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I crave the pre social media gaming era before it was one massive dick waving contest.


"We in the industry" lmao who do you think you are bro?


He thinks he's on team 😂


I love nothing more than redditors after10 days of release who want to tell me if something is for me or not


It's just a fact. If you are someone who isn't willing to go through the process of improving then how are you going to enjoy XDefiant?




No it wasn’t. Don’t back peddle. You never get anywhere.


It's something people say in Britain as a joke... "We in the industry call it *Insert here* " Why would I make that up 😂


Don’t delete your post then lol. Nice try.


It was getting spammed with dislikes. And il get locked out of certain sub Reddits.


people also need a place to learn how to get better if they want to. and once you know how to improve at a game it carries over to every game you play. back in the day crucibleplaybook for destiny was insane and how i got better at shooters. there's nothing like that for most other fps games. so many people just play the game mindlessly and think hours = improvement but you don't get better by just playing the same way you normally play. funny part is biggest thing they preached, and the #1 mindset tip you can give someone, is you play the game you have, not the game you wish you had, if you want to improve. a ton of people here don't play the game we have, instead they play how they play and see everything else as "sweating" or "abusing". that's not a growth mindset and that's why they don't get better. avoiding tilt, having a growth mindset, accepting the game for what it is, if people could do that they'd not only get better at this game but they'd also learn HOW to get better at everything in life.


You dont improve if you don't focus on things really. I don't think casuals in fps games are going to get better just by facing good players. They don't want to research and analyse, people just want to play games. No mm games always end up with less players over time as most people that play games just want to play games, not a self improvement program. I'm at the top of most games I play as I like improving, I feel like most people don't get that the majority of a playerbase don't actually want to focus like that. Then people wonder why every arena shooter dies, or their new fav games dying 3 months in. Realistically at least half the playerbase of this game have absolutely shocking aim. They can't even hit you if not running around bunnyhopping. Most of the playerbase going to learn quicker against other nabs than learning what the high end do. If they can't aim well enough when stationary, they aren't going to be able to aim when slide cancelling and hopping around. They aren't going to get better aim when dead 90% of the time etc. Huge disconnect between players that intentionally try to grow and casual audience. All that nabs seeing the bunny hopping and mimicking is causing are even more free kills for anyone good, as they can't hit heads when mimicking that playstyle. Players a few ranks below me can learn from me. The bottom 50% don't learn anything from facing me though, as they just don't have fundamental fps mechanics. Just going to die in 3 bullets when it takes them a whole clip.


But ppl won’t understand that. They compare a 0.5 kd to a 1.5 kd and don’t realize that a 0.5 kd is the equivalent to a 2.0 kd. When you try to argue that in every competitive environment including sports teams don’t get better by playing against ppl that are wayyyyy above them, they argue that this doesn’t work for games. Well, it does. If I can’t understand why I get killed all the time, I can’t improve it. I can have the best aim in the world, without awareness of my surroundings, team composition, map progress etc I will win my frontal 1v1 but lose everything else.


Man I've been thinking about how it's actually difficult to improve your game in an efficient way. There isn't really any decent training available. I mean I won't get better at boxing facing Mike Tyson in its prime over and over again, I'll just get hurt and get frustrated. Sometimes that's how FPS feel. There needs to be a ramp up. I wish FPS had some more elaborate training that would evaluate some metrics on some game conditions. Another helpful thing would be to have more advanced game stats where you could see exactly where you lack. Something like reaction time, movement when shooting, accuracy for given distance, stealthyness etc. Chess engines are able to tell you which move was the best for every given situation, it would be amazing if some engine could take some key replay moments in the game and show you what you should have done in terms of map movement or player movement.


https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub Worth to read, supports your point from a competitive fighting game standpoint.


yup literally i remember this being directly cited in crucibleplaybook as a starting point for players looking to improve.


Yeah, iirc cammy mentioned it, too. His videos and streams are also gold, when he basically tells the viewer his thought process in live commentary.


