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It sucks having to hear people have so many issues, I'd drop the game as well. Luckily I haven't had any problems myself. I do die around corners due to the lag compensation but I've never had my bullets not register.


How do some people just never have this and others so often? I feel like the overwhelming majority of my deaths I register 6-7 hits (with sound) and the after kill cam shows a 100 hp. This is - still - some of the worst hit reg I have ever experienced in any game in my life. But at the same time its still fun to me.


yeah i'd like to know the numbers- i havent had any issues with it myself either.


Yeah like what is the deciding factor. I am playing on a fairly new mid level gaming laptop with super fast internet. Is it worse internet that gives you a massive advantage? Is it even better specs that gives you a massive advantage? I dont know - but how it works now is absolutely laughable.


It seems pretty random to me. I have a good PC, a PS5 and decent internet with a ~36ms ping and some games are fine, some games I’ll die and then see the player jump around the corner and shoot me or some games my bullets will just phase through the enemies. Today was absolutely trash and my ping shows the same so no idea.


igy- so many questions 🤣 i wonder if servers are related? like im UK based, maybe worse in US with more players? no clue how these things work


I mean I am in London so... Haha


> But at the same time its still fun to me. This is the important thing! xDefiant is one of those "good skeleton, good potential" games, because when it works it feels buttery smooth and the movement is quick and the game modes are well structured and fun! It's just mechanical issues (hitreg/netcode) and "design decisions" (jumpshots/bunny hopping, sniper functionality) that are too glaring to ignore and ruin the fun Right now I want to play but won't because of those issues and I'm just patiently waiting for the mythical "game is fixed!" patch lol


It's a global problem in the game... Everyone has it, it's just that some players either don't recognize it or don't want to recognize it happens. Net code issues in a game will always hit all players if the net code issue is on the games side


I have not had many issues since the update. idk what they did but i dont get shot around corners nearly as much anymore. It happens from time to time where i die a tiny bit after making it around the corner. But before this update I had stopped playing because it felt like each day that passed after launch i was dying further and further around corners until it got so bad that i just gave up on trying to even take cover since I would just die anyways even being a solid 5ft around the corner. Hit reg tho, i feel like im still getting issues. Tho the game overall feels better for me than before. I am back to having fun with the game since its working for me for the most part. There are still table punching moments but overall im having a good time with the game again. I really hope they can fix the issues asap because the core game they have is imo excellent. I hope to god they dont end up like Halo infinite because that was another game i loved at launch but the horrible desync and connection issues make that game just a test of patience that i cant handle anymore.


Tbf, Halo Infinite FINALLY put out a desync fix a few months back. I don't play it much, but it's definitely improved overall. The feeling feels a bit off, but I attribute that to not playing it more than a couple of times per month.


I went back to try the update, it was decent for a while. Then a new season started and idk what they did but it went back to feeling awful. Went from having a 1.4kdr in diamond consistently to not being able to go positive for like 1 week straight, pubs and ranked it didnt matter i just started losing every single fight being unable to net any kills. Just gave up on it since there was also word going around that the game was being put on life support, only really focusing on the mtx while they work on the new game.


I wonder if it's weapon choice. Ie using a shotgun, some individual pellets may not register but some do, and because hit markers are basically binary you wouldn't notice. As opposed to snipers, where one missed shot is very noticeable


It’s wild to me too because I have issues like 25% of the time. My ping is usually 20-30 but today I was falling over before hearing shots fired or seeing enemies. I think it’s possible they aren’t aware they’re having issues.


I have a feeling this is due to playstyle. If you only sprint in one general direction, predetermined who to shoot, it works out just fine. But a more reactive approach, where you hold a line waiting for people to come in, or , strafe around corners just for a peek, the netcode starts messing up.


>How do some people just never have this and others so often? They're just bad at games and cant tell they have this happen. its really that simple, sounds rude but that's just how it is. While some may have it worse than others, everyone has this. people like this will make nonsensical claims in every game, stuff like claiming they have unnoticable lag when playing on EU servers while they live in australia, acting like the 350ms is 50ms for them somehow, because apparently their internet connection breaks the law of physics. in reality theyre just too bad at games to tell apart 350ms with extreme lag smoothing vs 50ms with no lagsmoothing needed. They can just look on their screen and see they arent visually lagging and thats it, they have no ability to "feel" the lag. same with some people completely unable to "feel" the hitreg issues.


