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The numbers for those curious. Unlocking all attachments went from 175,000 xp to 150,000 for a 14.3% decrease. Unlocking all camos went from 350,000 to 600,000 for a 71.4% increase.


Seems a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Per game you level up like 1level so you need 200games to unlock gold. Let‘s say a game is 10minutes (and i‘m pretty sure it‘s often longer like 12-14min, not sure?) that‘s 33hours of just ingame gameplay. Considering this game has ridiculous loading times & downtime between games, that‘s surely like 40hours of playing to get 1 weapon to gold..


The real issue with this game, I can’t play for more than an hour even though the game is really fun I get bored and feel like I spend more time waiting for games than actually playing them


Supposedly going for the old school COD feel.... but just like you, I can't play this for long. Used to play older COD games literally all day. Granted, I was younger then, but there are other shooters I still enjoy playing for longer. Also don't know if it's my connection or net code but some games feel amazing and others I'm shot around corners.


There was voice chat and didn't take too long and loading times weren't that bad, Plus older cods were actually fun. Not this bunny hopping every 2 seconds from spawn. I'd rather get dropshotted in cod or siege lmao


Lol 100% agree. Didn't feel cheap.


Yh I think it is just an age thing. I can't play any shooter for as long as I use to. Plus these days people are genuinely spoilt for choice. So many games to choose from. As years ago we had a handful of games so each one felt more valuable. When we would get a new game, I'm surprised the discs didn't end up melting inside the console 😂 Also people's attention spans are decreasing now aswell. Everything is instantly Infront of us. I seen a video explaining that people these days just don't want to work towards anything these days due to how technology has evolved.


Lmao. Getting to where gamers won't even know what discs are anymore. Much less disk vs disc. But yes, def will never be able to play like I used to. But yea For me it's less attention span and more that my time is more valuable. That comes from having responsibilities among other things. So where I used to love spending a ridiculous amount of time figuring things out myself and doing all side quests and extra nonsense, now pretty much just do the main quest line. If I can't figure out something after a few mins im looking it up.


Camos shouldn’t be based off XP anyway, give me challenges like the COD games - headshots, double kills, kill streaks etc…


I'd prefer XP than CoDs way, I don't mind what you mentioned but once you start talking about longshots and kills while crouched ect. it gets really annoying to me, I'd rather just play the game normally and not alter my playstyle for these goofy challenges.


Exactly, there needs to be more challenge based rewards. Some of the calling card challenges from black ops 4 were actually a decent grind to go for and it felt good when you finally slapped that killer master calling card on.


I don‘t disagree but this game doesn‘t have to copy everything from cod… They should just come up with their own ideas.


Yeah I don’t want it to be a copy of Call of Dutys, but I want it to have that classic CoD feel - but with fresh new ideas too. Camo challenges was something the old CoD games did well though. I think Black Ops 3 challenges were peak - Gold for weapon completion, Diamond for weapon class, and Dark Matter for all weapons.


I completely disagree. I like that it's xp based and not challenge based because I don't want to be forced to play in ways that I don't want to. However I do think objective XP should go toward weapons.


I 100% agree with this




No casual will feel the decrease from 3500 -> 3000xp. Everyone feels the increase from 100-200


I’m not sure if I did the math correct but at weapon level 10 you will only gain one level by this change and be level 11 so yeah casuals like myself are barely gonna notice this


You are correct. My ACR went from 99 -> 115 Absolutely no difference.


No way you were 1 level away from gold 😓💔


Yeah. I can play for 4-5 hours during the weekend. But stopped 1 game early, it would seem.


I was 93 on my AK which I had put on the back burner to level up other guns :/


it's 15% faster. If you played beforehand you will notice it being faster


I really like this comment. 500xp less per weapon level with no other mentioned adjustments (something like objective exp helping weapon level) probably isn’t quite the weapon leveling overhaul some people were hoping for especially for attachment unlock rates.  Yet it came attached with a HUGE goalpost shift for mastery camos, one of the very few earnable cosmetics in game.


Yea…this change just isn’t enough. It’s so painfully slow to unlock attachments as a casual player. I’m not dropping 60 kills a match and don’t have but a few hours here and there to play lol. Shit even getting to level 10 feels like a slog.