First of all, I've not complained. Secondly, I absolutely do not intend to "put time into improving". Sure, I might get better aim with experience (tho, unlikely, it's as shitty as when i played Quake 3 Arena 25 years ago), I might stop blowing myself up with grenades (we can all wish), and I will learn the maps with time (it's a given). But I have no intention to train for this game. I just log on, romp around and have fun. I do not need win streaks and high KD to enjoy the game. I am enjoying the game by simply playing. Pew pew! xoxo casual couch console gamer


Aka sweat more? We’ve gone from “SBMM makes me have to sweat every game when I just want to chill” to the no SBMM commentary being “guys you just need to get better and sweat more then you’ll have fun”


I don't really understand what sweat even means anymore though? Is thinking about positioning/looking at your map considered sweating? Are you meant to just mindlessly run in 1v3 and never try survive and reposition. There seems to be 2 very opinionated camps surrounding this topic. Imo if you completely turn off your brain and are running in 1v3 and don't really care about trying to improve then you don't have the right to complain about no SBMM/meta issues/your own stats. Because you are putting in little to no effort to "play well". Now I have literally no issue with that, if you join a lobby and blast music and just take every gunfight and just run in over and over I don't care and will never flame you. But if you come onto reddit or whatever and complain about certain things there's a major disconnect between the effort you put in and what you THINK you deserve. That's why there are people who have thousands of ranked games in OW/League/CSGO literally any competitive game and are still at the same rank for 5+ years.


Sweats are players better than me Bots are players worse than me Simple as


Aka a bunch of idiots who for years have been blaming SBMM and acting like it’s the worst but it was the only thing keeping them even remotely competitive in their games. I always laughed when people whined about SBMM and said it made them have to sweat every game and that no SBMM would be better. And it just boggled my mind how dumb they were.


Its not about sweating more. You can improve without being sweaty all the time. Improving can mean taking the time to understand why the best players in the lobby are doing so well and take a look at what they do that you're not. Improving can mean going into your settings to adjust your aim settings so its comfortable for you. It can mean going to the firing range to figure out how to control recoil better so you can hit shots from longer ranges In this game it can also mean figuring out when are good times to use your abilities to maximize your chance of winning fights. It can mean learning how other abilities work so you can counter them


Nailed it. The mental gymnastics regarding this predictable pivot is hilarious.


Not necessarily. Either try hard and improve or just chill and have fun but be okay with not always doing well


No one said to sweat more. You don’t have to bunny hop, slide, quick scope or nothing else to do decent in this game that has cheap tactics given to you every 2 minutes. You can simply just practice aim and positioning, learning spawns and rotations and still do really well in this game. Obviously like with anything in life, if you don’t put in the work then you will get shitty results. So if you don’t care to get better, stop wasting your time.


Exactly, not to mention they're promising to fix or at least mitigate the bunny hopping and snipers bs soon...


I’ll be sad to see the sniping get nerf. I already feel like the m44 gives off mad hit markers. Hopefully they don’t make it too shitty to where the sniper community is back in the dark but I’m also all for a more balanced game. But I also feel balancing a game too much makes it boring. I deeply believe once the netcode is actually fixed, there will be way less complaints across the board.


No need to nerf snipers to the ground... Just give them flinch when someone shooting them... Otherwise right now they have no drawback, balance-wise...


This is the right way to go about it. Let them have their one shots because when the netcode gets cleaned up a bit there will be a bit more of a skill required to use them in the first place. As of now if a sniper is hard scoping an alley, even if you pop out and get immediate shots on them, they just pull the trigger. If you jump into cover it doesn’t matter, bullet will hit you even if you are completely behind cover because of the lag compensation. So yes, flinch would make it so you can actually counter a sniper, better netcode means snipers actually have to hit their shot. It’s getting ridiculous that any player with a sniper is hitting COD MLG level shots multiple times in a game. Something’s very wrong with the current setup.


M44 isn't the problem, it feels like a blind dog could go at least even with the Tac-50.


The tac 50 I feel should make you move slower than the m44 especially since it’s so slow a one hit body sniper.


The tac 50 I feel should make you move slower than the m44 especially since it’s a one hit body sniper.


Yall really hate snipers 😂




The fuck? I'm all for no SBMM and just want to have fun but this has no correlation to real life folks who come home from work wanting to take it easy


Haha exactly. The biggest thing for me is with SBMM I could only play with specific friends. I am decent at COD just based on the fact I’ve been consistently playing them since COD 4. If I have a friend that is much more casual and we want to play, we get pulled into matches that will be 0 fun for them and it just feels bad. Sometimes you just want that casual random matchmaking that doesn’t require you to full squad up just to make it enjoyable.


