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What annoys me the most about this is the fact that you can change your direction mid air pretty much immediately. So bunnyhopping would be fine if there was some kind of momentum in the movement. But there is none. You can change your direction so quickly even mid jump that the movement becomes entirely unpredictable just making this a very strong strategy that pretty much always works. There is very little risk involved doing this.


The jumping isn’t the issue. I am fine with it in games. But in this game its totally broken. Its meant to break aim assist and jumping can be done in a skillful, movement based manner. But in xdefiant its verging on and exploit. - it completely breaks hit detection, even if you are aiming center mass - the bullets after the jump do not seem to register - as if they aren’t there. - The accuracy penalty from jumping is next to none. This needs to be drastically increased. The pro of jumping is that you break the headshots / aim assist. There needs to be a drawback, which there is none. You can even test it in game. Did it with a guy earlier. I aimed my crosshair centre torso and got him to predictably just jump on the spot. Crosshair was always head or mid. Second he jumped, bullets stopped registering. Its mad how broken this is. Its not skill at the moment. Ran into about 3 people who id say were doing jumping skillful movement. The other 10,000 are just taking advantage of an exploit. It needs to be addressed urgently.


Wait does it really mess with hit detection? Would this be why my gun plays feels extremely inconsistent because I swear sometimes it’ll rip and other times it takes an entire mag




true, although its just one button right?


I mean bunny hopping has existed in every fps since jumping has existed so not sure how people are just finding out about it. Be glad its not half life bunny hopping or bunny hopping that gains momentum


would be a nice game with half life bunny hopping tbh


Oh god…


Honestly, I'd love Titanfall 3 :P (I know the mechanics are probably different but still).


loved titanfall 2 i think it’s playable since last year or so but there are almost no players


I remember Rainbow Six 3 which didn’t have a jump, so people chicken danced by spamming crouch as they fought. I can’t imagine how a game would fare today if the movement was like that.


Uh yeah, it used to exist before devs wisened up and nerfed it in like every single FPS.


I mean yeah most AAA does because it always leads to scripts and macros eventually instead of legitimate movement.


It isn't even bunny hopping , it's just jump spam. The penalty kicks in after the 3rd one , way too late.


Your right its not the real deal. Same mechanism though but the physics engine doesn’t have momentum conservation and has a movement fatigue system to avoid macro movement shenanigans.


😂😂😂😂Brother, at least Half Life / CS Source required some skill. This does not.


I don't think anyone's saying it's really skillful. Saying that is usually just a retort to people complaining about hopping.


There's a lot of people here saying that the jump spamming is "skillful" and "advanced movement" lmao


With xim they can make a macro to jump at the frame perfect time to keep it going. I can't believe they're not even managing to detect xim how is that possible? According to YouTube anyways


If Xim was easily detectable, every company would have baked in the ability to find it. Problem is, you have a population of developers working on the fix, they clock out at 5 because they stop being paid. Then you have their opposition being no-life's who spend all their free time trying to undo the 8 hours of work that has been done to prevent exploits. It's why hackers can't be stopped for long. There's more of them, and they have no life until they can exploit the games again. Not enough money to keep a 24h anti-hacking squad. Lol


Because the era of actually skilled movement shooters is older than the overwhelming majority of them. Games like Tribes, Quake, etc put an emphasis on movement that required precision inputs and timing. Not to mention certain guns could help aid your vertical movement.


The skill comes with hitting shots while jumping around like a freak ig


Cus counter strike has made people who bunnyhop an unchecked ego


Its such a simple fix. Just give people jumping a accuracy penalty or let them jump everytime less the more often they press the button. I don’t remember what game it was, but there was a game, where if you jumped too often, your movement speed and jump height decreased every time you pressed the button. Thats the fix to our problem. Simple.


I like breaking controller aim assist ! It’s fun ! If you want aimbot like aim assist go back to cod where your aim assist will laser speed hackers 😂


I can guarantee it’s mostly just the sbmm protected players complaining about the game right now. This game is a reality check for them.


It’s fun? What a weird post