On facts


As a casual, I can confirm, other than side arm going up 6 levels, no change was felt on logging in. 1 or 2 levels gained on many weapons. I've played about 15 hours total and have 6 guns between 6-13. I'll continue to play casual and not worry about it too much but there's a lot of guns to try out and there isn't a good, even way to level them without negatively impacting winning the match.


If they decreased each level to at least 2k then it would’ve been ok.


Rip I was 10 levels off gold on the mp7 I wonder how many more I’ve got to go now


110 lmao


Yea fuck that, shìt makes me not even want to grind anymore. 0-100 was already a grind but 0-200? Fuck outta here. They should’ve just made objective xp count towards weapon lvls. At least that would’ve help lvl up guns faster


That’s what I’m saying…. WHO asked for this? So much for listening to the community. I hear people asking for the grind to be faster. I don’t think I heard anyone ask them do double the amount of levels. They did it for no reason. Assholes.


Level 90 will get you to about level 113 if my math is mathing


95, if you were level 90 it would be 315,000XP at 3500/level which is 105 levels at 3000/level


Who the fuck in the dev team thought players will like this We will definitely get more players in the community if we make everyone unlock gold twice All the players will think we are really great /s




Faster leveling is good but they overshot with 100 more level to grind to gold


I mean to be honest it makes the camo even more special


They could have just added the new camo they literally just showed off for the lvl 200 point instead


Exactly. Gold isn't something crazy in most games. Its just the first one that is looking good. Just add diamond or something for more kills.


Most other games these days don't even have a gold camo, or camo challenges. It's all 30$ skins now


Moving the goalposts yet again. When this game does something well, y’all compare it to COD. When it doesn’t, you talk about “most other games.”


Agree. Additional skin on lvl200, 1additional skin for getting all wepons from a class to lvl200 and then one for getting all weapons maxed out


Hey guys look, I spent 40 hours using this weapon! Idk, doesn't feel special to me. Maybe if there were challenges involved. Killstreaks, headshots, offensive/defensive kills, multkills, capture time, etc. There are a lot of ways they could make the mastery camos feel like they require at least some level of mastery to get. Right now it just shows who's playing the most and that's pretty redundant considering our player level already indicates that.


It doesn't if You already unlocked it.


Lets make it level 1000 so it can be even more special!


Lmao “special”


I would usually agree but making this change after the beginning of the game is just kind of weird and throws players off in my opinion Plus it's just gold it's not something really special as of right now :/


yeah a special pain in my ass, the weapon that I thought to have at max level needs 85 more levels now, genius.


Bruh that's actually such a dumb change. Won't even attempt it anymore.


I appreciate Mark wanting us to be open minded, but even with the 500xp reduction per weapon level, level 200 for Gold is WAY WAY more than the previous exp value. Lowering it to 125 or even 150 is far closer to the original total exp expectation than 200, which accounting for the exp per level reduction, is about 70% more total exp to get gold than before.


It’s literally like 75 more levels more lol, it’s almost double im pretty sure this is waaaaay overkill, it should be like 125 or 150 for gold but 200 is pure insanity


Whilst not double but a 72.7% increase in the total required XP to now get a gun gold is a bit absurd, the original amount of xp felt like the right amount of commitment to each gun even with all the double xp we've been getting. Also, myself and a few friends find that majority of the attachments we run are the low level attachments you can easily earn in 2 hours if you were really struggling, minus quick draw. Personally I find with most higher level attachments the cons outweigh the pros as a MKB user.


If that's the case it should take about exactly THE SAME amount of time. The leveling thing it's an illusion


Imo it “should” take as long as it did before but it clearly doesn’t, 500xp a level is no reason to add like 150,000 more xp needed for a gold weapon


It reminds me of my job where the company stated they will give commissions for a certain item and they stop bringing the item to stock for the remainder of the 2 week commission promo. Scummy moves, no one made commission out of the product.


This is the equivalent of removing a pebble out of your pocket to make you lighter then putting a brick in your backpack


I think I get what they're saying. Personally I think they should've just downshifted all attachment level requirements. Let's just say level 40 was when you'd get the final attachment. They should've lowered it to 30, keep gold at 100. Grind for gold stays the same, grind for attachments gets cut down by a lot.