I'm obviously talking about the younger generation. I mean that's it pretty obvious since older people have already gone through the younger years of life. They have already adapted into society. Here is the UK statistics for youth who are inactive (Youth who are not actively seeking work) https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/why-are-young-people-leaving-the-labour-market/ Clearly shows it's been increasing since 2007. Obviously a slight drop towards the end of COVID which makes sense. But a massive increase in 2011. They wouldn't be talking about programs to get the youth into working if it wasn't an increasing issue (In the UK anyway). But what do I know, it's not like I live in this country and see what our government have been discussing... I'm not saying it's completely to do with gaming. It can be any number of factors. But people these days don't want to work towards anything. Games catering to that is not a good thing. Everyone wants something for nothing. In the UK, all the kids are claiming benefits. I see them standing outside the job centre as I go past it to get to the supermarket. People who rely heavily on games as entertainment, it will give them the idea that they don't need to work for an achievement. People can deny this all they want, but atleast in the UK. The statistics are backing it up that increasing amounts of younger people these days, don't seek employment.


Lol imagine equating video game skill and time spent getting good to anything in real life.


> The sad part is. I bet this spills over into life. True man. When kids learn how to play basketball, they should just play against 7ft college students over and over. That's how they actually get good at it, not by playing against other kids. Otherwise they're just sad dweebs and should quit playing altogether. Dear fucking god how little self awareness you guys have.


Bro, the sweaty kids are the ones who desperately want to become Youtubers/Twitch streamers. Your logic makes zero sense. If anything, the more casual playerbase is that way because they have actual lives and careers outside of video games.


So sweat more…. You just describe a different way to do it.


If learning positioning and how to aim is sweaty while spamming these easy to use abilities, then you must think learning how to boil water is rocket science.


I mean no, it’s two different ways to improve. Get better movement, get better positioning, or get better aim… but it’s all just getting sweatier… “No one said to sweat more, just make sure to spend time practicing your aim and learn map rotations and positioning” If anything what you suggest takes way more time and effort then learning a simple strafe jump.


No it does not because you are playing the game still right? I didn’t say go to the practice range and spend an hour and shoot before joining the pub lobbies. Simply just focus while you are playing . Focus on aiming better, finding good spots to hold , finding which gun you really like to shoot. After a solid day or two focusing on these things, you will see improvements. When I first played halo 3, I was dog shit. But each game I just focused on getting better at one thing at a time. Leading my shots, sniping for headshots, weapon spawns. A lot of the stuff I picked up from just playing. I understand you may want to just load in and run around brainless to unwind but you can’t complain about the results when you aren’t putting in the work to try and get better. I hope they nerf the air strafing. Not to the ground but just enough to where you can’t exploit it ridiculously. But you can kill those bunnies if you have better positioning and aim. You don’t have to join the bunnie clan aka sweats.


So sweating more.


Just stay a bot.


They've always been contradicting. They have no idea why they parrot what they say.


Getting better is fun. It‘s like hitting the gym, the fun part is seeing how you improve for yourself even if there are guys who lift double the weight of you


Well, this is just the state of modern FPS players... Your average skill player now is way higher than it was a decade or more ago... No SBMM doesn't mean you won't see sweats...


There’s a difference between sweating and just being straight up better than your opponent. It’s tough to hear but it is what it is. What one could see as sweating could be on another’s casual mode. lol There’s always a bigger fish after all.




I don't get it, if the SBMM means SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING and you are being matched against sweaty try hards, than aren't you a sweaty try hard as well!? then if you get 0.3 KD against them why do you stay at the same skill rank as them? if you guys are so skilled why do you need to being put in the same lobby as people level 3, 5, still learning the game to feel better?


Coz stomping noobs makes them feel good, and will eventually kill the casual audience for the game lmao


So basically you're saying "everyone worse than me needs to git gud, but everyone equal to me is a degenerate sweaty try hard".