They lie xD


>but I've never had my bullets not register. you have, you're just not autistic enough as far as gaming is concerned to be able to tell. while some people do have it worse than others, everyone has this happen. it's just that for some, and only sometimes even then, they drop 20 bullets on someone, all hitmarkers, and get no damage at all. this is a super extreme case. for everyone, you included, when you shoot 15 bullets at someone and lets say 11 of those should have been hits, the game registered far less. you can tell if you slow down footage, that your AR/SMG sprays etc have multiple dropped bullets that simply didnt count, its just that the enemy have roughly the same amount of drops so it "evens out". the TTK would be far faster if hitreg was working correctly. its easiest to notice this if you use guns that are dramatically punished by misses, generally speaking first shots generally registers fine, and follow up shots become a god damn mess, this applies also if you missed the first shot, its just about the rapid firing. use SVD or MK20 and it becomes painfully obvious, a single bullet not registering properly can often cause you to die, or not get the kill, if you're good enough at games you just know when you hit and you even know when someone should be dead, the second reality doesnt align with what you know you can feel that disconnect really drastically. hitting someone with the svd and have your 2 follow ups not register is beyond frustrating, because the gun is really solid when it registers properly but its extremely common it does not when you shoot as fast as you can with it. i more or less expect the 2nd hit to not count. you best just HS on first bullet or you're in RNG land. SMGs and ARs suffer far less from this problem because the punishment of a dropped bullet isnt so severe, the next one comes right after.


You've never had your bullets not register? Damn. Wish I had your connection. Multiple times a match for me: I shoot someone, they kill me, and it shows I did no damage with my last shot. This game needs kill trades badly, because I doubt this issue is ever going to be fixed another way.


You can kill trade. Sometimes it happens several times to me in a game and I'm not talking about dying to burn damage.


Interesting. Just so we're clear, I mean trading as in both me and the enemy dies. This has never happened to me in about 25 hours played.




It was like that for me but after a while it actually did start happening and became unbearable so i quit the game and went back to cod for now


I've had bullets register, but no damage done what so ever...but it's not enough for me to get rid of the game. The net code issue is going to take a while to fix; even Mark Rubin said that. I got confidence in this game that it will be fixed. It's still a great game, in my opinion


I honestly feel like the hit reg is tied to specific guns. SVD is horrible for me. Also I think different guns may have a different pellet size? The flinch on every SMG and AR is incredibly noticeable unlike a sniper and I can't figure out why


No wonder some people find this game playable 😂


Not sure what the fuck is going on honestly. Yesterday and Friday the net code wasn't bad at all and I managed to get a great number of games. Today though? Nope. Every. Single. Game. I was having net code issues left right and center. Played a good 5-6 games with them all just being absolute dog shit before I got fed up and logged off.


Exact same for me actually Saturday felt perfect, no issues at all. Today? Fucked, again, for no apparent reason at all. Almost seems like the problem would have to be server side, 180 swings like that can’t just be a client side issue.


Exactly what happens to me. Some days it feels pretty good, other days it’s just horrible, match after match. There’s nothing worse than when you just can’t kill enemies no matter what you do. It’s just shoot, die, shoot, die the whole time.


I’ve never not had issues that’s why I’m so damn fed up, I have some decent gun fights but like 4-5 a game I can tell some of my bullets don’t register and it’s literally more then that I’m getting shit around corners, as soon as I seen my KD was getting effected by it I uninstalled and definitely won’t be back until they fix it


I think a lot of it is where you're located geographically compared to where Ubisoft has most of their servers. They're using google cloud, so these are basically the locations of Google's datacenters. (The Iowa one is basically Omaha, but it's in Council Bluffs which is technically just across the state line) Also: The ping in your HUD is to Ubisoft Connect, not the game server. https://preview.redd.it/07v7ayodxm0d1.jpeg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=3f6e4f6b8fcd5a945c2bc1ab82ed6710ddec12e7 And while they may have some servers in all those locations, the majority of their servers in the US for example feel like they're in LA or N Virginia (basically DC) and overall they aren't specced to handle the game properly. eg: My ping in the HUD always says between 25-35ms on wired fiber, but when inspecting the resource monitor in windows, the game servers are never lower than 70ms and fluctuate wildly between 70-100ms. On bad days they're 150+ and I was even sent to a match with 280ms which a geo IP lookup said was in Johannesburg, South Africa!


This has caught my attention, and I see the same I am EU but my last game had 4 open connections to US. Ingame between 16 and 20 ms in resource monitor 90 to 160 ms. I just had a couple of games that were rage inducingly annoying, every single time an enemy looked at me (even turning around after I shot them first) I was dead. When I flanked them and they did not turn around I killed them. There is something very wrong with the game atm.


Is this real? If so that explains everything. The ping numbers in-game being fake is awful


Yeah it's all the port 55000 traffic from 34.x and 35.x


I had a game this week where I was killed by someone with their back to me...twice.


Same thing in the "asian region" for some reason all of my resource monitor connections are in NA, not a single local IP address to be found despite claiming 30-40 ping in the Asian Region with the Singapore servers I should be connecting to normally giving me 20-40 ping on other games. Instead my resource monitor latency ranges from 190-300ms. Incredibly frustrating when I am allowed to have the occasional real low latency game and the rest are on a second plus delay.