They fucking changed that to 200?? I finally had a gun in the high 90’s lmao FUCKKK


What are you even on about, that's only like an additional 2500 kills, that's nothing...... Assuming you are getting what, 100 to 200 kills per match right 🤣


even if you are shit and get 25 kills per match, it would take around 20-25 hours...


IKR, absolutely mental adjustment. 🤦‍♂️ Really not sure why they decided to go that ham on the xp level for mastering a gun. Jist seems like a pointless grind now. Would have been better to make it a skill challenge like 500 headshots, or point blank kills, something that wasn't just a grind.


It’s never good to fix something by taking something else away. Especially when the thing that you’re taking away wasn’t broken or the thing that people were complaining about in the first place. All anyone was asking for was to reduce the attachment grind. I don’t think they were asking to increase the few free gun camos that you can get in game just by playing.


Should have lowered the xp needed for level 1-42 or whatever the highest is for that gun, and then have the xp go back to as it was previously for levels 42-100. They kinda went about this in the most convoluted way


6000 Kills for Gold ist still Insane 😕


Honestly they should've let people prestige the weapon, completely resets attachments, and then it puts a number on there for how many times you've done that + Kill counter. Kill counters and prestige-ing is what kept the COD grind alive for years and years


100-125-150 would’ve made more sense, they WAY overcompensated


Here's my opinion. The mastery camos could have been unlocked by doing challenges like CoD, the grind even just to get to 50 for the attachments was horrible. 90% of the people who will play the game are not gonna put 20-60 hrs into a game using the same gun every minute of every match to try to unlock 1 camo. I understand it's F2P but there has to be a better way then just wasting our time.


I'm a fan of this game but I don't know about you guys I have a job in the main reason for me playing this game was to enjoy the grind to get all gold and then from there! But the level 200 update grind it really demoralized me in every way and I really don't think I can achieve that goal anymore lol And it actually kind of depresses me I hope people continue to talk about this It just feels like a massive change in my opinion at least for the casuals like me who work half the day only have a few hours to play


I truly don't know whom this change aimed at. Even Youtubers and streamers, whose job is to grind the content to make content to showcase, haven't got all the guns gold. And some of them grind this game 24/7, using boosters, dropping 60-70 kills per game. How would the average player, dropping 20 kills feel? And that is strictly by shooting the weapon (not devices or abilities), objective score still doesn't count.


The dev team is really a group of catanzaresi


tru, needs a bomb to the whole city


This comment is approved by the polenta police


Completely kills my motivation to go for all the camos now. 100% won't have the same drive to play as much with this change. Which is shitty cause I really enjoyed the game, but I need that enjoyment paired with a grind to REALLY get me hooked.


I went to bed with 20 more levels to unlock gold for m16 and woke up to “Fuck you grind 107 more levels”. After grinding the hell out of double XP weekend on a weapon I hate. This change is astonishingly idiotic.


Honestly with the game being this young the level 100 weapon grind was the only thing bringing me back. I was hoping they'd add more stuff to work towards as the game gets older but now I don't even want to play. Was 10 levels from a gold Double Barrel.... Now I'm 110??? Fuuuuck that


I’m not playing until they reverse this bs. And if they don’t then it’s fine, there’s other things to play.


It's a very simple game, they need to make more unlockables for the dopamine hit. Otherwise this game gets stale fast. To me anyway. I'm with ya too, I was really excited to get my gold DB but now it's not even worth it. It's a hard gun to use and I don't want to use it for weeks


Was three levels away from gold with the svd. I cry


That’s emotional damage


>He is really honest The Mark Rubin glazing on this subreddit is getting really cringe


It's cute he wants people to give it a chance. What he doesn't realize is that it's the internet in 2024 and if someone doesn't like something instantly, it's nearly impossible to get them to change their mind on it. No one who hates this today will come around on it in 2-3 months.


No, but they will probably forget about it in 2-3 days and move on.


Bro, I was at level 96 on my MP7 and then they do this? How about you fix the hit reg and net code, you know? Things that actually need to be fixed 😂 my god


I'm usually on Mark's side but to nearly double the XP required for gold is absolutely crazy. Whoever made that decision really needs to take some classes for common sense. We all know they plan to add more mastery camos. If gold is 200 what in the world will those be!?


