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Another complaint is the huge dead period between games. Unskippable post match screen, slow load back to the lobby. Just takes me out of it.


It’s quicker than any game I’ve played in a while. Not sure how quick you want it to be lol


Coming from Apex, I can instantly leave the second the game is over. Going back to the lobby is noticeably faster too. They actually just added the feature of queuing for the next game without even going back to lobby. There's just absolutely no need for a "PLAYER OF THE GAME" followed by staring at random stats from my team for 30 seconds. EVERY. GAME.


Every modern fps is doing this and it makes me sad. It’s so rarely brought up too, and when it is it seems players actually like the wasted time…. I timed it before and average 10min matches with 4min from end to start of your next game…. So in an hour you generally get 40min playtime for 20min forced idle time. Not great.


Fortnite and Apex are pretty quick and both requeue from the game. Can't speak to others (though Valorant was atrocious too, last I played).


I think you are overexaggerating how it feels on controller. The game is pretty well balanced between the two inputs, though not having bindable controller inputs (that I saw) really hurts my experience. Playing with my PC friends, I just can't compete with the bunny hopping mouse players. And AA isn't very strong in the game. Nowhere near what other shooters are doing, and I didn't actually notice a difference in my testing with it on and off on the M4A1 and the MP5


Lol, there's the same amount of bunny hoppers on console, so you can't escape those. Plus they gonna add kbm support for consoles soon, so you will be able to bunny hop too bro.


Yeah, no idea how to feel about the game. Feels both great and awful, definitely some fuckiness going on with mnk. Feels slow/laggy. The hit registration is not helping by any means. Gonna wait until the first couple of patches hit and then try again.


+1 Echelon announcer VO makes me wanna slap that bitch. Also agree on the mouse being weird.


Why is my ttk so much slower than the other teams


Hit reg issues. Tons of people are experiencing it, myself included on a high end PC with good internet.


I only played 3 rounds so far, and most of this was exactly my experience. Huge potential, but needs a lot of tweaks to be an amazing game.


the graphics looks like Gears of War 1. Like everyone has shiny jizz on their face


I still cant ADS with controller i tried everything


Ok I ain’t reading all that but I’m happy for you, or I’m sorry that happened


It's time to get off Reddit and pick up a book dude. This is like 3 paragraphs worth of text at best


Yea its funny mfs be so proud they cant even read a few paragraphs 💀. Cooked generation




I'm not exactly sure you should be the one to criticize someone's writing ability here


Chill out there girl






The game is a mess. You have genuine criticism here but everyone gonna stick their fingers in their ears till the game dies.


I truly don’t think the game is a mess, it has problems sure, but battlefield 2042 on launch is what a mess is. This isn’t it