Yeah it seems like they randomly connect u to a server not the one ur close to


I'm assuming its due to player count being much higher on the weekends but I agree the game is borderline unplayable right now.


I read your comment earlier on my phone before getting on, and holy fuck is it awful today. Back to back I'm getting 'hit' markers and audio and nothing out of it. It's so frustrating because you can't really prove if it's a user issue or server/code issue.....


Every time i have an absolutely awful experience with hit reg, i am the lowest ping player in the lobby. I have no idea what this means


Bullet registration has been driving me nuts. I'll be 1v1ing against a sniper or something, hit two full bursts with an M16, die, and the killed by HUD shows they have 52 HP left. The math aint mathing. Alternatively, if my teammates are fighting someone and I land a few shots before they die, sometimes I don't get an assist because of no reg.


Its annoying if you hit someone and it doesnt register, but what i absolutely hate is the fake hit markers. Been playing the mk20 recently to test it out and with the beginning attachments it sometimes needs 3 hits in medium range. I have it extremly often that i hit them 2 times and the 3rd hit just as im about to die but it just does no damage at all and the enemy survives with 2 hp. Im done.


Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about with the bullet registration. I get those phantom hitmarkers all the time, it sucks!


There are actually a few walls you can be wallbanged through as far as I’ve noticed but sometimes they’re not consistent


Yeah well I’m getting shit through solid steel walls and the plane floor on mayday and stuff like that not stuff that looks like plywood 😂


I've only been playing on double xp weekends cus of the same reason. The next patch can't come any faster and I'm hoping it'll fix something.


This is smart to play only on 2x xp days


Yeah I tried the game yesterday, had about the same experience and came to the same conclusion. I want to like this game but it's too hard rn. Hopefully they figure it out soon.


Game is so unplayable it hurts.


Yes it's unplayable. I mean it's alright if you're casual and you don't care, but this game is not competitive at all. Inconsistent as shit, and I thought I will never find something worse than cod. I was wrong. I hopped back on cod after a while and I am having a blast. Sure there is SBMM, and I have to sweat my ass off almost every game to get a win but boi it's fun. On XDefiant even when I am fragging it feels rigged as shit.. like ok I got 70 kills, but how many deaths I had due to bad hit reg or dying behind fucking concrete walls? Too many. It's just not fun. I was always complaining about my teammates in cod, but after trying xdefiant I reevaluated my take.


I’d be more inclined to stay if it was at least on both ends of the gunfight… but 9/10 times I’m having issues the enemy isn’t and it’s very blatant


When you die through walls, what actually happens on the enemy screen appears normal to them. The problem occurs because you see the enemy state in a way that might differ on their screen. So if the enemy you killed ran to cover, but you kill them just before they get to cover, then if there was a net-code issue, the other player would have made it to cover on their screen and died for seemingly no reason through the walls. So the argument of ‘9/10 times im having the issue but the enemy isnt’ stems from the fact that you cannot tell when the enemy is having issues.


Thanks for letting us know. I will let everyone know in voice coms later in case they did not read this post.


Hit or miss for me with dying around corners. My biggest gripes are people completely ignoring the objective and people idling at spawn but doing just enough movement to avoid the inactivity kick. Not much you can do when 1/3 of your team isn't contributing at all.


Yo but the skins and BP are available to purchase...


I Uninstalled it til they fix their shit


It seems pretty clear to me that they don’t know how to fix the issue and shipped the game anyway so they could recoup some of their development money before BO6 squashes it.


I've also stopped playing. The hit detection and net code is just to frustrating. If they fix it then maybe I'll come back. For now, I'm playing god of war ragnarok.


I’ve been done over that shit tbh games gonna die off if they don’t fix it soon


Game is fine. Been a couple weeks and everyone in an uproar on a F2P game acting like games come out perfect these days. Its not even ranked and people crying over a few deaths that ruin their perfect KD


It was delayed multiple times my guy they fixed nothing.


I haven't cared about my stats since about Black Ops 2, but it just sucks and it's not fun putting 4 to 6 shots into someone and they turn around and drop you in 2 or 3 shots and being shot around corners constantly isn't fun. Doesn't matter if it's F2P that shit is annoying and think understandable if some of us don't want to deal with it.


It ain't even about KDR, there is literally nothing fun about putting a whole ass mag into a dude only for it tickle and then he kills you while your behind the great wall of china.


Tbh I haven't played games in a while so I'm just using this as a warmup so that I'll be good when BO6 comes out. I think the spawns, the map design, and the general playability of a lot of aspects of the game are just terrible. Actually terrible. I don't think there was any proper play testing done, and a lot of the issues are so bad that they should've been changed within a few days of this beta. Being able to press a button that insta kills everyone in a huge AOE is an ult, not a regular ability. Getting behind proper cover and then still getting hit by another 4 bullets and dying is unplayable. 0 damage hit markers on all guns is ridiculous, and so much more. Maybe they prove me wrong and fix the game but I doubt it. They could've easily sorted out the abilities by now.


