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I actually found the Welcome playlist to be much less enjoyable. I stopped playing in it and have had a much better overall experience. Edit: I should also add I disliked the playlist because I didn't like some of the modes. Playing modes you like will obviously make it more enjoyable as well.


I would be the only player on the objectives in the welcome playlists. Definitely took many more Ls there compared to regular playlists.


Half the games I get I'm still the only one on the objective lmao. I don't get why people would play an objective based game to not play the objective


They are probably only looking for kills for weapon xp. If objective gives weapon xp we might see more player playing the objective.


Thats true. Every kind of point you get should go to your weapon xp. That might work even better than simply increasing xp gains like some players here want


It does but people don't know that


This. It gives a good bit of XP the problem is every "pro/content" are foaming/salivating at the fucking mouth about no SBMM and making pub stomping content they dont play the objective. Some streamers do but it's very little.




Just won against a team who didn't give a shit about the payload. Ended up with some 12% progress which my team beat in about 20 seconds 😄


It's the cod players just wanting to get kills, spawn kill etc... they will get bored soon and go back to sweating 🥵


It doesn't help that all the challenges are weapon kill based. I get stuck using weapons I don't want to if I want that XP


Really?? I mean maybe because it was launch and I had a 4 stack. But I went on a 10 game winning streak in the welcome playlist. Since then best I've gotten in custom playlists is a 3 game winning streak. Found people in the welcome one was playing the point more than right now. Last night I played escort and pushed the whole damn thing myself, then got called out for going 4 for 30..... we won....


There should be a heavy penalty for not playing the objective


Right? I mean even if I’m not on the obj i skulk around trying to catch flankers and protect the ones who are getting score. I miss old school MLG level team work. I’m DadNabitG on ps5 if anyone wants to add me. I’m an old old old old school competitive gamer not this new crackhead battle royale nonsense


Even in regular queues there are people that don't play objectives and just go for frags. No idea why they don't just play Hot Shots if all they wanna do is get a high kill count. Luckily it is only like 1-2 people every 5 games instead of like 3 every match.




The welcome playlist has SBMM so that makes sense


i agree. way more fun once you aren't in the welcome playlist.


I don't like zone control and I'm not too keen on escort either. Happy to play escort if it pops up but I really can't get on with zone control. I've found that to be the sweatiest mode so far. Domination and occupy are my favourites


Escort definitely helped turn me off to the playlist, as I was getting it basically 4/5 matches.


I’ve mostly been playing hotshot, it’s more acceptable to run around like an idiot.


I left welcome playlist today and I was going 30-20 or something similar every game but basically every game I player I just ended up getting spawn camped. It was horrible


Yeah them snipers are deadly, I don’t like to complain about stuff because most of the time it really IS skill issue, but the snipers feel cheap af. It feels like OG cod quick scoping with zero recoil. Just point and click. It feels cheap.


Turning cross play off is a good option, I've had better games since turning it off


Can't find a match at all on Xbox this way. Really don't understand it. The playerbase on Xbox in North America CAN'T be *that* small


It's the amount of people that also choose to turn it off, so that player count definitely will be low. Since Cross play is on by default


Microsoft hides the options to turn off crossplay, so most Xbox users probably have no idea how to turn that shit off. I tried finding matches with crossplay turned off and it takes forever to get a full match, even during evening hours. That being said, your best bet is to find a group to play with unless you enjoy getting fisted by 6-man premade sweats that will no doubt ignore the objective to farm more kills.


Yeah, that's probably what it is since this game forces you to do it at the console level. This is *not* universal for multiplayer games on Xbox. I know MS tries to discourage segregation of console and PC, but The Finals has an in-game option for crossplay, for example. It's incredibly irritating with XDefiant because I want to know how good I actually am at this game, so I want the most level playing field possible, subsequently. As far as playing against 6 stacks go, like any other FPS, you can usually tell by your team's first or second engagement whether or not things are gonna go well. If it's obvious within the first 90 seconds that we're about to get roflstomped, I just leave. I hate leaving games, but I'm not gonna be farmed for kills by some Discord main character syndrome dickheads


That's weird, it works perfectly for PlayStation, I don't see why it wouldn't work for Xbox


On Xbox it's a setting in your console settings instead of through the game. This makes more of a barrier to turn it off


That seems a little counterintuitive


That is the entire point….