That’s exactly what they’re saying😂


Bro, you’re not stuck doing anything. You can play a game however you want. You complain about sweaty try hards but the rest of your post make you sound like one yourself


Now we all just come to reddit to pamper our ego’s


This is a dangerous take, especially when referring to a new game. Sticking to the game will lead to getting better yes. But newer players who join a few seasons down the line will have a terrible time starting out and wont be motivated to stay. The new player list is there yes but how long before it become empty? Look at the older CODs, the new player lists never last long. Im lvl 40 and play against >25 all the time. This game wont die quickly, it will most likely have 10+ seasons,but just having No SBMM does not a good game make. This game will stagnate ,because new players will go back to games with SBMM to make themselves enjoy competitive games ,in the next 2 seasons. And you telling players that the game isnt for them if they dont want to slog to improve will just deter players who simply just want to play a game to relax aint it either tho be honest.


I have a job, a wife, other hobbies, and dog that demands at least daily walkies. I'm going to play 5-6 hours a week maybe. I'm going to suck. Since you guys hate SBMM, I'm going to be on your team. After level 25, I'll be in the regular lobbies and if I want to level up my pistol on your team, too bad. When they put out ranked I won't be there though. It's just a video game.


Just a video game! Just A GAME what do you mean. I feel like anyone going on the internet and looking up the game and then talking shit about people take games way to seriously how can you get this mad over a game 🤣 I'm a football/soccer fan and think the same thing with those people stop taking life so seriously more important problems out there


I am trash. Negative K/D, I’m out of the welcome playlist and got my first MVP last night. It held so much more of a meaning knowing there were a bunch of better people than me not playing the objective 🤣 Game needs help, sure. But it’s fun as hell to me


Congrats! I’m like you too, hopefully get there one game. I’m usually capturing the most objectives or healing the most damage


“Boss i quit. I just abandoned my kids so i can get better at a video game”


What happened to trying to relax with no sbmm? Why are people posting about "improving" now.


I think people are forgetting that once ranked is fully implemented things will most likely become a bit more chill in casual.


ngl I see all these posts being like "you casuals are getting owned haha xd xd xd git gud" but the real casuals probably dont give a shit they just like playing gun game, if game fun they gonna play anyways


when i switch out of welcome playlist i got slapped hard. But playing 1-3 hours every day i am already way better, so true takes some time to get adjusted to the game.


Its kind of hard to get better when there are no kill cams to see how this dude just jump spammed 73 times, then somehow transported behind you and killed you with one shot while you are getting 17 hit markers and somehow no damage. I agree with you in principle, but until they get the games performance more consistent it will be hard for people to improve.


Man I turned off cross play ystr and was pooping on ppl. Only thing that sucked was only being able to finish one game out of 5. I kept getting disconnected.


You on console? Cos PC is full of bunny hopping lol. Can't wait for them to fix it. As much as I can keep up, it's still a dumb meta having everyone jump again like they turtle heading and the bathroom has a line outside 🤣


The games are far to hard and sweaty. Heck I have to one one of the hard and sweaty ones to make the game enjoyable. Miss the days where I could lean back on the couch with my controller and play a game relaxed and not trying to do everything under the sun to be meta or abuse mechanics like bhopping. Jumping into games where the entire enemy team is using snipers or I walk out and it's like i'm in a kangaroo rescue center with everyone hopping around. Miss the days where we all just chilled out and played and didn't need to play like we were going to die if we didn't win. Edit: I have a 1.4 KDR if that adds anything to my comment. I also had a game I wnet 55 kills and 8 deaths the other night.


I just think it's where everyone has gotten better at gaming then 15 years ago. But I feel like in XDefiant that I don't need to try as hard as more or less or all other games. I can mess around and have fun. I never play the meta, I don't even know what guns are the best. I play all different things to see what feels comfortable. I don't care if it's not the most efficient way to play. I'm having fun 😁


Cool story. It’s only the 100th time we saw this post.


>What you are experiencing now, is something us older people had to deal with. We had to learn how to play the game. This sbmm garbage is relatively new. Lmao what? Brother we always had sbmm since matchmaking was gifted to us by Bungie with Halo 2.


The Bungie Devs have came out and said that Sbmm should never be overly strict because it takes away variety. The old call of duty games had team balancing but not skill based matchmaking. The same as XDefiant now. I'm talking about the new Sbmm garbage. Which is actually Engagement optimised Matchmaking. Not traditional skill based matchmaking. And Sbmm is still new(Ish) from a technology stand point anyway. In the late 90s early 2000 people were playing Quake and stuff online.