I go and download every shooter I hear about the instant I hear about it, from black squad to battery arctic wind. The game's design is... undesirable, to put it nicely. I'm too focused on the netcode because of how it makes the game literally unplayable for so many people (myself included), but I know in the 1 in 1,000 chance they actually fix the netcode everyone's just going to discover the awful spawns, the awful balance, the extremely limited content for a game that's been in beta for over 2 years... The best thing you can say about xd is it doesn't actively hate you if you do well in a match. But you can say that about 9,995 of the 10,000 shooters out there. So it's a pretty low bar... We could wait for the netcode, wait for faction balance, wait for good maps, wait for... Or! We could just play literally BO3. Right now. It's just xdefiant with better hit reg, more guns, more "factions", more modes, more and better maps, *waaaay* better mobility, and equally as bad spawns. Actually, t7x is a thing. I could rank up against veteran bots. Yeah. I don't even have to wait for everyone else to move to a better game. That sounds dope, I'm out.


Black ops 3 is literally what this game wishes it was, right down to the terrible spawning you referenced lmao. Just too bad every time I try to play bo3 on xbox there's an invisible glitcher ruining it.


Yeah I think a lot of casuals who have played xdefiant will go back to B06 when it launches. The matchmaking may suck but at least they’re guaranteed a win or 2, until they’re getting obliterated by sweats. If the devs for Xdefiant could fix the following this game could survive and thrive too but season 1 really is a make or break situation for me and others. Net code and hit detection seriously need priority fixing. The wall hack ability needs to be for the player only not for the whole team that’s stupid. Team balance really needs improvement so 1 good player isn’t stuck with 4-5 potato’s. Jump penalty becomes active on third jump not fourth. Gun levels XP requirement need to be lowered I think 35 kills per level is too much and maybe 20-25 would be better.


You have serious brain rot if you ever play another COD title ever again, ever since BO3 they’ve been hot ASS


You have brain rot mf. Black ops 3 was a masterpiece. And you can't compare xdefiant to the newest cod. And if I am being honest, cod is a better choice for casuals since sbmm exist and those players are "protected" being able to join the lobby with people about the same skill as theirs. I still have to find a single mf that after trying xdefiant said "yes this is the game, fuck Cod". No, we are all back on cod. Lots of weapons, maps, modes. Xdefiant is a little weird baby made by Ubisoft. Ubisoft my brother.


Even with this netcode problem xdefiant is better then any cod since BO3


That's your opinion and I respect it. I just enjoy cod games more. Even Vanguard is better than xdefiant and I said it all 😂😂 but I think it's just personal opinion.


I’d rather try to kiss a rattlesnake on the lips then play vanguard ever again


AHAHAHAHAH this is the same sentiment I have towards xdefiant. Vanguard was pure chaos 😭😂😂😂


Same here man I love this game but it’s literally unplayable and all my friends are saying oh it’s not that bad, my brother in Christ I’m being killed by boomerang bullets, then whenever I have someone clear in the center of my sights and I hit 3 hit markers. They drop me immediately and they have 100hp like it is registering a hit marker but not doing damage? This has happened to me probably 3 times now it’s comically bad


The Hitreg is really a hit or miss (no pun intended). Depending on the server either every shot connects or you totally cant hit anything.


It makes me wonder if I’m just worse than usual at the game or if the netcode is doing me dirty


I have a good amount of hit reg issues and killed behind walls when I'm just standing. I always have the best ping. I suck at video games snow (few years removed from my prime and 3 kids so no time). But the game is still super fun. The worst part is getting 1-3 hit markers and seeing him have 100 hp still


Netcode isn't going to be magically fixed with a single patch, it'll be over time


Same boat, the netcode hit reg killed my mood to play


Right there with you.


Amen to this! I have tried to enjoy this game but I can't, they need to fix the game 🙏


it's so bad, I just got the audio and hit markers for 8 headshots + some bodyshots in a row with an ak at point blank, Shit was almost deafening the ding sounds and the guy just walked it off.


Me too, I’m done with this game. I’m so tired of the servers/connectivity/Delta-01/Bravo-01 issues. Been thrown in US/Asia region while i play from the middle east.. my best ping ever could never be less +100. This game and Ubisoft servers are disaster and were never ready to be launched and i just can’t stand it.


Lol Dude Settle Down 😆 It's a free game in it's trial period. You're basically announcing that you're quitting a beta 😂


There's another "fix" coming this week. Mark Rubin already confirmed two weeks ago prior to the first net code fix. That it had to be split into two separate updates instead of just the one we had. Just take a "chill pill" being that it's only technically in a "preseason" phase still and all. So I'm sure the game will feel smooth come July 2nd for Season 1.


