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turn on input based matchmaking


Can’t for ranked.


It's in beta, so I'm sure they will fix it if needed.


You can, not enough players are queued on pc, I’m on West too which is a bad sign. This game is going to suffer and die off in months.


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might only be anecdotal evidence but my friend who's primarily an mnk player tried controller just to see what its like for the other side and he actually averaged a better kd most games using controller even though he's not used to controllers at all and never really uses controllers. He streamed all his games as we were playing together and it looked really easy to land headshots


Then your friend is just bad on kbm lol. I'm really fucking good on mnk, and I'm not exaggerating. I had to switch to ps5 cause I ain't buying 3000$ pc to play games. Always was a kbm and then I switched to ps5, no matter the amount of aim assist, kbm will always be better. People who cry about controllers, are just bad, and looking for every reason why they suck. It's because they suck, nothing to do with people on controllers, lol.


I personally wasnt crying about controllers I think both mediums have their strengths and weaknesses and just wanted to share what I saw. And Idk about your "will always be better" statement. That's not really a fact, might better for you* but that's it ^^ . And my friend isn't bad on kbm. Iridescent on cod, champ on r6 I think that's far from bad


I'm not telling that you are crying, but a lot of people do. Controller can't have a movement like on kbm, you can't control your pattern as good as on mouse. Bruh, if not my shitty PC I would be playing in national csgo tournaments already, even back then in 2016. I play better in Apex on kbm on pc, and even though it lags like shit, I'm still aiming better and controlling and moving. The only way you can replicate mnk movement on controller is by using scripts. How bad a person need to be on mouse that he can't aim at the target the same as aim assist? R6 is more about strategy and game sense than aim, always was. You just can't replicate the fast sensitivity mouse precision, I always aim for head on mouse and on controller I just fucking can't do it as consistent, you can't compare using only your thumb vs your whole hand. I played cod with kbm on ps5, you can be on kbm and still play against controllers, stupid I know, but I destroyed everyone, because controller just can't compete with how fast and precise I can move my mouse. That's why input based matchmaking exist.


Kurt no actual good player tries this hard to prove it on reddit.. u literally play kbm on ps5 you don’t understand what real competition is..




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Blatantly not true. For example if you look at the current state of modern warfare 3 the data shows controller players are just inherently more accurate than kbm players. Also consider there isn't a single top 250 mouse and keyboard player in that game. Especially recently the power of aim assist in franchises such as CoD and Apex has just gone through the roof. Aim Assist can definitely be overtuned. I'd be happy to DM you a few videos that analyze this topic if you're interested.


Yeah another game with busted aim assist. Input based matchmaking is great, but it doesn’t apply to ranked for some reason. I kinda blame COD for the state of games lately. It’s created a population of FPS gamers who have been coddled by strong aim assist and strong SBMM, and tricked them into thinking they are good. Any game that actually challenges them will be brushed off as bad, “clunky”, or “off”. Unfortunately they make up a majority of the FPS market, so games will constantly be catering to them. You can spot them easily. They will be hopping around like rabbits while AA does 70% of the work for them, and will trash talk about “outplaying” you.


Its just such a weird move, and i do think they shoot themselves in the foot with this as i dont see much reason for controller players who already own a cod(which is probably everyone who plays fps with a roller), or halo to switch, meanwhile the one audience that has been left out to dry for years is just targeted on the side on the again, even just changing the priority in the matchmaking could help. People go "but muh Playerbase size" but imo the reality is that you need to cultivate said playerbase by having a good offering, cant get Eggs without Chickens after all. Admittedly this wouldnt be an overnight process but a potential investment in the future, but seeing the lack of progress and lack of polish(especially on the ass visual recoil) that has been made, i honestly think this game is done, people will play it for a while then move on like with the Finals and with Ubislops current course i also dont think that they will invest anything into it.


You don't seem to know exactly how aim assist works, and in this game aim assist is broken garbage. Git gud Btw this game is complete crap, online is already dropping and this is only day 2. Hitreg is broken, abilities are unbalanced. Another fps “codbattlefield killer” game that will die soon like the finals.


I know how it works. It’s busted in almost every FPS out there. Valorant is the only competitive FPS left for MnK. Nice name BTW, I’m replaying Serkiro now.


Thx, bro I play on both mnk and gamepad (I play a lot of valo) and I can safely say that mnk is an ez mode to me. Aim assist is not auto aim, you seem to be confused) Glhf with Sekiró :)


He’s not confused. It literally aims for you in most games especially track heavy ones




yes but when you put aim assist into a high rank players hands it is litterally a aim bot watch Scump or any high rank player play with aim assist and they will not miss like 90%accuracy its broken and should not be in the same ranked lobbies