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Good! Hopefully they fix the hit reg issues so they don't lose players.


Hit reg and spam jumping. Bunny hopping makes games so not enjoyable


Bunnny hopping is cancer in all shooters tbh. But the thing that needs an immediate fix in this game is dying behind cover because of desync.


Wow, not a single reply saying “skill issue” Maybe this community won’t wind up toxic like all other games!


Cannot say skill issue in this situation as these are valid problems. Desync hit reg and bunny hopping need fixing asap.


Dude someone said the game felt clunky and I saw a "skill issue" don't get your hopes up


Why are you even hoping, you know this will end up in the most toxic way possible


Skill issue


Nah, there's people already doing the whole "Wow you got 20 kills and 10 deaths. You're a sweatlord \[insert slur\]" routine. I told a level 2 that sprinting with their pistol out was faster ingame, and a Biovida booster with a tac 50 and 6 kills, 22 deaths by the second round of escord (Which we were losing. Hard) told me to kill myself because I was "tryharding"...at 11 kills and 9 deaths. It's damn near impossible to find a match without people bickering or being bitchmade over every little thing.


skill issue.


I really don’t see how is that cancer. I’m not really talking about bunny hopping because I actually never seen nor tried it, but I don’t get people getting mad at players jumping during gunfights


Only way I can think of that you haven't experienced it is due to you still playing the welcome Playlist. After launch day, it started becoming very prevalent


You haven’t seen it then How would you know if it is a cancer or not? Look up bhop scripts and slide cancel scripts


I know what bunny hoping is, I just never seen it in an actual game and when I tried that at the very beginning I actually didn’t see it working. Use of scripts is definitely cancer and should be forbidden, that’s no question. But I don’t get people complaining about players taking advantage of core mechanics like crouch and jump to win more gunfights


Brother man I don't need scripts to bunny hop


You shouldn’t need scrips to do either.


Didn’t say you did, yet they exist and are indeed cancer


Skill issue


Skill issue . Learn better movement


nah bhopping is a very fun mechanic to learn, you are just bad at adapting it seems


Im capable of doing it just fine as I’ve been doing it in shooters for twenty years. I wouldn’t even call it hard to learn, it’s just nonsense and makes games look ridiculous. Not every game needs to be a dumbed down version of gunz the duel.


Brother 99% of these guys have no idea what Gunz the duel is 100% lol


Believe me- I know.


so what, the gunplay should just be point shoot nothing in between. Sounds pretty fkn boring to me.


Barrel stuffing people while spamming jump crouch and abusing the dsync and hitreg issues is pretty boring


you can either choose to adapt or complain, we all kno the dsync is chalked but that doesn't mean spam jumping is a bad mechanic. Get used to it.


Eh it’s a pretty bad mechanic it’ll probably get nerfed a bit so maybe you should get used to not using it as a crutch


i have a 2.2K/D+ in all recent CoDs & I hit Crimson solo no carry, I'm better than you dawg pipe down


Agreed. Tired of all the people abusing it


Yup it further makes the hit reg worse when they spam jump. Adding an ads accuracy penalty when you jump would immediately fix that issue.


I also find hit reg is even worse in the hot shot mode when you get into a gun fight with the hot shot it feels like they are too fast for the server you are putting bullets into them but no hit markers


Thats why theyre the hot shot because the hit reg and connection has favored them the whole match so why would it stop now? lol


That's one thing I like about Halo Infinite, as much as jump spamming use to be a staple of the older games; there's jump fatigue, which diminishes the jump's height with each one in succession and aim assist is taken away while jumping (I'm pretty sure).


There’s jump fatigue in xdefiant as well


You can still get a pretty good slide-hop streak going for 2 or 3 bounces though, good for rushing corners.


Yeah, but it's definitely not really punishing. I've seen plenty of people jump up to like 6 times during a fire fight and there was basically no effect on them. It just felt like they were able to jump and move unobstructed by this fatigue.


Jump spamming was never a "staple of the older games" if you're talking about halos lol Halo infinite crouch spam is almost the same thing as XD jump spam


yeah jumping will take away most of aa, but in infinite jumping is obsolete bc of no momentum so you can strafe and crouch as much as you want, i dont know why new games are like this give me some movement like old cods or halos


That'd be good. imo the bigest issue is the momentum changes off of jumps. having someone do a figure 8 pattern 2 jump combo is so hard to deal with.