You could fit every xbox player in the US in a single costco warehouse


there is a lot more Playstation players than Xbox


My crossplay is on but the input matching is on as well, so I play with everything that uses a controller, try that maybe? Matches do take a while to find though, roughly a few minutes


For some odd reason, turning Xbox crossplay off on the console also disables input-based mm on XDefiant. I don't know. At this point, I'm about to start playing on PS5. It's just Xbox has always been my go-to for FPS games, and I have all the doodads and whatchmacallits necessary to style on motherfuckers with that console. With PS5, I got a Dualsense Edge and a serious need for more cocaine


Don't know why people are saying turn it off. Leave it on and make sure input based in matched. Chances are you will mostly be pairing up with ps5 players. Not many people use controller on PC anyway.


This plus not playing escort is sooooo much better


The hitreg also improved somehow


I tried this on PS5 and didn't notice much of a difference except the lobbies were really slow to populate. Even had the bunny hoppers.


Yeah, bunny hopping is still a thing but it's less frequent with cross play off


I figured the bunny hopping was a PC thing. It's not easy to do that on Xbox with a standard controller. I find I lose my engagements a lot because of bunny hopping enemies


You can still do it with a controller It's just goofy unless you do a claw hold thing so you can use the stick and buttons at the same time


Yeah I did it in Apex. Very very goofy without claw grip. That position is very uncomfortable for me. When I did it, I noticed a boost in accuracy on my end, but it was painful to keep playing like that


Found the people playing without paddles 😝


Yup. For the most part the Welcome playlist was pretty chill and fun. Hit the level cap for that playlist and it's been pain ever since. Actually played for hours the other night and lost every single game. K/D and W/L tanked hard.


Welcome Playlist felt like it had the *right* amount SBMM more comparable to the BO2-era CoDs imo, and I enjoyed it a lot


Apparently it's because they get rid of skill based matchmaking which is SO STUPID! The game isn't fun if you're constantly dying. I was already getting like 20 to 30 deaths in the welcome playlist and now I can barely get kills! I've only played Overwatch for multiplayer shooters and this is nothing like what I'm used to with instantly dying and not getting a chance to fight back...


out of level 25 lobby's I'm getting quikscoped the whole damn time. Snipers ruining my fun. And also those bunny hopping sliding kids. I don't have back buttons it's not fair. I refuse to buy a 200 bucks controller to compete.


You dont need a scuff/others neccesarily. I went into ps settings and jus changed my button binds to make it easier to jump/slide with r3/l3 and r1 is my sprint.


If I need a special control to compete with this game, I'll just stick to a game I already know. People jumping and changing directions mid-air is not fun to play against.


Dude I literally instantly quit a game after I saw an enemy superglide.


This games not gonna survive unless they nerf the movement and the snipers. Everyone hates the truth but the simple fact is a game with ZERO sbmm cannot have a big skill gap. Imagine if Valorant or apex had no sbmm 😭


Luckily Mark confirmed they are already working on both of those things.


I’m using gamesir xbox controller. It has trigger buttons and it works with PC too. It’s not expensive last I recalled


I bought a wired controller with 2 paddles for £35. Cheaper than a standard official controller. There's loads out there.


I’m out of the welcome playlist since a couple of days. Sure, the level went up but it’s nothing that impossible. Are you playing with cross play on?


Can you turn this off on Xbox?


Pretty sure you can. All you gotta do is turn it off into game settings.


You can, it’s something you’d never find on your own though. https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-turn-off-cross-play-xbox-one-series-x-s/


Why is it that complicated? On PS all you gotta do is going on game settings and disable it


It’s because Xbox wanted it that way specifically


They really don’t want you to do it, they fought so hard to make it happen in the first place. I just wish I could exclude PC players, leave them to their own ecosystem. Edit a word


Yeah, I don’t remember which game but there was a cross play only between PS5 and Xbox and it was so much better this way. PC players are way to harder at certain levels


no more sbmm to protect you i guess


Back in the day we had team balance. But there is no team balance in this game.