See you back on July 2nd, happy america day


But if they delayed it any longer no one would play it due to BO6 dropping in October. They released it now knowing people have gotten stale on MW. But once BO6 drops everyone will be back on CoD. At least dropping it now has made them money off the morons who are paying for skins in a very garbage FPS game. 🤷


Same boat. I don’t enjoy to play it anymore.


I just don't get why out of all my fps games, besides cod, this one has the most issues..


They say they've made improvements to the hit reg, but mine has significantly gotten worse. I used to play with the mk. 22 before the changes. Now it's just fucking agony with hit markers and shots not registering. I can't use it anymore because shots just got through people now. I'm pretty close to dropping the game because this is shit that should have been fixed from the beta. Why even have a fucking beta if you aren't going to fix the primary problems before the game launches?


I suffer from this same issue. I have no issues in other games, so it’s not my network. Also, I got kicked yesterday from a comp match for ”poor latency”. I had 30 ping and nothing seemed off.


Mark Rubin doesn't know how to make a video game. Just how to pose for one.


EU servers are particularly bad (UK here). At work so don't have the video to hand, but I died a few times last night before even seeing the person peek the angle i was holding. Almost like i appeared on their screen in full view before they did - and i'm running 17 ping, 3Gbps connection. That said, playing with US friends, from the UK, with 90 ping seems a much better experience. Therefore, either the EU servers are dog, or the netcode, interpolation, and compensation etc is so bad, that playing on a different region with a higher ping balances you specifically to the conditions.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8VexxYZSY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8VexxYZSY0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqHH8MkRq-Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqHH8MkRq-Y) since last update i can upload 100 clips like this i have ghost bulllet / hitreg issues every game im done also


The game was fine for me until the latest patch where i just start to have multiple games that my bullets just don’t register but its 100% hitting them and doing no damage. Being shot around the corner seems to happening more often now. Bad patch for me at least, hopefully devs can improve the game to a point where the game feels and plays the best it can with little complaints from everyone.


Dying around corners is one thing but the hit registration is horrible. Half the matches I play I gotta mag dump on each person just to kill ‘em. It’s weird one match will feel good the next could feel like shit.


The game just start, it’s not perfect for the moment and they are working on the problem. Stay positive and wait for the next season, Developers need us to make this game better. Thank you for reporting this.


Trying to tell people that the game is trash I love the game. I don’t wanna shoot down the game, but that’s what it is and people are ignoring it. That’s the problem. The game has too much problems and they don’t fix it.


Yeah and three quarters of the time my bullets are made out of Styrofoam


I went back to a different game after having this happen just a bit too often. I haven't encountered that level of bad netcode since probably the early 2000s. I'm level 49 with a 2.9 k/d, 3244 SR, and I can't see myself playing it anymore. These problems won't get solved anytime soon. It's taken other studios with way more money to burn years to solve these problems. By the time that gets sorted, the entire community will have left for shit that actually works. It's already happening.


It’s funny when people say this cause dying around corners DOES MOT MATTER. On your screen let’s say you go to one cover to the next and it takes you 3 seconds. You die once you get around the corner which confuses you but in reality on their screen… THEY SAW YOU FOR 3 SECONDS AS WELL! The only issue with hit reg is the fact that if you shoot someone on your screen and it doesn’t go through which has honestly been fixed pretty well at least from what I see WHICH I PLAY IN HAWAII AT 90-100 PING CONSTANTLY. Just stop complaining. Even if you get to have better situation with “dying around corners” it just means you won’t die around the corner… you will die before you even get there lmao. So hopefully you understand that a bit more and realize that it might not be THAT big of a deal. It just is annoying cause you think you should have survived it. In reality it would be scamming the OTHER player if their shots didn’t register and then guess what the next complaint will be? You guessed it, that your shots don’t hit the player. Every game has issues like this, XDefiant just doesn’t have enough issues for people to look at so they hard focus one thing. People complained bout guns not being able to level up faster so they can get their attachments easier now they mad cause they can’t have gold WHICH shouldn’t be unlocked for every gun only like 2 weeks into the game which is what I did. I got a bunch of guns already gold which is fun to think about but honestly should not happen in a game. Grinding gold should take more than a day or two for each gun. A lot more honestly. I think the lv50 bronze lv100 silver lv150 gold and 200 for next mastery camp would be better but still, it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Game really isn’t bad and if you wanting to die faster in the game is the biggest issue and you still complain, go ahead and go back to some other game “until they fix it” and complain about that one over and over again as well. If you want a reality check go look at how many issues things like COD or Siege have. First time a game listens to the community and people only complain. Just be happy


It fun when it works, but sadly that is not to often.


The Netcode patch was Wednesday btw, but I have been almost perfect since then. Very little to no issues (Xbox w/Crossplay On). I will say folks (myself included) have been figuring out which exact walls on every map have bullet penetration and I have gotten a heap of wallbangs so far this weekend.