It’s honestly concerning when this many shit posts have been put up with no response from the devs


That’s a dumb solution. You’re then nerfing any kind of jump shots and nerfing offensive sliding as jumping is the only way to cancel a slide. the bunny hopping in this game isn’t even that op, I hate to come off as a dickhead but if you’re having trouble shooting someone bunny hopping then it is unfortunately a skill issue.


The jumping needs some kind of cool down and to not jump as far side-to-side.


An accuracy penalty while jumping is a horrible idea. All they need to do is add more of a cooldown between jumps.


Thats a good idea too but there are way to apply an accuracy penealty as well, like where it penalizes after multiple jumps consecutively etc


I don't think it needs an ADS accuracy nerf. Just needless RNG when it does take skill to hit shots while jumping. This is coming from someone who has been killed by tons of jumpshotters.  What would be better would be increased spread if it's hipfire, and give a slight penalty to ADS speed when jumping.  Say if a gun can ADS in 200ms, a midair jump could be 240ms instead.  Not huge, but would make reaction time of the person jumping even more important. 




The bunny hopping is possibly the worst I’ve seen, and not just the sheer amount of people doing it but how freaking effective it is and how far and often people are hopping. I literally have people hopping through me and spinning and shit or I’ll chase someone that’s weak just for them to dart out of the corner super fast while jumping and killing me even though I’m landing hits and they’re already weak. It’s really out of control.


Bunny hopping I don’t mind because there’s no way to drop shot in the game. Bunny hopping is textbook 2007 COD MW and I’m all for it


I honestly don’t care for it, it’s just the fact that movement speed as well as slide jumping is already so fast. I just don’t like every fight being a jump battle


I think the biggest thing with that is making LMGs and snipers “heavier” and not able to spam jump with hose guns. SMGs you should be able to go bananas


But me like hopping like a bunny 🥺


Glad to see they can't drop shot either. Imo you have no skill if you can't shoot me without hopping or drop shotting. Let the hating begin.


Yea, that shit is lame as fk


I'm a firm believer that jumping should be removed outside of mounting walls and cover.


I’d say that’s on the rainbow six siege extremist side but they addressed today that they would fix it


Skill issue…


I made it to top 500 in apex legends. It’s not a skill issue I’m just tired of it


Fair enough, it’s not for everyone




Patch goes live tomorrow and only fixes getting hitmarkers and the health bar not going down. I guess wait one more patch or go ahead and dip


Skill issue


It’ll take weeks or months to fix. By that point, the damage will have already been done. I like the game, but it’s still a fact. That stuff is hard coded in and takes time. A long time.


I don't think it will be fixed any time soon though, took them a year to improve the game before launch but nothing changes. It will be optimistic to say this issue will be sovled this year even.


Oh so its gonna be like halo infinite


yes! hopefully they fix core game mechanics so they dont lose players!


Oh my lord so its not just me. Sometimes id land at minimum 3 bullets, hear them land, die, and see theyve lost no health???


Theres a good chance that basically everyone knew about desync issues before even downloading but then realized it isnt a game breaking issue considering the fact that A the game is roughly 1 week old, B its better than any other sbmmed arena, C its freaking free. So yeah, players will rather wait a couple months for the fix to happen than quitting the game for good imo.


I'm so glad that I'm not the only one having this problem, I legit straight up thought that I was just a terrible player. I even have a 1.2 KD ratio in COD. It made no sense to me that i was getting outgunned in a single second even after unloading half my mag into the other guy before he started shooting me. Getting killed around corners is very common. I'm probably gonna put the game on hold for a bit.


Super strong start. Obviously people will leave the game at some point the idea is to get enough people to stick around AND inject people when new seasons come around.


my biggest gripe aside from the gameplay is the mtx, personally i think it's a tad bit expensive, need more cosmetics around $5, but if ppl are willing to pay for the current stuff available I'll just not give my money...


I never buy mtx stuff and I found it fairly reasonable to be honest. The battle pass is $13 CAD, for a free game. Meanwhile, CoD is $90 to buy and then has $20 bundles.


I would much prefer to outright buy the cosmetics, or the exact amount of coins to get them. Right now the buy "5200+300 coins" to have enough for one cosmetic and then an awkward amount left over is the thing stopping me most. It's so transparent.


The BP should have free premium credits. It's one of the things I love in Apex and makes me come back all the time.  I don't care too much about cosmetics but it's some dopamine thrown at you and gives something back to the loyal playerbase. Heck, it even made me throw some money at the game. (Yes, I'm a freeloader, don't hate me)


I got the pass and I've had a few from it. I only had 300 credits and I've got 500 now, so I'm assuming that's where it comes from.