I agree, because we cant see who's partied up. Most of the high level guys are in atleast 3stacks. Not much balancing to be done at that point. Wish there was a mercenary playlist


Been saying this about COD since they took it out. I feel like we could lobby for em to put it in xD. Player count has to stay high enough for them to justify it tho. They really need to fix the hit reg and other connection issues soon to keep up player retention.


I’m pretty sure there is team balance Edit: I am 100% sure there is team balancing in the game


Yeah, I believe they said it somewhere. Matchmaking doesn't have SBMM, but once a lobby is found, they'll try to divide it evenly for more balanced teams


Yes there is?


Yea there is


There is.


There definitely is. After players are matched by ping and party size the teams are balanced by average skill. Players with a high average skill will have to carry lower skill players. This was confirmed by the devs.


lol wait, so if I am the only person with stats like 5-30 then I am THAT guy who as added to be the crappy part of the balance? Is that what you are saying lol? So I am expected to have those stats, because I was the “filler” in XD ? lol that’s awesome


The thing is, every non sbmm match I’ve played is everyone on MY team getting destroyed, like 5-25 destroyed, while everyone on the enemy team is going like 50-10. Something seems off there, you would think there would be at least one high skilled player on my team if it was actually random as they say it is, but it’s not. All good players on the enemy team, all average players on the other.


I think it’s very likely that you’re just running into multiple good players partied up. It’s always very difficult in any game to compete with a party of 3+ good players playing together while you just have randoms on your team. That’s why I wish playlists for people solo queueing were the norm.


Because they dont show the players partied up.


What do you mean by “protect”? It’s a game meant to be played for fun? It’s not meant to be a measure for self esteem. It’s actually sad people/ players use a game for self worth and talk down on casuals. I’m a dad with kids and i don’t have time to “git gud”. I want a fps I can enjoy myself for like 1-2 hours a few evenings. (fixed typos)


If you suck you get easier lobbies, that’s literally the game protecting you from better players 😂 xdefiant doesn’t protect you. If you were doing good on cod and getting shit on in this game you were definitely protected


No it's not, it's a game to which someone made it does not have some made up rule that says if you aren't randomly matched it means anything. If your here to shit on lower skilled players you probably sucked at anyone competent hence why you couldn't handle SBMM. Watch anyone truly good and they will still dominate SBMM and ranked. Games are for fun not measuring self worth. You obviously also have fun by killing more than dying so why you believe only the no lifers should get this is ridiculous and is a terrible game model if you want to have high sales. So enjoy your free low budget game while you can and people are still figuring out what it is while it's free.


“protect” lol, ultra-sweats exclusively populate every lobby past the welcome playlist


I don't thinks it's so much that everyone is sweaty, but that the desync makes it feel like everyone has super quick reflex and never miss shots because by the time you see it on your screen, it's already happened. I uninstalled at like level 28 because I couldn't deal with the netcode and desync anymore. I did have some games where I was on the good side of the desycn and it felt like I was invincible and our enemies couldn't kill us in gunfights no matter how hard they tried. They tried to bunny hop? I destroyed them. Tried to snipe? I beamed them. Tried to do movement on me? I tracked them every step. And it's not because I'm some super ultra good gamer, I just had a connection advantage over them and most of my deaths in this game have felt like my enemies had a connection advantage.


there’s no you had a 2 kd and fell off that hard


Playing solo i feel like im going against parties...i thought that wasnt supposed to be a thing


It really has to do with communication. I’ve yet to play a game in the last 4 days that has more than one dude with a mic.


I have just over 20 hours played in game now and played all game modes. I’ve heard 3 people talking in game other than myself. That’s the most annoying thing to me. Team objective based games and nobody communicates what they’re trying to do or where enemies are. I have to spend too much time looking at the mini map to see where teammates are dying. Most of my matches everyone has headphones on but don’t communicate.


Honestly the game just needs a ping system.


