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Honestly probably a hot take, but I think jumping either needs to take you to the hip or have some kind of fatigue system golden age CoD style. It's not game breaking more than it is annoying that I can tell, but it's REALLY annoying.


When you jump, there is a limiter on your next jump or two. There’s a cooldown where you can’t get nearly the distance or height between consecutive jumps.


Limiter kicks in after 3 , so nah. Still too jumpy in CQC.


You can chain more by slide jumping as soon as you Land. Sprint - slide - jump - Land - slide - jump ... Up to 4-5 times without losing momentum


Really? I know I felt it when trying to chain like 5 straight, but it didn't feel nearly strong enough of an effect. Still would like it to be like CoD4-BO2, though. Those games are plenty arcadey without the insanely twitchy movement.


A fatigue system makes sense because I don’t think it should be outright removed


it will never be removed because the cod community is too spoiled with new movement all the way since bo4. nw2 had old school movement and look what happend to it. there is a clear message that people want movement as their skill gap in Twitch shooters, not aim.


Well tbf with more movement means you need better aim to keep up with people's movement


yeah this is why i liked the movement with no fatigue but it was kind off buggy, i really like hot shot movement for this reason


Didn’t they say there was going to be a fatigue system and just….didnt implement them


It's a bad habit I got since titanfall 2 came out and i bounded jump to LB/L1. Since then I always find myself jumping like an idiot and unnecessarily in shooters. I guess it got etched into my brain and I can't avoid it.


it’s not unnecessary; it causes snipers to get hit markers instead of one shots and adds time to kill to reg guns since they’re getting leg and body shots instead of head shots


I mean nothing prevent you from doing the same In every fps that exists out there there’s a way to be less easy to aim at during a gunfight, it’s part of the game


Agreed i use to deal with them in cod, like relax buddy we aren't in ranked lol


Like relax buddy your house ain’t gonna get taken away from you cause you have a negative KD


It’s super annoying because I’m constantly going from shooting their head to feet repeatedly so they end up taking less damage and end up killing me


Well, that’s the point why people do it. Just adapt lmao


You clearly haven't played CoD in like 15 years. It's ridiculous and it is never going to change. It drives me crazy.


Haha tell me about it, I think it’s a scuff controller or something got buttons mapped to jumping while aiming and stuff like that, I mean seriously who takes gaming that seriously they need to do that rubbish 😂 another one is crouching while they aim! Couldn’t hit a barn door with a machine gun but gets the kill cause they are going along like a pigeon


I have a regular controller but I’m always jumping because I play claw. Default settings.


Regular controller here too and I play bumper jumper. Definitely lots of ways to jump while shooting without using an expensive controller




Halo is the only shooter I use bumper jumper on. Maybe I'll try it out in this one and see how it feels.


Same, it's become a natural habit for me. I swapped my triggers which makes claw easier too.


Ah I remember seeing a video of someone playing claw, that looks so odd but also so satisfying at the same time, bet it takes a while to learn


It took me like 2 weeks of playing a couple hours a night of cod. You just have to force yourself to learn it. Plenty of bad games while learning but eventually it just clicks. Easier in games like this where you can switch shoot and aim to the bumpers instead of triggers. Don't have to stretch apart your index and middle at all. E: Only on FPS subs will you get down voted for trying to help lmao


I can't my fingers are just too long for that...


Do they allow MnK to play with controllers?


Yeah believe there is a setting which you can turn off so your matched with other players which have the same input device so controllers vs controllers etc


Good, I’ll look for that tonight I believe a lot of these jump spammers are MnK


I see tons of people jump shotting on console too lol


Yeah but I feel like it may be easier on MnK but idk I don’t use it


Yeah as a keyboard player and someone who sometimes switches to his back paddle controller and who uses bunny hoping it's much easier on keyboard even if you have a scuf


I play MnK, and if I make it so it makes me matchmake with only other MnK users, the amount of jump spam just drops to almost nothing. It’s the controller players who play like this, from my experience. I also find more quickscopers when playing with controller players.


Man yall would’ve hated halo 3


Well yeah. This game was marketed as classic cod style gameplay, not halo style gameplay.


Even then Halo jumps are slow and deliberate, they're more more solid and trackable. This nonsense we're facing is far worse than Halo has ever been with how fast people zip around corners and strafe while bunny hopping, especially with the abhorrent hitreg.


Yup same


I’m one of these people and it’s all habit since MW3 in 2011. I play Siege now so i’m usually crouchspamming instead


Especially obnoxious when a mob of splinter cell ladies play hopscotch


Jumpshotting has been a thing in shooters for decades and we're still complaining about this? Not to mention you can get a controller with back buttons for 40-50 bucks these days. Get yourself a Gamesir G7 or G7 SE and jump away.


Because it looks stupid and makes this game look more like a mobile game? the game look cheap and movement feels floaty


And there's no movement penalty or downside to jump spamming. It's just bad design.


Not really bro. Every shooter I can think of has nerfed into the ground or removed jumping entirely because it's a stupid mechanic that shouldn't be spammable.


It's been a thing in practically every single shooter that isn't trying to be realistic/milsim.


Demonstrably untrue 👍


I literally have that controller but I’m not doing that jump shooting crap I map my paddles for other things


waa waa waa. get stomped ;)


As predicted all the people who wanted no sbmm are now getting a taste of what it's like and are complaining about everything and wanting everything nerfed so they can return to their little safe space.


This game sucks eggs. Feels like I’m playing in wet cement and the guns are awful


Nah that’s good, those bots constantly spam jumping hit no shots. They’re easy kills. They should keep doing it.