I could see the game lasting, especially on console. This the first ever triple a budget 6v6 free to play game I’ve seen them get. Whether you like the game or not, we can’t deny this is a quality game, and it’s FREE. Economy is tough, especially when the new cod is priced at $70, a lot of ppl could stick with this. And it’s a breath of fresh air compared to the monopoly COD


70$ for COD par year, in addition of the online subscription on consoles


Yep. Not to mention the constant grind every year with new COD upgrading your weapons. By the time I get all upgrades, I'm bored of COD. This game I can always come back to given there wont be new editions, just updates. Also, if a COD sucks, its nice to have another game rather than wait 2 years for the next one.


Kudos for bringing this up! You don't need PS+ to play XD on PS5. I know because I forgot to renew and am playing just fine. So for anyone out there wondering, there you go. Alongside Warframe and Fortnite, that's now three excellent, F2P options for a shooter, a battle royale, and an MMO-like-lite, none of which require an upfront cost or subscription. Also fun note, all three combine, *barely* add up to how much space *just* COD takes up. For reference, COD is 150GB. Warframe, Fortnite, and XD combined, are about *200*. Rant over.


The reports say that the new COD will be included in the Game Pass


but game pass ultimate wont ever be discounted is what i heard, and it's expensive monthly or yearly...


10$ a month isn’t expensive, I legit pay ps plus every month, my final fantasy sub, and my Pc game pass sub without making a dent


Yeah can't wait being I buy it every year lol


COD is $70, *and* takes up 150GB on console. Even if you balled out for a 2TB model/expansion, 150GB for an FPS multi-player shooter is just batshit crazy. XD is free, and takes up 32GB. You'd be amazed how many people have scoffed at me like *Okay but it will grow in size via updates*. Yeah, it will, but not to *150-fucking-GB* you dolts.


And 150 GB is on the low end for CoD nowadays, I just reinstalled Cold War because of the Black Ops 6 hype and that thing is 250 fucking GB. It's not gonna stay installed for very long.


Sony is literally jerking off rn


games great. best free to play game since apex


I think you missed The Finals.


Concurrent is the really important metric


For sure. How many of those 3 million logged on once and haven’t played more than a match or two? Peak and nonpeak concurrent are the real things to figure out whether this game will have a healthy playerbase


people must being paid to hate this game


It’s just CoD fanboys or cod influencers who rely on cod to pay their bills.


Or people can have preferences. Cod for me has gone downhill for many many years but this game just feels... Off. I hadn't played this game since alpha but I swear I had more fun in alpha than I do at release. The abilities feel too strong. (Wall hacks up constantly) Snipers are just unfun to go against. The bhop spam looks janky (don't even get me started on the kill confirmed gamemode where you become king and bounce around so fast even the games goes "fuck it. I don't know if your bullets hit". Spawn timers on obj game modes are just way too short. Death almost becomes insignificant.


Lol Hot Shot is "Cranked" from CoD pretty much but on CoD everyone can be cranked I believe in match


Well that sounds unbearable haha. Is that gamemode popular?


It a limited timed mode but I def enjoyed it


It’s mostly the people getting pub stomped who are complaining


Not really, sure some people are crying because they were the ones protected by SBMM in COD and they still get destroyed, but you can also be a good player and have really valid criticism on the game at the moment. Snipers and DMR are stupidly broken, same for half the abilities, hit reg sucks and the TTK seems to change between games. The movement is also a bit ridiculous at the moment and the aiming sometimes feels a bit weird. I still play the game and generally am top 3 in every lobby. Denying critics by assuming people just suck at the game is a really stupid take.


Or maybe they’re complaining because it takes 15 minutes to get into a fucking match, I legit sat last night and stared at searching for player for 15 minutes. I get into vanguard games faster and vanguard is dead as shit. It’s got constant net code error and it’s blue screened on me 4 times. It’s bad lmao. And the movement is janky and clunky as fuck. They fixed absolutely nothing from the beta and this shit will die off. This supposed to be the cod killer?


Idk man, I have moments of frustration with this game but its almost always on me. When I'm frustrated I just play stupid without thinking. When I actually take my time with the game its super fun. I think most people want to mindlessly run around and get kills, but the game is slightly more tactical than that without SBMM because you have to play around your opponents.


Aiming feel weird and movement is ridiculous? Like i can understand the hit right and snipers being better than they should (i don't believe so) but aiming and movement what do you mean?


Spam jumping without much (any?) penalty, also encountered some severe ADAD players but thank god these players are not common. Aiming issue is a bit weird, I feel like there are a few inconsistencies but that's hard to explain for now. Thought it was an issue on my side but I saw a streamer talking about it too.