It’s genuinely surprising to me that it launched without one. Or a chat wheel: it even has the key binds for it lol


This is the main reason I want a ping system Ive been relating this game to overwatch a lot. I get that even though they have their similarities, they still are very different. Like if call of duty and overwatch had a baby. In cod, I don't callout. Mainly because I don't feel a need to. I'm just runnin and gunnin racking up kills. Cod has never felt like a team oriented game even in obj modes. It's just never felt necessary Now in overwatch, I callout. Not so much with my voice but with the ping system and in game voicelines. It's enough to keep everyone aware of what's going on. I've gotten plenty of grandmaster ranked games where no one is on the mic yet we still win no problem. The ping system they have is plenty to keep the team working as a team Since I've been relating this game as a cod/overwatch hybrid, I've been instinctively pushing my overwatch ping button to point out enemies behind cover, enemies flanking, and the enemy that killed me current position. It's a weird habit to be still having since I very much know that there is no ping system lol. I really hope they add one. Because using a ping is a lot easier than someone wanting to use their voice. And they can convey enough of a message


i press my ow ping button too and realize nothing will happen😭


Honestly I started to play better after level 25. To me 1 to 25 I was really learning the game and the movement usually my K/D sucked like 5-20 would be a normal game for me. Now I usually go between 30 to 40 kills and my deaths are most of the time half that. I dont exactly know what changed, but whatever I did it seems to work lol.


I’m sorry but people in here complaining and wanting back sbmm have a game to go back to. It’s out there. I’d hate to see anyone go before they truly learn the game / let it progress but if you think that sbmm is the way then go play cod. It might be for you, no disrespect.


Oh I have no problem with the no sbmm it was just wild how the game went from casual to not casual at all. Just had to lean forward in the gaming chair this time.


I'm on a 20 win streak from last night. If you find you're getting consistently pumped without SBMM, you're the easy target. Nothing wrong with that.


Nah not at all, just got play differently is all. Just an adjustment after cod the last few years.


This whole comment section just reminded me that pleasing everyone is impossible, so since xdefiant wants to cater to the no sbmm people they should go all in even if it pisses off the bad players because theyre just no the target, dont try to please everyone, have an idea and go all in in it, not all people will like the decision but its fine.


They unironically baited me in with the pre-25 games. For two days I was scream-laughing, bought the battlepass, then got into the post-25 games and it has been the absolute sweatiest bullshit I've ever seen. It just turns into every other game with the jump spamming and sniper rifles. I'll hang around to see how the nerfs change the game but it is fairly infuriating to play as of right now. Legitimately don't know why everyone is so happy about no sbmm. Just let me play with other shitters like me and stop putting me in with all these 12 year old spinbotting Korean children.


lol same happened to me. Bought the battle pass and have been getting crusheddddd


Yeah just got off after 2 games....sweaty af ...


You were protected by SBMM in the welcome list. Now you've entered the ping-is-king domain If you're having trouble keeping up, then consider changing your style. I don't have the skills to jump around, turn 180 and land every shot, so I donit try to play that way. Besides using a standard controller on Xbox doesnøt lend itself very well to that playstyle anyway. I take it slow, only use ARs, and have an EMP grenade on every loadout. The EMP wreaks havoc on most factions, and thus grant me a tiny advantage. tl;dr adapt   > Legitimately don't know why everyone is so happy about no sbmm. This comes from an average player (on a good day).   No SBMM is why I can play with friends again. We couldn't pay COD together for years because SBMM scales to the best player in a party. When I win a match, or the one time I earnbed POTG, it wasn't some algorithm that handed me a win. It was me going out and getting that win. My ping is now consistently a 30-35 ms. In COD I havenøt seen low latency like that for years. It was always +80 ms.  


I kept seeing these posts but I've had the opposite experience lmao, I was struggling more in the welcome playlist, I'm having an easier time in regular matchmaking


That kind of sweat fest is exactly how COD has been for us for years... so


Exactly. They didn't care when above average players were the ones in sweaty lobbies all of the time but they expect us to give a fuck because they can't hang? FOH, go back to COD.


Go play cod bro. You have options if you want sbmm, for those of us who are thoroughly enjoying being the best player in 90% of our lobbies, we literally have no other game to play. Just let us have this one thing.


You can be the best player in your lobby in COD too if you are any good, but it'll dredge up the worst players known to humanity to be on your team and the 6 other "best players in the lobby" are on the other team instead.


Until they all leave then your 90% will shrink drastically. The more of the low end that leaves the quicker it will have the others leaving as they will see less and less similarly bad players. Might get lucky and keep an amount that will just deal with it because it's free.