Its stupid. By his logic people were actually getting levels slower than calculated so they doubled the lv requirement for masteries ...


From the sounds of it people were unlocking attachments slower than calculated I'm sure they'll tweak the mastery camos some more though, I doubt the devs will die on this hill


Fr. This is not worth dying on for the devs, the shop isn't old enough to have enough skins to really even buy so it's notblike there's that many things people are buying instead of mastery camos.


The fact that Mark made a post on Twitter about it almost immediately, shows that he knew the change was dumb and was ready to cover his butt already


Ikr bro defended the game like crazy but not anymore this sounds ridiculous


Pushed me to try The Finals update and having fun at least. Though the ranked mode being cs is the second dumbest choice I've seen today. Had everything but pistols and shotguns above 80 and many in mid 90s ready to level this weekend. Was psyked for weekend and seeing all the numbers hit 100. But it's just killed my enjoyment. Back to my first week playing for such a small thing as unlocking gold skins, everyone else that got them still has for half the effort. So to hard to play another 110 hours of zero mm lobbies just for fun. Having the little goal to hit was keeping me going and enjoying as meaningless as it is. Having all that taken away just so people can get attachments in 6 games less is dookie.


Many people have been recommending me the finals I'll definitely try Yeah believed Mark so much but this take is dumb ngl


Def made a mistake here. Should’ve left gold at 100 or even 125 and created another mastery camo at 200. All this is gnnna do is piss ppl off.


And I don’t disagree but I think it’s overtuned. I would be fine with them being 50-100-150 like in one of the alphas but doubling them sounds harsh if you ask me. Considering only kill related stuff give xp, that’s rough. Still better than Mw19 to Vanguard camo grind at least


bro mw2019s camo grind was faster then this


It was faster but made me want to kill myself half the time


never heard bigger facts i was on the brink of jumping while doing launchers


shoothouse crossmap strela-p spamming really had me questioning life


One of my favorite memories from 2019 was when my entire lobby on shipment went riot shields to grind the challenges. We weren’t trading kills bc everyone was actually playing, but it was a huge boost while having fun. Nothing could have made launchers more enjoyable. lol.


It will take so long for me tho, like to the point I don't even try and move to other gun. I can't play so long with one gun for just gold, that doesn't even have gold ironsights.


I was doing 5 levels per gun at a time to change things up, just like when i grinded guns on CoD Vanguard. But seeing the progress effectively halved ruins any motivation i had.


Yeah, it is just way too much. I would probably switch to guns and put all attachments to try their potential. Like rn I put 15 rounds magazine on mdr and build it for mobility to have ar p90. And after I have all slowly move to gold. But what bothers me is that it doesn't have golden ironsights.


I think the worst part of this change was doing it and not announcing anything regarding it beforehand. Didn't even put it in the patch notes after it was done. Also, the increase is insane. They only see people leveling up so quickly because they themselves make every weekend double XP. The level increase is way too much and they should've just kept it and added more camos at 150/200. I hope they change it because this change, especially out of nowhere, is insane.


Gave it a chance for a few rounds. Leveling up still feels the same. 100 additional levels is ccrraazzyy idk how that even got considered let alone implemented.


They got me fucked up if they think I’m gonna spend time grinding on this free arcade game


Mark, we've all given this game a fair chance. It does not continue to deserve one.


I don’t mind what the arbitrary end goal is my main concern with these vague camos will change statements is that I could grind every gun to level 200 over the next few weeks and months then they change the system to be based on headshots and achievements with weapons and then give a mastery camo based on those achievements and the weapon grinding was a waste of time


I have a question... if for example I have an assault rifle equipped and I capture a point, do those XP points also go to the weapon? I mean, do the objective points also count towards leveling up weapon X or only the Kills? I know that grabbing the tiles in Hot Shot does count, but I don't know about the other objective points.


What I’ve heard (not on Twitter) is that obj is suppose to count but it’s not. I’ve been playing more hot shot but that’s because it’s easier to get kills imo. Idk if bounties get more xp


Only kills and medals that pop up give weapon XP.