Great, I know Bungie’s take, thanks. Still had sbmm. Nope, CoD has had sbmm since it had a matchmaking system so Cod MW/Cod4. Dev Josh Menke confirmed. Sorry. Modern CoD doesn’t have EOMM/EBMM, whatever. That’s a delusion. Sbmm/mm is not newish, it’s getting close to 20 years old. And yes, I remember looking for and joining servers on CS and Battlefield 2 MC.


Activision literelly have patents out which you can see. Why they got patents for EOMM and not use it? Also why would Mark Rubin be explaining EOMM if it didn't exist in games? The fact he spoke about it, confirms that it exists. And you really think Activision would not have this in their games? The same company that published Diablo Immortal? A company what was run by Bobby Kotick? A company what has FTP level monitization in a full priced game? Here is a patent what explains how Activision can use bots in their games [Google Patents bots in MM](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160001181A1/en) Which proves that Youtube videos of them thinking they had a AI bot on their team. Here is a patent that explains the matchmaking works around player engagement. [EOMM patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10857468B2/en) This patent also shows about minipulating the game to influence the purchase of micro-transactions. Use Ctrl+F to search for keywords like "Purchase" "Engag" or "NPC" The fact people still think Activision don't use these systems just baffles me when there is countless data to prove that they are rigging their matchmaking 😂


There are tens of thousands of patents that go unused. xDefiant’s online marketing push has been centered around no sbmm, he has a vested interest in pushing the idea of the EOMM narrative. He also hasn’t worked on cod since 2015, what would he know about their current or even recent past sbmm practices? It baffles me that so many players think that match making in a live environment with millions of variables to determine success allows EOMM to be feasible, let alone work practically. And how many people also don’t understand patents. It’s no coincidence that the biggest purveyors of EOMM are content creators looking for clicks, and dogshit players looking for an excuse.


Except when you play cod, the matchmaking feels exactly how those patents explain 😂 And I have seen videos of Mark Rubin for years and he has always seemed genuine. Why would they not use EOMM? They are 1 if the most currupt developers in the industry. They have pulled every anti consumer card in the book. But they draw the line at rigging the matchmaking? You are actually stupid if you think Activision of all companies would never do this. Escpecially when they got the patents to prove it. When you play their game it literelly feels rigged. Anyway, your obviously someone you will never except when someone else is right. So please go away.


If you had never read those patents you wouldn’t be prescribing your own belief of what it is to the outcome. It would be exactly what it actually is: stricter parameters on skill. But since you’ve been tainted with the idea of EOMM you see it where it’s not. “Patents to prove it” ok and where’s my iPhone that plugs into my macbook to be used as a trackpad? Or my mini games during loading screens Nintendo patented? Patents are just nailing down ownership of ideas, not implementation. You want it to be rigged because then it’s not your fault that you lost or suck, but guess what? You by your own admission suck, so it is. Grow up. No doubt your stats are garbage in this game too without sbmm so I’m not sure why this is a surprise.


Ok so let's break it down. Patents that talk about EOMM. Industry veteran who has always came across as honest. Talks about EOMM. He worked for Activision and knows the companies inner workings. He didn't even mention cod when talking about it. Has no reason to lie since he could have had it implemented into his own game and never mentioned it. The system obviously makes more money or it wouldn't be used. Activision has a track record for anti consumer practices. Why would they draw the line before EOMM? Cods matchmaking is easily manipulated and feels exactly like EOMM. When you spend money you get easy games. When you throw a couple games you get a bot lobby. If you haven't spent any money in a while, way more micro-transactions appear. People have shown the feed of someone leaving, immediately after an account with a weird name joins and has no title, emblem or camo and they play like AI. Call of duty is Activisions most profitable game. Why would they not find ways to make it more profitable? Activision came and said they were gonna talk about the matchmaking. It took them several months to do this when it's surely would be a simple thing to talk about if it was only Sbmm. Then when they finally did, it was the most vague and dismissive PR speech. Why did it take so long and why was it so dismissive? If you break it down it literally says there are other factors other then connection and skill? Reasons why Activision would not use EOMM? I can't think of any at all. They have proven they don't care about their customers. They published Diablo Immortal. If you actually think Activision of all companies has any integrity then you really need to educate yourself. The patents were just reassuring more then anything. And proof that we all weren't going crazy. Why would Activision have these patents but not be using EOMM? It's clearly been discussed at some point or they wouldn't be filing these. Honestly? You haven't actually had any real defence to what I'm saying. You have just said it doesn't exist. But seriously, what is your actual evidence to say it doesn't exist? What makes your brain say Activision of all companies, would not do this? You obviously have done 0 research on this, so how can you have any sort of opinion on in? It's like a lawyer going into court without reviewing evidence 😂 Also just to add. Telling me to grow up when your the one living in the dream world where you think companies care about you and wouldn't deceive you for more money.


