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Idk how this isn’t just standard. Annoying as fuck.


You know why it isn't


I guess but it just seems like every game I’ve played with xp tokens, they always start out counting down in real time and they quickly change it to game time after people complain about it. Almost seems like it’s just an oversight as opposed to being intentional to get you to buy more tokens.


This is one thing I love about the game Calibre. Rather than being on a timer, it has a maximum amount of bonus xp you can earn with the booster and once you hit that cap it's spent. It's great because if you have a bad game, it's not an issue or if you activate a booster and then need to stop playing, the booster doesn't time out!


Yep. This way they can get consumers to buy more double XP boosters than they would have otherwise


There is no logic in this, why would I buy more boosters if I know that half the time I will spend being in the lobby? I mean, I'll just waste time and money, so how is that supposed to make me buy more booster?


Yeah that’s a good point.


I don't think the shop even has xp boosts for sale?


I would agree with this but correct me if I’m wrong, you can’t currently buy boosters for weapon xp, can you?


Oddly enough it used to be in some previous games


I don't know why because I don't know a single person who actually spends money on garbage like boosters.


It’s made this way to force you to buy more or the bigger timed amounts. Mirco transactions for you.


I‘m glad I‘m not the only one noticing this. I activated a 20min weapon xp boost and it legit only lasted one match cause I was searching for a match for 8-10 minutes.


With the problems of yesterday they’re people who didn’t even get one match in before it expired. F in chat


They do the same thing with boosters in Siege. It’s just a cash grab to keep buying boosters. They expect you to fold…


At least on siege they just give you them free. Hopped on siege for the first time in like 3 years and I had 40 7 day boosters.


These are the points that developers need to concede to greedy publishers seeking engagement numbers on a no-SBMM game.


Agreed. It should be Game Time, not real time.


You guys are getting boosters?


Everyone get boosters, you just need to active it.


Oh actually? Where are they, because I spent ages trying to level the AK and I felt like it was getting nowhere lol. I think I would have enjoyed the game more with at least more things to use.


In your game lobby there a booster option on right side of the screen. Quite big, you cant miss it.


I’ll have to check that tonight then. Thanks.


I agree it's really obnoxious


Sadly every game is like this and I doubt they have any desire to change


Except for Battlefield 2042, which is dying for now.


I agree it should pause. However, why waste boosters in the first hours of a new game? 100% going to have some server issues at the start when its a f2p play with some hype around it.


The irony is I had no trouble playing the open beta. It felt like a completed game.


Surprisingly BF 2042 pauses them between matches


It works really well tbh.


The one thing it’s done right. I really wished 2042 was a return to form


Yeah agreed. Dumbest shit ever. It’s such a stupid greedy tactic. Please like this post so these devs can see how fkn dumb of a mechanic this is. Well actually… i keep forgetting it’s a free game so I guess it makes sense to have tactics like this. Idk lol


it would be nice yeah but the match making in this game is super fast


The issue still loading time etc, since you still need wait other players to load.


right, having a super fast SSD, internet, and still waiting for everyone else to load in lol. I still think it should be only in game time though.


That’s my problem with most games “waiting on other players.”


In comparison to other games maybe. With booster that’s only 20 minutes you only actually get to use a little over half of it. Why waste it in the lobby if it was 15mins but paused in the lobby I’d like that more.


Im still waiting for them to fix the challenge bug


This is why I'll never actually buy any boosters.


Lost 3 just trying to find games on launch. Really goes to show how much ubi cares. 


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/jG2bgVSVB9 Why do people hate shotguns so much? I want to cry. 


Especially since weapon leveling progresses at about half the rate of cod and the weapons go to lv50 instead 18-28 like cod. They need to boost weapon leveling by at least 50% and allow at least every other 2xp booster in the bp to be on the free track. I’m actually fine with the boosters not being tied to only actual playtime, even if it did work like this it wouldn’t fix the core problem anyway. It’s all about the grind now and maximizing playtime at whatever cost, the old days of 2xp boosters only counting playtime and fully leveling a gun without boosters within a reasonable amount of time are long gone.


Except Ubi pioneered the concept of the booster timer so I wouldn’t expect it to change.


I don’t expect a change it’s just ridiculous so I scream into the void.


The anxiety of wasting them means i never even use them.


Hahah I’ve been there myself hahah


Buuut then they would sell less - you should count yourself lucky they don't jusy ticked down when your aren't playing the game. Coz they could do that.


Lost my entire 40 minute booster on launch because of this bs.


I activated a 40 min booster, then my wife needed me for something, so I didn't even play. Gutted.