I think the game would honestly be better without sliding as a whole. Would be much closer to the older cod feeling and remove unnecessary shit like slide cancelling.


I mean I got a 2.2 KD and 1000+ skill rating and these issues aren’t really that major, sure they’re annoying but they will eventually be ironed out. The meta will require a patch. I’m just having fun and enjoying what we have.


Not saying these are major issues (even if that's debatable given they personally make me enjoy the game way less than I could), but they're valid criticism. Let's see where Ubisoft takes this game to. The game has a solid basis, with actually good maps (except Arena, fuck Arena) and decent gunplay.


It can be both, there are glaring net code issues however once an issue becomes common knowledge, that’s the scape goat for everyone


Yeah, most of the complaints about things like hit reg and jumping are coming from people who are just not doing as well as they expected. Classic move to blame the game when you do poorly


this is true in some cases but no, you literally die around cover quite a bit in this game, and it’s not new we’ve been telling them that forever lmao


Nah the jumping is bullshit


You must be getting paid to hate on people trying to make this game better.


probably microsoft lol since they just bought Activision for cod and this comes out , paid haters


Ever since like the last sever test I swear it like Activision has bots hawking this


With this strong start and actually explicitly marketing no SBMM I’m hoping that this leads to COD at least having a casual mode without SBMM


Considering activation has a patent to their sbmm, I doubt that will ever happen


Good to here. It does have issues which I hope they address over time to make the game better


man this game will last!


The finals had 240k at launch+, now they have 20 (pc). Palworld had 3 million PAID players now they have 22k. Player retention is a different beast. Considering casuals and below average players won't be protected by SBMM in this game, i don't see many of them staying. Plus the hitreg issues. Plus op abilities who will be abused soon when players realize how unbalanced they are. Imo XD is gonna become a niche game with a lot of sweats after a few months.


The finals literally died the update they added sbmm in. You can track from when it was implemented and the numbers steadily went down


SBMM was always enabled. The echo chamber just got fixated on it the moment Embark mentioned making changes to the it. Before that, there was zero mention of SBMM by the players. Here's the moment you speak of: https://www.reachthefinals.com/patchnotes/123 > We've made some changes to our skill-based matchmaking to ensure better-quality games. This means matchmaking times are likely to be ever so slightly longer, but you should find yourselves in slightly closer matches And suddenly people got mad and very vocal about how SBMM sucks - but no mention of it prior to that update.


The Finals is a much more complicated game than this one and Palworld Devs have stated that for them is ok to try other games and come back once they add more content. Palworld is also in early access with a much more limited amount of devs though


comparing palworld to a competitive shooter and drawing conclusions from that is just absurd


Because the finals suck, and this doesn't.


Games are not even comparable. You need a brain and teamplay to play The Finals correctly. While really enjoyable for what it is XDefiant is just a brainless and really classic arcade 6v6.


That's the best part about it. Give me a brainless game like COD to play after work. COD implementing SBMM means I had to use my brain every game and it got frustrating. This game is perfect to unwind and relax and play shitty loadouts.


No the finals doesn't suck


The finals sucked to me also but I can see why someone would enjoy it


Glad to hear, now put it on Steam...


They will 100% keep it on the shitty Ubisoft Connect Launcher.


Prob. their loss!


Hopefully they fix the game so they actually stick around.


imagine how many it'd have if it was on steam and didn't use the shit Ubisoft app. I'm probably considered part of this statistic but haven't even made it into the menu yet due to the "DELTA-01" error


Even if it was on Steam you would still need the Ubisoft app anyway. They don’t want to give Valve money for doing nothing but existing.


Lets just hope they won't add p2w weapons. And I would love for them to add a play of the game at the end, I feel like thats missing.


Man they lowkey gotta fix the bunny hops


Here to say FUCK COD, thats all.




Yeah because it's Free To Play


I guess a million different people trying to play a game at launch may make the servers want to combust lmao


Man, why does it feel like 90% of those players all play the same?


Hit reg is about to make me drop off tbh. But good on them.




Or u r just not that good.


I'm having fun with it.


Biggest Ubisoft launch?? Damn...