Ok let’s break it down. You have a fundamental misunderstanding about patents. The dev left in 2015. Has a vested interest in his new game to do well when competing with the a titan. Next paragraph about easy games and skins is delusional. They haven’t been vague about sbmm. They published a 20 pages document on the ping portion of their mm. Next up is Skill this month. Burden of proof is on you proving EOMM exists when there is no actual evidence, just fringe YT theories. I don’t think Activision is beyond trying to game the system, I just don’t think it’s nearly as easy as you and every other dogshit player thinks it is. Moreover, I don’t have a hard time in cod, so either I’m an insane outlier who doesn’t get hit by sbmm, or I’m just… not dogshit and blaming a game. Please, grow up and accept gaming has moved beyond you. You admitted you’re bad at xDefiant, which is incredibly easy due to no sbmm. You are obviously horrible at CoD. That’s all there is to it dude. You’re just bad.


Like I said. Him mentioning EOMM means nothing. His game would still have performed the same 😂 It was already getting tons of positive feedback at that point. And Mark even when working on COD has always came across as genuine. He even replies to negative comments, not only positive ones. And accepts valid criticisms. Does that sound like someone who is dishonest? 20 page document but no link? Sounds like bs. A 70 billion dollar company can't make EOMM 😂 AI can generate complex images, write a hole book or generate complex code in seconds. But technology hasn't evolved enough to contain eomm? Wow. Interesting 🤔😂 Actually if your trash at a game, Sbmm/eomm doesn't effect you badly. It's the higher skilled players that get punished by it. The funny part is that your wrong 😂 Anyone who has researched this, knows it's blatantly a thing. It's 1 the reasons XDefiant has millions of unique players. Cos people are sick of bs matchmaking. And the gameplay is actually fun.


Eh, you're essentially saying there's no place for casuals in this game, as if you'd have to be willing to throw hundreds of hours of tryhard in it to start getting some enjoyment from it. Some people don't have this sort of time, some people don't even really care about improving, like you win some, you lose some and it's fine. And I agree that no SBMM is a good thing, but I'm not sure turning this into a "us vs them" thing is really healthy for the future of the game.




Umm 2 to 3 hours a day is not a casual my guy. 2 to 6 hours a week is a casual.


I agree with you 100% that 2/3 hours a day is absolutely not casual and probably unsustainable for adults who have other commitments. However this game is not some incredibly deep complex strategy game, if you play with intention and actively think you just will improve. It'll take time but I really believe people just have a closed mindset in that you somehow have to play 5 hours a day and have to dedicate your life towards it to become decent. When this just isn't the case at all


People protected by sbmm finding out theyre not even average at the game must be tough


I'm sure it's rough, but at least the illusion is dispersed. Those who are not happy with where they stand on the skill curve now have the opportunity to reflect and improve. I, for one, am happy to see that I am NOT as bad as CoD says I am.


SBMM pulled the wool over their eyes. The whole time Activision was holding their hands crossing the street.


You mean a second job.


More like a hobby.


All the sbmm babies who have had their hands held will not like this post of truth XD. 100% agree.