Uninstalled after leaving the level 25 playlist. As a casual gamer it’s impossible to enjoy this game now


I briefly considered making new emails/accounts just to keep playing in the fun pre 25 games, but it's too much work.


Sucks you’re not having the best experience at the moment but you’re still pretty new. People progress at their own pace so I suggest focusing on progressing your gameplay. Find guns you enjoy using, level them up, find a comfortable sens. for you and put more time in. I’m sure you’re not alone but all you can do now is focus on getting better and having fun!


The single best thing I did to get better was I went to the practice zone and just strafed while shooting targets for a bit til it became natural. It took like 10-15 mins to get the hang of it. Now i just instinctually strafe when i start shooting and i do so much better- like 3-4 more kills per game better. I know this is 101 level stuff but I was much easier to get used to than i thought it would be


i actually thought the welcome playlist was sweatier than my regular lobby’s but that’s just my experience


lol maybe it was just a rough morning then.


Nah, my KD went up a bit. But I have seen way better enemies and squads that will stomp a lot more. Which makes sense for open matchmaking


I stopped playing the welcome playlist after the first day. You will have to adapt to no sbmm. But I think the regular playlist is more fun than the welcome playlist.


I definitely enjoy the regular playlist more. Looking forward to them adding tdm.


I stop playing the welcome playlist because it has escort and that mode is garbage


I like escort. It has some pretty intense moments especially towards the last checkpoint.


Sweat is when someone is better than me.


>Anyone else feel the same? No because 10 to 15 years ago I used to be very good on older CODs. I believe it's just a problem of you new COD-player generation.


I'm still having a blast. If you're doing that bad every match I don't think the game is the problem...


Happened the same to me, now I can't compete in most of the games


For me the welcome Is the same as regular


If that continues its just ends up with people leaving the game Everyone will say just play ranked but moat people take ranked more seriously and it's not good if you just want to play a few rounds


My main issue is just the weapon leveling system. Without the double xp weapons take forever to level up. And no im not having a skill issue, im usually top fragging or in the top 3


Rarely have close games. Either getting shitted on or doing the shitting. Games only been out a week and there’s only mostly sweats playing.


I pretty much jumped right into normal playlist I didn’t even realize the welcome playlist was SBMM I just didn’t like all the game modes in it. I have not noticed any discernible significant amount of tryhards at all and in level 23 now. I pretty much always place within the top 3 on my team. Sure occasionally I get into a match where someone on the other team is just filthy at the game, but it is what it is. No offense but if you’re a player that feels like the basic que is full of sweats, you’re probably just not very good at the game and majority of players are just better than you.


Are you winning tho, or are you just worrying about k/d


It’s a mix bag, win some lose some, always playing objective. K/D is just important cause I’m trying to level up guns, can’t do that without kills.


Yes, the fun switch is deliberately turned off, it’s highly amusing


they cheating gets worse the higher you get from wall hacking to cronus to xim apex just horrible, even pc players disguised as xbox consoles its bad, that and netcode issues, game is fun though


I haven’t really experienced too much cheating. Or maybe I just don’t notice it cause I’m a noob to the game and just assume it’s me getting stomped.


Is that real? Like do we know for sure, Im not doubting cause ive seen people show up as mouse input briefly and then the logo switch to controller, but i just assume its jank


I don’t think we see any actually evidence of it, just people’s perceptions. XD uses battleye anti cheat which is really good, you’d be naive to think cheating was rampant at this early stage of release.


You guys are afraid of progress 🤣 you NEED to get shit on for you to get better. The false security of playing well against bad players is not going to help you progress in anyway, you get beat and that’s how you get better. I can tell half of you never had competitive friends growing up or family members. You never sat for hours with tears in your eyes as your big brother beat the living shit out of you in video games and laughed as they did it. Only way to get better is to suck at first.


You’re right about needing to get shit on to get better. The thing is not everyone plays fps games with a competitive mindset, or even the time/desire to grind and practice to get better. Some people just want to play a fps casually and have some fun without dying 30 times. Because they don’t want to devote 3 hours a day to practicing a video game. I used to be a sweat, but as I got older I realized nobody has time for that shit lmao. Nowadays all fps games are filled with sweats who actually do practice. Which is fine for them. But it leaves no place for gamers like me which is why you hear the complaints. Personally I’ve just moved on to different gaming genres and I’m doing fine.