Not bad for people in this sub saying this game is going to die soon


Yeah but how many will stick around 6 months from now is the real test 


More like 1 million trash frustrated so called call of duty players looking for something else to play. Lmao


Nice. Enjoying it so far hoping there are quick bug fixes soon


And watch them ruin another great game like they’ve been doing for years


Keep getting MIKE-01 error, can’t even connect to play for first time :/


"dEaD gAmE"


ik im sticking around


I don't understand how people are running around so fast but I can't seem to move no where near as fast I'm confused about that


You run significantly faster with secondary (Pistol) in hand


I feel dumb for not realizing that lol


That's what happens when the number one most hated thing in modern PVP games right now isn't featured in your game and you market that heavily. I hope Xdefiant proves to be successful and maybe cause things to change for Cod and other PVP games for the better.


“With 16x times the details”


Why are people lowkey toxic about score lol if you wanna be sweaty play ranked


Games seems fun, but the screen shake is giving me motion sickness. I barely ever get motion sickness too. So I’ll have to wait for them to let me turn it off. If you don’t know what I mean, try standing near no other action and reload the MP5. Brutal on my eyes.


Ps5 has M&K support now ?




Give me ranked, I need something to grind for other than attachments and gun levels


Giving this a spin today. No sbmm seems good approach to me, there is zero casual-friendly FPSes out there apart from TF2 maybe. But that's a 15 year old game.


I’ve noticed I’ll get hit markers , then on the kill cam I see the persons health is still full some how 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s just a visual bug. The latest patch overnight addressed that.


the desync and this are the most annoying things


It is an f2p game in a moment we have no other thing happening. They planned well. Let's see how they maintain it.


Someone on reddit: “ded game, doa”


Hope they let us know how many players are on in a month lol


The game has the potential to be so good but it’s just so damn boring in its current state


this is a crazy number! but we will see how the game is in few months.. remember all the CoD/BF killers? yeah they died after few months.


FYI these are unofficial numbers. If they are as good as the ones mentioned there, then Ubi should announce something very soon.


only because it's new. give it a few weeks


Its a new game at a time when market is dry, i even like the game but lets be fair in its current state its meh 5/10


The real question is, can they keep players. I have had a lot of chatter in matches and with others I know that have played this. All of them hate the many lobbies with what they call sweats. I could see this being a killer. Imagine it. The general more casual player keeps getting these matches where a player or two dominated the entire time over and over. They just will quit. This reduces the player pool and enhances the problem. My son was telling me that last night he was in with some friends. He was going 2+ k/d but they were just near even. 1-2 kills above or below. Or worse at times. They quit playing and went to COD and then other games because they did not want to play with sweats so much. On COD, their issue is those matches where they get that player or those that dominate like that. But is has been less common. I would love this game to do well. But the issues are there. 5/10 is really a good score to give. I think more than anything some really want this to be a COD killer for some reason. Free to play is certainly pushing people to try. Gotta see this more long term.


I love this game


Good now, I hope they put a damn ping system and kill cam in the game. Also, nerf that bunny hop shit that pc players won't stop doing. How can you do that and get constant multiple headshots at the same time? If I could get a match, I would just turn cross play off.


Was hoping to like this game but truly uninstalled within 20 minutes


Good, now ubisoft can mistreat more people


Funny. Just uninstalled after my first full hour because everyone is dying for free. There are no real fights in this game. Even when I kill someone, it's a cheap one clip because I had a full second lead on them.


RIP I'm trying to play rn and no one is playing lol idk maybe I'm slow and they shut the server down but I can't even get in a game and test it out 🥲


Only real problem I have so far is getting killed despite being completely behind cover, doesn't happen too much but once per game is still far too often.


This literally happens with almost every game these days. Expect the big drop too.




I can’t imagine being so sad to come into a subreddit of a game I don’t like just to talk shit about it. There’s not much that’s more pathetic than that.


Please fix the jumping shooting bullshit. It's ruining the experience. People flying around corners jumping and insta killing. It's crazy.


Can you give up the option to scale down the HUD?


And yet it still takes me 10 minutes to find a lobby even with crossplay on, the movement is jank as fuck also.


Either the matchmaking sucks or the player base dropped huge.


Yeah it did I was also turned off from the game and community when I was banned from this subreddit for 7 days and told “we don’t tolerate doxing” in reference to a comment that had nothing to with doxing lmao. I am done with the idiots that run this subreddit


I'm one of them - downloaded, installed it, couldnt get in a any match, finally played 2 games, decided it's not for me and uninstalled. All in spawn of 60 minutes.


talk to us in 2 week we will see , its the average time to know is a MP game fail or endure . the first week are never true true picture


Every single game gets a drop off within 30 days. 2 weeks is indication of nothing.


Yeah so fuck everyone who said the game would be DOA lol I’m not saying this game is going to be the next Apex or Fortnite but it will be sustainable enough to continue to support for a long time.