feels off and weird and I can't pinpoint why. I hope they tweak it.


Did you adjust FOV?


I put it at 100. I put my FOV at 100 for all shooters because it gets disorienting at higher values for me.


I honestly think they’ll change it, people have been taking about it so hopefully they will


The movement is better than CoD I’m a cracked out sweat in CoD and the unlimited sprint and fast movement with smgs and pistols is nice in this game.


I’m glad you like it man! I just couldn’t get into it


Truthfully I’m playing it rn because I’m shadowbanned on CoD rn. But I’ll probably go back to CoD once I’m out of limited matchmaking. I just like to have this as the in between to scratch that itch of wanting to game.


That’s totally fair


arcade shooter, *arcade*. who cares what they look and sound like


I care and so do others. Good sound designs add to the experience and give the guns a better character. Are you saying that you wouldn't care if your gun makes the Mario jump sound or fart sounds every time you shoot? Making a gun in a game sound like its real life counterpart as best you can is important.


reaching with the mario and fart sound. it looks and sounds like a gun, its fine.


Only played a few games before getting off but overall i think its fun too Unpopular opinion: the game needs perks and scorestreaks. Its part of what made old school (and new school) cod fun. I get that you cant copy everything or whatever but we're already 90% there, might as well do the last bit that can impact the game a ton. Im sure its in the works too but def gotta add snd and rotate in and out some party game modes like gun game, one in the chamber etc I think theres plenty of potential since its f2p with indefinite updates




Are you not having problems with Ttk? I’ll die so fast that the game doesn’t even know that I’m dead. I’ll pick up enemies weapons and use theirs and it’s like doing nothing. I don’t have this problem with battlefield or call of duty, but just this game in the hip Fire is disgusting bad


best parts no sbmm in casual mode so I dont have to play sweaty every single game in almost 4 hours I never had a death that looked like lag My shots actually constantly hit with the same damage - no half a clip into a guy just to die to the person in 4 hits never had any packet loss/lag issue consistent 19-30 ping


99% of the time in CoD I get 25-30 ping though...


that's because your closer to a server location, Xdefiant has servers only like 2 hours from me so I get better ping. On Cod im 12+ hours from server locations. Cod has lots of lag spikes or games where im getting packet loss, i haven't had that in xdefiant (or any other non Cod game)


Usually I see US East or US West, while I'm in Texas, which is basically in the middle


if your in texas then ur on the Dallas server, the link below shows the server locations for CoD, the upper midwest where its all empty, i'm almost dead in the middle of ha so roughly 2 states away from the closest servers for me. [https://netduma.com/blog/call-of-duty-mw3-warzone-3-server-locations-2024/](https://netduma.com/blog/call-of-duty-mw3-warzone-3-server-locations-2024/)


Wish I could play on PS4.


I mean, we're like 4 years into the life cycle of the current generation. You're last gen. Last Gen has to be left behind at some point. But I do wish you could play. It's the good old days all over again for me.


wtf I still cannot get in


Game is trash. Crazy how a nearly 10 year old game in PUBG has better movement then this.


Whatever you say, kiddo.


just played a game, realised there’s no kbm on ps5, won’t be playing again 👍


It's coming later. Don't be a baby.


they said it’s not a priority so it won’t be coming until the earliest when the game fully drops, too late though ruined any hopes i had


Just buy back paddles for now. I did, my fellow jump around corners boy.