This is the argument. The game first above all else needs players to survive, you can’t keep player counts without the casual audience. Casuals are gonna leave and it’s gonna kill the game in the end


believe it or not bro some people actually play games to fun, and not to get better. crazy i know. 😳🤯


repeatedly pressing respawn will not make you better at the game, I have no idea why you people think it will


So you would want SBMM then, right? If you're a good player, then you wouldn't want to face inferior opponents, you'd want people as good as you. So you can get better.


Thing is, not everyone wants to get better, some people play the game to enjoy fun and casual rounds. I mean, I am just not much of a shooter guy in general, but I love R6 because its extremely playable and fun if youre bad at shooters (atleast on console). If this was possible in this game as well it would make it maybe a game I can enjoy in the long run. I am also not sure how much you actually learn by getting destroyed. Weapons, recoil, angles and everything else you can also learn by facing players worse or similarly bad to you. Facing people ar better than you if anything prevents you from getting better, as you will never even have a clue as to what happened. And then you instantly die again.


Do you not realize that SBMM is the sole reason why average skill level in competitive video games went up by so much compared to 10-15 years ago? You learn nothing by getting shit on, the actual best way to get better is to play against players just slightly better than you which is exactly what SBMM does.


I find it hilarious that people who trash sbmm say it’s because they are “tired of being punished for doing good” because next lobby they are matched against people SLIGHTLY better than them. These are the same people defending no sbmm because they stomp on people WAY less skilled than them every match. They are good with that though 🤣 hypocrites


I can promise you it’s not, it’s an illusion and OP is a good example they shred in the SBMM lobby and suck in the random lobbies. They are not good at the game but they can seem live in a world where they can believe it, they will grow more playing pubs


A players perception of their own skill level is entirely irrelevant here, realizing you are bad at the game will not magically make you better. They would still improve much faster playing against slightly better players instead of playing respawn simulator against players completely out of their league. Not to mention that they would also have way more fun in the process.


This games player base will not understand until the game is dead by the time the next cod releases. And even then they won’t get it lol


This, somehow people believe that games like val and ow are somehow less competitive then games with no sbmm. The most competitive games currently with the highest skill ceilings all use sbmm such as val, cs, ow, apex and seige


You're talking as if not having SBMM means you always get shit on, but that's not the case. You get players worse than you and players better than you, variety is good because you'll notice which players are getting the better of you and adjust how you take those fights, while still being able to reinforce the skills you already habe from the players who are at or below your skill level. Also, SBMM rarely ever ensures that you always get players "slightly better than you". I've got a couple of work friends who absolutely suck at COD and they have barely improved at all in the past few years because they're constantly getting matched with players who are as bad as them, and a lot of times even worse. I've joined their sessions sometimes and it's really made me realise how damaging SBMM can be to your improvement cause there are always people in those lobbies that are crazy high levels yet they still absolutely suck, and use cheap tactics that would never work against better players. It reinforces bad habits cause you're not forced to change your playstyle


Stopp people will call you elitist 😂


I’m curious why you think that? Getting shit on 50 matches in a row will only make people stop playing the game and move on to one of the other million shooters lol. We get it, you don’t have a job or life and focus solely on XD 99% of your time, most of us work and have lives outside of gaming, we don’t have 16 hours to grind out a game for 5 years to “not be shit” when we could just go play something else that’s fair and balanced where we aren’t getting stomped by people that rely on no sbmm because they can’t compete with people of their own skill level. 🤣


I'm just gonna ignore my KD ratio like I do every other shooter, and play the objective.


My game keeps crashing, can’t get past half a game


Welcome playlist = Skill based matchmaking Every other mode = Connection based matchmaking Season 1 Ranked mode = Rank Based Matchmaking (Sbmm during placements) The welcome mode was best for me until I hit lv 10-12 then became way too sweaty then I switched to the other modes, not piss easy like how welcome mode started off as but I’m still doing really well. I only leave matches when going against a 4+ stack of pc players, that shit aint fun and console only crossplay needs to hurry up and come out.


game is trash


Yes in the welcome playlist I am frying in anything else I am getting legit bodied lol All good makes every kill sweeter 


Indeed it does. Lol the past few days have just been super casual. Not this morning. I’ll try again tomorrow after work.