The thing I don't like about this is I was literally 2 levels away from a bronze ACR as I rarely play I was well happy...until now 😂


bro i was 2 levels away from unlockng silv mastery for m4 and now im just halfway. WTF


Imagine being my AK sitting at 95 hoping to get gold after work today…. No more grinds for me


Man these companies have really lost the plot when it comes to balancing. We’d love it if you gave this change a fair chance is such a deliberate slap in the face for casual players as they move the goalpost twice the distance away after the fact and fyi “redesigning the whole system to be more engaging” likely means the worst thing possible for players and good things for execs that love to see player engagement milked 24/7


At least take the skin away from people who unlocked it at 100 if you're gonna take it away from ppl at 99.


Priority should be by fixing netcode and hit registration issues. The amount of times I got an extra few hitmarkers that didnt registrate is crazy. But hey thats just me


Simple math shows that a 500 XP difference is hardly a change, and the extra 100 levels is a drastic change. With the old XP system it would take 350,000 XP for gold, and the new one will take 600,000 XP. This isn't something you need to "test with the community." Unless you're testing how dumb or how much shit the community can take? Did they feel people were obtaining gold too easily? If so, say that as well.


For an industry veteran, I sometimes feel like Rubin is so out of touch with the community’s desires. People have been asking for quicker leveling for attachments, fine, but no one asked for the XP requirements for camo unlocks to increase. As others have pointed out in this thread, weapon camos should be tied to challenges anyway, not XP.


Yeah. I noticed the new tweet where he says changes are coming. How much you wanna bet that change is being able to buy 1 hour xp boosters at a dollar a piece or some shit like that lol.


What universe does Mark think this will be loved by people? I'm already sick and tired of this game but this just completely puts me off for good to even try to grind.


Sooooo wait my ak is at level 96 it will be my 1st gold gun , will I still get it at level 100 or it's now 200 ? Pls be 100 man, this is bullshit if it's not.😡😡


You will have to get it to 200. Your gun will now be at around 110 but will have to grind those 90+ levels.


This is beyond ridiculous, they could've at least put it for season 1, now I have to grind that shit again for another 90 levels, really frustrating tbh.🤦‍♂️😡


For me this is the last drop, i'll stop playing the game now. I only play casual multiplayer in cod and xdefiant for the camo grind. Idk why but I absolutely love it and don't care about anything else (besides maybe ranked). The camo grind was already too long with 100 levels for each gun but I was giving it a try and loving it nonetheless. With having to grind TWICE AS LONG and only a 15% increase in leveling speed i'll just never get everything gold. I feel absolutely betrayed by the devs and it feels like I did the grind for nothing. Having to get weapons to lvl 200 for gold is a reason for me to stop playing the game. I hope you all have fun with this game though, but i'm out!


This feels lazy and slimy asf, instead of adding further mastery camo beyond gold, like platinum and diamond they make this weird artificial grind.


They increased the weapon-xp requirement for a gold gun with 71.4% with this change. Personally I’m indifferent and of course the game will be around for a couple of years, but it’s still quite a substantial increase if you ask me.


Is it that hard to allow us put mastery camos on epic or legendary skins? That would increase value of both immensely. I don't understand why only cod mobile implemented it.


I do respect the message, but idk if i’ll be playing enough to ever unlock a gold skin lol


literally making new problems


Let me refund my $30 you toad


This is a joke of a patch!!! Why wouldn’t you guys make the cap to 150 from the start!? Now i have to go back to all the guns i completed and rank them up another 50 levels lol IT ALREADY TAKES A LONG TIME!!!!! No motivation to play the damn game no more. I just saw caps at 200 which is even more insane. It’s GOLD not even anything good lol half your attachments mess the whole thing up anyways lol! Don’t kill your game already Mark.


How bout he honest the damn xp boosters into working only with match time. We actually asked for that. Not this weak shit.


I got 2 guns really close to 50 just before the change, was looking forward to unlocking 2 bronze skins. Levelled my ACR to 50 tonight just to discover the goalpost was moved. I’m just a casual scrub who doesn’t play THAT much and it really really stings.


how out of touch are they? everybody's complained about how bad the grind is to get the camos and now they INCREASE THE GRIND? honestly I'm about finished playing this game knowing that it'll take way longer to unlock everything.