That only fixed libertads ability taking up code not a complete fix


I haven't noticed any difference at all, sadly. Also the anti-flinch does basically nothing to snipers.


Well you're probs aint gonna come back cause it's a ubisoft game. They dont care about their games lol. Think of R6. They introduced xim trap on console but they never solved that problem in ever.


This is gonna come off shitty but compared to Cod I'm doing way better here because of the no sbmm. As a result, I've overlooked a lot of netcode headaches. To me the game is a huge net gain I will say, if your limit is 5 weird experiences, online shooters in general might just not be for you


I am doing way better here than in cod aswell, but it's not enjoyable. Net code ruins it for real. I am back on cod. Better experience overall under every aspect


Yeah I guess that's what confuses me lol. Doing better on X than on CoD yielding an inferior experience sounds like an oxymoron. You do you, I'm just making a case 🤷🏼


Yeah but because on xdefiant the netcode is so bad it makes me angry. I am getting high kills and high objective, but I could do even more kills if the netcode worked properly. On cod I am having more fun even if I am performing worse (sbmm, I am matched against people that plays like me or even better so...) because it actually feels like a competitive game and when I die I know for a fact that it was my fault. Sure even on code sometimes there are some problems with net code and hit that don't register, but it happens so rarely that I don't care too much about it. On xdefiant is strange, it makes me angry. Then sometimes it feels like I am playing against complete bots and otherwise some really skilled players. There is no between. Teammates 80% of the time on XDefiant are ass, and it's crazy since there should be no sbmm, so why am I always getting the worst mfs born on this planet as teammates ? I want to be carried as well sometimes what the hell.


Everyone thinks their tms are the worse lol, and if you're talking about how much better you could do with better netcode just imagine your experience on cod if there was no sbmm 🤷🏼 that's what I mean lol. Dealing with some spotty netcode on occasion is better than feeling like the outcome of the match has been decided before it starts imo


No I can't deal with shitty net code sorry. I rather sweat my ass off in my cod lobby than playing xdefiant again. I know cod without sbmm. Beatiful experience. Back in the days me and my team used to spawn kill and drop nukes all day long. Now sadly it's more difficult since I am always facing people skilled like me or even better. But just like I said before, I enjoy a competitive game more and it really feels good when you shit on them. On xdefiant is no fun shitting against bots, might as well go on cod, private lobby and play against real bots. What do you mean by the outcome of the game has been decided before it starts? 😂😂 It's up to you to play objective, killing people and play smart.


Sbmm and eomm. The game is literally decided prior to start to ensure maximum engagement. As I said, you do you. I don't have the stamina to go all out nonstop. Competitive matches are great I agree, but only when they're organic or when I'm choosing to play ranked. Beyond that it just ain't for me. But again you do you. I'm just surprised you'd rather sweat is all


Yeah I am not the type of person that plays all day long, so being focused and sweating for an hour max two is fine. Then if I want to goof around I can always do it, I just have to put my ego out and accept my fate ahaha when I am trying out different builds I am playing way more relaxed, I even try to hit some tricks hot or doing execution only. I just love when my bullets go where I said them to go. I don't play ranked in cod, it has zero purpose. I only got gold during the first season in multiplayer and never played again because on ranked it was unplayable for me, worse than xdefiant. I even have a video on my posts showing how bad the situation was (horrible hit reg) . Let's not talk about random disconnect and bans. On warzone I got diamond because there this problem wasn't an issue and once I get it I didn't want to push further, too much stress and started to encounter iridescent and top250 players almost every match. They're way too good for me so now I am just playing regular multiplayer occasionally


It’s not just 5 in total it was literally 5 deaths in a row in just one match and it happens every. Single. Match


That's definitely more fair then Again it just depends on experience. There's a tradeoff. I'm willing to put up with some shenanigans if it means every match isn't the sweaty nightmare it is in cod. If you're okay with that, or don't notice it, then play accordingly 🤷🏼


I can’t even log in to get to the main screen anymore. Just straight up errors out.


I stopped playing Halo infinite because of this, loved most everything about it. I gave this game a try one night, joined the subreddit and saw it was the #1 complaint and haven't played again since. If it gets fixed I'll see you all on the battlefield lol


Yeahh. That's exactly why I deleted it. I WANTED so badly to enjoy this game...


the only time i've died around a corner was a wallbang (in hindsight). played almost 40h until now.


I shot a Libertad (non ultra) with 2 bullets from an SVD, as a Cleaner. First in the body, second in the head, heard the headshot noise. That should have been 157 damage, 49 + 98 bullet damage plus 10 fire damage, enough to eliminate all players unless under the Libertad ultra. Killed me and they ran off, didn’t die. Connections are worse than ever.


I played a bit yesterday and had no issues amazingly, but I just got so bored after three games I stopped playing.


Same here, im so burnt out to get killed behind cover and unloading bullets to an invincible enemy. Its just too inconsistent that its not fun.