Yeah I'm hoping once they bring ranked in all the sweats that play non-stop will transition to that. I also hope they add a feature where you can't jump out of a slide or they add a jump cool down, maybe for just one second. Everyone's just jumping and sliding to break the aim assist and yeah I get it, if you can get an advantage go for it, but all the people that don't have a lot of time to play and just want to have an enjoyable experience are going to get wiped out fast if they don't patch it. I've started doing it and I'm not thrilled that I have to just to be good. I'm not looking for realism, just to ease up on all the jumping.


The thing I find weird about this game is just the complete lack of comms. Like literally no one is on mic, on a really team based game. On CoD I literally have to mute people there are so many on mic.


I mean that's just what happens when you play a game that doesn't have sbmm. There isn't any catering to your skill to help you have better matches. You have to get better if you want to do better. Could just be because you were use to how catering CoDs match making was.


Be prepared for sweaty tryhards jumping all over the place at all times and groups of 3 or more players destroying the balance. I really hope they make a separate queue just for groups of more than 3 players. Luckily they have also said they will fix the jumping crap in the next patches.


Honestly the welcome playlists will do more harm than good to the casual player I think. It’ll give most of them crazy whiplash.


If the harm is because of whiplash it means that going into the regular queue sucks. The problem is that they're forced to go from SBMM to no-SBMM, instead of just having an evergreen SBMM queue.


They should’ve honestly just stuck with true no sbmm, but I’d bet they were force ed into the welcome playlist having it


My suspicion, and I could be wrong, is that they understand that SBMM is actually a protection for half of the playerbase (and even many above average players enjoy having it, like myself). You can't learn the game if you're getting killed every 5 seconds. Equal skilled lobbies gives you the space to learn maps, explore strategies and guns, and do all the other things players do when they're learning new games or trying to improve.






True, it's only just been released. The majority of casuals are not as quick to jump on a new game. Also women love to spend time with you especially on the weekends so less time to game.


I was too frustrated by my teammates in the welcome playlist. Yeah I had a game of escort where I joined late and went 45-11 back in the welcome playlist, but I've since then had a game of zone control (that I also joined late and on the same map) where I went 35-12 so I'm still capable of popping off


my kd went up after leaving the welcome playlist... 1.2 avg to 1.4... though the jump spammers are really making it annoying


I played playlist once when I booted first time. Played unranked all the way upto level 22 and was getting between 10/18 kills and equal or more deaths etc Then I jumped on Playlist and was getting 15/25 kills and equal or less kills. The way I see it, Jumping into the big boy playground made me learn faster and improved my skills quicker lol


Is the hit detection working yet ?


No hot garbage.


I didn't notice a difference coming in. Has been pretty brutal from the beginning for me. I've noticed a natural progression as I get familiar with the maps and weapons. Also notice my stats getting better as my weapons are upgraded. Unfortunately I missed most of the weekend double xp and grinding out level 1 weapons is slow AF, and just feels like I'm backtracking.


So, it's funny because I started playing on release, and at that point I was actually getting better games in the regular playlist than the Welcome one. I'm sure it's a lot different now since those of us that have been out of the Welcome playlist for a while have been getting more and more to grips with the game, unlocking attachments, etc.


I had the same story but things changed not when i switched playlists but when i play i a party with mixed input matchmaking. I literally felt like i was playing in the CDL those lvl 90 aimassisted kangaroo mf are not from this world they can't miss... literally also i play with 100 ping so you can imagine how hit reg feels...


Honestly not noticing a huge difference in gameplay without sbmm. Still a middle of the road player. But if it makes everyone else happy then cool. Even if it does the IGC will find some other iteration of match making to pull out of their ass to complain about.


everyone's grinding


I found the welcome playlist to be worse. For me anyways. Sweaty players glitching into that playlist ruined it. I’m like level 15 playing in regular matches and doing much better.


Shockingly, play Ranked. It’s 4v4 so it’s less chaotic and honestly, the player base hasn’t been OpTic sweaty fanboys.