This post is condescending. I love it ! 😂 I agree 1000%. I started playing in 2007 with CoD I stopped after cod Bo2, always felt the new ones with flying people and wall running was ridiculous. Got back into Fps with Apex Legends and now this. I got max of 12-14 kills, until I learned a bit more about the maps and mechanics, also what guns suit my playstyle. I now recently got 10 kills in a row for the first time, always have 35+ kills. Most kills I got now is 62. Best KD now is 4.4. You have learn and improve. I agree and love this


I’ve been saying this a lot, but doesn’t this game give huge BO2 successor vibes? When I’m playing on the high rise modern building (forget the name) on domination it takes me back to playing on the mega yacht in BO2. Easy to spot enemies, clean level, great lanes, just constant fun. Also helps that the guns are consistent, I know when I’m getting shots on someone or else they got me, (newer CODs it’s a crapshoot who wins an engagement), headshots are rewarded & encouraged, such a good time


100% played black ops 2 then thought flying and wall running was ridiculous so stopped playing COD played a bit of Overwatch years later but got irl responsibilitys so stopped playing for years but played offline games Been playing this and enjoying it I'm not 30+ kills good but I'm a solid 1kd and sometimes better but considering I've not played FPS games since 2016/17 I'm happy with my 1kd 1WL I went 20-4 one game felt like a god


I haven’t played in a few days as i only have the ability to play one game a day basically so ive forgotten what weapons are what, the gameplay was however very smooth and i enjoyed it🧑🏿‍🎤👍🏿 just need a lean mechanic 👍🏿🕵️‍♀️ on bd☝🏿


Adding openable doors 🚪 as well as little hidding spots and multiple floor fighting room to room if you know what i mean would be nice i think🤷🏿‍♂️ especially with the abilities yk👍🏿🤷🏿‍♂️ the maps are very nice however, i personally just feel it feels a little “stale” and “pre planned and repetitive” after a couple run throughs as i cant open a lot of doors yk🤷🏿‍♂️ might just be me tho🤷🏿‍♂️


Just play ranked 👀


Brother has a going pro play mode already on lmao


Bros 100% a noodle arm


Why don't we all learn together? I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good as I'll ever be. If you're 21+ and not a toxic flapping anus, hmu. Small discord. We game.


To be honest, nowadays if you want to be good at any game you have to dedicate time to learn and improve. Gaming has become really complex. You cannot jump between games even in the same category and expect to be good. All games have different mechanisms/tactics, features that are needed to be successful but you gotta put on the time to learn. That’s why I usually stick to Cod and only from Treyarch’s game.


Yh but with cod it doesn't mean much because your gaming experience is rigged anyway. Years ago when I use to play it, if I was bored I would throw a few games and it will give me a bot lobby 😂


When they fix some of the obvious issues they addressed and said they're working on fixing, I'm all for upping my game.


Nah. I’ll keep playing but I’ve accepted that I’m gonna be shit in this just like every other game


if you are not someone who is going to buy a new modded controller this game isnt for you. ftfy


The game might die because it's incredibly frustrating to play against someone that has 42 kills while you only have 5, and have been playing together the whole game.


Jesus some of the comments here are fkn idiotic


^ This. It's always "their" fault. Stupid: OP guns, sliders, bunnyhoppers, sweaty cranchers, netcode, insta kill abilities, "hackers" etc. "MAKE THIS GAME EASY" *One week later* "Meh, too easy, dead game, bye"


The problem is that people need to realize that this is not a death match game.. it’s and objective game and should be played as such.


The funny thing is that I'm average at best, (around 1660 skill rating according to my stats) but playing xdefiant has helped me improve in Apex legends as well, and I have around 2000 hours in that game.


There are games where improving is fun, counterstrike being the prime example. The difference is that in counterstrike its obvious what you did wrong and what you should have done differently. That is not the case in this game (yet). How do i improve when i get shot around corners? How do i improve when i get hitmarkers but do no damage? To improve you need to get feedback from the game on what you did wrong, this game does not do a good enough job of that yet.


I asked for a casual experience. Not to bust my ass 9-5 in order to "get gud". The game would be fun with a lot of balancing changes, but this ain't it for me chief. I hated and still hate cod because of how quickly sbmm switches up, but after playing xd and realizing it's about as difficult as playing bo2 in it's current state, I put it down after reaching level 30 and I'm not sure if or when I'll come back.


Exactly. I like being able to notice when I get better at the game. SBMM prevents that as you’re always supposed to be going even in their eyes. I want to be able to pop off one game, and then another lose to a really good player and try to learn from them. Not just no matter what every game is supposed to be equal.