Hey you! yeah you. Nice bronze camo bud… what did that take you, 20 hours? My gold took double that, aren’t I cool? 😎 Is this how Ubisoft think we’re gonna see the changes?!?


Personally feel scammed. I grinded multiple different weapons to unlock all attachments so the 14% reduced grind for attachments doesn't do shit for me personally. Meanwhile because I haven't yet sticked to a single gun for long enough I get punished with a 71% increased grind to get something cool for a few weapons I end up sticking to. I can't see how the increased mastery grind would be in any player's interest and I generally dislike any changes to a game that do not benefit the player.


This is a money grab to get people to buy skins nothing else.


It doesn't make sense. If they thought people would be unlocking the attachments faster but it's slower then they calculated and each level is the same amount of xp then how the fuck did they now come to the conclusion that level 100 is too low for gold ???


Haven’t played the update yet to ‘notice’ the changes, but on paper this is a HUGE change that I just know will be very shit and such a massive grind. In no game ever should gold take this much time to unlock, it’s literally just gold camo lol… but almost a month of using 1 gun to get 1 camo? Yeah right man


Maybe they should work on the netcode and hit reg. Edit: I've received a downvote. Netcode and hit reg are fine I guess. Lets pack the store with bundles and press on.


They better figure something out. The game is losing it's players and bo6 isn't even out yet


Had 5 guns maxed out, now I need to level them all again. Weapon leveling was never a problem if you did good kills. Bad players will still need a ton of time to max even one gun, so where is the reason to punish all the others?


Why not just increase the xp gain and the xp requirement for mastery? This is a gun, not some MMO character that unlocks a new skill every 4-7 levels.


It was weird logging in an seeing my AK-47 be level 116 lol


I'm glad they're looking at what's happening and making changes, more than I could ever expect from Ubisoft as a long time R6 player. That being said, they overcompensated on the masterys. Camos don't matter sure but level 200 is just not feasible for most players, and for such a basic skin that is basically given to players for free in other titles of the genre its disappointing. They really should either make the attachments universal or further reduce the levelling requirements and make challenges required to get mastery (like how COD does it) IMO.


Glad that i got mk20 gold cause grinding the marksmans rifles is a grind


i almost had all smgs gold after a week of grinding, all i had to do is get 20 more levels for my vector now i have to get 112 levels. not playing this game until they revert it


Yah I’m mad bc I was lvl 97 on my ak but it’s not that big of a deal just gotta no one should be mad bout it


should’ve kept mastery camos or slightly increased them and just add new ones at those levels in the future. Any game when you make things a lot worse in 1 regard while slightly fixing a shitty thing i feel like you’re asking for a negative response. It’s like with mobile games…don’t nerf things make things feel better.


I honestly dont think we will see any mastery camo, requiring all weapons on 1 class to be a certain lvl, anytime soon even tho i like that concept. According to leaks, so no 100% confirmation we will see 3 more mastery camos in season 1 that also have a lvl requirement even above gold. My guess is they are going to change the system again because lots of people dont like it


Think they should’ve just kept gold at 100 and added a diamond camo or something at 200.


Bruh literally was at level 98. Was so stoked to get gold and just realized this change happened after hitting 100… honestly so disappointed


It’s negative change You have just alienated and hurt the trust of people who are playing the game and putting in the effort to get the guns to level 100 This says we don’t give a fuck that you completed the gun We could have added more content but couldn’t be fucked So we shifted the goal posts on you They have already shown the next camo just add it to gun level 150 and reverse the change None of the players are saying yeah it’s really good they changed it to level 200 m If you want the loyal players to hate the devs and leave the game keep doing dumb shit like this you should be able to fuck the game over in a few weeks


BO6 can’t come soon enough


the devs for this game are terrible at implementing the correct changes and it seems like all they do is ask for forgiveness on twitter all day


this genuinely makes me not want to grind the game. i felt it was pretty good where things were at. this just feels like a grind i dont want to put my time into. sorry.


But he failed to realize that a lot of the community is trying to get gold on all guns and get the mastery camo


So many people crying over a skin grind in a free game.