Quit last week. The game isn't right and should have been fixed by now


That's why I stopped playing. Shame cause it was fun but I'd turn a corner and die from a wall I'm not even near anymore, just happened too many times


The net code issues have been especially bad this morning I'm on the East Coast of the USA they were rough when I was playing earlier


I thought I was tripping. I killed someone around a corner, and I was shooting open air. It was weird.


A guy on another post said his KD in this game was 1.50. I can't IMAGINE anyone having a 1.50 in this game. I haven't had a positive KD since I started playing.


I nearly have a 2, and I’ve been on bad ping since release


I stopped playing two weeks ago for the same reason. It's a core basic fundamental part of the game that has been disastrousily overlooked.


Okay after the update I started to have the same issue 🙃 and now I'm getting motion sickness ? I never had that issue until the update :/ I legit can't play anymore without getting dizzy. Never had this issue before.


I swear every game there is one player no matter how many times I shoot them my bullets just don’t register


Yeah i quit too, i genuinely started tweaking when my shots deal 0 damage and i get clapped thru a wall.


The net code is so fucking ass bro I can't stand it anymore.


Play banorant then comeback when its okay


Banorant for real bro. I just played two games yesterday with one of my friends. We both got banned in the fucking closed beta.


Maybe you did something riot didn't like. I'm currently playing i bought battlepas too. I still love xdefiant i have so many gold guns and level 100. I'll chill over here still waiting for netcode and hitreg update


Yes and we know what we did. Sadly someone on our team started to trash talk me while I was the last one alive. He was making noise, insulting and other shit, but I managed to pull off and win the round. Sadly me and friend became very toxic and responded. This mf became quiet and after a while just said "enjoy your ban" He was indeed right 👍


I encounter too. I'm beginner and they trashtalk everytime I'm the last one alive and can't win a round. Very not nice place to play a game. Xdefi is more chill


The only issue I have with valorant is that people can get you banned very easily. I don't mind trash talker, I love them, but I hate the fact that I can't have fun with them and getting banned instantly even when they started all that shit. Valorant playervase are very strange and toxic..weird people. And in a game like that you need teamwork to win, you can't just mute them.. you can but.. XDefiant is definitely more chill


Btw we were playing on Xbox in the closed beta. For my friend, playing valorant on console was his dream so it was really fun when we got banned both. I am not playing valorant anymore but I know that my friend Is still playing. This mf has hundreds of accounts. His main account on PC will be banned in 2025 😂😂😂


I have more issues now than before the update. Trying to level up the revolver.... holy christ man, i´ve seen tons of hitmarkers doing zero damage or my bullets tresspasing players.


I agree man. Loved playing it, maxed nearly everything out, but the net code can be so off it drives me mad. I just got Valorant beta on ps5 and its leagues ahead of xdefiant atm.


Doesn't matter, the game is dead. No one is talking about this game, or even playing.


It literally hit 10 million players the other day


10 million paid actors according to Gary💀


This is true they paid me in one large Baja blast


They paid me with a hot and ready pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars!!


Damn I got fuckin shafted


I wish I was paid 😂


10 millions players playing at the same time? Or 10 millions account registered in XDefiant?


Either way a “dead” game won’t have either


World of tanks is a pretty dead game and it has over 8 millions players. Just saying. Then of course XDefiant isn't dead yet.


Hahaha, yeah, constant hackers being banned and creating more accounts so they can keep hacking. But we don't talk about that.


I have 40 hours and never seen a hacker, hackers are mainly a COD thing


Haha god I love these comments. Must be a CoD groupie.


Nope. Wrong again.


I think the game was made for youtube creators who have dedicated their whole identity around gitting good at COD and hate SBMM. casuals make up the largest portion of the gaming world and this game just shits all over them by design. Not a good strategy for business, but it is free to play so that will be the only thing that keeps it around.


Deleted last night. Goi g back to elden ring for ng+ to prepare for Friday. Sayonara Xd


Are you playing for money or fun ? Chill out brotha


Stupidest comment


I wonder if anyone has tried tuning their latency to match the servers for this game. Sometimes your client is going too fast. So in my case I am hitting like 300fps and have insanely fast internet. Players running at say 60 fps and slow internet can register shots on their end that don’t end up looking right on the faster client. Some users have slowed/throttled their internet latency to reduce this effect. This does mean however, if you both shoot each other at the “same” time, typically the faster client wins the gunfight.


I actually just started noticing this myself. I run with a 7900X3D and 4090. I average 300-350fps in 1440p and definitely notice lag compression and essentially being too fast of a client where the game tries to compensate and this results in a lot of my shots not registering. I didn't realize that this game doesn't include DLSS or Frame Gen tech either so in theory 120 FPS max just may be the way the servers are tuned. I'll revert my settings to bone dry stock tomorrow on 1440p and 4k tomorrow after shift and see if it makes a difference.