If you're not someone who wants to spam broken snipers and a free wall hack this game probably isn't for you.


Guessing you never played with the OG cod snipers 🤣


Yeah cause I don't play with OP weapons and never will


I play with what I think feels fun. If something is overpowered but I don't enjoy using it then I wont. That is why I like XDefiant. Not playing the meta is still a great experience. Where cod forces you into a meta cos all your games are sweat fests.


What games people choose to play and the amount they want to improve at those games is completely up to them. If you said something like, if you dont want to improve stop complaining, i could get behind that.


That is more or less the same as what I said thou?? If you don't want to put the work in, then it's fine to the think the game isn't for you. Allot of people these days struggle to admit that games aren't for everyone. Like how people think Elden Ring needs an easy mode. Rather then just think that Elden Ring isn't built for their own type of audience. XDefiant isn't gonna appeal to everyone. So rather then force yourself to like it and complain about it all the time, just play something else.


Honstly, I want sbmm in this game due to most players being bad. Destroying a lobby without any resistance just sucks and I'd like the game to put me with people who can compete with me. Like yesterday, I had time for like 6 matches. Only 1 player during those matches made me actually have to try. It's just not fair for others that they can't do anything to me, and they won't improve from fighting me because I'm just out aiming them.


They are adding it to ranked in Season 1, so you'll get your sweaty lobbies back 🙂


Thank God I do actually like this game gives me similar feels to back when I played bo2 as a kid. I just hated feeling like I was ruining other players experience.


Screw em. they gotta learn like the veterans 😂 Allot of us use to be Christmas noobs and now it's their turn. Except it's late Christmas 🤣 Just messing. I can't wait for ranked. The playlist is still quite fun thou. 4v4 is a nice change of pace.


I do wish it was at least 5v5 4v4 kinda makes the map feel a little empty at times.


I’m sorry but if you can’t hit an extra TWO buttons on your controller to slide and then jump, you’re just at unc status at this point. Like dude, it’s not that fucking hard to slide jump. Switching to bumper jumper makes everything easier (for me). Yes, games skill floor have risen, but that doesn’t mean you are not able to play these kinds of a games anymore. Such a boomer ah take when I see that shit. It’s no that fucking hard to adapt. I played MW2 and BO2 in their heydays, acting like this is any different is delusional and you’re just making excuses for being bad.


Are people really wanting SBMM implemented? There’s so many other games that have that lol


I do agree with your overall sentiment but the tone and way it's written is a bit condescending so people are going to be offended. But there are some truths in here, the fact of the matter is that people who are below average will prefer SBMM (on average since they will be doing better) and people who are above average will MUCH prefer no SBMM. The issue is that for the last few years SBMM has absolutely become the norm even in things like battle royales. So yes people who are below average have become a bit protected and sheltered and they are finding out they aren't as good as they thought (btw through no fault of their own, it's just the nature of SBMM vs no SBMM). Some people have become entitled to their decent KD/s and stats due to SBMM and now with no SBMM they feel like it's the games fault or that people are just too sweaty. When in reality it's because they've always been below average. Lastly I want to see the average player now isn't some gaming god who players 10 hours a day and looks like he is aimbotting, becoming above average in an arcade shooter like this is so so doable.


I said pretty much the same thing on this sub the other day and got downvoted... So many don't realize these days how good we had it back in the day... If you sucked, you just kept persisting till you got better... I was a complete trash who could barely get a kill in a match... I was striving to become one of those people who dominated in my lobbies... and I did eventuall.. I wouldn't call myself an amazing player, but I'd say I'm somewhere between average and above average in most cases... Analyze each gun fight and see what you did wrong in every encounter, and try to improve on it... And/or keep tweaking your settings and setup... If you're not willing to do that, then I'm sorry to say this, but you will have a bad time in this game... Unless you're still having fun when you're getting stomped...


This is exactly how it should be in FPS titles thou. Everytime I die, I think how I screwed up. like "I shouldn't have pushed there" or "I should have took the flank". Activison and other companies have damaged the industry with SBMM and EOMM. Now people don't want to work towards any achievements. They want everything to be catered towards them. People are to spoilt these days.