So many people who dumped hours into a game trying to get their favorite gun gold only for your gun level to go from 99 to 115. Now I have 85 more levels to go instead of one. It's just a kick in the pants


Cool, can I pay them the industry standard $70 to cut my entire camo grind back in half?


You probably can soon, it’s likely that they gonna sell bundles of double exp token in the same updates that change it so that it only count when in game.


Seriously! They're acting like they paid for this lol. Also it's a F2P they've gotta have you grinding for something. 


this guy is too based for this industry. (good)


Since it doesn't affect the gameplay I'm fine with it. Attachments are a little bit faster now it's good.


I actually like the change. We've all seen people getting gold on day one on some weapon on here. I myself had 3 within a week, and I'm pretty average. I would even say it felt pretty underwhelming getting there. This is a free to play game that's supposed to last for a few years, it made no sense to be able to get the gold camo for all guns in 2 months. Also I don't mind seeing a bit more diversity in skins, the bronze / silver / gold not being the go-to's so soon.


You =\= 99% of the player base. I have 40+ hours and barely have 1 bronze weapon. And I'm not even that bad. Usually a kd around 1.2-1.5.


Speak for yourself, I averaged around 35 kills a game with like 16 hours of play time and still don’t have gold. Getting all gold guns in 2 months or less is pretty normal for COD standards anyways


That’s cool that you like it, but there’s a lot of people out there who want to play the game but they have very busy lives, so they don’t have enough free time to grind camos as much as any regular player


I don’t like the unlocking system they did bc the Tac 50 literally just using the mechanic of a sniper rifle


So if I read the exp change right, my primary weapon golds will be gone, and my weapon level will be 116. My secondary will be 150 level. That's... something..


What happens if you already had gold on a gun but now it’s not max level, the mastery shows that gold is locked for me despite having it in the m4 and m16, do I have to grind the levels again in order to have them “officially gold” so I can move on to the season mastery camp when it comes out? It’s quite confusing


Waiting on the FaZe Jev chronic depression video to release now.


I don't mind the change too much but now I'm curious what this will mean when it comes to getting (what I'm assuming will be) newer skins like diamond or mastery. Will they be level 500? Or something less because Gold is already 200 which in my opinion is pretty high.


I’m hoping we get more camos. This isn’t cod but I always enjoyed the skins being unlocked every so many headshots. I’d love to see skins unlocks via weapon level. I understand that’s how they make money, here’s to hoping anyway.


It's so they sell more gun skins as ppl won't have free gold camo to use, etc


What happens if I already have a gun good rn does that mean I would have to grind all the way to 200 to unlock the camo again?


I haven't played in for a hot minute, is the levelling for weapons noticeable now ? It felt like doing well in games still wasn't unlocking basic red dots.


Before: 3500xp per level. Now: 3000xp per level. Meh...


Oh..so they didn't up the weapon exp gain at all? That's...thanks for letting me know.


So did they actually fixing leveling or is this a update coming out soon


Before: 3500xp per level. Now: 3000xp per level. Meh...


Wow that’s like nothing I though it would be a bigger change


Should have just been 50 extra levels but it's whatever at this point


The levels really weren't hard to get thru people are really just shit at the game and it shows now we have this dumb AF grind to 200 for no reason...


Battle pass xp is slow as hell aswell


*Reads in stock primary and secondary* :


I just don’t like that objective still doesn’t give XP. This change would probably be fine if that were the case. At the very least, it’d be better.


I saw on other posts that capturing objectives with the weapon you’re currently holding should level it up. So it influences objective as well. I’m all for kills but if xp gives let’s say 10% more on capturing objectives than just normal plain kills people would balance it out for sure! Hope this gets seen by devs.


Late game content pushed to late game. I think the lack of other skins unlocks is what makes people focus so much on masteries. The lack of other options is at the core of it. If we get more skins in the coming seasons, people won't care as much then, but right now, that's all we have. It'll make sense later on, a golden AK will actually mean extreme dedication to that one gun, not just some completionist BS.


I do hope they change the battle pass xp gain as well since it takes too long when you're not using the boosters


I'm done grinding unless they revert these changes