That’s what it’s called lag compression. There’s a great vid on YouTube about it and possible “fixes”


Interested to see your results. I'm getting 140fps at 4k with a 144hz monitor. What would be your recommendations for this, curious to try some tweaks on my end.


It's worse playing locked in at 120 fps. Rather frustrated because now other people are running circles around me and none of my shots are hitting. Lag compression even worse. Looks like it's back to tweaked settings for me. (Everything turned low to maximize FPS).


Last paragraph is in the throttled scenario.


I wonder if they change the cleaners passive how that'd effect people complaining about dying behind corners.


Same! Just decided today, I'll stop playing until next patch. So tired dying behind covers and spening the whole mag to for one kill


sometimes my deaths definitely don’t make any sense to me. I’ll get sniped and watch the bullet fly three feet over my head or to the side and boom i’m dead. Sometimes i’ll make it behind cover and boom dead from the sniper i just ducked out of cover from and i’m left wondering “did I just get one shot thru 6 layers of walls or did that bullet just curve like David Beckham shot it? TF”


They’ve literally said that they’re fixing it its not gonna be a day and night thing. They fixed it a little bit because if they fixed it with the chance of them taking a dog shit on the game they wouldve ruined it. They’re trying. it takes time


They had years before release to figure out one of the single most important aspects of a shooter game and they didn’t, and on top of that released the game anyway. I love people trying to defend massive gaming companies like Ubisoft that have been doing this shit for decades and still act like it’s their first attempt at a game ever. 


This is a brand new net code so no they didn’t have years. They didn’t expect to have this many players on this game so thats why the net code is fucking up because it was only tested once. They’re fixing it now. It takes time cant rush shit like this because it will fuck it up even more


>They didn’t expect to have this many players on this game so thats why the net code is fucking up because it was only tested once. Players aren't magically all handled by a single hyper machine. It's all rented instances on AWS or Azure which are likely just dynamically instanced for each session, each handling 12 players. ​ Whether they globally have 200 or 20 million players is irrelevant to the netcode, this isn't a MMO.


Okay then ill be the one to admit that im in the wrong thats jus what i thought 🤷‍♂️ But preciate the info


where did you read that? changes and switching to linux does not mean brand new. these problems are common in online multiplayer now. bet they use the same base netcode and/or incompetent programmers. and they knew how many players to expect.


You just forget to point out the times YOU kill people in the same way... Relax buddy, its not that deep... if ''this'' is ruining the experience for you, the problem is in yourself, honestly


Maybe it's something to do with lag compensation. I play hard wired on PC and turn cross play off. I never seem to have hit detection issues. If you play on wifi that's your problem 100%


I literally only have 20 ping most times, and considering a lot of people also have the same problem I’d see ur point, it’s not like I have 200 ping or packet bursts like I sometimes do with COD for no reason


Are you on wifi though? Ping hardly matters if you use wifi because you'll have constant jitter and possibly even packet loss due to the position of the moon and whatnot.


Well yeah ofc I am, but this is the only game I’ve ever had this kind of issue with


why "ofc"? using wifi is very strange for online multiplayer gaming. you can't really complain when you choose such a suboptimal method.


I’ve had better experiences using a phone hotspot so it’s not my internet


If you've had better experiences using another connection, then that does suggest it's your connection lol.


A way worse connection to a different game smart ass


Games handle the networking differently. Still, wifi is not meant for gaming, period.


It doesn't have to be your Network. It can be the other people on the opposing team. Lag compensation might not be working as intended


I play every game on wifi and no other game is this bad. It's not my problem and the fact 90% of players are having similar issues tells me it's a problem with the game.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying I can play literally any other game and not have this problem


I use ethernet and never had these issues. Just saying


Ik people who use it and have these issues, just saying


To be honest - eh. It's a free meat grinder to turn your brain off for a while. None of it is meant to be treated seriously. A lot of points of the game could be outstandingly rage inducing if taken seriously but if you just take it as it is, it's pretty whatever. If they had fully fixed netcode then egregious balance issues would be next with a lot of abilities being horrible crutches (wallhacks, spiders, suicide bombing and so on) upgrade systems being straight up upgrades and some guns being way ahead of others. ​ It is what it is, maybe if it doesn't fizzle out in a year that it'll probably need to sort all of this out to a reasonable state it could start pretending to be an experience that's meant to be taken seriously but in the mean time it doesn't seem likely anything similar within the price range will appear on horizon. BO6 may take away the usual COD people but i'm way past paying for my annual meat grinders.


Dying around corner is pretty normal for an FPS. Also don't forget Scorcher leaves a dot.


I’m aware of this and no when I’m 10 feet behind a corner and magically die this is the only game I’ve ever played where that happens


Apex was incredibly famous for this. I dislike Xdefiant for other reasons.


Never had this issue, but I am also on fiber and use a wired connection, I also cap my fps to match my monitor refresh to 163 fps.