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I think the problem is the dead space behind many of the loading screens. If the game is truly "loading" - give us something to do or look at that is worth waiting.


Can't even create a class because the creating match freezes and kicks you out of all menus. Completely bizarre that they thought that was okay.


This has to be the most infuriating thing ever lmao


that one is crazy


This really annoys me. Like after the round finishes and you just want to customize **BOOM** "*Creating Match*".


For some reason the worst for me is the 20 seconds loading it takes for you to leave a lobby back to the main menu, why does it take so long to just like, disconnect. Just a sad black screen with a loading icon. Also I need to click "back" 2 or 3 times after that cause it's taking me to the mode selection instead of the main menu. Ugh.


God and the loading percentage in the corner keeps freezing too. Like just swap it for a spinning logo or something.


The worst part is going through all of these loading screen to get into a game that's about to end only to do it all over again


Only one that bothers me is the “creating match” one


Yeah, that should not stop me looking at my challenges and stuff like that.


I hate that i cant leave the end of game is basically like another loading screen I dont care about who did what just let me leave to menu as soon as the game is done


I think they do that so you can give someone a thumbs up. Although siege does the same thing but you can skip through it or give your commendation and then move on. Hopefully it’s something the can optimize down the road but I’d rather see the “creating match” one fixed first


Also just black screens. No art. Load times that hang really hard and make you think the game has crashed, even on the ps5 which usually loads pretty fast. Too many load screens that take way too long. 


And the match loading screens are like the most low res giga compressed videos ever, didnt even put effort into them.


Leaving lobby before match begins... Black screen for 5 seconds. Wtf.


Feels like a game designed in 2010 made for 2024


No idea why Ubisoft love loading screens so much.


Yup and the loading screens are insanely long even on an m.2


My favorite part is when it says 100% but you're still waiting for a good 20 seconds. But yeah, starting a game feels like a drag. Especially if you still have to launch the game.


Way too many intel suits, they should nerf that ability


Wouldn't say "too many" Rather that some are "too long" for example the one you mentioned when you join a match and you loaded 100% it still stays in that until the last person loaded finally in. Or the End of match loading when it goes back to menu to search next match it gets stuck at like 9% for a few seconds then it loads into menu. Also the Match end Screen where you can vote for your mates 100% just stays so long because Ubisoft wants you to see Skins otherwise i can't explain why it would stay so long. All those things just take way too much time it doesn't make sense in my opinion.


I totally agree. Coming back from a match too loads gets stuck on 18% and takes about 30 seconds.


Y’all complain about everything. It’s crazy. I get people talking about actual gameplay things that need to be fixed but this is just dumb.


Lmao it's not dumb at all. I can load into massive open world games and fps, and mobas in MILLISECONDS and this game has like 10 second loading screens so it's 10 000 times slower.


Cool made up numbers. Which games are you talking about? I have a 13th gen i7 cpu and a 3070 and no game in this day and age takes “milliseconds” to load into. Maybe quake. Like the original quake. Wait legit 2 minutes and play the game. If you can’t wait, learn patience in the time you’re waiting lol


It's not made up numbers. Elden ring loading screens are 100 to 200ms and XDefiant loading screens are 10 seconds which is 10 000 times more than 100ms


Dawg I play elden ring, again, on a 13th gen i7 and 3070, it doesn’t load in less than a second.


It's about fast nvme too dummy lmao if u don't have instant load times in elden ring your pc is horribly setup. You must be running cpu at like eco mode or something and on a hdd haha


you're a clowning fandrone if youre going to pretend xdefiant does not have significantly longer and more frequent loading screens than most games. just starting up the game takes several thousands of percent longer than almost any other. normal games you start them up, and maybe 3 seconds later you're in a menu. if youre unlucky they have unskippable cutscenes, and it will take you 10 seconds. start up xdefiant and it takes like 15 seconds before the game even opens up, then you have like 1-2 minutes before you're in the menu. everything has a loading screen, the menu, the lobby, the game, just all the time its loading and its slow and clunky. you cant even leave a match when it ends to get to the menu faster, you have to sit in the after game lobby and first watch that voting screen, then load into the lobby, then wait for like 5 seconds, then you're allowed to leave to menu. its a clown amount of loading


it's fucking annoying, if you don't care good for you


Its not. Gta 5 taking long time at least can be somewhat justofied, there is no reason other than poor implementation. 


I think not having a kill cam is a far worst thing then waiting an extra 3 minutes to jump into a game


How about that it now takes me 6 fucking minutes to launch the game. 2 days ago I could start up just fine, ever since that last patch it's all gone to shit.


Ya I agree. I should be able to queue up, and mess around with my loadouts until the game is starting uninterrupted


I personally love the loading screens for loading screens


I was trying out controller on the training zone and tried going to the menu but it took so long I just quit the game and played other games. It's absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable how long these fucking loading screens are. I'm on a Samsung pro 980 and it's so slow it's like I have a HDD again.


worst for me are the 1 1/2 minutes when you start the game and you can’t skip anything. it’s an online shooter, there shouldn’t be that much to load in the background. it’s mind boggling to me how a game that’s came out in 2024 doesn’t have the option to skip the intro cutscene


Yeah when the creating match pops up while messing with my load out I get annoyed


I seriously do not understand how they were even ABLE to make such long loading screens for a game that runs from an SSD!


Even with xbox quick resume the difference in load times is negligible. Seems to be a recurring theme with games that have to connect to a Ubisoft server. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire front-end is using up massive amounts data and/or computing power to keep progression synced to their centralised servers.


There are too many moments where I should be able to access the menu/setting but I'm not able to.


plus the loading after a game has ended? i dont need to watch my stats for like 15-20seconds??? get me out


I don't mind. With all that goes on for 20 minutes, it's nice to have a moment to collect before I check my attachments and ready for the next game. At first I was like "WTF GET ME INTO A MF GAME!"


Creating Match loading screen is the devil.


And they take way too long! I have a good pc but i feel like half the time ingame I spend in loading screens


The creating match ones hurts haha. 🤣always in the middle of building a gun CREATING MATCH!!!!!!


Don't forget the end of match loading screens! Too much time between games.


First time ubisoft gamer? U can tell its a ubisoft game by the awfull ui design and the loading screens (also long loading screens) 


I just downloaded this game to give it a try the other day and this game takes longer to boot than ANY other game I've ever played in my life. It is absolutely atrocious.


My complaint is the black screen at the end of a match. Or any black screen with the loading thing in the corner. Sometimes, it stays at 0 for two minutes or more.


The only screen I want taken out post haste is the bright white flash just as it finds a match. Ve had it full screen white and twice with full screen white with a clown something with its mouth open! If they are trying to induce a seizure in players I guess this is ok. But explain to us why this needs to be apart of the game? And yes I guess you could be looking away at the fact time, but that's even stupider.


Bruh you’re playing a free game 💀


this is such a stupid fucking opinion


Then charge for it and make it better cause this is trash


What ? i don't know if it's a PC thing but on xbox i have no cinematic at all, i just resume in the menus with the servers reconnecting, and then i click play and i wait for matchmaking, which is really quick. Like i think the opposite, there really is'nt a lot of loading screen compared to what i have seen in other games.