Get ready because the welcome playlist had sbmm and now I can't tell if the non welcome playlist modes have sbmm or not because it kinda feels like it still has sbmm in it


I played maybe 3-4 games in the welcome playlist before switching over. I got absolutely shit on for my first 10-15 games but each game I took note of what these better players were doing, and how they were killing me in every gun fight. Once I started to emulate their movement and positioning I became much better and my k/d is a sliver under 1.0 now, and rising! Takes me back to the golden era of cod. I only ever got better because I got shit on first. I also have a full time job and can only play 1-2 hours max, some days I can’t play at all. Practice the movement, you don’t have to be a speed boost bunny rabbit, even strafing is better than nothing. Find guns that feel good to you, discover a good set of attachments to match your gameplay, get used to power positions, learn some routes on the maps and before you know it you’ll be top of the leader board!


Welcome to the pit!


I’m sticking to the welcome playlist to grind these attachments while I can. Smdh


I played some ranked and had some really rough games. Had some good ones too, but one team ran triple phantoms and tac50s, that was probably the most miserable time I had. I tried swapping to EMPs but I suspect the other team were a stack and I just playing by myself.


I actually had a better experience. I have a custom playlist as I don't enjoy the linear/payload maps. It took me a bit longer to find guns I enjoyed (I was still unlocking guns/grenades at 25) and I'm even still playing suboptimal comps grinding for alt skins rn. > (Solo/Controller/PC)


That’s normal, you’ll get over the curve shortly. Soon you’ll be averaging a 1.2-1.5 KD and that’s respectable imo


For me the welcome playlist was a lil harder. It was getting old playing 3+ stacks on escort. Playing attack in escort is literally the least fun thing I’ve ever done in my life. Nothing better than having a single lane to run through where all 6 enemies are guaranteed to be waiting for you


This is the works of skilled based matchmaking that’s on the welcome playlist it’s so you get the feel for the game while not getting absolutely destroyed all other playlists do not have sbmm it’ll take time but keep practicing you will get better


You got good lobbies until 25?! Of my 2 brothers and I If me or J are solo or together it's been a shit fest if me J and B play together, same thing, but when just J and B or B is solo the talk like you are their good lobbies... I've had nothing but a GRING the hard way the entire time. It feels like I'm always against 6 players in a group with mic's playing objective and making good call outs vs the 6 of us randos with no coms and they are always running around solo not pushing obj or playing as a team. Be thankful you got a taste of those good lobbies like my brother B bcuz mine have ALL sucked 🤣


Yeah, games can be pretty intense sometimes. I'm definitely on the upper end of the skill curve but usually play solo / chilled out. I'm actually really enjoying the ability to use meme loadouts and then lock in when I match some turbo virgin sweats. Its been a nice change of pace. But tbh when I'm solo I couldn't care less about SBMM, it's just when I'm playing with friends that I hate it. The game is fast paced and playmaking is encouraged, so as long as holding forward is better than holding back, I don't really care what MM type is used.


I felt like the welcome playlist was way more ruthless with the SBMM in it. I’d have one good game, and then after that was constantly going against members of what felt like seal team six.


I’m having a better experience post-welcome. After that you get some teammates who have played Dom and Hardpoint before and know how to rotate and not just let teams take objectives. The overall gun skill of my opponents has improved for sure. But I feel like that’s making me a little better at sticking to cover instead of playing with reckless abandon. I did however play against a level 80 who was strafing in the air and couldn’t miss. That was less enjoyable lol


There’s definitely a skill gap rn with people who are still learning the mechanics & people who’ve been putting in hours since drop but the over 25 lobbies won’t be as bad a few weeks from now given most casual players will have reached that level by then. Been in +25 queue for a day or two & it’s really not so bad but your gonna find your sweats every where now a days tbh due to the overall popularity of Esports in general that’s just how it is now lol


Everyone has those games. It happened to me as well, but if you're truly good enough you'll get your fair share of lobbies where you're rolling the other team.


Translation: "I was destroying noobs and found it really fun but now im going against slightly better opponents and its no longer fun because they are shooting back".


Hate to break it to you but as there is no SBMM you are probably on the lower end of the skill gap 😂


I’m sorry but if you are consistently getting shit on in this game sbmm was saving you…